Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 142 Necklace Shows Prestige [Part 2]

"Dragon Blade, Blade Slash"

Seeing this, Xing Jue didn't dare to be careless in the slightest. He held both hands, and the two Dragon Rising Blades were condensed out at a very high speed. Then he swung suddenly, and the two half-moon-shaped golden light blades were facing each other. The golden light blade swept away.


When the two blades collided, an extremely bright and terrifying energy ripple was set off, and the terrifying energy ripple spread, blocking the passage even more.

"It's really strong"

Looking at the energy ripples filling the entire passage, Xing Jue finally knew how powerful this essence of martial arts was. No wonder even Li Xiaohan was seriously injured by it, and almost lost his life because of it.


But at this moment, the energy ripples suddenly spread, and then two golden light blades surged out of it, and finally slashed towards Xing Jue.

"Supreme sword art, swinging a sword into a shield"

Facing the golden sword energy coming at such a high speed, Xing Jue's face changed even more. Under such a distance, Xing Jue could hardly dodge, let alone counterattack. Then he danced the double blades in his hand and spun them at top speed. The double-edged dance instantly formed a defensive layer densely covered with sword shadows.


Two golden sword qi slammed fiercely on Xingjue's sword and shield, and with a bang, the sword and shield trembled twice, but fortunately, it was not defeated by it.


Seeing that he had successfully resisted the blow just now, Xing Jue hurriedly put away his double blades and took a big stride to prepare for a counterattack, but at this moment Xing Jue was shocked to find that there were two more light blades darting at him again. Come.


Seeing this, Xing Jue was helpless to the extreme, and then he swung his double blades and unleashed his sword and shield again. Accompanied by a harsh bang, this attack was finally successfully blocked by Xing Jue.

But when the energy ripples dissipated, Xing Jue turned his body and started to flee in the opposite direction at a high speed.

The speed of Xingjue was very fast, like a fast wind passing by, and he returned to the place he just entered very quickly.

"The third-level martial arts essence is too powerful, how did Xiao Han kill it?" Xing Jue squatted on the ground, panting heavily and panicked.

Because he found that the third-level martial essence was too terrifying. Even if the dragon blade and blade slash were cast, they could not be used continuously. The martial essence could actually continuously launch even more terrifying attacks equivalent to blade slash. , This makes Xing Jue feel so embarrassing.

The current Xingjue seems to be a bit entangled. I don't know whether to leave here or try again. If I leave here, I don't know when I want to enter the third floor again.

After all, the entrance to the third floor is opened immediately. Although it is opened every two years, no one knows the exact opening time, and the time is still changing. Unless you stay here for two years, it is almost difficult to encounter it. To the opening of the third floor.

But if he tries again, Xing Jue is not sure that he can defeat the third-level martial essence. In addition, if he encounters two martial essences with one step, he is doomed.


But when Xing Jue was hesitating, strange voices suddenly sounded around Xing Jue, and when these voices sounded, Xing Jue's face became even more ugly in an instant, because he felt that it was something extremely strange. Wonderful stuff.

Full of unease, Xing Jue slowly raised his head, and when Xing Jue saw the things in front of him, his face turned pale in an instant, because at this moment, there were more than a dozen people in front of Xing Jue. The essence of the third-level martial arts was slowly coming out of various passages, and finally surrounded Xing Jue to death.

Looking at the dozens of martial arts essences in front of him, Xing Jue's face was full of shock and fear. He couldn't deal with even a third-level martial arts essence. If there were more than a dozen martial arts essences, he would not be dead.

Thinking of this, Xing Jue gritted his teeth fiercely, then hurriedly turned around, preparing to flee towards the entrance of the enchantment, because at this moment Xing Jue could only escape, or die.

"Isn't it?"

But after Xing Jue turned around, his already pale face became even more helpless in an instant, because Xing Jue found that there were still two third-level martial essences standing at the entrance of the barrier.

Not only did they surround Xingjue, they even blocked Xingjue's escape route. Xingjue really panicked now, he couldn't imagine how miserable he would be if these dozen or so martial essences attacked him together.


But at this moment, the most terrifying thing happened. The dozens of martial arts essences waved the two knives at the same time. When the two knives swung, there were dozens of golden light blades, accompanied by fierce wind sounds, From all directions, they came to Xing Jue violently.

"Soul Explosion"

Seeing this, a ruthless look appeared on Xing Jue's face, and then he shouted violently, and the dark soul power gushed out at a high speed, and finally covered his whole body.

Under such a tyrannical attack, Xing Jue knew that it was impossible to resist the Supreme Sword Art's swinging sword into a shield, and the only thing that could resist it was the soul burst that could instantly overpower the body.

"Rumble Rumble"

Just when the soul power had just enveloped Xing Jue, dozens of sword qi had already blasted towards Xing Jue, and finally all blasted on Xing Jue's body.

Several streams of sword energy were intertwined together, not only an ear-piercing roar, but also a terrifying energy ripple. The golden energy ripple exuded a dazzling golden light, and then spread rapidly.As if the sun was shining, he stabbed Xingjue so hard that he dared not look at it.

"chi chi chi"

"Damn it... don't these things have intelligence?"

After the brilliant energy ripples dissipated, Xing Jue's figure also emerged. At this moment, Xing Jue's body was wrapped in dark black soul power.

But Xing Jue was even more astonished to discover that the essence of martial arts that used to be more than a dozen has now turned into dozens, and it is still increasing.

Facing the more and more condensed essence of martial arts, Xing was not only shocked, but also felt incredible. These essences of martial arts were obviously aimed at him at this moment.

"buzz buzz buzz"

At this moment, several light blades came from all directions, with the sound of fierce wind, plundering towards Xing Jue overwhelmingly.

"Boom rumble rumble"

With the end of a deafening bang, Xing Jue's figure emerged from the receding ripples again, and at this moment the dark soul on Xing Jue's body had begun to degenerate, obviously the domineering effect had begun to dissipate.

"Damn it, it's doomed"

Xing Jue naturally felt the clearest about his own situation. When he felt that the effect of the hegemony was about to dissipate, Xing Jue began to panic, but at this moment he had no way to stop this attack.


But at this moment, Xing Jue's face froze instantly, with a look of fear on his face, because at this moment, the countless light blades were approaching him again, and at this distance, he was nowhere to be seen. any means of defense.


But just after those light blades came into contact with Xing Jue's body, they suddenly turned their direction, and they didn't hit Xing Jue's body, but swept towards Xing Jue's neck along Xing Jue's clothes at a high speed.

Afterwards, under Xing Jue's surprised eyes, he got into the necklace on Xing Jue's neck, and with the infusion of the large blade of light, the seemingly ordinary necklace actually shone slightly.


Seeing the scene in front of him, Xing Jue became extremely excited in an instant, not only because he saved his life, but also because he discovered that the seemingly ordinary necklace could actually absorb the light blade.

This also means that this necklace is not simple, but does have some special abilities, and it does have a lot to do with these martial essences.


At this moment, another large piece of light blade burst towards Xing Jue. However, this time, Xing Jue's face did not show the slightest fear. On the contrary, it was still full of expectation. He really wanted to I know what kind of changes will happen to this necklace under the injection of the light blade.


But what made Xing Jue happy was that this time, just like before, after those light blades approached him, they suddenly turned around, and after Xing Jue's body brushed past, they were injected into the necklace.

And as time passed bit by bit, Xing Jue found that more essences of martial arts began to move closer to him. At this moment, Xing Jue finally understood that it seemed that these essences of martial arts did not have spiritual wisdom, but more like being caught by this Summoned by the necklace.

However, Xing Jue also made another discovery, that is, after using too many light blades, the bodies of those martial essences actually began to become illusory, and in the end they completely dissipated.

"No wonder the attack is so tyrannical, it turns out to be a life-consuming style of play."

Looking at the dissipated martial essence, Xing Jue smiled slightly.At this moment, Xing Jue was very excited, and with the injection of a large number of light blades into the necklace, the light became brighter and brighter.

And Xing Jue also knows that when this necklace stores enough energy, something will definitely be triggered, either a treasure or a special ability. There must be his intentions.

Time passed bit by bit, and the light blades all over the sky continued to rush towards Xingjue violently, and the continuous light blades flew all over the sky, as if a torrential rain formed by light blades was blowing in this cave.

Brilliant light blades flew all over the sky, and the dazzling light even approached Xing Jue's eyes. Xing Jue did not dare to open his eyes, but relied on the power of his soul to feel everything around him.

As time passed, Xing Jue also discovered that there must be a certain amount of the essence of martial arts on the third level.

Because as the radiance of the necklace became more and more intense, the remaining essence of martial arts became less and less, and in the end there were only a few essences of martial arts still waving light blades at Xingjue.


When the last essence of martial arts was exhausted and dissipated, the radiance of that necklace became even brighter to the extreme, even making Xing Jue somewhat unable to open his eyes.

(Today, due to some incidents, the code word time was delayed, so the second update was posted relatively late. I would like to apologize to everyone here. Today, the flowers have successfully exceeded [-]. I promise everyone that I will definitely do it. Today, in the fourth update, I will There will be more and more.)

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