Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 146 Returning to the Outer Islands [Part 2]

The Death Mountain is the only way to the Yufeng Pavilion from the east of the Yufeng Empire, and on the outskirts of the Death Mountain is a small town that is not very big but has an unusually large number of people. It is Juzhen.

There are a large number of mercenaries in Juzhen. They all rely on protecting the caravan in exchange for rewards. These mercenaries are generally not high-level, and most of them are at the level of martial artists.

But at this moment, these mercenaries, not only did not pick up customers, but all gathered in front of the door of a tavern, looking inside with excitement.

Because sitting in this tavern at the moment is a woman wearing a long black dress, with a hot figure and a charming cheek that can be said to be overwhelming.

And those mercenaries are naturally attracted by this woman. You must know that in this gathering town, apart from these five big and three rough mercenaries, there are business travelers who travel to and from the Death Mountain. It's rare to see, let alone such a stunning beauty.

At this moment, the woman was sitting in front of the wine table, her brows were tightly furrowed on her charming face, obviously she had something on her mind, and this woman was none other than Xiaoqian.

"Hey, this beauty, who are you waiting for here alone?"

At this moment, several mercenary men who had reached the level of middle-level martial artists finally couldn't help their lonely heart, and walked towards Xiaoqian with a smile.


But after several big men walked in, Xiaoqian shouted in a cold voice without even looking at them.



Xiaoqian's yelling was full of coercion. With Xiaoqian's strength as a rudimentary martial god, how could these little mercenaries bear Xiaoqian's yelling.

All of them were knocked to the ground by the powerful force, and what's more, their eardrums burst directly, and a large amount of blood slowly flowed out from the ear holes, turning them into deaf people.

At this moment, everyone looked at the extremely beautiful Xiaoqian in front of them, but their faces were full of fear. They never imagined that a stunning beauty like Xiaoqian actually possessed such tyrannical strength.

"This beauty, who is waiting here alone?"

But just when Xiaoqian and these flies were finally able to calm down for a while, a voice full of teasing tones suddenly sounded behind Xiaoqian again.

After hearing this voice, Xiaoqian's already unattractive face became even colder, she stood up and was ready to attack that man, to teach her a lesson,

At the same time, the surrounding mercenaries naturally also discovered this man, and immediately cast their eyes on the man one by one, expecting what kind of brilliance he would receive in Xiaoqian's hands.

But they were really disappointed in the next moment, because when Xiaoqian saw the man's face, not only did she not have the anger she imagined, but on the contrary, her indifferent little face suddenly became excited.

"Xiaoqian, greet the master."

Looking at the man in black robe in front of her, Xiaoqian quickly bowed down and said respectfully.And this one is naturally Xing Jue.

In fact, when Xing Jue first entered this Ju Town, he sensed Xiaoqian's position, and then hurried over, and Xing Jue heard the scene that happened just now clearly in his ears, so Xing Jue Jue just wanted to deliberately tease Xiaoqian,

"Hey, how many times has Xiaoqian told you, don't be so polite in the future." Seeing this, Xing Jue hurriedly helped Xiaoqian up, and said with a smile.

However, looking at Xing Jue's appearance of being so intimate with Xiaoqian, the mercenaries at the side cast their envious eyes on Xing Jue one by one, thinking, this kid is too lucky.

"Xiaoqian, you didn't accompany the old man to come here. Could it be that something happened?" Xing Jue ignored the eyes of those mercenaries, and directly got into the topic.Xing Jue had already guessed that if Xiaoqian came to him, something might have happened.

"En..." After hearing Xing Jue's words, Xiaoqian's expression became melancholy again, and she nodded slightly.

"This is not a place to talk, you follow me." Seeing this, Xing Jue also frowned slightly, and then disappeared into the space with a wave of his sleeve robe.

Looking at the Xing Jue who merged into the space in front of him, Xiaoqian's face showed a look of shock. He never imagined that Xing Jue would reach the realm of the Martial God so quickly. It took a hundred years of practice to practice the environment.

But after a while, a happy smile appeared on Xiaoqian's face, and then she moved, and followed Xing Jue into the space.

"Wu...Wu...Wu...Wu God?!!"

However, after Xingjue and Xiaoqian both disappeared, a voice full of shock and fear suddenly sounded among the stunned mercenaries.At this moment, they were really afraid, because the beauty they just coveted was actually a real Valkyrie.

Martial gods, in the eyes of martial artists like them who have just condensed their energy, they are really god-like existences.

At this moment, on a hillside not far from Ju Town, Xing Jue stood with his hands behind his back, his black robe fluttering in the wind, which seemed quite free and easy.And behind him, Xiaoqian stood obediently behind Xing Jue with a sad face.

"Xiaoqian, let's go to the boundless sea." After a long time, Xing Jue slowly turned his head and said to Xiaoqian with a smile.

"Master, are you really going to the Boundless Sea? Those people are very powerful, I'm afraid..." After hearing Xing Jue's words, Xiaoqian became nervous.

It turned out that after Xing Jue left the Nether Empire, Xiaoqian was looking for rare treasures to assist Xing Jue in refining his soul. After finding some simple medicines, there were still a few very important and very rare to find s things.

For this reason, Cang Lao followed Xiaoqian to search together, and then the two arrived at the outer island in the boundless sea. However, on the way to search, they met a group of mysterious guys in black robes , Their strength is very tyrannical, with the strength of Xiaoqian and old man, they are not their opponents.In the end, in order to save Xiaoqian, the old man fought them all the more, and finally Xiaoqian was able to escape.

After escaping, Xiaoqian did not give up, but quietly inquired about the power of that group of people. However, Xiaoqian found that the organization was too mysterious to find their base camp. In the end, he just I found out that the organization has a very mysterious name, which is called "Shadow of Darkness".

In desperation, Xiaoqian returned to the Yufeng Empire, because she felt that no matter what, Xing Jue needed to know about this matter, otherwise if something happened to the old man in the future, Xing Jue would definitely blame her.

And just now, Xiaoqian had already told Xing Jue what happened, and what Xing Jue said just now was Xing Jue's decision.

"Xiaoqian, don't worry, I have my own solution." Xing Jue naturally knew what Xiaoqian was worried about, so he said with a smile.


And when Xiaoqian saw Xing Jue's confident smile, she didn't say anything more. Now she has no other choice, otherwise she wouldn't come to Xing Jue, so at this moment, she naturally obeyed Xing Jue's words From.

After that, the two of them rushed towards the outer islands in the boundless sea without stopping, and Xing Jue's first destination was the headquarters of the Economic and Commercial Association. Not only did the Economic and Commercial Association have a deep friendship with Xing Jue, but they also had The mysterious shadow of darkness had some dealings with him, so in order to save the old man, Xing Jue naturally had to understand the strength of the shadow of darkness first.

And after nearly three months of trekking by land and sea, Xing Jue and Xiaoqian finally arrived at the headquarters of the Chamber of Commerce.

"Little friend Xingjue, hey, this is really a rare visitor."

After learning that Xing Jue came to the Chamber of Commerce, Elder Zhu was very excited, and brought Xing Jue and Xiaoqian into the hall with great enthusiasm.

After some chatting, Xing Jue also knew that after Uncle Pan joined the battle, the whole battle situation began to turn around, and then he won the victory, and now Xu Changqing was on his way to Yufeng Pavilion. Uncle returned to Panlong Club headquarters.And today's Chamber of Commerce is no longer called Chamber of Commerce, but directly called Panlonghui.

"Elder Zhu, in fact, I came here this time to ask for something." After chatting for a while, Xing Jue finally talked about the purpose of coming this time.

"Xing Jue, what are you talking about? You are a friend of the chairman of my family. Isn't it a stranger to say that?"

"What's the matter, just say it, as long as I, Panlong Society, can help, I will do my best." After hearing Xing Jue's words, Elder Zhu said solemnly.

"This matter is really troublesome. It's about Shadow of Darkness," Xing Jue said slowly after hearing Elder Zhu's assurance.

"Shadow of Darkness?"

"Little friend Xingjue, please tell me what's going on." Elder Zhu's face also became serious after hearing the word "Yingzhiying", and he said solemnly after a while.

Afterwards, Xing Jue naturally told the story in detail. Uncle Pan was not someone else. Although he didn't know much about Xing Jue's background, he knew that he was special, so Xing Jue didn't want to hide anything. This time, he must ask Uncle Pan for help, otherwise, with his strength as a rudimentary warrior, how could he be the opponent of the extremely mysterious shadow of darkness.

To Ling Xingjue's surprise, after telling the story, Elder Zhu didn't hesitate at all, but used a special method to directly report the matter to Panlonghui headquarters, and Uncle Pan even more It is a promise that he will rush to the outer island in the near future, and he has repeatedly told Xingjue not to act without authorization, waiting for his arrival.

After that, Elder Zhu began to dispatch more capable subordinates to investigate the latest whereabouts of Shadow of Darkness.

Under Elder Zhu's arrangement, Xing Jue had no choice but to prepare to stay here for a few days.

Xing Jue stood anxiously in front of the attic, staring at the distance, and began to fall into deep thought.

The old man is the only surviving elder of his Soul Devourer Clan, so he is naturally concerned about his safety and death.However, according to Elder Zhu, the shadow of darkness may be hunted because of the old man's soul body, because they just like to do such bizarre things, so at this moment, Xingjue is also letting go of the old man's safety.

"Little devil, you are not simple"

But at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded in Xing Jue's mind, and it was Xiaolong who had been silent for three months.

"Xiaolong, what do you say?"

After hearing Xiaolong's words, Xing Jue asked in puzzlement.

"Little ghost, don't lie to me. I never thought you were a member of the Soul Devourer. I really underestimated you." At this moment, the little dragon said surprisingly.

"You... how do you know about my Soul Devourers?"

However, after hearing Xiaolong's words, Xing Jue became shocked in an instant. He couldn't imagine that Xiaolong, who had lost any ability, could actually see that he was a member of the Soul Eater clan.

"Hehe... That girl named Xiaoqian is obviously a soul puppet, and a soul puppet is a unique product of the Soul Eater clan, and she keeps claiming that you are the master, so you are naturally a Soul Eater clan member." Xiaolong said with nose and eyes.He actually saw through Xiaoqian's identity.

However, after hearing Xiaolong's words, Xing Jue couldn't help admiring Xiaolong. With his sharp eyesight, he could see the difference between Xiaoqian. This is not something ordinary people can do. At this moment, Xing Jue is finally I began to discover the extraordinaryness of Xiaolong.

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