Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 15 Want to attack me?

"It seems that now we have no choice but to ask Yufengge for help." After hearing the legend about this soul-devouring demon girl, Xing Jue smiled and said to the head of Tianlong, then got up and continued to walk forward.

"Haha, in fact, Brother Xing Jue has long thought of asking Yufeng Pavilion for help, right?" Tian Long smiled and said to Xing Jue who was walking forward, because he had already discovered that although Xing Jue's escape route was not accurate, it was roughly The direction was to flee to the location of Yufeng Pavilion. In such a chaotic situation, he was able to make the best choice. Tianlong couldn't help but be surprised by Xing Jue's scheming.He immediately got up and followed.

It's just that in the place where the head of Tianlong stayed just now, there was a trace of aura that was not easy to find, but it was left behind.

"Headmaster Tianlong, I actually have a question for you, since the Soul Eater is so strong, why? She only hides in the Mountains of Death? Wouldn't it be better to kill everywhere with his strength? Why bother in this mountain range? What about waiting for the rabbit?" Xing Jue asked while walking on the periphery of the Death Mountains.

"Maybe it's because of some restrictions that the Soul Eater Demon Girl can't leave the Death Mountains," Tianlong replied.

"If that's the case, wouldn't we be completely safe as long as we leave this mountain range?" Xing Jue said with a smile while looking at the already luminous sky, because after a night of uninterrupted rushing, Xing Jue and the two were already He is about to walk out of the mountain range of beasts and enter the range of Yufeng Pavilion.

"Heavenly Dragon Fist", the head of Tianlong, suddenly drank violently, and a fierce look appeared on his face. At the same time, in his right fist, a pale golden martial aura was condensed rapidly.Immediately, he raised his right fist and slammed it towards Xing Jue.

"Boom!" However, facing the sudden attack of the head of Tianlong, Xing Jue was well prepared. Just as he was about to be hit, Xing Jue suddenly turned around and knocked back the head of Tianlong with fist to fist. .

"Hey, the fox finally shows its tail?" Xing Jue said with a smile as he looked at the embarrassed head of Tianlong.Obviously, he was not surprised that Tianlong suddenly attacked him. In fact, Xing Jue didn't know why the head of Tianlong attacked him, but Xing Jue never really trusted him at all. They will be vigilant all the time, so they will look as expected.

"No matter why you shot at me, but since you did it, then I will take your life." Xing Jue said slowly, ignoring the shock of the head of Tianlong. The powerful pale golden martial aura condensed extremely quickly, and radiated a dazzling light, like a guiding light in this dark jungle.

"What a strong martial skill." Looking at the light from Xing Jue's right palm, the head of Tianlong said in shock.At this moment, he was actually a little regretful, regretting that he had shot at this kid, because he never imagined that Xing Jue would be so strong.

"Go to hell!" Xing Jue shouted violently, and with a wave of his right arm, a splendid palm print of light rushed towards Tianlong at an extremely fast speed.

"Dragon Meteor Fist" faced the extremely fast light palm prints, and the head of Tianlong couldn't dodge at all. In desperation, he had to resist with all his strength.A layer of fists covered with pale golden martial aura collided with the light palm print.

"Ah..." Accompanied by a shrill scream, the right arm of the head of Tianlong was actually blown to pieces, and a large amount of blood continued to flow from the broken arm, which was naturally Xing Jue's wind-devouring palm. caused.

"Zizizi, your bones are so hard, you didn't even have a palm to kill you." Xing Jue Ba Da said sarcastically, his body suddenly moved as he spoke, and he swept to the front of the head of Tianlong like lightning. Stepping on Tianlong's left arm, one foot ruthlessly stepped between Tianlong's chest.


"Brother Xingjue, spare your life, brother Xingjue, spare your life." After being hit hard again by Xingjue, the head of Tianlong spat out a mouthful of blood and hurriedly pleaded.

"Don't pretend to be pitiful, just suffer!" Facing the request of the head of Tianlong, Xing Jue showed no mercy. For the enemy, Xing Jue would not show mercy at all, but when Xing Jue was ready to cut him off , the voice that Xing Jue didn't want to hear the most sounded again.

"Hahaha, what a ruthless brat, my mother appreciates you." In the dark jungle, an enchanting figure slowly appeared.And this is the Soul Eater.

"Lord Monster Girl, save me, Lord Monster Girl!" Seeing the appearance of the Soul Eater Monster Girl, the head of Tianlong hurriedly shouted.

"Damn, it turns out that you and him are in the same group." Xing Jue was still puzzled by the fact that the Soul Eater was able to catch up so quickly, but when he heard the call for help from the head of Tianlong, Xing Jue suddenly realized that it must be This guy left some marks, so the soul-eating demon girl chased after him so quickly.Thinking of Xing Jue's anger here, the anger didn't come to a single place, and immediately raised his right fist to take this guy's dog's life.

"Pfft!" But when Xing Jue was about to kill Tianlong, a strong aura of martial arts slammed into Xing Jue, and then a mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth and fell to the ground.

And the person who shot this is naturally the Soul Eater.

"Hey, Tianlong, I can't let you just kill it like this," the Soul Eater Demon Girl withdrew her right hand and said with a charming duel.

"Thank you, Lord Monster Girl." After seeing that he was rescued, Tianlong also got up quickly, and the ninja's broken arm ran up to the Soul Eater Monster Girl and said respectfully.

"I said Soul Eater Beauty, how could you be so beautiful to look at such an ugly monster? This hobby makes me a little unacceptable." After hearing Soul Eater's words, Xing Jue already knew that these two must have an adulterer. Love, because of the terrifying power of the demon girl, Xing Jue knew that he had no chance of escaping, so he didn't care about anything, he said sarcastically.

"Don't be rude to the demon girl." Before the soul-eater demon girl could speak, Tianlong shouted in support.

"Oh? Why did you say I fell in love with him?" The Soul Eater asked with a charming smile.

"If not, why are you protecting him?" Xing Jue replied.

"Haha, you want to know?" The Soul Eater Girl smiled.

"Hmph, because the demon lady was released by me," Tianlong said hurriedly.

"Yes, what he said is true, but that's not the reason why I saved him," the Soul Eater said with a smile again.Then he turned his charming eyes to Tianlong.

"Tianlong, thank you very much for rescuing me and giving me so many delicious souls. In order to thank you, I have decided to treat you well." The Soul Eater used her soft right hand, stroking Tianlong's full face. Face beard cheeks, said.

"Demon. Demon.. Demon Lady, I am absolutely loyal to you. I know that your injury has not healed, but I can still find more warriors with powerful souls for you," For Tianlong also felt a little bad about the performance of the Soul Eater Demon Girl, and hurriedly said.

"My injury won't heal overnight. Since you are so loyal, then dedicate your soul to me." The Soul Eater Girl suddenly turned cold, and then kissed Tianlong, and Tianlong's body was like that A tall and thin man, he turned into a mummified corpse in the blink of an eye.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Xing Jue couldn't help being surprised. From their conversations, Xing Jue already knew that this Soul Eater was released by Tianlong, and that Soul Eater was injured in her body, and she needed to absorb the souls of the warriors to relieve it. Presumably the people who disappeared before were also done by this Soul Eater, but the target that this Soul Eater absorbed seems to be more and more demanding, so Tianlong will organize their group of people with good strength to enter this film. Mountains, but this soul-eating witch actually killed the Tianlong who rescued him, Xing Jue had to be afraid of the cold-blooded soul-eating witch.

"Little devil, it's your turn." After throwing Tianlong's corpse aside and adding her own lips, the Soul Eater looked at Xing Jue and said with a smile, but the smile was full of killing intent. .

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