Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 151 Tianling Clan, Su Liner [Part 1]


After hearing Xing Jue's words, the kitten screamed happily, as if it understood Xing Jue's words, and then jumped out of the girl's arms, wagging its little tail, and ran to Xing Jue happily Taste the food from the ground.

“What a beautiful kitten”

When the kitten walked up to Xing Jue, Xing Jue realized that the kitten was really beautiful. There were some black lines on the white fur, and the matching black and white fur looked very cute.


At this moment, the kitten suddenly turned its head and called out to the girl, as if telling her that it was delicious and asking her to eat it together.Such a spiritual kitten surprised Xing Jue.

"Xiaobai, eat it." Seeing this, the girl smiled at the kitten and said.But Xing Jue could see that she really wanted to eat too.

"You should eat too."

Seeing this, Xing Jue took two delicious snacks and came to the girl.

"Thank you." Seeing that Xing Jue took the initiative to bring food to her, the girl couldn't help turning her grateful eyes to Xing Jue.

"Eat, I have more here."

Xing Jue could see that the girl was a very shy person, so after putting down the food, she came to the corner of the cell, and then lay down on the ground pretending to sleep.

While sleeping, Xing Jue couldn't help but secretly opened his eyes to look at the girl. Sure enough, after Xing Jue walked away, the girl also began to taste the snacks he sent. What Ling Xingjue didn't expect was that the girl even It is also so cute when eating.

Seeing that his little plan had succeeded, Xing Jue closed his eyes and prepared to sleep comfortably. At this moment, Xing Jue was completely at ease with this girl. He never believed that such a gentle and lovely girl would do right to him bad thing.

"Little ghost, this little girl and this kitten are not easy."

At this moment, the little dragon who had been silent for a long time actually spoke again, and his words were astonishing.

"Why isn't it simple? Tell me?" Hearing Xiaolong's opening, Xing Jue hurriedly asked.

In fact, Xing Jue could tell that this little girl was not an ordinary person, it could be seen from her long white hair and white pupils.

It was rare for Xiaolong, who had been silent for a long time, to speak again, so Xing Jue naturally wanted to ask for clarification, and now Xing Jue could communicate with Xiaolong in his heart, so outsiders felt that they could not hear their conversation.

"Looking at the appearance of this little girl, she should be from the Sky Spirit Clan. If I guess correctly, this kitten should be her spirit beast," Xiaolong said again.

"Sky Spirit Clan? Spirit Beast? What is that?" Xing Jue was extremely unfamiliar with these two terms. If the Sky Spirit Clan were a race, Xing Jue was quite understandable.

But Xing Jue had never heard of this spirit beast. He only knew about monsters, but he had never heard of any spirit beasts.

"Little ghost, so how can you say you are a little ghost. Today, the deity will let you learn a lot."

"In this Tianwu Continent, besides monsters, there is also a very powerful and special beast, and that is "spiritual beasts."

"Spiritual beasts are like magical beasts, not only possessing powerful strength, but also possessing their own intelligence, but there is also a big difference between the two."

"In terms of appearance, spirit beasts are relatively more beautiful, not as fierce as Warcraft, and have noble blood."

"In terms of nature, spirit beasts are also much more peaceful than monsters, and are not warlike."

"In other words, they were not born for battle, but for protection."

"And the people they guard are the people of the Sky Spirit Clan. In other words, the Sky Spirit Clan is the master of the spirit beasts, and the spirit beasts only exist in the Sky Spirit Clan."

"The Sky Spirit Clan is a race that has been passed down from ancient times. If you want to go back to the time, it is even longer than your Soul Eater Clan."

"Back then, the Soul Devourers were considered to be one of the strongest forces in the Tianwu Continent, but that was when the Sky Spirit Clan was excluded."

"The Sky Spirit Clan has never participated in disputes in the mainland, but no one in the mainland dares to underestimate the strength of the Sky Spirit Clan."

"There was an emerging force that rose to fame in the Tianwu Continent back then. If that force continues to develop, it will become a top existence."

"But who knew that the owner of that faction didn't have eyes, and offended the elder of the Sky Spirit Clan, and even severely injured him."

"And on the second day after that incident happened, that force was bloodbathed overnight and disappeared from the mainland."

"Although no one saw who did it, everyone knows that the one who made the move must be the Sky Spirit Clan, so since then, almost no force has dared to challenge the Sky Spirit Clan." Xiaolong explained the matter to Xing Jue slowly. The family background of this little girl, even the always proud girl was full of fear in her words.

And Xing Jue was even more shocking. The ancient race that manipulated spirit beasts, and their strength was still higher than that of the Soul Devourers, this kind of background was strong enough.

"The Tianling clan is so strong, so why are there people living here?" At this moment, Xing Jue was also puzzled.

"Is this strange? Didn't you also end up here? If you want to know the answer, you can ask her." After hearing Xing Jue's words, Xiaolong said sarcastically.


Although Xiaolong's words were somewhat sarcastic, Xing Jue was able to hear the meaning of Xiaolong's words, that is, the spirit clan probably encountered the same experience as his Soul Eater clan, or other changes occurred.

"Remind you, I always feel that this little girl's spirit beast is very unusual, so you'd better take this opportunity to get close to this little girl."

"It will be to your advantage when she grows stronger in the future. It was the dream of all the strong men in mainland China to marry a girl from the Tianling tribe." At this moment, Xiaolong reminded again.

"Cut, I have a wife, okay?" Seeing this, Xing Jue hastily retorted.Although the girl in front of her was very cute, she couldn't shake Li Xiaohan's position in her heart at all.

In terms of appearance, Li Xiaohan is absolutely no worse than this girl, and in Xing Jue's heart, Li Xiaohan is much more beautiful than this girl.

"You have a wife? Is your wife comparable to the little girl of the Tianling clan? The girls of the Tianling clan are recognized as beautiful in the entire continent, and the Tianling clan is a noble race from ancient times. Especially this girl, I dare say that even in the sky It is also one of the best among the spirit race."

"You kid can meet her here, it's your shit luck, I warn you, there is no such shop after passing this village, so don't regret it then." After hearing Xing Jue's words, Xiaolong was a little out of breath As he spoke, he fell silent again, as if he was angry.

"Hey~! You look like a child, why is your personality also that of a child?"

Seeing that Xiaolong turned his back on him, Xing Jue seemed quite helpless, but after thinking about it, he felt that Xiaolong's words made sense. Anyway, it would be good to have some relationship with that powerful Sky Spirit Clan.

"Ah~~" Thinking of this, Xing Jue pretended to wake up and stretched his waist comfortably.

"Are you awake?" At this moment, the girl's sweet voice sounded again.

"Well, I slept very comfortably, how was it? Are those snacks appetizing?" When Xing Jue opened his eyes, he found that the girl and the kitten had eaten up all the food on the floor.

"Well, it's really delicious, thank you," the girl replied with a smile.The attitude of speaking is very polite.

"Don't be so polite all the time, you and I are destined to meet here."

"By the way, my name is Xing Jue, what's your name?" Seeing that the girl at this moment is not as restrained as before, Xing Jue took the opportunity to come to the girl and get close.

"My name is Su Lin'er." After hearing Xing Jue's words, the girl replied with a smile.

"Su Lin'er? What a good name"

"You little girl, why were they caught here? Your family must be in a panic, right?" Xing Jue smiled slightly after hearing the girl's words.

Xing Jue actually wanted to take the opportunity to learn about the girl.He really wanted to know how the girl got here and how she was caught.

"Family? I don't have a family." But at this moment, the girl looked sad and lowered her head slowly.

"How could it be? Everyone has family members." Seeing this, Xing Jue felt a little puzzled.

"I really didn't lie to you. I don't even know who my family is, and I don't know who I am. I only know that my name is Su Lin'er." Seemingly seeing Xing Jue's suspicion, the girl hurriedly explained.

That cute little face was full of nervousness, as if she was deeply afraid that Xing Jue would think she was lying.

Seeing the young girl's appearance, Xing Jue also guessed, it seems that something happened to the young girl, she seems to have lost her past memory.

"Well, I believe you." Seeing this, Xing Jue hurriedly comforted him.

Seeing that Xing Jue seemed to really believe what he said, the girl smiled reassuringly.

After that, Xing Jue had an in-depth chat with the girl, and only then did he know that the girl's experience was similar to his, but worse than his.

It turned out that when the girl woke up, she was already on the outer island, and she didn't remember anything, except that her name was Su Lin'er, and beside her was this kitten named Xiaobai.

And because of the girl's special appearance, many people looked at her strangely, and many people even wanted to capture her back as a slave. Fortunately, she had a special ability to protect herself, so she escaped again and again.

But after that, the girl began to stay away from the crowd, but lived alone in a deserted island. At that time, the girl was only in her teens, and this life lasted for a few years.

One can imagine what it would be like for a teenage girl to live alone on a deserted island for several years.No wonder she is so timid and shy now.

Although the girl is relatively lonely in the desert island, fortunately, with this spiritual little white to accompany her, the girl gradually gets used to living alone.

But just some time ago, the person with the shadow of darkness suddenly appeared on the deserted island where he was, and after discovering her, he captured her here.

"Lin'er, don't worry, my brother will rescue you, and from today onwards, my brother will protect you." After hearing the girl's story about her, Xing Jue felt even more sympathetic, and immediately recognized the situation. The first girl is the younger sister.


Seeing Xing Jue's serious attitude, the girl's face froze instantly, and finally showed a bright smile after a while.

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