Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 156 Retreat Practice [Part 1]

After returning to the branch headquarters of the Panlong Society, due to some incidents, Uncle Pan brought a group of strong members of the Panlong Society back to the inner island of the boundless sea.

Under the strong invitation of Elder Zhu, Xing Jue and his party temporarily stayed at the headquarters of the Panlong Society branch.And Xing Jue also wanted to take this opportunity to refine the beast souls obtained in the Dark Palace.

Beast souls are rare in the first place, not every god-rank monster has a beast soul in its body, but this time Xing Jue got dozens of beast souls in the dark hall, which can be said to be a fortune. Big windfall.Presumably these beast souls were accumulated by Shadow of Darkness over the past few years for the so-called soul plan.

In short, Xing Jue took a huge advantage this time. According to Xing Jue's estimation, as long as all these beast souls are refined, his soul power will reach an extremely terrifying level, and even his own Strength, it is also likely to break through to the strength of the middle-ranked Martial God.

And this is the mystery of the Soul Eater Art, which can transform the power of the soul into one's own strength.

But refining so many beast souls is a big project. Before refining, Xingjue still needs to prepare, that is to continue to exercise his soul power.

During this period of time, the old man, Su Lin'er, and Xiaoqian all lived in the Panlong Club.

Because of the relationship between Su Lin'er and Xing Jue, no one in the Panlong Club dared to give Su Lin'er the wrong look. On the contrary, everyone liked this little girl very much, after all, except for her weird white hair , Su Liner's appearance is stunning.

Even many young men in the Panlong Society began to show courteousness to Su Lin'er, hoping to win the hearts of beauties, but Su Lin'er, who was born pure and simple, didn't understand those men's thoughts at all, but felt that suddenly so many people were interested in her. She is also very happy when she is doing well, and instead made friends with them.

Some men even thought that their little plot had succeeded, but later found out that Su Liner was not only friendly to him alone, but also very friendly to other people, which also caused many men to duel in private , but they don't know that Su Liner just treats them as friends.

Not to mention Xiaoqian, her charming face has fascinated many powerful members of the Panlong Society, but Xiaoqian's cold personality prevented them from having any chance, and they could only ignore it. sighed.

Half a month after such a day, Xing Jue's soul training finally ended, and he walked out of the closed room. When he learned that Xing Jue had left the closed room, both Su Lin'er and Xiaoqian were full of heart. Rejoice, because the latter is so important in their hearts.

When those men who had admiration for Su Lin'er and Xiaoqian saw how intimate they were with Xing Jue, they were all the more envious.

But they also know very well about Xingjue's strength, let alone such a good relationship with their president, even Xingjue's own strength is far behind them.So they could only look at it with greedy eyes, and they were all aggrieved to the extreme.

"Xingjue, so many beast souls, are you really going to refine them in one go?"

At this moment, Xing Jue and the old man were sitting in the room, and there was a look of worry on the old man's face.As an elder of the Soul Eater Clan, he knows the Soul Eater very well.

The Soul Devouring Art can indeed transform the beast soul into its own power, but it is really difficult to refine so many in one go. This requires a high degree of control over the soul. If it is not done well, it may cause backlash .

"Don't worry, old man, these days my soul training is not for nothing, I have enough confidence to refine them." Seeing this, Xing Jue smiled and said solemnly.Naturally, he could see that the old man was worried about him, and he could also feel the old man's expectations for him.

"Hehe, it's a blessing in disguise that the Soul Eater Clan can keep such a good seed like you." Seeing Xing Jue's bright smile, for some reason, the old man's worried mood calmed down.

Xing Jue's growth rate is indeed very fast, and he has grown from a rudimentary Martial Master to a Martial God in just over a year, which even surprised him a bit.

After all, apart from the power of the Soul Eater Art, Xing Jue grew up by relying on himself step by step, and this kind of extraordinary talent and perseverance, even in the heyday of the year, no one in the Soul Eater Clan could achieve it.

After all, the geniuses of the Soul Devourer Clan were cultivated by the strong members of the clan. Even mediocre people with such superior conditions can grow into a strong person.

"Old man~" At this moment, Xing Jue suddenly raised his head and looked at the old man meaningfully.

"What's the matter?" Seeing Xing Jue's appearance, the old man frowned slightly, because he had something to say when he saw Xing Jue.

"The soul is the foundation of your life, so don't think about asking me to refine it, because to me, you are more important than the soul."

"As for strength, I can completely rely on myself to become stronger. In short, I will not let you down. Believe me?" The taste of pleading.

When he knew that Cang Lao had been arrested, Xing Jue had already learned from Xiaoqian that Cang Lao was looking for rare treasures everywhere for him, and that he wanted Xing Jue to refine his life-saving essence to quickly Improve the strength of the sentence.

After hearing Xing Jue's words, the old man slowly lowered his head and fell silent. For this old man who has lived for more than a hundred years, revival of the Soul Eater Clan is his greatest wish, and Xing Jue can revive the Soul Eater. The only hope of the clan, so he just wanted to make Xing Jue stronger as soon as possible so that he could protect himself, but he didn't care about his own life at all.

"Hehe, well, the old man believes in you"

Looking at Xing Jue's resolute face, after a moment of silence, the old man nodded with a smile, because he knew that if Xing Jue made up his mind not to refine the spirit, even if he prepared everything, it would be useless .

And at this moment, he also believes that even if Xing Jue does not rely on the power of the soul, he will definitely grow into a top powerhouse.

Seeing that the old man agreed to himself, Xing Jue finally felt relieved, and then chatted with the old man. Xing Jue also asked about the jade pendant "Soul Eater Token".This jade pendant was left to him by Xing Jue's father, so Xing Jue really wanted to know the secret about this jade pendant.

But the old man told him that it was not the time yet, and only told him to keep the Soul Eater Order well, and he would definitely tell him everything in the future, and Xing Jue could naturally hear the meaning of the old man's words, so he didn't ask any more questions.

And in the early morning of the next day, Xing Jue came to the secret room on the mountain behind the Panlonghui, and started the retreat to refine the beast soul.

Xing Jue needs to refine dozens of beast souls this time, which is a very large project, so the old man estimates that Xing Jue will take at least 2 months to retreat this time.

In order to prevent others from affecting Xingjue's cultivation, the old man even guarded in front of Xingjue's closed room, and this guarding lasted for two full months.

On this day, as usual, in front of the stone gate where Xingjue retreated, the old man closed his eyes tightly and sat floating in mid-air.


Suddenly, the old man's eyes suddenly opened, and his sharp gaze was like a preying goshawk, shooting towards the path of the back mountain.


"Old, it's us"

But at this moment, an extremely sweet voice sounded at the end of the path, and then a beautiful white kitten ran over from the end of the path, behind it Su Liner and Xiaoqian were full of Came over with a smile on his face.

"So it's Lin'er and Xiaoqian." After seeing Su Lin'er and Xiaoqian, the old man's sharp eyes softened.

As the elder of the Soul Eater Clan back then, he naturally knew Su Lin'er's identity, so he loved Su Lin'er very much, and he intended to make Xing Jue befriend Su Lin'er, after all, Xing Jue was going to face in the future However, if the top powerhouses in the mainland can have a powerful force like the Tianling Clan as their backing, it will undoubtedly be even more powerful.

"Old man, Brother Xingjue is about to leave the customs, right?"

Su Liner came to the old man and said with a smile.And Xiaoqian behind him also looked expectantly.It has been two full months for Xing Jue to retreat. At the beginning, the old man said that Xing Jue's retreat would take at least two months, so when the two months came, the two of them couldn't wait to come here to wait for Xing Jue. It's time to leave.

"Accurately speaking, it should be soon, that is, these few days." The old man naturally saw the thoughts of the two of them, and then said with a smile


But at this moment, in the direction of the Panlonghui in the distance, bursts of roars suddenly sounded, and when I looked closely, I found that the thick smoke was constantly rising.

"Oops, something may have happened." Looking at the thick smoke rising from the direction of Panlonghui, the old man frowned.

Because just a few days ago, the Panlong Society was attacked by Fenglei Valley. Since many strong people were moved to Fenglei Valley this time, Uncle Pan and the others even mobilized all the strong people from this branch to the inner island. middle.

Originally, they also wanted to support Uncle Pan, but Naihe couldn't rest assured that Xingjue would leave the customs, so they stayed here and waited for Xingjue to leave the customs, but unexpectedly, the most worrying thing happened. At this moment, it must be someone from Fengleigu. The main force of the branch is not here, and they are here to attack the Panlong Club.

"Go, follow me"

After a moment of silence, the old man rushed towards the Panlong at a high speed. Seeing this, Su Lin'er and Xiaoqian also rushed away.

This Panlong Society has a lot to do with Xing Jue, now that someone is coming to invade the Panlong Society, naturally the old man and the others will not sit idly by.


Sure enough, at this moment, the outer area of ​​the headquarters of the Panlong Society was already in dilapidated condition, with thick smoke billowing up in the sky, and the members of the Panlong Society suffered heavy casualties.

At this moment, on the ruined area, stood three men wearing blue robes. The three men looked quite alike, and their strengths had all reached the level of a Valkyrie, and one of them had even reached a high-level Valkyrie. levels.

However, the members of the Panlong Club at this moment, except for Elder Zhu who is a middle-ranked Martial God, are mostly Martial Lords. Naturally, they are not the opponents of these three men. The interior of the Dragon Club.

"Three brothers of the Yao family, I, Panlong Society, have no grievances or enmities with you, why do you have to force us so hard today?"

At this moment, Elder Zhu was holding a wound on his shoulder with his right hand, a large amount of blood was continuously flowing, and his pale complexion was sitting on the ground.

These three men are not from Fenglei Valley, but scattered people from the Outer Island. The three brothers travel alone. Although they are powerful, they never deal with any forces. But what Elder Zhu can't figure out is that now this The three brothers would actually help Fengleigu to attack them.

"Elder Zhu, I can only blame you for not offending Fengleigu by receiving money from others to eliminate disasters for others."

However, regarding Elder Zhu's words, one of the men smiled slightly, and then swung his sleeve robe with a powerful martial spirit and blasted away at Elder Zhu.


Faced with the extremely fast and tyrannical attack, Elder Zhu's face changed even more instantly, because facing such an attack at this moment, he had no defensive measures at all and could only wait for death.


But just when the martial spirit was about to hit Elder Zhu, it suddenly dissipated from the midair.

"If you want to destroy the Panlong Society, it depends on whether you have the strength."

At the same time, the three figures landed in front of Elder Zhu like three thunderbolts, and when he saw these three figures, Elder Zhu's expression of despair turned into joy, because the person who came was not The others are Gao Lao, Su Lin'er, and Xiaoqian.

Elder Zhu knew the strength of the three of them very well. They were all strong warriors at the level of Martial Gods. Now that they helped each other, it seemed that the difficulty of their Panlong meeting could be resolved this time.

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