Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 158 Yu Shiman's Intention [Part 3]

At this moment, Xing Jue was holding two golden dragon-rising blades, and the air from the dragon-rising blades squirmed, causing a gust of wind, blowing up Xing Jue's clothes, like a Shura beheading wicked people, standing in front of him. There.

But what shocked everyone the most was that the aura of Xing Jue had reached the level of terror of a high-level martial god.One must know that the Xing Jue two months ago was only at the level of a rudimentary Martial God.

"Lin'er, give Xiaobai this quickly"

However, at this moment, Xing Jue didn't care how everyone looked at him, but went directly to Su Lin'er, took out a treasure pill and handed it to Su Lin'er.

And he hurriedly stuffed another treasure pill into Xiaoqian's mouth.After seeing that Xiaoqian's body started to improve, she came to the old man and used her own soul therapy to heal the old man's injuries.

Because the old man is a soul body, the effect of the treasure pill on him is not obvious, but Xingjue's soul healing is more effective than the treasure pill for the old man.

Sure enough, under the infusion of Xing Jue's soul power, the old and illusory figure also began to become dignified again...

"Xing Jue, have you succeeded?"

When the old man opened his heavy eyes and saw Xing Jue, he grabbed Xing Jue's clothes and asked with concern.

"Well, it's a success." Xing Jue said with a smile on his face for being so concerned about the old man.

In the past two months, through the hard training of Xing Jue, he has refined all the dozens of beast souls, not only the soul power is several times stronger than before, even his own strength has broken through to the level of the middle-level martial god .

And as long as Xingjue uses Soul Explosion, he will reach the level of the high-level Valkyrie just now, the high-level Valkyrie, which is the level closest to the King of War.And relying on the powerful power of the Soul Devouring Art, Xing Jue dare to say that he is already invincible under the King of War.

"Good, good, good"

Although he already guessed that Xing Jue had successfully refined all the beast souls, the old man was still extremely excited when he heard Xing Jue's confession, his old face was full of relief.

Afterwards, after the injuries of Cang Lao and others improved, Xing Jue planned to go to the inner island to support the outer island, but he was afraid that the surprise attack like today would happen again, so he chose to guard here.

And after a few days, Xing Jue heard that Uncle Pan and the others had won again, and half a month later, the main force of the Panlong Club branch headquarters rushed back one after another.

Seeing that the crisis of the Panlong Society has subsided, Xing Jue decided to leave the headquarters of the Panlong Society branch and prepare to return to Yufeng Pavilion.

And because of old age, Su Lin'er, and Xiaoqian are not convenient to follow Xing Jue, so they choose to stay in this Panlong Society. First, the relationship between Panlong Society and Fenglei Valley has deteriorated again and again, so they can help out if they stay.The second is that because of the punishment here, they can practice with peace of mind.

In the end, Xing Jue left the headquarters of the Panlong Society alone, but Xing Jue did not return to Yufeng Pavilion immediately, but took a note and searched for it according to the address on it.

And what Xing Jue was looking for was none other than Yu Shiman. Xing Jue had promised Yu Shiman that he would visit her if he had the opportunity in the future. Now that he had this opportunity, Xing Jue would naturally not break his promise.

After walking for two days according to the address on the note, Xing Jue came to a rather prosperous town. After searching all the way, Xing Jue soon came to a rich mansion.

This mansion is quite luxuriously built. Above the high steps is a red gate. On both sides of the gate is a mighty stone lion, and above the gate there is a very elegant Plaque "Qingxiang Pavilion"

"dong dong dong"

"anyone here?"

Xing Jue walked slowly to the gate, and after knocking lightly a few times, Xing Jue asked politely.


"Little friend Xingjue, you are finally here."

After a while, the closed door slowly opened, and then a familiar figure of Xing Jue emerged.And this is Elder Tan who was with Yu Shiman back then.

"Elder Tan"

After seeing Elder Tan, Xing Jue was also full of excitement.I have always had a good impression of Elder Tan Xing Jue, and now seeing this old man again, he seems very kind.

After a few polite words, Xing Jue was invited to the living room by Elder Tan, but what surprised Xing Jue was that there was not even a servant in this huge house, it seemed that Elder Tan was the only one. .

"Elder Tan, where's Xiaoman?" After Xing Jue sat down, the first thing that came to mind was that savage little girl Yu Shiman.

"Hehe, little friend Xingjue, my lady has returned to the clan."Seeing that Xing Jue asked Yu Shiman, Elder Tan narrowed his eyes slightly and said slowly.

"Oh? Then why didn't Elder Tan go back?" After hearing Elder Tan's words, Xing Jue seemed a little suspicious. When Yu Shiman left her family, Elder Tan was willing to accompany her here, but now that Yu Shiman Shiman has gone back, why Elder Tan is still here.

"The old man was entrusted by my lady to wait for the execution of my little friend." Elder Tan stroked his long beard, narrowed his eyes, and said meaningfully.

"Eh...wait for me? Could it be that Xiaoman has something to do?" Hearing Elder Tan's words, Xing Jue was puzzled.

"I said, little friend Xingjue, do you really not understand or are you pretending not to understand?"

"Didn't you see that my lady is interested in you?" After seeing Xing Jue's blank expression, Elder Tan shook his head helplessly.

After hearing Elder Tan's words, Xing Jue's dazed face became even more dazed.

"Hey~ In fact, my young lady has fallen in love with you a long time ago."

"To tell you the truth, my young lady is the most talented person in our clan, but she doesn't like to practice by nature. Because of this, she was kicked out of the house by the patriarch of my clan in a fit of anger."

"But it's because of you that my lady changed herself and asked to return to the clan to practice. Do you know what my lady's intention is?" the elder said slowly, and he couldn't help but look at Xing decision.

At this moment, Xing Jue was full of embarrassment. To be honest, he really didn't know that Yu Shiman liked her, and he didn't know about the question asked by Elder Tan.

"Hehe, Xing Jue, isn't your ambition just for the Yufeng Pavilion?" Seeing Xing Jue's appearance, Elder Tan asked meaningfully again.

"It's not." After hearing Elder Tan's words, Xing Jue shook his head with a smile. His ambition is indeed not Yufeng Pavilion, but the strongest in this continent.

"Xing Jue, do you know how big this Tianwu Continent is?"

"I can tell you that the Tianwu Continent is huge, and even this boundless sea area and the Eastern Continent are just a fringe of the Tianwu Continent."

"In the middle of Tianwu Continent, there is a place called "Shentianyu". That's where the powerful people of this continent gather."

"Your talent is good, as long as you continue to practice, you will enter there sooner or later."

"But in that kind of place, if you don't have a strong support, even if you have a strong talent, it will be overwhelmed sooner or later."

"And my family still has some weight in this towering field. My lady is practicing for you. She is doing it to please her father and gain the right to speak in the family."

"In this way, when you enter the Shentian Realm in the future, she can help you with all her strength." Elder Tan explained slowly.

"Eh..." After hearing Elder Tan's words, Xing Jue felt a little numb all over his body. He could tell that Elder Tan's words were not meant as a joke, but Xing Jue really couldn't accept it for a while.

"Elder Tan, I'm really sorry, I already have someone I love, and I'm afraid I can't accept Xiaoman." After a moment of silence, Xing Jue looked at Elder Tan and said slowly.

"I'm talking about punishment. It's normal for a man to have three wives and four concubines. Even if my lady is considered to be a top woman in the whole continent, don't you really feel moved at all?" After Xing Jue's words, Elder Tan smiled slightly and spoke slowly.

"Really not, I don't think I can hold the second female music in my heart anymore." After hearing Elder Tan's words, Xing Jue shook his head and said resolutely.

"Hey, you boy, you are really different, but I believe my lady's vision is right."

"This is something my lady left you. As long as you keep this thing on your body, my lady will take the initiative to find you after you enter the towering domain in the future."

"Whether you have feelings for my lady or not, it is a fact that my lady is interested in you. She is willing to do so much for you, so don't let her down."

While speaking, Elder Tan handed Xing Jue a small token. This token is silvery white, and there is a faint light shining on the token. It is obviously arranged for something.

Seeing this, Xing Jue couldn't refuse anything, so he took the token over.

"Okay, so my mission is complete." Seeing that Xing Jue put away the token, a relaxed smile appeared on Elder Tan's face.

After talking with Elder Tan, Xing Jue left the house. At this moment, Xing Jue felt a little nervous. He never thought that Yu Shiman, who seemed savage, would fall in love with him, and even for his own sake. Considering his own future, to be honest, the execution at this moment is also a little touching.

"Hey, it seems that Miss's emotional journey is a bit bumpy."

Looking at Xing Jue's receding back, Elder Tan stood stroking his beard and said with a smile, then his body flickered, and he melted into the space and disappeared.

After leaving Elder Tan's house, Xing Jue headed straight for Yufeng Pavilion. Although Xing Jue's current ambition is no longer in Yufeng Pavilion, Xing Jue knows that with his current strength, he still cannot leave Yufeng Pavilion when.And there are still a few people in Yufeng Pavilion, which Xing Jue cannot let go.

And after more than two months of uninterrupted traveling, Xing Jue finally returned to the Yufeng Pavilion again, but when Xing Jue entered the main pavilion, he found that the disciples in the main pavilion looked at him as if It's a bit weird, but Xing Jue doesn't know what's wrong.

"Forget it, it's a blessing, not a curse, and it's a disaster that can't be avoided"

After guessing fruitlessly for a while, Xing Jue stopped guessing and walked straight towards his Jade Cloud Palace.


But just when Xing Jue was about to step into his Jade Cloud Palace, the space in front of him squirmed for a while, and then a familiar figure of an old man emerged.

"Elder Luo?"

And when he saw the old man, Xing Jue said excitedly.Because this is none other than the Fourth Elder of the main pavilion, Elder Luo.

"Xing Jue, Master Yufeng Pavilion, I want to see you" Looking at Xing Jue at this moment, Elder Luo's face was not very good-looking, but worried.

"What? The owner of Yufeng Pavilion?"

And after hearing this word, Xing Jue couldn't help but be surprised. He didn't expect that in just a few months, the master of the Yufeng Pavilion, who had been in seclusion for a long time, would actually come out of the seclusion.And now that he actually wanted to see him, could it be because of beating Bai You to death?

Only at this moment did Xing Jue finally understand why those main pavilion disciples looked at him so strangely.

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