Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 163 The Door of Life and Death [Part 2]

"Listen, disciples of the four major forces, the formation to suppress the barrier has been activated, but the time of this formation is limited, it can only last for 3 days."

"So you must rush back within 3 days, otherwise, when the formation dissipates, even I will not be able to rescue you." Looking at the changes in the ruins at this moment, Feng Lao said loudly.

"Whoosh whoosh"

And when Feng Lao's voice just fell, except for the three of Xingjue, the disciples of the other three major forces, like sharp arrows, plundered towards the dark entrance of the ancient ruins.

Seeing the anxious looks of all the disciples, Xing Jue couldn't help but raise a slight arc at the corner of his mouth.Although the enchantment mechanism of the ancient ruins has been suppressed at this moment.

However, Xing Jue guessed that there must be other dangers in the ruins, and as long as Xing Jue's guess was correct, it would undoubtedly be unlucky for whoever was at the front.That's why Xing Jue didn't rush in at this moment.

"Brother Xingjue, let's go too." Seeing that everyone had already entered, Li Xiaohan came to Xingjue and said to him with a smile.

After hearing Li Xiaohan's words, Xing Jue also nodded slightly, and then turned into a gust of wind and rushed towards the entrance of the ruins, and Li Xiaohan and Li Chanyue followed closely behind him.

"Open, open, open..."

Just after entering the ruins, with Xingjue's soft shouts, several light symbols lit up and drifted away at different directions at a high speed.

It just illuminated the extremely dark passage of the ruins in an instant. This light talisman can not only play the role of lighting, but also can float at will according to people's ideas, so it can be said to be a must-have item for treasure hunting, and it happened to be a punishment. I saved a lot of these things, and they finally came in handy today.

And under the illumination of the light talisman, Xing Jue and the others can clearly see the passage of the palace at this moment.

I saw all kinds of strange patterns engraved on the walls around this passage. The carving techniques of the patterns are very exquisite, and they are excellent works.

But at this moment, Xingjue and the others didn't care to watch, but went straight to the depths of the passage at a high speed. This relic is buried deep in the ground, so as Xingjue continues to go deeper, they can feel that they have already It is getting farther and farther away from the ground, but it is constantly going deeper into the ground.

And along the way, Xing Jue also found several corpses that died tragically, and the place where they died was also somewhat different from other places. Obviously that was where the enchantment organ was located, and those corpses were naturally the four powerful people.

But along the way, Xing Jue and the others didn't find any other differences, let alone treasures, not even a little abnormal change.

But at this moment, in front of the passage, a large piece of light suddenly flashed. Looking carefully, it turned out that people from the other three major forces were gathering there.

"This is?"

After getting closer, Xing Jue discovered that there were ten passages in front of everyone at this moment, and there was a huge stone monument standing beside the ten passages.

I saw the three large characters of the gate of life and death written in red fonts on the stone tablet, and a line of smaller characters below it.

"There are ten gates of life and death, nine gates of death, and one gate of life. Those who enter the gate of death will undoubtedly die, and those who enter the gate of life will get treasure."

"Nine Deaths"

Looking at the writing on the stele, Xing Jue couldn't help but say in amazement.No wonder the disciples of the other three major forces would stop here, because they were stumped by the Gate of Life and Death.

"Junior Brother Xing Jue, this gate of life and death is quite strange, what can you do?" Seeing Xing Jue coming, Chu Yanxiu from the Tibetan Medicine Villa came to Xing Jue and said with a smile.

Regarding Xing Jue's sensing ability, he had heard Wang Yanran talk about it before, so he couldn't help but ask Xing Jue for advice at this moment.

"Brother Chu, wait for me to investigate." Seeing that Chu Yanxiu had spoken, Xing Jue also smiled slightly.Then he walked slowly to the door of life and death, and when he closed his eyes, ten invisible soul forces burst out from his body, and finally rushed towards the ten channels respectively.

"Hmph, a mere mid-level Martial God, what can he find out?" Seeing this, a disciple of the Nangong family said with a sneer.The words are full of sarcasm.

After hearing the man's words, Li Xiaohan's face changed, and then he was about to attack the man, but in Li Xiaohan's heart, no one could say Xingjue was wrong.

"Then can you find out?" But just when Li Xiaohan was about to make a move, another disciple of the main palace standing next to the man, "Lin Yi", gave her a hard look.


But after hearing Lin Yi's words, the man seemed a little speechless, and then he stopped talking and observed Xing Jue quietly.

"It's strange that the ten passages have the same aura." After a while, Xing Jue slowly opened his eyes, and then whispered in a puzzled voice.

"Junior Brother Xing Jue, what do you say?" After hearing Xing Jue's words, Chu Yanxiu hurriedly asked.

"Senior Brother Chu, I sensed it carefully just now, but found that the aura of these ten passages is actually the same, and there is no difference."

"So, either these ten passages are all gates of life, or all of them are gates of death." Seeing Chu Yanxiu's question, Xing Jue explained with a smile.

"Nonsense, it doesn't mean you didn't say anything." At this moment, the previous disciple of the Nangong family said sarcastically again.

"I'm talking to my Senior Brother Chu, why are you interrupting?" Seeing that the man actually spoke, Xing Jue's face suddenly turned cold, and he cast his slightly cold eyes on him.

"What? Am I wrong? If you can't detect it, say you can't detect it, and say that ten channels are the same. Isn't this nonsense? What is it?"

But the man was not afraid of Xing Jue's gaze, and continued to speak sarcastically.Because he didn't think that a middle-level warrior in Xingjue could pose any threat to him.And in his heart, he simply looked down on Xing Jue.


But at this moment, a sound of breaking wind suddenly sounded behind the man. When the man reacted, he found that a tyrannical martial spirit was blasting towards him at this moment.And the person who made the move was Li Xiaohan.


However, this man is not a mediocre man. With a wave of his sleeve robe, the same powerful martial spirit surged out, finally defusing Li Xiaohan's attack.

After the blow was dispelled, the man did not give up, but stretched out his palm, unexpectedly preparing to attack Li Xiaohan again.


But at this moment, a jade hand suddenly protruded from beside him, like a pair of iron tongs, it was firmly clasped on the man's wrist.

After the palm landed on the man's wrist, the man's body stopped instantly, and a look of fear appeared on his face.

And when everyone saw the person who made the attack, not only Xing Jue and the others were shocked, but even the man seemed a little timid, because the person who made the attack was "Lin Yi", a disciple of the Nangong family.

"Junior Brother Liu, have you forgotten what the elder said outside the ruins earlier?" At this moment, Lin Yi waved her arm lightly, causing the man to take a few steps back, and then reprimanded him .

And when he saw the scene in front of him, Xing Jue also frowned, because he could feel that Lin Yi's strength was indeed a bit strong. As a high-ranking Martial God, her strength was completely comparable to that of that man's. Overwhelming state, which shows her extraordinary, at this moment, Xingjue finally has a little more solemnity towards the disciples of the Nangong family.

"Senior Sister Lin, she obviously made the move first." Seeing this, the man hurriedly explained, but his manner of speaking seemed a bit humble.Obviously, he was extremely afraid of Lin Yi.

"Hmph, if you dare to speak ill of my brother Xingjue again, I will let you die in this ruin." After hearing the man's words, Li Xiaohan pouted and said coldly.

"Junior Sister, now that our four major forces are jointly exploring this ancient ruin, we are all on the same boat."

"Junior Brother Liu's words before were indeed a little too much, so I didn't intervene when you attacked him, but I hope this matter will pass away, and you don't have to be unforgiving." Seeing Li Xiaohan speak, Lin Yi turned her eyes Throwing at Li Xiaohan, he said slowly.

Seeing that Lin Yi's words were pointing at her, Li Xiaohan naturally refused to do it, but just when she was about to refute, Li Chanyue at the side gently tugged at the corner of her clothes to signal her not to Care about.

Seeing this, Li Xiaohan snorted coldly, and then stopped talking, this Li Chanyue is Li Xiaohan's god-sister, so Li Xiaohan listened to what Li Chanyue said.

"Junior brother, you said that there is no difference between these ten passages, so what do you think?" At this moment, Lin Yi cast her gaze on Xingjue and said slowly.

"As I said before, these ten passages are either all doors of death, or all of them are doors of life. Now we will see if you have the courage to fight."

"Anyway, now that I have entered this ancient ruins, I won't make the trip in vain."

"Xiaohan, Senior Sister Li, let's go." Xing Jue replied politely to Lin Yi's words.

Immediately, with a wave of his sleeve robe, he walked towards a passage in the middle.Seeing this, Li Xiaohan and Li Chanyue hurriedly followed.

After Xing Jue and his group walked in, Chu Yanxiu also walked in towards the passage Xing Jue walked in after meeting the two disciples of the Tibetan Medicine Villa.

Seeing this, the disciples of the Nether Palace also had the cheek to follow Xingjue and others into it.

"Junior Sister Lin Yi, it was obviously the girl from Yufeng Pavilion who was wrong just now, isn't it okay for you to treat outsiders like this?" At this moment, the male student from the Tibetan Medicine Villa who hadn't spoken for a long time said to Lin Yi with a smile.

"Senior brother Luo Yan, since the elder asked me to lead the team this time, I have the right to do what I think is right. Do you have any objections to the elder letting me lead the team?" After hearing the words of the man named "Luo Yan", Lin Yi gave him a cold look, then waved her sleeves and walked in the same passageway that Xing Jue and the others walked in.

"Senior brother Luo Yan, this stinky bitch is too much. With her in the main palace, our brothers are really aggrieved." After Lin Yi left, the man who had been embarrassed before came to Luo Yan Said in a low voice, eyes full of hatred.

"Don't worry, I have my own arrangements." On the other hand, Luo Yan smiled slightly. On that rather handsome face, a hint of sinisterness flashed, and then he took a big step towards the line of Xing Jue and others. The passage went in.

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