Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 17 The True Identity of Xing Jue

"You said that the Soul Devourer Clan is extinct?" Xing Jue hurriedly asked, according to what the Soul Eater Demon Girl said, the Soul Devourer Clan should be very strong, but how could such a powerful force just perish?If the Soul Eaters were really extinct, wouldn't their parents also be dead?Then why are you alive again?

"Yes, master. In fact, the Soul Eater has perished more than a hundred years ago. I don't know why the master can survive in this world and is still so young." Speaking of this, the Soul Eater looked at Xing Xing with some meaning. decision.

"You said that the Soul Eaters are extinct? Then why are you still alive? You said more than a hundred years ago? What happened at that time? Can you explain clearly?" Originally, Xing Jue thought that he could find his parents in this way, but he didn't expect The Soul-devouring Clan is already extinct. Although I never knew what the Soul-devouring Clan was before, I know it now after all, and this kind of emotion from the blood makes Xing Jue care about the life and death of the Soul-devouring Clan.

"Because the Soul Eaters are so strong that there is hardly any force in this continent that can compete with the Soul Eaters. In order to maintain the balance of the continent, several powerful forces in the continent began to form an alliance, and eventually turned to the Soul Eaters. Launched an attack, the battle back then was shocking, weeping ghosts and gods, the entire Tianwu Continent was shaken by it, but even with the cooperation of many forces, the Soul Eater still had the upper hand." The Soul Eater is very clear It is obvious that it has been a hundred years since she narrated the events of that year, but she still has a fresh memory of that battle.

"Then why is it still dead?" Xing Jue continued to ask.

"Because a superpower came from the alliance later on, and that is a powerhouse that even this continent can't fight against," the Soul Eater said again.

"Super strong? Didn't you say that the Soul Eater is already the strongest?" After hearing the words of the Soul Eater, Xing Jue was a little puzzled.

"That's right, the Soul Eaters should have been the strongest in this continent, and the patriarch of the Soul Eaters at that time was already the number one strong man in this continent, but that mysterious strong man did use his own power to defeat The entire Soul Eater Clan has been wiped out," said the Soul Eater Demoness slowly.

"Then how did you survive?" Xing Jue asked.

"The war that year was not something we could participate in at all, and our slaves were responsible for protecting the young masters of the clan from the Soul Eater Clan. However, after the Soul Eater Clan was destroyed, the alliance of those forces also started. The search for the young masters, because there were traitors in our team, caused most of the young masters to be killed.

And I was just one of the family slaves who escaped by luck, because we are not members of the Soul Eaters, and there are curse marks in our bodies, which need to be broken by the Soul Eaters at regular intervals. If the spell cannot be undone, the body will dissipate automatically.So the alliance didn't chase us any more," the Soul Eater continued.

"You mean that if the curse seal is not released within the specified time, you will die. But why have you survived so far? Xing Jue seemed to have thought of something, so he hurriedly asked.

"This..." The Soul Devourer suddenly became a little frightened, and her eyes began to become dazed, and she didn't automatically change how to answer for a while.

"Quickly say" Seeing the soul-devouring demon girl hesitate, Xing Jue knew that there must be some kind of secret behind it.

"Return to the master, because during the war, I obtained the soul-devouring clan's clan-suppressing cultivation method. Although this kind of cultivation method can only be practiced by the soul-devouring clan, in fact, because we have the soul imprint of the soul-devouring clan in our bodies, So I can also cultivate, but what I can do is to continuously replenish the soul power in my body, but I can't refine the soul power of others to improve my strength." Under the pressure of Xing Jue, the soul-devouring witch hurriedly replied, Obviously he is very afraid of execution.

"Oh, that's how it is. That exercise is still here with you?" Xing Jue couldn't help being moved when he heard this exercise that can refine the soul. With the soul power of his own soul-devouring clan, his strength will definitely improve by leaps and bounds.

"When I fought with the two elders of the Yufeng Pavilion, one of them took away the cultivation technique, so I think it should be in the Yufeng Pavilion now," the Soul Devourer quickly replied.

"Oh? What's the name of that exercise?" Xing Jue felt that the Soul Devourer should not dare to lie to him, and it happened that he happened to be going to Yufeng Pavilion to practice. If this exercise was really in Yufeng Pavilion If it is, then as long as you know what it looks like, you will naturally have a chance to get it back.

"Soul Eater Art," the Soul Eater Demoness replied straightforwardly.

"Soul Eater Jue, I will definitely find you," Xing Jue muttered to himself, and there was an expectant smile on his face.

"Ah... ah... ah..." While speaking, the sky was already bright, a ray of sunlight shone into the jungle, and just fell on the body of the Soul Eater, and suddenly the body of the Soul Eater began to emit bursts of white smoke , and wailed in agony.

Seeing this, Xing Jue hurriedly dragged the Soul Eater to an area without sunlight, and after leaving the sunlight, the pained look on Soul Eater's face also began to slow down.

"Are you afraid of light?" Xing Jue asked.

"Well, to be precise, I am afraid of the sunlight and moonlight in nature. This is the power of the curse seal. Although I can survive by absorbing other people's soul power, I am still restricted by the curse seal. Because of this, I can only hide In this mountain of death, I dare not go out." The soul-devouring witch said slowly.

"You said that the Soul Devourers can help you undo the curse seal, so can I?" Xing Jue asked.

"Yes" after hearing Xing Jue's words, the Soul Devourer could not help but tremble, and then looked at Xing Jue expectantly.

"How to do it?" Xing Jue asked.

"All you need to do is suck a drop of the master's blood," the Soul Eater said with some anxiety.It seems that he is afraid that Xingjue will reject him.

"This is simple." Xing Jue smiled slightly, bit his own finger, and then handed it to the lips of the Soul Eater.

But after seeing Xing Jue's actions, the Soul Devourer did not rush to drink the blood slowly flowing from Xing Jue's hands, but looked at Xing Jue very moved.

"Suck it quickly, or I'll bleed too much, hehe..." Xing Jue knew what the Soul Eater was thinking, and said jokingly.

"Thank you, master." After the Soul Eater finished speaking politely, she gently pressed her sexy lips to Xing Jue's fingers, and began to suck gently. Her well-behaved appearance was almost the same as the violent one just now. It's like two different people.

"How do you feel?" Xing Jue asked with a smile as he looked at the cute appearance of the Soul Devourer, and couldn't help feeling a little good feeling in his heart.

"Master, I want to try my body to see if it's normal." The Soul Devourer said slowly after bandaging Xing Jue's fingers.And Xing Jue nodded slightly in agreement.

So the soul-devouring demon girl walked cautiously towards the sunlight falling in the jungle with a troubled mood...

"Master, I'm back to normal, I'm finally back to normal." Walking under the sun, the Soul Eater, seeing that she was not affected in any way, smiled happily, and danced in the sun in excitement, and That appearance is extremely attractive.

Xing Jue didn't speak, but just sat on the side quietly admiring the beautiful dance of the Soul Eater, because he could understand the excitement of the Soul Eater at the moment. He hadn't left this dark mountain range for a hundred years, and now he was finally free. Yes, this kind of mood is absolutely no less than the joy I had when I successfully condensed the airbag with the help of Feng Lao.

"Thank you master." After a while, the Soul Eater Yaoyao woke up from her excitement, and then hurried to Xing Jue, knelt down in front of Xing Jue, and thanked him humblely.

"Okay, don't kneel at every turn in the future, those who don't know think I have perverted behaviors of abusing beautiful women."

"By the way, do you have a name?" Xing Jue asked with a smile.

"The previous master called me Qianji," the Soul Eater girl hurriedly replied.

"Qianji? This name doesn't sound very nice, why don't I call you Xiaoqian from now on?" After pondering for a moment, Xing Jue said with a smile.

"Xiaoqian? Xiaoqian likes this name." The Soul Eater Demoness replied very cleverly, no, no, it's not the Soul Eater Demoness, she should be called Xiaoqian now.

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