Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 181 The Truth [Part 2]

"Disciple, pay homage to the Supreme Elder." Seeing this, Xing Jue hurriedly bowed down and saluted, and said respectfully.This Supreme Elder is not only Li Xiaohan's grandfather, but also the boss of Yufeng Pavilion, so Xing Jue dare not neglect him in the slightest.

"Haha, I said boy, it seems a bit wrong to call him the elder?" After hearing Xing Jue's words, the elder laughed.

"Eh..." But after hearing the words of the Supreme Elder, he was a little confused by Xingjue, thinking that I called him wrong?

"It should be called Grandpa, shouldn't it?" Seeing Xing Jue's bewildered look, the Supreme Elder smiled slightly, and there was a bit of softness in the sharp eyes at the moment.

"Xing Jue, pay homage to Grandpa." After hearing the words of the Supreme Elder, Xing Jue's bewildered face was instantly overjoyed, and then he hurriedly saluted and said respectfully.

Because it showed that this Supreme Elder already knew about and recognized his relationship with Li Xiaohan, how could Xing Jue be unhappy.


"Okay, get up"

And Xing Jue's move also won the favor of the Supreme Elder, and he immediately helped Xing Jue up with a smile on his face.

"Xingjue, come with me, I have something to tell you"

After helping Xing Jue, the Supreme Elder's expression suddenly changed, and he said to Xing Jue with a serious face, and then walked straight towards the hall.

After seeing the change of the Supreme Elder, Xing Jue frowned slightly, but after a moment of silence, he hurriedly followed in.

After entering the main hall, the Supreme Elder signaled Xing Jue to sit beside him, but at this moment his old man's expression was a bit dignified.

"Xing Jue, what Xiao Han told you earlier was actually not the truth." After a moment of silence, the Supreme Elder said slowly to Xing Jue.

But after hearing the words of the Supreme Elder, Xing Jue was shocked, it turned out that everything Li Xiaohan said to him earlier had been heard by the Supreme Elder.But what surprised him the most was that there seemed to be other reasons for the matter of Li Xiaohan's parents, and then he listened more seriously to what the Supreme Elder said.

"An ancient relic was discovered in the Boundless Sea that year. That ancient relic is indeed a bit old. People speculate that it may come from ancient times." Because of this, it has attracted the attention of countless powerful people in the Boundless Sea and the Eastern Continent. "

"For that ancient ruins, all major forces want to get some benefits from it. And Xiaohan's parents were the most powerful people in my Yufeng Pavilion at that time, so they went to open the ruins on my Yufeng Pavilion's behalf. .” The elder Taishang said slowly.

"The strongest person in Yufeng Pavilion?"

Hearing this, Xing Jue's face changed even more. That means that Li Xiaohan's parents had already surpassed the Supreme Elder in strength back then?At the very least, he is also a strong man of a high-level battle king.

"Later, rich treasures were indeed discovered in the ancient ruins, and in order to compete for those treasures, a great battle broke out between the powerhouses of all parties. The battle was extremely fierce, and many powerhouses fought Fallen in that battle."

"And it was also in that great battle that Xiaohan's parents wounded the grand elder of the Nangong family. Later, the Nangong family did come to crusade against my Yufeng Pavilion because of this incident. But the Nangong family at that time was actually not My opponent of Yufeng Pavilion."

"And the death of Xiaohan's parents has nothing to do with the Nangong family. Everything is because of the treasure obtained from the ruins, which is a spirit." Speaking of this, the elder Taishang couldn't help casting his strange eyes on Xingjue .

"Spirit?" After hearing this word, Xing Jue was also shocked, that spirit is a rare thing in the world.

Back then, the Soul Eaters were so powerful, they only collected a few spirits, but Xiaohan's parents got one in the ruins.

"Originally, the spirit cannot be refined, but in the ruins, I got a strange secret book."

"That secret book not only records the method of refining the soul, but also records the cultivation method of the soul." The Supreme Elder explained again.

"The method of refining the soul? And the method of cultivating the soul?" If he was only surprised before Xingjue, then he was completely shocked when he heard this.

Refining the soul, and the cultivation method of the soul, isn't this something that only the Soul Eaters can do? Why is there such a practice in time? Could it be that the owner of the ruins is the ancestor of the Soul Eaters?

The punishment at this moment can be described as completely blind, but if you want to know the answer to the matter, you can only continue to listen to the story of the Supreme Elder.

"Later, in order to obtain the power of the spirit, Xiaohan's parents began to refine it according to the exercise method."

"But because the power of the spirit was too strong, Xiaohan's father couldn't bear the powerful backlash and finally died."

"But because of this, the spirit was finally refined."

"After that, Xiaohan's mother used all her strength to transfer the spirit power in Xiaohan's father's body to Xiaohan's body."

"That's why Xiaohan's current soul power is so special."

"And just after the two of them died, the Nangong family came to crusade, so I used the excuse that the two of them committed suicide to prevaricate them."

"After that, not only the members of the Nangong family believed it was true, but even the people of Yufeng Pavilion believed it to be true."

"And apart from me and Xiaohan's grandma, only you know about this matter now." The elder Taishang couldn't help but give Xing Jue a meaningful look when he said this.

"Grandpa, is there anything I can do?" Hearing this, Xing Jue had already seen the intention of the Supreme Elder, and immediately asked without pretending to be stupid.

"Now that Xiaohan has grown up, it's time to let her know the truth."

"However, Xiaohan and I haven't seen each other for many years. It's not easy to say these things to her personally, so I want to convey it through your mouth." After seeing Xing Jue's reaction, the Supreme Elder nodded in satisfaction.

"Don't worry, this matter is on me." After hearing the words of the Supreme Elder, Xing Jue patted his chest and said solemnly.

"Well, you are very smart, so I will leave this matter to you."

"It's not too late, go and tell Xiaohan about this tomorrow, and then bring Xiaohan to the Tongtian Peak. I have other things to tell you." After saying this, the elder Taishang appeared In a flash, he merged into the space, leaving only Xing Jue who hadn't woken up from the shock.

And in the early morning of the next day, Xing Jue went to Li Xiaohan's palace according to the instructions of the elders in the sky, and told the whole story about it.

And when she heard the truth of the matter, Li Xiaohan's expression became much more relaxed, obviously the knot in her heart that had been oppressing her for a long time had been unraveled.

Seeing that Li Xiaohan was fine, Xing Jue led her towards the Tongtian Peak that he had agreed with the Supreme Elder.

At this moment, under Tongtian Peak, the Supreme Elder was standing with his hands behind his back, gazing into the distance thoughtfully, with a hint of anxiety on his old face.


At this moment, a sweet voice suddenly sounded from behind the Supreme Elder, this voice was a little timid and a little jerky.But even so, after hearing this voice, the Taishang Elder's face, which was originally disturbed, still turned into a smile, and that smile was so bright.

Afterwards, with the help of Xingjue, the grandparents and grandchildren began to chat together, and later they became friendly from birth. After all, blood is thicker than water. Although it was the first time they met, the kind that came from the blood Emotions cannot be blocked.

"Grandpa, where's my grandma?" After chatting for a while, Li Xiaohan suddenly remembered her grandma, and then asked the elder Taishang with an expectant face.

"Hehe, when your parents were refining the spirit, your grandma strongly opposed it, but I kept silent."

"So after your parents had an accident, your grandma was angry with me and left Yufeng Pavilion."

"I have been traveling all these years, in fact, to find your grandma's whereabouts, and I finally found out some time ago that your grandma used to live in seclusion on an inner island in the boundless sea."

"And today I'm looking for the two of you, and it's also related to your grandma."

"After your parents died, your grandma decided that there was something wrong with the cheat book, so she took the cheat book with her when she left."

"However, the soul cultivation method recorded in that secret book is indeed very powerful. If the cultivation is successful, it will greatly improve the strength of the two of you." Speaking of this, the elder Taishang couldn't help casting his sharp eyes on Xingjue.

"Eh..." Xing Jue looked a little embarrassed. It turned out that the elder Taishang had already seen the specialness of his soul, and he must have been discovered when he was in the Nether Empire.

"And this time I just want you two to find your grandma, and then beg him to pass on that exercise to you two." The elder Taishang continued.

While talking, the Supreme Elder also took out a note and handed it to Li Xiaohan, which was the address of Xiaohan's grandma on the inner island.

"Grandpa, won't you go with us?" Li Xiaohan asked in surprise after receiving the note.

"I won't go. I think your grandma doesn't want to see me either."

"In addition, the Nangong family has suffered a big loss this time. I don't think they will let it go."

"So I need to guard Yufeng Pavilion for a while." The Great Elder said with a smile.

"Grandpa, isn't the strongest elder of the Nangong family already killed by Xiaohan's parents?"

"Is there anyone else who can threaten my Yufeng Pavilion now?" Seeing this, Xing Jue asked in puzzlement.

"Actually, the strongest member of the Nangong Family is not the Supreme Elder, nor the current Palace Master."

"It's Nangong Shuiyue." Seeing Xing Jue's question, the First Elder said word by word.

"Nangong Shuiyue? Could it be that genius from the Nangong family?"

This word Xing Jue was extremely unfamiliar, but he recognized that it was a woman's name, so he quickly thought of the genius disciple that everyone would be afraid of when they mentioned it.

(Darling, spread flowers, let me see your support)

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