Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 188 The Power of Starlight [Part 1]

"The power of Zhan Qi is indeed several times stronger than that of Martial Qi." Looking at the dark red gas filling the sky above, Xing Jue said with some yearning.

In this Tianwu Continent, what ordinary people need to absorb for cultivation is martial energy, but there is another more essential energy in this continent, that is the energy of war.

Wu Qi is golden yellow, while Zhan Qi is dark red. Needless to say, Zhan Qi is far more powerful than Wu Qi, but only Zhan Qi can be touched by Zhan Qi.

Although there is only one word difference between war and martial arts, the gap between the two is like the difference between heaven and earth. In other words, the spirit of war is the symbol of the strong in this continent.War and martial arts are also a dividing line between the truly strong.

"Brother Xing Jue, is that your Uncle Pan?" At this moment, Li Xiaohan walked to Xing Jue and asked slowly.

Uncle Pan was able to call out Xing Jue's name earlier, which meant that the two of them knew each other, and just now the owner of Fenglei Valley also said Uncle Pan's name. Guess Uncle Pan's identity.

"En" Seeing Li Xiaohan's question, Xing Jue nodded in agreement.

"Brother Xingjue, your Uncle Pan seems to be at a disadvantage." At this moment, Li Xiaohan said with a slight frown.

After hearing Li Xiaohan's reminder, Xing Jue was shocked to find that although the two of them were on the same level on the surface, if you look closely, you will find that Uncle Pan's face looks a little ugly.

The fighting spirit in Zhan Wang's body is the same as the fighting spirit in Valkyrie's body. There is always a limit. The two of them squandered the fighting spirit in their bodies so crazily. After a long time, it is naturally difficult to support, but compared Uncle Yu Pan, at this moment the owner of Fenglei Valley is much better.

After all, Uncle Pan has just stepped into the middle-level battle king, and the master of Fenglei Valley has stepped into the level of the middle-level battle king earlier, so although the two are both middle-level battle kings, there are still some small differences. .

Looking at Uncle Pan, who was gradually struggling to support, Xing Jue also frowned, but it was really difficult for them to intervene in the battle of the King of War.

Even with his current most powerful attack "Soul Devouring Cone", I am afraid that it may not be able to really hurt the strong Zhanwang, and with the speed of the strong Zhanwang, even if Xingjue launches an attack, he will only be dodged by others .


But at this moment, Uncle Pan suddenly attacked and couldn't dodge in time, and was hit hard by him.

And with one hit, the attack of the Wind and Thunder Valley Valley Master was like a torrential rain, and it began to continuously bombard Uncle Pan's body. Dark red energy ripples continued to spread on Uncle Pan's body. At the same time, Uncle Pan's aura continued to weaken.

"Soul Eater Cone"

Seeing this, Xing Jue finally couldn't hold back the worry in his heart, and then he couldn't hold back so much. After condensing the Rising Dragon Slashing Soul Blade, he launched the strongest attack against the Wind and Thunder Valley Lord above. Powerful attack Soul Eater Cone.

Xing Jue didn't dare to be careless when dealing with the King of War, so this time he tried his best and fired four soul-eating cones.


The terrifying power of the Soul-eating Cone also surprised the owner of Fenglei Valley, and then he stopped attacking Uncle Pan, but suddenly blasted out with a palm, and four dark red gasses pointed at the Soul-eating Cone The cone blasts away.

"Bang, bang, bang, bang"

The dark red war qi and the Soul Devouring Cone collided with each other, and there was an ear-piercing roar in an instant. Four energy ripples intertwined with dark red war qi and dark black gas spread out, and the owner of Fenglei Valley unexpectedly The random Si Dao Qi neutralized Xing Jue's strongest attack.

"Uncle Pan"

At this moment, that Uncle Pan also fell to the ground. Seeing this, Xing Jue hastily stuffed a treasured pill into Uncle Pan's mouth. Uncle Pan's consciousness is a little fuzzy at this moment, and even his breath is pitifully weak , obviously this time he was seriously injured.

"Brother Xing Jue, be careful~!" But at this moment, Li Xiaohan came to Xing Jue's side and signaled Xing Jue to pay attention to the Wind and Thunder Valley Master above.

But when Xing Jue raised his head, he was shocked to find that the Valley Master of Fenglei Valley who was standing in the sky at this moment was looking at them with a stern look on his face.

And in his hand a dark red disc was spinning rapidly, and when he felt the terrifying energy of that disc, Xing Jue's face changed drastically, because the energy of that disc was simply too terrifying, even stronger than a bite. The soul cone is several times more terrifying.

"Die boy"


With a wave of the Gu Master's gesture, the dark red disc came towards Xingjue and Xing Jue with terrifying speed.

"Even if I die, I want you to be buried with me." Seeing this, Xing Jue did not dodge at all, but suddenly stretched out his right fist, and then the silver star ring on the index finger shone with its bright silver light, and then It turned into countless stars, and shot towards the master of Fenglei Valley.

"Swipe, swipe, swipe..."

Thousands of starlight burst out, flowing past like a bright galaxy, and that speed is more than ten times faster than the dark red disc of the wind and thunder valley lord, but in an instant, the disc engulf.

However, the CD that contained terrifying energy did not erupt any power in this galaxy of stars, as if it had been swallowed by it.

"how is this possible?"

Looking at the large expanse of starlight galaxy rushing in at an extremely fast speed, the face of the Valley Master of Fenglei Valley also changed drastically. He never imagined that Xingjue could launch such a powerful attack. Even if he was hit by this kind of attack, it must be a fierce attack More good luck less.


Thinking of this, the Valley Master of Fenglei Valley hastily turned around, and then he dodged into the dimensional space.

And just when the Valley Master of Wind and Thunder Valley had just entered the dimensional space, the Milky Way formed by the starlight had come crashing down...

"Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang"

But when the star river passed by the place where the owner of Fenglei Valley entered the space, there was a sudden burst of roaring in that space, and at the same time, bright silver lights continued to shine in that space. Xinghe swept towards the depths of the sky at extreme speed.

When the starry Milky Way completely dissipated at the end of the sky with that bright light, the sky also returned to its former tranquility.

Looking at the empty space, everyone was full of nervousness. Although the previous attack was terrifying, it was obviously dodged by the owner of Fenglei Valley. Since the owner of Fenglei Valley is fine, the next one will be unlucky. That's them.


But just after such a quiet moment, the space where the explosion happened before did suddenly squirm, and then the figure of the Wind and Thunder Valley Valley Master surfaced again.

It's just that at this moment, he is a completely different person compared to before. Not only is his blue robe tattered, but his face is also very pale...


At this moment, the owner of Fenglei Valley suddenly spewed out a mouthful of blood, and then his body floated, falling from the sky, and then fell to the ground fiercely, and passed out.


Looking at the Master of Fenglei Valley who fell to the bottom and passed out, the two members of the Panlong Society who had been standing on the city wall couldn't help but exclaim.

They had seen everything in the battle just now, so they all knew that it must be the starlight that Xing Jue had emitted before, that changed the owner of Fenglei Valley into such a state.

What surprised them was that even entering the dimensional space, they couldn't avoid the power of the starlight. This kind of attack was really too terrifying.

"Brother Xingjue, are you alright?"

Compared to the life and death of the owner of Wind and Thunder Valley, Li Xiaohan is more concerned about the execution at this moment, because the execution at this moment is simply extremely weak.

There was nothing serious about Xing Jue's body, but what made Li Xiaohan feel panic was that Xing Jue's soul power was extremely weak at this moment.

"Xiaohan, I'm fine. After a while of cultivation..."

Looking at Li Xiaohan who was full of worry, Xing Jue forced a smile, but just after he finished speaking, his eyes darkened and he passed out.

"Brother Xingjue, brother Xingjue..." Seeing this, Li Xiaohan couldn't control his concern, and tears kept streaming down from the corners of his eyes.


"President, are you okay, President?"

At this moment, the closed door of the Panlong Society suddenly opened, and then the two members of the Panlong Society came to Uncle Pan nervously, shouting nonstop.

Although Uncle Pan was seriously injured at this moment, Xingjue's holy medicine pill still had some good effects, at least now his consciousness is clear.

After waking up, Uncle Pan was shocked to find that the owner of Fenglei Valley was lying down not far away, and passed out at this moment, and Xing Jue also passed out in Li Xiaohan's arms.Uncle Pan didn't need to think too much, it just occurred to him that Xing Jue must have played some desperate trump card, and he had to face the lord of Fenglei Valley with both sides.

"Xingjue, is Xingjue okay?"

Seeing this, Uncle Pan hurriedly dragged his swaying body to the side of Xing Jue and asked nervously.Immediately, he even squatted down to detect Xing Jue's injuries.

"This girl, Xingjue's soul has been severely injured, so hurry up and send it to the headquarters of my Panlong Society."

"Maybe his elders are old enough to heal him," Pan Shubian hurriedly said to Li Xiaohan after surveying Xing Jue's current situation.

Uncle Pan knew something about Xingjue's special soul problems, and the old man was Xingjue's elder, so he felt that the old man must have a way to heal Xingjue's wounds.

"En" After hearing Uncle Pan's words, Li Xiaohan's anxious face eased a lot, and he nodded in agreement immediately.

"You two quickly take this girl to the headquarters, and ask the old man to treat Xing Jue's illness"

Seeing that Li Xiaohan agreed, Uncle Pan hurriedly ordered the two members to lead the way, and one of the members hurriedly picked up the sentence, and then rushed towards the headquarters of the Panlong Society.

"Old Demon Feng, today, have you finally fallen into my hands?" After they entered the city, Uncle Pan walked slowly to the side of the owner of Wind and Thunder Valley, and said slowly.

Immediately with a wave of the sleeve robe, a dark red gas emerged, and finally turned into a series of dark red ropes, tightly binding the Wind and Thunder Valley Valley Master.

At this moment, Uncle Pan really wanted to take the life of the owner of Fenglei Valley, but right now it was related to the safety of the Panlong Society, if their leader was killed, everyone in Fenglei Valley might become even more crazy.

On the contrary, taking the owner of Fenglei Valley as a hostage and forcing them to retreat would be the best way at the moment.

After controlling the owner of Fenglei Valley, Uncle Pan calmed down the disordered breath in his body at the moment, and then grabbed the unconscious Fenglei Valley owner and blended into the space.

(The National Day holiday is here, I wish all friends who like Shura a happy holiday and have fun! In addition, during such days, everyone can entertain and entertain, but the bees have no holidays to let go, and they have to work hard, so brothers , let the flowers be more violent)

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