Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 196 Trapped [Part 1]

The two armored men stood straight beside the starlight pool. Under the reflection of the starlight pool, their gray armors were constantly shining with brilliant white light, and the green light emitted from the hollow pupils seemed to be It is also much richer than usual.It was as if they were excited when they saw the starlight pool.

"Brother Xingjue, what do you mean?" Seeing the two armored men summoned by Xingjue, Li Xiaohan asked a little puzzled.She couldn't think of any connection between the starlight pool and the two armored men.

"Hey, Xiaohan, you'll know later." Facing Li Xiaohan's puzzlement, Xing Jue pretended to be mysterious and smiled.

Then even when he came to the armored man, he pressed the silver light star ring on the chest of one of the armored men, and the silver light star ring emitted a slight light, and then circles of strange charms It was revealed from the armor of the armored man, and then spread continuously, and finally covered the whole body.

After that, Xing Jue did the same thing on another puppet, and Li Xiaohan and Su Lin'er looked at Xing Jue's last night expectantly, although they didn't know what Xing Jue was going to do. , but they knew that Xingjue must have his way.


Just after the body of the other armored man was covered with spells, Xing Jue pointed to the starlight pool and let out a light drink, and the two armored men jumped into the starlight pool in unison, and descended at an extremely fast speed. latent.

Although this pool is not very big, it is very deep, but even so, Xing Jue and the others can clearly see two tiny spots of light wriggling slowly in the deep water.

And these two rays of light also began to become brighter and brighter. On the contrary, the starlight in the starlight pool gradually faded, and two extremely terrifying forces began to emanate from the depths of the pool.

"Seems to be breaking through"

Feeling the two increasingly powerful auras, a look of surprise appeared on Xing Jue's face.These two armored men themselves need to rely on the power of starlight to improve their strength.

Although during this period of time, Xing Jue instilled the power of the stars in the silver star ring into the armored man every day, but the strength of the two of them still did not make much progress.

Obviously, it is not a matter of a day or two to improve the strength of this armored man, otherwise the Star King would not have spent a hundred years building these two armored men.

But the starlight pool here obviously stores a large amount of starlight power, otherwise it would be impossible to operate, and it would be a terrifying formation that even the strongest of the war emperor could barely resist.

So at this moment, Xingjue is looking forward to it. If the armored man absorbs all the starlight power in the starlight pool, what level will his strength be raised to? Maybe it will reach the level of the king of war, or maybe it will be stronger?


But when Xing Jue and the others were closely watching the changes in the Starlight Pool, a loud bang suddenly sounded behind them. Looking at them in a blink of an eye, they were even more shocked to find that the previous enchantment entrance had disappeared, and now it was gone. It was replaced by an impenetrable rock wall, as if the enchantment entrance had never existed.

At the same time, the starlight array in the hall has slowly stopped operating, and it has begun to dissipate under the astonished eyes of everyone. Finally, after the star river in the sky completely dissipated, everyone discovered that the original star formation in the hall Above are all kinds of strange spells.

"It seems that they have already found the eye of the array." Looking at the roof of the hall full of spells in front of her, Xiaohan's grandma smiled slightly, and then quickly swept towards the depths of the hall.

"Hey, here comes the treasure." Behind Xiaohan's grandma, the Xuanbing brother looked up to the sky and laughed, and then turned into two rays of light and chased after Xiaohan's grandma at a high speed.

After seeing Brother Xuanbing's excited appearance, the Emperor shook his head helplessly, but he could hear from Brother Xuanbing's words that it seems that the most difficult thing to deal with in the ancient ruins is the defensive formation. The way down may be smoother.

Thinking of this, the corner of the Emperor's mouth must have raised an upturned arc, and then the wings behind him flapped suddenly, turning into a ray of light and chasing the three of them at top speed.

"What? You said that Xingjue and Xiaohan were trapped in the formation?"

At this moment, Xiaohan's grandma had already arrived at the square hall, and when she heard that Xing Jue and they might not be able to get out of that formation, the old man became even more excited in an instant.

You must know that she spent 20 years alone in this boundless sea searching for clues to this ancient ruins, not for herself, but for Li Xiaohan. If something happened to Li Xiaohan, how could she accept it.

"Hey, I'm telling you that you are really serious. How can you let the three little devils go to such an important matter as cracking the big formation? But the matter has come to this point, let's find a way to save people first." Seeing this, Brother Xuanbing also raised eyebrows. Wrinkled and said slowly.

Maybe it was because they learned that the three Xing Jue were the ones who helped them get out of trouble, so even the two brothers became quite enthusiastic at this moment.

"It was an entrance to the barrier before, but it has disappeared now. We just wanted to try to break through the rock wall, but the rock wall is so hard that it can't be broken at all." The elder said a little aggrieved.

"Oh? Let me take a look." After hearing his words, Brother Xuanbing went to the rock wall, tapped twice with his hand, and then punched out suddenly, but with a loud shock After the ear-splitting sound ended, the rock wall was unscathed.

"Hey, it seems that I can't be wrong. This rock wall is not an ordinary black stone, but it has been refined by a super strong man. It is impossible to break it with my skill. I can only blame the three little devils for their bad luck." Lah." Brother Xuan Bing sighed helplessly after trying to no avail.

"I don't believe in any special profound stones"

"Go away, let me do it"

After hearing Brother Xuanbing's words, Grandma Xiaohan's face became even more ugly, and then she slapped her palm, and that palm wind, which contained terrifying power, slammed down on the rock wall fiercely.


With a palm strike, a thunderous roar resounded through the entire hall. Even the hall trembled twice, but the rock wall was still intact, without any sign of cracking.


Seeing this, Xiaohan's grandmother also had a look of surprise on her face, but after a cold snort, she used that fierce attack to blast away at the incomparably solid rock wall again.

"Brother Xingjue, it seems that grandma and the others are trying to find a way to help us out of trouble"

The fierce attack outside the main hall at this moment can be clearly felt in this cave. Looking at the trembling rock wall, Li Xiaohan said with some joy.

Although she knew that even with her grandma's strength, she might not be able to break through this rock wall, but knowing that her grandma had escaped from the big formation, Li Xiaohan would feel at ease.

Because when the entrance of the enchantment just disappeared, Xing Jue and others tried to break through this rock wall with strength, but to their disappointment, they couldn't even shake the rock wall with their strength. Not to mention breaking it.

Although Grandma Xiaohan's attack was extremely fierce at this moment, the rock wall didn't seem to show any signs of breaking.

"bang, bang"

At this moment, two sounds of water breaking suddenly sounded behind Xing Jue and the others, and at the same time, water splashed all over the sky like a torrential rain, pouring down.

"Sky full of stars"

Seeing this, Li Xiaohan hastily covered them with a defensive cover to resist the rain that filled the sky.

And after the water splashing all over the sky stopped, the three of them were even more astonished to find that there were two armored men standing upright beside the pool at this moment, and the gray armor had turned into a bright silver at this moment. , the silver armor even exudes a faint light.

And the dark green pupils also changed from dark green to dark blue, and what shocked the other three was that the aura of the armored man at this moment was even more powerful and terrifying, compared to that of the wind and thunder valley lord back then. Even stronger several times.

What does this mean?This shows that the strength of these two armored men is already higher than that of the Wind and Thunder Valley Valley Master, and at this moment the strength of these two armored men has reached the level of a high-level battle king, which is really too strong.

Looking at the armored man Xing Jue, he was full of surprises at the moment, and the two high-level battle kings were acting as thugs. If this news got out, how many strong battle kings would die of depression.

"Deng deng deng"

But when Xing Jue was delighted by the improvement of the strength of the two armored men, the armored man suddenly walked towards them slowly. After discovering this situation, Xing Jue's face changed even more, because he Obviously there was no order for the armored man to act.

"Brother Xingjue, what's going on?"

At this moment, Li Xiaohan and Su Lin'er also realized that the momentum was wrong, and Su Lin'er hurriedly put Xiao Bai into a fighting state, ready to attack the two armored men.

"Lin'er, wait"

Seeing this, Xing Jue hurried to Su Liner's side and stretched out his hand to stop it. Although the armored men seemed to be able to get rid of his control at this moment, he felt that the two armored men did not seem to have any malicious intentions.

Seeing that Xing Jue refused to let him make a move, Su Lin'er had no choice but to obediently stand beside Xing Jue, and even if she really made a move, it was obvious that she would not be the opponent of these two armored men at this moment.

At this moment, Li Xiaohan also came to Xing Jue's side, and all three of them nervously watched the two armored men approaching slowly.And they all made a strained posture.


But when the man in armor came to Xing Jue, he suddenly stopped walking and fell to his knees in front of Xing Jue. The hard armor touched the rock wall even more. There was a crisp sound.

"Subordinates, join the master"

Just when the three of Xing Jue were puzzled by the actions of the armored men, two voices full of simplicity came out from the two armored men.

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