Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 198 You are fighting for me [Part 1]


With the end of the strong binding force of the enchantment, Xing Jue stepped into the hall, and when he opened his eyes and saw everything in front of him, his delicate face was instantly filled with surprises. For a moment, even Xing Jue's body began to tremble extremely rapidly.

Because at this moment in front of his eyes is a magnificent hall, and around the hall are densely erected countless stone pillars with coiling dragons, and on each stone pillar, there are shining treasures. Xingjue can feel the extraordinaryness of these treasures.

The treasure pills are all high-level treasure pills, treasures, and countless treasures.There are even various god irons and god stones, all of which are priceless treasures, rare treasures that can't be found.

"whoosh, whoosh, whoosh,"

At this moment, the crowd couldn't bear the excitement in their hearts, couldn't withstand the temptation of the treasures, and began to plunder those treasures at a high speed, crazily snatching them.

But at this critical moment, Xing Jue did not rob like everyone else, but closed his eyes and spread out his soul power. He was looking for it, to see if there was a spirit here.

Because for Xing Jue, the most important thing is not the treasure, not the treasure pill, but the spirit. Although the agreement has been made, it is inevitable that something will go wrong at this time, so Xing Jue must first grab the spirit.

"I found it"

At this moment, Xing Jue's eyes suddenly opened, and the corners of his mouth could not help but raise an upturned arc, and then his body turned into a black light, like a black thunder, facing the hall A stone pillar in the middle was swept away.That speed is even much faster than Ben Lei.

Xing Jue's speed was very fast, but he came before the stone pillar in an instant, his feet suddenly touched the ground, and his whole body turned into a straight line, jumping onto the stone pillar.

And when Laidang Xingjue came to the stone pillar, his already excited face became even brighter, because at the moment there were two crystals shining with purple light on the stone pillar, and this It is the spirit, and there are two, actually two spirits.

There are actually two of the extremely rare spirits in the mainland, which makes Xing Jue not excited.These two spirits are very beautiful, and the soul power emanating from them is also very powerful.

Xing Jue conjectured that if one of these spirits could be refined, not only would the power of the soul skyrocket to an extremely terrifying level, but the strength of itself would also increase rapidly, and even break through to the level of a war king.

The King of War, not only can control the most essence of fighting spirit in the continent, but also can condense the wings of battle, get rid of the shackles of heaven and earth, soar between heaven and earth, and even the body will be fully evolved, that is the true meaning of this continent. Those who are strong, that is the existence that breaks away from the limitations of human beings.

"It's actually a secret book"

And at this moment, Xing Jue was even more astonished to discover that there was actually an ancient book placed under the two spirits, presumably this was the remaining secret book.

With this book, you can get a complete method of refining the spirit, and Li Xiaohan can also refine another spirit at that time, and the two of them will probably reach the level of the war king.

And this cheat book probably also records other soul skills.The soul armor in the half of the cheat book is so powerful, if there are other soul martial arts in this cheat book, it must be very powerful.

Especially for Xingjue, which uses the soul as its strongest power, it is like a tiger with wings added.Thinking of this, Xing Jue quickly stretched out his hands, ready to put these two treasures into the storage bracelet.


But at this moment, a sound of breaking wind suddenly sounded behind him. Looking at Xing Jue in a blink of an eye, he was even more astonished to find that a tornado with a length of several tens of feet was sweeping towards Xing Jue with violent energy.

But the next moment, when Xing Jue saw the attacking person, his entire face froze in an instant.Because the one who launched the attack was none other than Xingjue's most beloved woman "Li Xiaohan."


Facing the attack coming from the front, Xing Jue clenched his five fingers and blasted out suddenly, a powerful martial spirit blasted away at the tornado, and the powerful force even scattered the tornado.

And when the energy ripple mixed with the strong wind spread, Li Xiaohan's figure emerged again. At this moment, Li Xiaohan was standing on a stone pillar opposite Xing Jue, looking at Xing Jue with a smile on his face, but this The smile no longer had the sweet and lovely aura of the past, but permeated with this murderous aura, an incomparably cold murderous aura.

"Xiaohan, why is this?"

Looking at Li Xiaohan at this moment, Xing Jue's expression was extremely ugly, he couldn't imagine why Li Xiaohan would attack him, he couldn't find any reason at all.

"Hmph, why? Naturally, it's the spirit and secret books behind you. If you want to take it for yourself, I can tolerate you?" But Li Xiaohan snorted coldly and said lightly.

"I never thought of taking this spirit and secret book for myself. If you want, I can give it to you." After hearing Li Xiaohan's words, Xing Jue was even more stunned. Then he waved his sleeve, and the two spirits and the secret book It floated up slowly, and finally flew towards Li Xiaohan.

Seeing this, Li Xiaohan was not polite, and with a wave of his sleeve robe, he put the two spirits and the secret book into the storage bracelet, and then a satisfied smile appeared on his face.

"It's almost there"

"However, even so, your life cannot be spared"

After a moment of satisfied smile, Li Xiaohan's slightly squinted eyes suddenly turned cold, and then he stretched out his palm, and a tyrannical martial spirit blasted towards Xingjue with the sound of breaking the wind.


Facing the extremely fast attack, Xing Jue hastily turned around and swept towards another stone pillar at high speed.And Li Xiaohan's powerful attack directly smashed that stone pillar into pieces.

"Xiaohan, what's wrong with you? Why did you attack me?" Looking at the stone pillar that turned into powder, Xing Jue knew that Li Xiaohan's previous blow did not hold back at all, and she really seemed to be dead.

"Hmph, soul martial skill, I won't allow the second person to master it, so die~!"

However, regarding Xing Jue's question, Li Xiaohan gave a cold snort, and waved his jade hand again, and the powerful martial spirit shot towards Xing Jue like a rain of arrows all over the sky.

"Boom, boom, boom"

For Li Xiaohan's attack, Xing Jue didn't want to fight back, so he could only dodge it. Fortunately, Xing Jue has used the Wind Control Technique so purely and innocently, so even though Li Xiaohan's attack was extremely fierce, he couldn't hurt Xing Jue .

But for Xing Jue, the heart injury at this moment is the most painful. He can't believe the facts in front of him, and he can't accept Li Xiaohan in front of him, because she knows that Li Xiaohan, who even cared about his own life for him, absolutely He will not shoot him for his own self-interest.

"This is mine, you court death"

"Damn it, if you dare to rob me, I will tear you apart."

At this moment, not only Li Xiaohan launched a fatal attack on Xingjue, but the whole hall was in chaos, everyone was fighting to the death for the treasure.

Xiaohan's grandma is fighting against the Emperor at the moment, while Uncle Pan is fighting with two other elders of the Panlong Society, and one of the elders is his own brother.

When Uncle Pan was away, he had always been the chairman of the Panlong Society, but after Uncle Pan came back, he took the initiative to return the position of chairman to Uncle Pan, and he was willing to be an elder.How could this kind of brotherhood be shaken just for the treasure.

And even the Xuanbing brothers fought each other for a treasure. Looking at the changes in the crowd at this moment, Xing Jue was doing a careful analysis. Originally, Xing Jue guessed that everyone might have been deceived by some kind of trick to make them Lost his nature, but if that's the case, there's no reason he can stay sane.

"suffer to death"

At this moment, Li Xiaohan suddenly came to Xing Jue in a flash, and the dark black Soul Sword in his hand was slashing down at Xing Jue with the sound of tearing.

But with such a deadly attack, Xing Jue suddenly closed his eyes, and on his face, the previous ugly look was gone. On the contrary, there was a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Break Me"

Suddenly, just as Li Xiaohan was about to strike Xing Jue with the Zhan Soul Sword, Xing Jue's eyes suddenly opened, and at the same time a powerful force spread from Xing Jue's body like a hurricane .With it as the center, it swept away at a high speed.

Li Xiaohan, who was closest to her, was hit directly and dissipated as a wisp of white smoke. After that, the hurricane swept through the entire hall, and everyone in the hall turned into The blue smoke disappeared.

"Is this... an illusion again?"

But when the hurricane dissipated, Xing Jue was shocked to find that he did not return to the hall he imagined, but was in a white space.

This space is made of white gas, the tumbling gas is like white clouds, covering the surroundings of Xingjue, it looks quite beautiful.

Xing Jue had seen through it before, it wasn't that Li Xiaohan and the others had changed, but that he had been caught in someone else's illusion, and what he saw just now was completely an illusion, so Xing Jue concentrated his thoughts to break the illusion.

But what Ling Xingjue didn't expect was that he was caught in Ling's illusion. Thinking of this, Xing Jue closed his eyes again, trying to use his own thoughts to break the illusion in front of him.

At this moment, the soul power in Xing Jue's body is rapidly condensed. The soul is the foundation of human beings, and Xing Jue wants to use the soul power to make his thoughts more concentrated.

"Isn't it?"

But when Xing Jue opened his eyes again, he was helpless to find that there was no change at all, and it was still the tumbling white gas.

"Is it an entity? Well, let me try it out"

But after contemplating for a while, Xing Jue suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and then stretched out his palm, and the palm with the sound of the wind exploded towards the white gas.


But when Xing Jue's palm hit the white gas, there was a crisp sound like interwoven steel.


"No mistake, what kind of gas is this?"

At the same time, Xing Jue hastily squeezed his palm that was in contact with the white gas, and jumped up in pain. He never imagined that this seemingly weak gas was so hard that it even broke his martial arts. gas.

His previous palm was like an ordinary person slapping a hard iron block with all his strength, and the fate of that can be imagined.

"Whirring whirring"

But just when Xing Jue was worried about everything in front of him, the white gas in front of him suddenly changed, and it began to slowly open, and finally turned into a channel made of gas, placed in the In front of Xingjue.

(After going online, I saw that everyone understands my support very much. There are only two words in my heart that are touching. I will not only persevere, but also work harder. Please support me as always, I love you)

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