Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 201 Li Xiaohan's Love [Part 2]

At this moment, Su Lin'er slowly raised the snow-white long sword in her hand. At the same time, powerful energies continued to condense towards the long sword, and an extremely terrifying force also began to flow from the long sword. emanating from it.

"Damn it, what is that little girl holding? Could it be a treasure?"

Su Liner's change at this moment also attracted the attention of Brother Xuanbing. After feeling the horror of the long sword in Su Liner's hand, the two of them also frowned.

"Earth Devouring Spiritual Qi Slash"

Suddenly, Su Lin'er swung her right arm suddenly, and a snow-white half-moon-shaped gas burst out from the long sword. When this gas surged, even the surrounding air was torn apart There were bursts of cracks, and the terrifying energy in them was even more self-evident.

"Damn girl, you are looking for death"

"Second, kill that girl together"

Seeing this, the Xuanbing brothers also gritted their teeth fiercely, and then stretched out their palms, and then saw two icy palm prints with a length of several tens of feet, which were aimed at Su Liner's earth-devouring aura. Blast away.


The two powerful forces confronted each other, and the tyrannical energy ripples continued to spread, and at this moment, Brother Xuanbing's face turned pale.

They never expected that Su Liner's attack would be so powerful. They thought that the ice palms of the two of them could not only defuse the attack, but also kill Su Liner.

But now let alone killing Su Liner, even resisting this attack is extremely difficult. While using treasures to suppress Grandma Xiaohan and the Emperor, while resisting Su Liner's powerful attack, Brother Xuanbing fell into a trap at this moment. in crisis.


But at that moment, two figures suddenly appeared in front of Grandma Xiaohan and the Emperor, and they were Xing Jue and Li Xiaohan.

"Han, help me"

When the two appeared, Xing Jue grasped his fist with his right hand, aiming the silver light star ring on his index finger at Brother Xuanbing. Use the power in the Silver Star Ring, but despite this, Xingjue still needs Li Xiaohan's help.


Seeing this, Li Xiaohan slapped his pure white hand on Xing Jue's back, and at the same time, Dao Dao's soul power began to flow into Xing Jue's body continuously.

Feeling the soul power rushing into his body at a very high speed, Xing Jue poured all the soul power in his body into the silver light star ring.

In fact, Xingjue just wants to use Li Xiaohan's soul power to maintain it, otherwise his soul source will be exhausted, and only then can he use all his soul power to drive the star power of the Silver Star Ring, otherwise he is not sure that he can kill the Emperor of War. The strong wounded.

"Silver Star Ring"


With the input of a large number of souls, the silver light star ring in Xing Jue's hand also began to emit bright light, and then a large piece of starlight burst out, and finally turned into a gorgeous Milky Way bursting at the Xuanbing brother shoot away.But in this galaxy, there is an incomparably terrifying power.

"how is this possible?"

The sudden change also attracted the attention of Brother Xuan Bing, but when the two of them felt something was wrong, it was too late. At this moment, they were already attacked to death by Grandma Xiaohan, the Emperor and Su Liner hold back.

Already without any ability to defend against Xing Jue's attack, he could only watch helplessly as the power of the starlight continued to approach them, and let the power of the starlight explode at the two of them.

"Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang..."

The galaxy of starlight in the sky flows past the bodies of Brother Xuanbing, and countless bright energy ripples also spread from the bodies of the two, like bright fireworks, constantly flashing in the galaxy.

At this moment, the auras of the Xuanbing brothers were also extremely disordered, and even the power of the two curse light silver rings and the ice palm weakened instantly.

And at this very moment, Grandma Xiaohan and the Emperor rushed to use all their strength to strengthen their attacks, and finally bounced off the two curse light silver rings, and blasted away at Brother Xuanbing .

Not only the attack of the two of them, even Su Lin'er's ground-eating spirit slash smashed Brother Xuanbing's icy palm, and shot towards them.

"Boom boom, boom boom"

As soon as the starlight power of the silver star ring dissipated, three fierce attacks bombarded the body of Brother Xuanbing again. If the previous attack of Xingjue only seriously injured Brother Xuanbing, then Xiaohan at this moment The attacks of grandma, Yinghuang and Su Lin'er completely killed Brother Xuanbing.

When the berserk energy ripples dissipated, people were shocked to find that Brother Xuanbing had no bones left, and the powerful attack even turned their storage bracelets into ashes.The only thing left is the two curse light silver rings that were thrown aside.

"Brother Judgment"

At this moment, Xing Jue's body suddenly swayed. Seeing this, Li Xiaohan hurriedly supported Xing Jue who was on the verge of falling.

"Don't worry Xiaohan, I'm fine"

In fact, the punishment at this moment is only a lack of soul power, and has not reached the point of damage, so as long as you sit down and rest for a while, you can recover.

"Xing Jue, the ring in your hand is amazing." At this moment, the Emperor walked up to Xing Jue, looked at the silver star ring in his hand, and said enviously.

Because at this moment he already guessed that Xing Jue's ring was a high-grade treasure.Because only top-grade treasures can not show their sharpness when they are not attacking, making it impossible for people to recognize it as a treasure.And Xing Jue's Silver Light Star Ring has clearly achieved this.

"Hehe, Emperor, don't be envious. This silver ring of cursed light is now unowned, so you can take it away."

Seeing this, Xiaohan's grandma smiled slightly, and with a wave of her sleeve, she took the two curse light silver rings on the ground into her hands, and then handed one of them to the Emperor.

"Hey, if that's the case, then the younger generation will not be polite." Seeing this, the Emperor's expression became even more joyful, and he hurriedly took the silver ring over.

In fact, he has long been interested in the Curse Light Silver Ring. After all, this is a middle-grade treasure. You must know that the purpose of his coming here this time is to find a treasure.

Brother Xuanbing had demonstrated the power of the Curse Light Silver Ring before, so he was extremely fond of the Curse Light Silver Ring.

But at this moment, he didn't dare to take this treasure without authorization, because there were only two curse light silver rings, but there were so many people here at this moment, and it was everyone's credit for killing Brother Xuanbing just now.

He didn't even dare to covet this silver ring of cursed light.But she never expected that Xiaohan's grandma would give him the silver ring as a gift, and now he was really overjoyed.

"Xingjue, I will give this silver ring of cursed light to you, Uncle Pan." At this moment, Xiaohan's grandmother had already put the spirit and cheats on the Panlong Stone Pillar into the storage bracelet, and then He took another silver ring and handed it to Xing Jue.

Seeing "En", Xing Jue nodded with a smile.This time, Uncle Pan left the huge Panlong Society behind and brought the strongest combat power to help them. If Uncle Pan was not compensated, it would be unreasonable.

"Meow~~" But at this moment, Xiaobai's cry suddenly sounded from under Xingjue's feet. Looking down, Xingjue realized that Xiaobai was rubbing his petite body against Xingjue's leg.It looks so cute.

"Xiao Bai, what's the matter?" Seeing such a cute Xiao Bai, Xing Jue couldn't help asking softly.Although Xiaobai can't speak, Xing Jue knows that Xiaobai is a very powerful spirit beast, and its spiritual intelligence is by no means lower than that of humans.


And when Xing Jue looked at Xiaobai, Xiaobai turned around and then meowed towards the corner of the hall.


After looking in the direction Xiaobai pointed, Xing Jue was shocked to find that Su Lin'er was lying in the corner of the hall with a pale face at this moment, and had already passed out.

Seeing this, Xing Jue's expression changed drastically, and he staggered towards Su Lin'er without caring about his own body.

"Brother Xingjue, be careful"

Seeing Xing Jue at this moment, Li Xiaohan was also very distressed, and then hurriedly supported Xing Jue, and led him to Su Liner's side.

"Brother Xing Jue, sister Lin'er is fine, it's just that she was over-used. It seems that the trick she used earlier had a great counterproductive effect."

When he came to Su Liner, Li Xiaohan checked Su Liner's injuries, and then stuffed a supplementary insurance policy into Su Liner's mouth.

"Lin'er, this silly girl, I told him to launch a powerful attack, but I didn't ask him to go all out." After hearing Li Xiaohan's words, Xing Jue sighed with self-blame.

"It's silly, but that's what it is to do things for the one you love." After hearing Xing Jue's self-talk, Li Xiaohan said with a faint smile.

"Um, Xiaohan, what do you mean?" But after hearing Li Xiaohan's words, Xing Jue was at a loss.quickly asked.

"Brother Xingjue, you really don't understand girls' minds, can't you see that sister Lin'er likes you?"

Seeing Xing Jue's bewildered expression, Li Xiaohan pouted and complained.Immediately, he stroked Su Lin'er's snow-white hair with some distress.

Although he and Su Lin'er have known each other for a short time, Li Xiaohan likes Su Lin'er very much. The two have become very good sisters, and Li Xiaohan has already seen Su Lin'er's intentions for Xingjue .

"Xiaohan, don't talk nonsense, how is it possible?"

"Lin'er is my sister." Seeing this, Xing Jue hurriedly shook his head desperately, firmly denying it.

"Brother Xingjue, sister Lin'er grew up alone since she was a child, and in her heart, there is a blank in the relationship between people."

"It was you who filled this gap. Sister Lin'er is very simple. When you call her sister, she regards you as a brother, but even she doesn't know that she is not a brother and sister to you, but a man and a woman." love." At this moment, Li Xiaohan said to Xing Jue with a stubborn face.

After hearing Li Xiaohan's words, Xing Jue fell silent for an instant. He suddenly felt that what Li Xiaohan said made sense. If he thought about it carefully, Su Liner's kindness to him was indeed more like...

"Brother Xingjue, I like sister Lin'er very much, why don't we let the two of us stay with you in the future?"

At this moment, Li Xiaohan's big watery eyes suddenly narrowed into a pair of beautiful crescent moons, and that sweet smile made people fascinated.

"Xiaohan, what are you talking about?"

"You are the only one in my heart. I will not accept other people. Don't mention this kind of thing in the future?"

However, after hearing Li Xiaohan's words from the heart, Xing Jue's atmosphere became abnormal.Immediately, without waiting for Li Xiaohan to reply, he dragged his tired body, turned around and walked towards Uncle Pan and the others.

"But... Sister Lin'er, what should I do?"

But after Xing Jue left, Li Xiaohan was not happy because of Xing Jue's love. On the contrary, on that beautiful face, there was a touch of distress, and what she felt distressed was the drowsiness in his arms. Su Liner from the past.

For Li Xiaohan, she doesn't mind other girls sharing Xingjue's love with her, on the contrary, she will sympathize with those girls who have admiration for Xingjue.Because she doesn't want to occupy Xingjue selfishly, and the love for Xingjue is so great, as long as Xingjue can be happy, she will be happy.

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