Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 205 Information [Part 2]

"But my Yufeng Pavilion has a large pavilion protection array left by the first generation of the pavilion master, how can the Nangong family attack it?"

"Furthermore, if it is really the Nangong family, there will definitely be a large-scale battle, but now the Yufeng Pavilion has not been damaged, and obviously there has not been a fierce battle." After hearing Xingjue's words, Li Xiaohan's face was full. said puzzled.

"In front of the absolute strong, it is too late to open the protective formation, and in the same way, in front of the absolute strong, there is no ability to resist."

"It seems very likely that she came out." Seeing this, Xiaohan's grandmother explained to Li Xiaohan.Then he turned his cautious eyes to the direction of the Nangong family.

"Grandma, do you mean Nangong Shuiyue?"

And when he heard this word, Xing Jue also turned his nervous eyes on Grandma Xiaohan.Because Xing Jue has already felt an extremely powerful aura, and after hearing what Grandma Xiaohan said, Xing Jue also thought of the owner of that aura.

"The current Nangong family can have such strength, she must be the only one." Seeing Xing Jue's question, Xiaohan's grandmother nodded slightly.On the face that had always been calm, there was actually a hint of fear.

It seems that Nangong Shuiyue's strength has been recognized even in the eyes of the older generation of powerhouses like them.

After hearing Xiaohan's grandma's words, the faces of Xing Jue and Li Xiaohan also became complicated. If even Xiaohan's grandpa and grandma were not Nangong Shuiyue's opponents, then they seemed a little helpless with their strength.

"No matter what, I will rescue them." But after a moment of silence, Xing Jue slowly raised his head.On that delicate face is full of stubborn color.

"Xingjue, since the Nangong family did not destroy my Yufeng Pavilion, it means that my disciples and elders of Yufeng Pavilion will not have any surprises, and they must be locked up by them now."

"You guys stay in Yufeng Pavilion and wait and see what happens, I'll go to the Nangong family to find out." After seeing Xingjue's reaction, Xiaohan's grandmother said to them slowly.

"Grandma, let me inquire about it," Xing Jue hurriedly said upon seeing this.

"No, if Nangong Shuiyue leaves the customs, it is too dangerous for your strength to go to the Nangong family, so I can only go."

"And even if we find out where the people are being imprisoned, if we try to rescue them, there will inevitably be conflicts with the Nangong family, so this time we need to ask your Uncle Pan and the others for help." But he immediately retorted.


After hearing what Grandma Xiaohan said, Xing Jue also came to his senses. Even if Nangong Shuiyue's current strength is higher than that of the Supreme Elder, she is at most only at the level of a warrior emperor, so even if Grandma Xiaohan Meeting Nangong Shuiyue, but as long as she wants to get away, it's not difficult.

Afterwards, Xiaohan's grandmother rushed to the Nangong family alone, while Xing Jue and Li Xiaohan stayed in Yufeng Pavilion, and told Uncle Pan about their current affairs through a special communication spell, asking For their support, Uncle Pan readily agreed.

Leaving aside the fact that Uncle Pan and the two elders of the Panlong Society are both powerful at the level of the King of War, even the Emperor is in the Panlong Society, so with their help this time, even if there is a real conflict with the Nangong family, it may not be possible. fail.

Because even if the Supreme Elder and the main combat power of Yufeng Pavilion have all been captured, if grandma Xiaohan and the two emperors of the Emperor join forces to fight against Nangong Shuiyue, it must not be difficult.

In addition, Xing Jue and others are not only at the level of war kings, but also have many treasures sitting in command, so even if the Nangong family is large and powerful, Xing Jue and the others may not necessarily be defeated.

But what puzzled Xing Jue at the moment was, since the Nangong family came to attack Yufeng Pavilion, why didn't they hurt the disciples of Yufeng Pavilion?Moreover, he did not launch any damage to Yufeng Pavilion, even after he left, he did not leave any eyeliner in Yufeng Pavilion. At this moment, Xing Jue couldn't figure out the purpose of the Nangong family at all.

And Xing Jue discovered that although Yufeng Pavilion is an empty city, every building in Yufeng Pavilion is now decorated with a layer of enchantment.

This barrier can not only resist other people's damage to Yufeng Pavilion.And this kind of enchantment also has the breath of Nangong Shuiyue, which means that this protective measure was actually done by Nangong Shuiyue, which makes Xing Jue even more confused.

However, before that, the only thing Xing Jue can do is to wait, waiting for the arrival of Uncle Pan and others, and the information from Grandma Xiaohan. Only then will all the mysteries be finally revealed.

During this long wait, the passage of time seemed to be extremely slow. To Xing Jue and Li Xiaohan, the short period of ten days seemed like more than ten years.

And in the past ten days, Yufeng Pavilion has not changed at all, except for a few of them, no one has come to this Yufeng Pavilion.

However, this silence changed [-] days after Grandma Xiaohan left. I saw a few powerful auras suddenly appearing outside the Yufeng Pavilion. Although they had deliberately hidden their auras, they still did not escape. The investigation of Xing Jue's soul.

But even though these powerful auras kept approaching, Xing Jue didn't feel any nervousness, on the contrary he became joyful, because these auras Xing Jue was extremely familiar with, it was the Emperor, Uncle Pan, and The two warrior kings of the Panlong Society.

Immediately, Xing Jue brought Li Xiaohan to the outside of Yufeng Pavilion to welcome Uncle Pan and others.Sure enough, after a while, several figures stepped out from that space, and they were none other than Uncle Pan and the others.

"Xing Jue, I'm really sorry, because the incident happened suddenly, so I need to explain a lot of things about the Panlong Club, I'm late." When Uncle Pan saw Xing Jue, he hurried to Xing Jue, with a serious look on his face. apology.

"Uncle Pan, where is this? I am so grateful for your willingness to help me." Seeing this, Xing Jue said hastily.

"Unexpectedly, the Nangong family is so strong, and there is a strong man that even Senior Meng can't deal with."

"It seems that the overall strength of the Eastern Continent is far above the boundless sea." At this moment, the Emperor said with a little sigh.

Just twenty years ago, the strongest in the Eastern Continent was still at the level of a high-ranking warlord, but at that time, there were already many powerful warriors in the Boundless Sea, and Uncle Pan was the most powerful.

Although when the first ancient ruins were opened, the Boundless Sea lost many Warlord powerhouses, but the Boundless Sea has always had standing king powerhouses.

But now there are three warlords in the East Continent, and one is stronger than the other, so if you want to use your real strength now, Boundless Sea is really not the opponent of the East Continent.

"Hehe, now is not the time to compare this." At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded from the space beside the Emperor, and then an old woman's figure appeared.

And when the old woman appeared, Xing Jue and the others had a look of joy on their faces, because this was Xiaohan's grandma who went to the Nangong family to inquire about news.

"Grandma, how's the situation?" After Xiaohan's grandma appeared, Xing Jue couldn't bear the anxiety in his heart, and hurried forward to ask.

"It has been found out that this incident was indeed done by the Nangong family, and the mastermind is Nangong Shuiyue, who has been in retreat for nearly [-] years."

"But the strange thing is that the Nangong family didn't do any harm to the people in my Yufeng Pavilion. Presumably, Nangong Shuiyue must have some kind of conspiracy."

"And now the elders of the main pavilion have been imprisoned in the Nangong family, while many disciples and elders of the Yufeng Pavilion have been imprisoned in a training ground of the Nangong family."

"Furthermore, Nangong Shuiyue left the Nangong family after arresting the disciples of Yufeng Pavilion. However, besides Nangong Shuiyue, there seem to be two other powerful warriors in the Nangong family."

"Although their strength is not as strong as Nangong Shuiyue, it is still a bit difficult to rescue the elders." Seeing Xing Jue's question, Grandma Xiaohan recounted the news she had inquired in detail.

"There is still a strong warrior? How is it possible? How could the Nangong family suddenly have two more strong warriors?" Xing Jue asked puzzled after hearing Grandma Xiaohan's words.

Now that Nangong Shuiyue has left the Nangong family, this is the best time to save people, but what is unexpected is that the Nangong family will appear again with two strong warriors. In this way, Grandma Xiaohan and the Emperor will be restrained and rescue Everyone is still having some difficulties.

"Those two are just elders Keqing of the Nangong family. After the death of the elder Taishang of the Nangong family, they no longer have contact with the Nangong family."

"And after Nangong Shuiyue left the customs, those two old things returned to the Nangong family, and they have all reached the level of the war emperor."

Seeing Xing Jue's question, Xiaohan's grandmother said slowly.Speaking of which, the two elders Keqing and Grandma Xiaohan are also acquaintances.After all, they are top powerhouses of the same era.

And after hearing Grandma Xiaohan's words, Xing Jue also understood that the two War Emperors must be like Grandma Xiaohan and the Supreme Elder. It has only been a few years since they broke through to the War Emperor, so they don't worry too much anymore.

"The training ground of the Nangong Family is far away from the location of the Nangong Family, and there are only a few elders guarding it this time. We can rescue them first, and after they are settled, we can go to the Nangong Family." Right here At that time, Grandma Xiaohan said again.

"Are there any elders from the main palace of the Nangong family among the guards?" Seeing this, Xing Jue was stunned and hurriedly asked.

"I'm not sure, but for such an important matter, the Nangong family will definitely send the lord and elder to sit in charge." Seeing Xing Jue's question, Grandma Xiaohan said slowly.

"In that case, that would be even better." After hearing Grandma Xiaohan's words, there was a faint smile on Xing Jue's face.

The Nangong family obviously has more warrior kings than them, but if there are elders in the training ground where the disciples are imprisoned, it means that they can not only rescue the disciples this time, but also capture their disciples by the way. The king of war is strong, so it is two things to say who is stronger and who is weaker in the two lineups.

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