Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 215 Situation Reversal [Part 2]

"Hey, Ben Lei Xiaobao, Xingjue is your great benefactor, how can you repay him?"

Just after Ben Lei Bao King thanked him, Xiaolong came to Ben Lei Bao King with a smirk on his face, and said with a smile.And his words of Ben Lei Xiao Bao made Ben Lei Bao Wang feel uncomfortable, but he couldn't say much.

"Okay Xiaolong, let's subdue him first, so we can join everyone."

Seeing this, Xing Jue shook his head helplessly, and couldn't help but help Ben Leibao King to speak, and then pointed to the Palace Master of the Nangong Family who had been collapsing on the ground all along.

"Hmph, this old guy dares to imprison this deity, and this deity also made him feel like being a prisoner." After being reminded by Xingjue, Xiaolong finally remembered the palace master of the Nangong family in that corner.

Immediately, I saw his hands joined together, making a strange knot seal, and then a light green light flashed in that knot seal, and then a light green light rope slowly condensed out, and finally more It was to float to the palace master of the Nangong family and tie him up.

This kind of enchantment rope can not only serve as an unbreakable bondage, but also can limit a person's strength. For example, the strength of the palace master of the Nangong Family has been greatly weakened due to serious injuries. If he is bound by this enchantment rope under such circumstances, His strength will also be limited to this level.


"Old thing, how do you feel?"

And after tying up the Palace Master of Nangong Family, Xiaolong also kicked the Palace Master of Nangong Family fiercely. The painful expression can prove that the strength of this kick is not light.

"Okay, Xiaolong, it's wrong to abuse the elderly." Seeing this, Xing Jue hurriedly stopped him, but there was a bit of irony in his words.

"Haha, that's right, an old man, I shouldn't have the same knowledge as him"

And after hearing Xing Jue's words, Xiaolong also burst out laughing, and he, an old man, rolled his eyes straight at the Nangong Family Palace Master, because when it comes to age, Xiaolong doesn't know that he is older than him How many times it is up, it is really thanks to the exit of Xiaolong.

"It's almost time. It's time for us to meet up with the Supreme Elder and the others." Seeing this, Xing Jue raised the Nangong Family's palace master with one hand, and then flew away from the Nangong Family. After Xing Jue, Xiaolong And the Leopard King Benlei also followed.

When he came outside, Xing Jue found that the Nangong family was extremely quiet, and the tens of thousands of disciples were all slumped on the ground, motionless. It looked like they were imprisoned by the elders. Many people were all imprisoned, which once again demonstrated the supernatural means of the War Emperor powerhouse.

Moreover, the defensive formation that was already opened has been closed. It seems that it was destroyed by the elders and the others. The large formation can naturally be easily broken.

But at this moment, Xing Jue found that several figures not far away were flying towards them at a high speed, and they were none other than the Supreme Elder and the others.

At this moment, the Supreme Elder and the others were holding a few old men who were tied up with enchanted ropes, and they were the main elders of the Nangong family, and two of them were Ouyang brothers.

But what made Xing Jue feel a little funny was that on the way here, the Supreme Elder had been trying to get close to Grandma Xiaohan, but Grandma Xiaohan deliberately avoided it. It seemed that Grandma Xiaohan was still a little angry with the Supreme Elder.

"Brother Xing Jue, are you alright?" At this moment, Li Xiaohan had already come to Xing Jue's side, and at this moment, he hurriedly looked at Xing Jue carefully, fearing that Xing Jue would be hurt in the slightest.

"Don't worry, brother Xingjue, when will something happen to me." Seeing this, Xingjue patted his chest lightly, and said solemnly.

"Stop bragging, you seem to get bruises all over your body, don't you?" But at this moment, Xiaolong ran to Xing Jue's side and interjected, exposing Xing Jue's old background in an instant, making the people around him uncontrollably burst into laughter.

"Grandpa, are we going back to Yufeng Pavilion?" Seeing this, Xing Jue hurriedly changed the topic, came to the elder Taishang and respectfully asked for instructions.

"No, we want to stay in the Nangong family. Nangong Shuiyue's current strength is higher than ours. In terms of strength, it is impossible to talk to her."

"If you want to negotiate with her, you can only use the members of the Nangong Family as bargaining chips, and as long as we activate the Nangong Family's defensive formation, presumably even Nangong Shuiyue will have no choice but to obediently agree to our conditions in the end. .”

Seeing Xing Jue's question, the Supreme Elder stroked his long beard and explained slowly.

"It's still grandpa's thoughtfulness."

And after hearing the words of the Supreme Elder, Xing Jue also suddenly realized that he had to nod his head. The current situation is really as the Supreme Elder said, it is the safest to stay in this Nangong family.The elder Taishang is worthy of being the head of Yufeng Pavilion, and his ability to analyze things can be seen from this.

"It's a good idea, but it seems that you can only think about it."

But at this moment, the sound of a woman's violent drinking suddenly sounded in the sky, and when the sound sounded, even the earth trembled for it, and at the same time a powerful threat The pressure is even more diffuse from the sky.

Looking at it at a glance, it feels like the whole sky is about to be filled with the dark red fighting spirit, at least the Nangong family is shrouded in it.

"Too bad, it's Nangong Shuiyue."

After feeling this powerful coercion, even the elder Taishang's face changed drastically, but at this moment they were shocked to find that their bodies could no longer move freely, and at this moment they were actually restrained.

"It seems that I underestimated you, Yufeng Pavilion, and you can still find so many foreign aid."

At this moment, the imposing female voice sounded again, and at the same time, the dark red fighting spirit pervading the sky began to shrink rapidly. Finally, when it was completely condensed, the figure of a woman also appeared. Emerged from the sky above.

This woman was wearing a snow-white sandy dress, and her body exuded an incomparable aura, although everyone knew that this woman was nearly half a century old.

But on that beautiful face, there is no trace of time left, and this is the first genius of the Nangong family in the past thousand years, the real master of the Nangong family, Nangong Shuiyue.

"Such a strong breath"

Looking at Nangong Shuiyue standing in the sky with her white skirt flying and her feet stepping into the void, Xing Jue's face was full of shock, because he felt an unprecedented sense of oppression on Nangong Shuiyue's body, this breath, This power is simply too strong.

Xing Jue even felt that if that Nangong Shuiyue wanted to take Xing Jue's life at this moment, he could easily end Xing Jue with just a slight movement of his fingers.

"Nangong Shuiyue, Yufengge and the Nangong family have been friends for hundreds of years, you are aggressive now, do you really want to break the agreement of your ancestors?" At this moment, the elder Taishang finally couldn't help questioning.

"Hahaha... What a righteous and awe-inspiring remark."

"Then I want to ask a question, when you killed the elders of my Nangong family, did you ever think about the promise of your ancestors, and now you bind all the elders of my Nangong family, why do you mean it?"

However, after hearing the words of the Supreme Elder, Nangong Shuiyue suddenly burst into laughter. The laughter echoed in the sky, but it made everyone feel trembling in the depths of their bones, and their powerful strength was once again displayed. out.


But after hearing Nangong Shuiyue's harsh words, the Supreme Elder didn't know how to deal with it for a while, and fell silent for a moment.

"At the beginning, your Nangong family led all the powerful people to attack my Yufeng Pavilion, and you kept saying that you wanted to destroy my Yufeng Pavilion. My Yufeng Pavilion just counterattacked. When the two sides are fighting, it is inevitable that they will miss."

"On the contrary, your Nangong family not only led the powerful to crusade against my Yufeng Pavilion time and time again, but now even imprisoned my Yufeng Pavilion disciples and elders. It is because your Nangong family didn't pay attention to the promises of your ancestors at all, right? "

But at this moment, Xing Jue couldn't bear the anger in his heart, and immediately accused Nangong Shuiyue loudly.

And when Xing Jue's words were over, everyone broke into a cold sweat for Xing Jue, and refuted Nangong Shuiyue here, which is simply courting death.

"Hey, what a slick-toothed brat, you have reached the level of a war king at such an age. Your talent is really good. I don't know your name. What does it have to do with Yufeng Pavilion?"

But to everyone's surprise, after hearing Xing Jue's words, Nangong Shuiyue not only didn't get angry, but came to Xing Jue's side, and looked at Xing Jue with more interest.

"Shuiyue, he is Xingjue, the disciple of Yufeng Pavilion who beheaded the disciples of my Nangong family, and this time he also cracked the secret enchantment door that you personally strengthened, and rescued everyone in Yufeng Pavilion."

But before Xing Jue could answer, the Palace Master of the Nangong Family was the first to speak, emphasizing Xing Jue's ability and glorious deeds, deliberately wanting to arouse Nangong Shuiyue's hatred for Xing Jue In order to achieve the goal of killing Xing Jue.

"Oh? Are you Xingjue?"

"You can actually unlock the secret door of enchantment that I personally strengthened? I really want to know what method you used." After hearing the words of the elders of Nangong Family, Nangong Shuiyue seemed even more moved by Xing Jue. Interested.

"Shuiyue, he has a peculiar jade pendant, all relying on the enchantment secret door and enchantment space that the jade pendant cracked." Seeing this, the elder of the Nangong family said hastily.

At this moment, Xing Jue hated him so much that his teeth were itching. If he knew this, he shouldn't have saved the old man's life, and it wouldn't have caused him to reveal all his secrets.

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