Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 223 The Power of Shura [Part 1]

"Sura Divine Iron? What the hell is this?" After hearing Xing Jue's words, everyone couldn't bear the curiosity in their hearts, and turned their eyes full of curiosity and doubts to Xing Jue.

"I don't know the origin of this Asura Divine Iron. I only know that the Asura Divine Iron is a treasure between heaven and earth. In terms of rarity, it is much rarer than the soul. In other words, this kind of object only exists in According to the legend, no one has ever seen it before." Seeing everyone's question, Xing Jue replied with a smile.

"Sura Divine Iron was originally transformed by the power of Shura. The power of Shura melted into the earth. After thousands of years of refining, the power of Shura can refine the surrounding stones into indestructible divine iron, and this is called God of Shura. Iron." Seeing people asking, Xing Jue explained slowly.

Regarding the characteristics of Shura Divine Iron, Xingjue was obtained from the Supreme Sword Art given to him by the mysterious strongman in the boundless sea.

Although the supreme sword formula is a book of martial skills, it does contain the method of fusing martial skills, and it also records the method of refining sword weapons, and the refining materials for that sword energy are also extremely difficult to find. There are only three listed in the book.And the most rare of the three is the Asura Divine Iron.

"Oh my god, it's such a treasure, how did you know Xing Jue?"

After hearing Xing Jue's words, everyone present was shocked. How could they not be shocked by a treasure that was even more rare than a spirit, but they were doubtful. For such a treasure that they had never even heard of, How did the sentence be known.

"When I was practicing outside, I got a sword formula by accident, and in that sword formula was recorded the matter about Shura's divine iron." Seeing people asking about it, Xing Jue did not hide it and told the truth replied.

"Then, is Lord Liantian also influenced by the Asura Divine Iron?" After hearing Xing Jue's explanation, Feng Lao couldn't help asking.Because they all felt something was wrong with Xiaolong before, so after hearing Xing Jue's words, they thought of the original on the Asura Divine Iron.

Although they don't know the origin of this Asura Divine Iron, they can know the strangeness of this Divine Iron from the name.

"Well, this Asura God Iron does have the ability to confuse the mind." Seeing Feng Lao asked, Xing Jue also confirmed it.

"Then how can we get rid of this confusion?" Seeing this, Feng Lao became even more anxious. As a generation who grew up in Yufeng Pavilion, Feng Lao not only respected Xiaolong's identity, but even worshiped Xiaolong, so he comforted Xiaolong , Feng Lao also cares extremely.

"Master, it's okay, as long as you rest for a while, Xiaolong's sanity will recover." Seeing Feng Lao's anxious appearance, Xing Jue also understood his Xing Jue, and hurriedly replied.

And after hearing Xing Jue's words, not only Feng Lao, but everyone present also felt relieved. After all, we have been getting along with Xiaolong for some time. Although Xiaolong's mouth is not very good, everyone still had a lot of trouble with Xiaolong. goodwill.

"Emperor, there is something else I need to trouble you with." At this moment, Xing Jue suddenly turned around and said to the Emperor.

"What's the matter? Just say it." Seeing this, the Emperor asked in confusion.

"Please use your strongest attack to attack this Shura God Iron, and separate it from Shura's power, I need them." Looking at the puzzled look on the emperor's face, Xing Jue smiled lightly.

"Brother Xingjue, what do you want it for?" After hearing Xingjue's words, not only the Emperor, but everyone present were stunned, and Li Xiaohan asked with even more concern.

"Xiaohan, this Asura Divine Iron is a legendary artifact, and it is the best material for refining treasures."

"Furthermore, the real core component of the Asura God Iron is the power of Shura wrapped in it, and it is the power of Shura that can turn the Tianfeng Mountain Range into this."

"So as long as the power of Shura is still there, it can still be used to activate the defensive formation, and the power of Shura cannot be destroyed by our power at all. Even if the Emperor's attack can separate it from the God of Shura, it cannot be destroyed The main body of Shura's power." Xing Jue explained slowly as if he could see the worries of Li Xiaohan and everyone else.

"It's a trivial matter, just leave it to me."

After hearing Xing Jue's words, the Emperor and everyone also understood.And everyone started to retreat one after another. After all, the attack of the War Emperor powerhouse was no small matter, and they were all afraid of being implicated.

"Emperor, just use a long-range attack, and don't touch the Asura Divine Iron with your body." After Xing Jue gave the final explanation to the Emperor, he also flew towards the distance at top speed.

After everyone backed away, the Emperor also spread the dark red wings behind him and soared into the air. Then he clenched his fists and blasted at the Asura Divine Iron below, and two extremely powerful fighting spirits burst out.

Two streaks of dark red fighting spirit gushed out, like two raging blood dragons, blasting towards Shura Divine Iron with the sound of fierce wind and terrifying power.

"Boom, boom~"

Two incomparably tyrannical battle qi bombarded the Asura Divine Iron, and at the same time as the energy ripples spread, even the top of the main peak of the Tianfeng Mountain Range was slightly shaken by it.

Many craftsmen and masters even fell from the high platform of the building. Fortunately, protective measures were taken below, otherwise, with their mortal bodies, they would definitely become meatloaf.

And after the tyrannical energy ripples spread, Xing Jue and the others were even more astonished to discover that the Shura Divine Iron, which had only shown a crack under several fierce attacks by Xiaolong, had completely fallen off at this moment. The dark purple power of Shura has emerged.And this once again shows the huge gap between the king of war and the king of war.

"Is this the power of Shura?"

After the Emperor stripped off all the Shura Divine Iron, everyone also descended one after another to appreciate the legendary power of Shura up close.

The Shura's power is dark purple in color, and is closer to the spirit in terms of appearance, but the volume of the Shura's power is several times smaller than that of the spirit, at most the size of an apple.

But it was such a small cloud of gas that made Xing Jue and the others feel the power that even the souls in their bodies trembled for. They had never felt this power before, and it was a thousand times more terrifying than Zhan Qi. , ten thousand times, even tens of thousands of times.

Especially after the Asura Divine Iron was peeled off, this terrifying power was clearly transmitted to the souls deep in the bodies of Xing Jue and others.

"Brother Xingjue, can this Asura Divine Iron really be refined?"

While everyone was admiring the wonder of Shura's power, Li Xiaohan fixed his eyes on the pieces of Shura's body on the ground, and was about to reach out to pick them up while speaking.

"Xiaohan, stop."

But when he saw Li Xiaohan's actions, Xing Jue's face changed drastically, and he quickly reached out to grab Li Xiaohan's jade hand that was protruding towards the Asura Divine Iron.

"Brother Xingjue, what's the matter?" Looking at Xingjue who was full of nervousness, Li Xiaohan also felt that something was wrong, and asked in confusion.

"Xiaohan, this Asura God Iron also contains the power of Asura, if you touch it, you may be hurt." Seeing Li Xiaohan's question, Xing Jue hurriedly explained.

"In that case, brother Xingjue, how are you going to refine it?" After hearing Xingjue's words, Li Xiaohan became worried.Because he heard Xing Jue's idea of ​​refining this treasure made of Shura's divine iron before.

"Hey, Xiaohan, use the power of your soul to feel it. Is there any similarity between the power of Shura and the spirit?" Seeing this, Xing Jue smiled, and then cast his expectant eyes on the God of Shura below. .

"Well, I'll give it a try." After hearing Xing Jue's words, Li Xiaohan didn't hesitate, closed his eyes, and put his soul power into the Asura Divine Iron below.

"God, I really have the same feeling." After injecting soul power into the divine iron, Li Xiaohan's face was filled with an excited smile.

"Hey, in the Supreme Sword Art, it is described that the power of Shura is close to the spirit, not only in form, but also in essence."

"And the power of Shura is extremely violent, so even if the divine iron of Shura is separated from the power of Shura, it will take hundreds of years. After the power of Shura contaminated by the divine iron of Shura dissipates, it can be used for refining .”

"However, I think that the two of us can use the method of refining the soul to directly refine the power of Shura in the god iron of Shura. Although it can't achieve the effect of improving the power of the soul, maybe our own power can indeed be improved. Less." At this moment, Xing Jue also explained with a smile.

"Xing Jue, this Asura power is so powerful, isn't it too risky for you to refine it?" After hearing Xing Jue's words, Feng Lao said even more nervously.Not only him, but also everyone nodded in agreement.

They have already felt the horror of this Shura power, so they are all worried about Xingjue. They don't think that such a violent power can be refined by someone.

"Master, don't worry, the power of Shura that is contaminated in the divine iron of Shura is just a ray of starlight in the vast starry sky. The power is far less violent than the power of Shura itself. It shouldn't be difficult to refine it.

"Furthermore, it is also recorded in the Supreme Sword Art that the Shura's power on the Shura Divine Iron can indeed be refined." Looking at the tense expressions of the crowd, Xing Jue hastily explained.

Xing Jue didn't know the horror of Shura's power, but he also knew that the Shura's power contaminated in the Shura's divine iron was very weak and could be refined.

And this is also mentioned in the Supreme Sword Art. Those with strong strength can indeed refine the power of Shura and transform it into their own power. Although Xingjue and Li Xiaohan are not strong enough, they do have the essence of refining Such violent material means.

"There is such a thing, so we really picked up a big treasure this time." After hearing Xing Jue's explanation, Feng Lao's face was also filled with an excited smile.

For his master, more than anyone else, he hopes that his disciples can grow quickly and become stronger.

(I suddenly couldn’t connect to the Internet in the middle of the night yesterday, which caused Chapter 2 to fail to be sent at the most critical moment, so today’s three updates, this is the first update, and there are two more updates. Brothers, is there any reason why Huahua is not doing well recently? Although Recently, the state of the bees is unstable, but Huahua doesn’t need money, so don’t be stingy, just let it go)

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