Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 226 Asura Hall [Part 1]

"Too powerful, too powerful."

Looking at the defensive formation that had already wrapped all the huge buildings in it, Xing Jue yelled repeatedly, and the excited voice let everyone know how excited Xing Jue was at this moment, and the passion and surging in his heart were beyond words. And metaphor.

"Xing Jue, are you satisfied?" At this moment, Emperor Ying, Feng Lao and others also came to Xing Jue.

"Satisfied, very satisfied, with such a large defensive formation, presumably even the mightiest Zhanhuang can't break through my power." Seeing the question from the Emperor and Feng Lao, Xing Jue replied with satisfaction.

Looking at Xing Jue's radiant face, the two of them also smiled in relief. They were both very optimistic about Xing Jue, and following Xing Jue to come here was not because they wanted to make progress.

And I want to see with my own eyes how far Xing Jue can grow.And want to witness the process.And this power in front of him will be the beginning of everything.

"Thank you, Master, thank you Emperor, for making my power's protective formation so perfect." At this moment, Xing Jue couldn't help thanking Emperor Hefeng beside him with gratitude.

Xing Jue knows that the ability to design this large array of guards in such a way is definitely inseparable from the credit of these two. Although Xiaolong is the strongest among the kings of war, Xiaolong is not like a person with serious business. He would never be able to settle down to do this kind of thing, so the formation of the pavilion can reach such a level, it is absolutely inseparable from the hard work of these two.

"Xingjue, don't thank us in a hurry. In fact, we are not the ones who designed this grand array of guards, but the seniors of your clan. This grand array of guards is so exquisite that it is entirely from his old hands. We are just Just helping."

Seeing this, Feng Lao smiled slightly, and then cast his eyes on the old man who was sitting on Xiao Bai and looking at Xing Jue with a gratified smile on his face.

When he saw the old man who was looking at him with soft eyes, his determination was even more sour. If it hadn't been reminded by Feng Lao, he would have almost forgotten that although the old man is only a Taoist soul body now, he was the head of the Soul Devouring Clan back then One of the elders.

As the head elder of the Soul Eater Clan in the most provincial period, his strength is not to be mentioned, just because of his old knowledge, there must be no one in the room comparable to him.

"Old man, thank you." Thinking of this, Xing Jue hurried to the old man's side and bowed respectfully.

"Xingjue, I won't say anything if I'm being polite to others, but if you're being polite to me, isn't it too far-fetched?"

Looking at the grateful Xing Jue, the old man said with a slight complaint.But on that old face, there was always a gratifying smile.

"Old man, don't worry, I, Xing Jue, will definitely complete the task of rejuvenating our clan." After hearing what the old man said, Xing Jue couldn't help being silent for a while, but after a while, he assured the old man with determination.

"Well, I believe in you, I believe that you will become the greatest person in my family, even surpassing your father."

Looking at Xing Jue's resolute gaze and confident face, his old eyes couldn't help but become moist. Although he had never seen Xing Jue's father, he had already heard Xing Jue tell about his father's deeds.

As an elder of the Soul Eater Clan, the old man is also very proud of Xing Jue's father, but Xing Jue's father has passed away after all, and now his only hope is Xing Jue, and Xing Jue has never disappointed him.

"Old man, what is your strength?"

And at this moment, Xing Jue suddenly discovered that the old man's strength had degenerated from a mid-level martial god to a low-level martial god, and when he felt this change, Xing Jue felt even more sour.

The power of the soul body will gradually degenerate over time until it completely dissipates, and the lower the level of strength, the faster the degeneration will be, and eventually die completely.

Now that Xing Jue's father is gone, Cang Lao and Xiaoqian can be said to be the last relatives in his clan, Xing Jue does not want the old man to die in front of him after years of washing.

"Hehe, Xingjue, don't worry, I believe my old man can support you until the day you revive our clan." Seeing this, the old man hastily persuaded.Because old age doesn't want to be a burden to Xingjue.

"Master, in fact, old age can restore the real body." But at this moment, Xiaoqian interjected slightly hesitantly.


But after hearing Xiaoqian's words, the old man turned his sharp eyes on Xiaoqian, signaling her to shut up.

"Eh..." After seeing the sharp eyes of the old man, Xiaoqian slowly lowered her head, not daring to say any more.

At the beginning, Cang Lao was one of the elders of the Soul Eater Clan, while Xiaoqian was just the lowest servant. If he hadn't led the young masters to escape, Cang Lao would not have remembered Xiaoqian as a humble servant.

And as a servant made by the Soul Eater Clan, Xiaoqian had a natural sense of fear towards the Soul Eater Clan, so when the old man spoke to stop her, Xiaoqian was completely terrified in an instant.

"Xiaoqian, what is the solution? Tell me~!" At this moment, Xing Jue questioned Xiaoqian.

He could hear that there seemed to be some way to restore the old man to his real body, but for some reason, the old man didn't want Xing Jue to know about this method.

"Master, think about it, my soul eaters can actually use the power of the soul to make me into an entity. The old man can naturally restore his real body. As long as he finds the secret book "Soul Puppet", he can help the old man recover his real body .”

Seeing Xing Jue's question, Xiaoqian also bit her lip hard, then lowered her head and said what she wanted to say earlier in one go.

"Soul puppet? Old man, can he really help you recover your real body? Tell me quickly~!" After hearing Xiaoqian's words, Xing Jue was even more overjoyed, and immediately asked Old man.


"Xingjue, the cheat book of soul puppet indeed records the method of making the soul into a puppet, and also records the method of restoring the soul body to the real body."

"However, the secret book of the soul puppet was lost when our clan perished." Seeing Xing Jue's question, the old man sighed helplessly.

After hearing the old man's words, Xing Jue couldn't help feeling disappointed.

"Master, in the secret room of the soul, there is still a secret book called the soul puppet."

After hearing what the old man said, Xiaoqian's face became cloudy and uncertain, because she knew that the old man wanted to lie to Xing Jue, but she didn't seem to be hiding Xing Jue, she knew how much Xing Jue wanted to help the old man.


And after hearing Xiaoqian's words, the old man was even more furious, he waved his palm and slapped Xiaoqian's charming face fiercely.

Xiaoqian's current strength is comparable to that of the old man, or even stronger than the old man.However, Xiaoqian didn't take any defensive measures in the face of the palm with the fierce wind, but closed her eyes, ready to accept the old punishment.


Just when the old palm was about to slap Xiaoqian's charming cheeks, the palm suddenly stretched out, locking the old wrist tightly, and the person who made the move was naturally Xing Jue.

"Old man, since there is a way to help you recover your true body, why hide it from me? You are the only relative of my family, do you know how important you are to me?" After blocking the old man, Xing Jue Looking at the old man with that praying look.

"Xing Jue, the task on your shoulders is too arduous. What if my old bones regain their strength? In this towering realm, if people know that I still exist in this world, it will definitely cause a terrible disaster for you .” Seeing this, the old man sighed helplessly.

"Old man, just as I beg you, tell me where the soul chamber is, and I will definitely help you get back the secret book of the soul puppet." Know the method that can help the old man regain his true body.

"It's not that I don't want to tell you, it's just that it's not the time yet." Looking at Xing Jue's eager eyes, the old man knew that if he didn't speak out, Xing Jue would never compromise.

"When is the time?" Xing Jue asked.

"Well, I'll tell you when you reach the high-level battle king." After seeing this, the old man was silent for a moment, and then slowly said to Xing Jue.

"Okay, it's a deal." Seeing that the old man compromised, Xing Jue said hastily.

"Well, this old man will never break his promise." Seeing Xing Jue's serious appearance, a helpless smile appeared on his old face.

Seeing this, Xiaoqian on the other side couldn't help but smile brightly. Although the old man was sometimes very strict with her, Xiaoqian, after getting along for such a long time, Xiaoqian knew that the old man actually cared about her very much, and she also cared a lot. This former elder.


At this moment, the large defensive formation covering Yufeng Pavilion was in contact, and then a red figure burst out from the building complex, and then flew towards Xingjue at a very high speed, and that was exactly little dragon.

"Haha, how's it going? How's it going? How about this defensive formation?" When he came to Xing Jue's side, the little dragon began to shout curiously.It's as if the Great Array of Protecting the Pavilion has its share of credit.

"Very good." Seeing this, Xing Jue gave Xiaolong a thumbs up.And Xiaolong laughed even more.

"Brother Xingjue, everything is finished now, but there is only one thing missing." At this moment, Li Xiaohan, Feng Lao Yinghuang and others also flew towards Xingjue.

It seemed that Xing Jue and Old Man were talking about the family before, so they didn't get close to each other. On the contrary, they walked away deliberately.Seeing Xiaolong appear at this moment, they couldn't help walking over.

"It's still short of a powerful name, right?" Seeing this, Xing Jue smiled lightly.

"Yes, yes, yes, you didn't name your mother, have you thought about it?" Seeing this, Xiaolong yelled again.

"Hey, it's really a headache to come up with a name."

"However, I've already thought about it at this moment." Looking at Xiaolong's eager look, Xing Jue smiled with pretended suspense.

"What's the name, tell me quickly" Seeing this, Xiaolong urged even more.And everyone also cast their curious eyes on Xing Jue.

"The Heavenly Peak Mountain Range became like this because of the Asura God Iron, and the defensive formation of our forces borrowed the strength of the Shura Power. Simply change the name of the Tianfeng Mountain Range from today to the Shura Mountain Range, and my power The power is called "Sura Hall."

Under the locked eyes of everyone, Xing Jue slowly took a few steps, looked at the large black stone mountain range in front of him, and the resplendent palaces on the highest main peak, and said slowly.

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