Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 239 Demon Lotus Sacred Fruit [Part 2]

"Elder Jin, do you want to kill this punishment right here?"

"It is said that the Asura Palace is inhabited by powerful warriors. If they find out, it will be difficult for us to escape, right?" After hearing what Elder Jin said, another elder from the Gold and Silver Villa said worriedly. .

"Hmph, it is precisely because the Asura Hall is developing so rapidly that it must be killed in the cradle, otherwise we will not be able to suppress them when they develop." As soon as the elder finished speaking, the elder Jin But he shouted loudly.

Under Elder Jin's reprimand, the elder who raised the question before did not dare to speak too much, but slowly lowered his head.From this, it can be seen that not only Elder Jin's strength is above them, but his status should also be far above them.

"Shentianyu, there are too many powerful forces in the inner circle, and only the outer forces are weak, but there are many business opportunities to be found, and the plan to unify the four outer domains has been implemented for many years. We still have not succeeded."

"However, now I have reached an agreement with Ximen Hu of Feihutang to help him unify the Eastern Region, and after destroying Shura Hall and Luoxia Valley, I, Gold and Silver Villa, can replace Feihutang and become the East Region. ruler of the domain."

"And after I informed the owner of the Asura Hall a few months ago, the owner also attached great importance to it. Now he has asked the Great Elder to come and help me obtain this Eastern Territory."

"So even if I kill Xing Jue and others here today, then the Shura Palace will not be able to do anything to me, but will be destroyed by us instead." At this moment, Elder Jin suddenly explained slowly.

"What? Even the Great Elder is here?"

"It turns out that Elder Jin has already prepared everything, and this subordinate really admires him."

And after hearing Elder Jin's words, the two elders behind him could not help but smile slightly and flattered.Because they knew the great elder's strength quite well, and with his old man coming to help out, they were naturally relieved.

However, at this moment, the three of them were completely unaware of the conspiracy between Elder Jin and Jinyin Villa, but were immersed in the joy of plundering the demon lotus fruit.

As the petals of the demon lotus in the sky continued to dance, the white lines connected by the demon lotus fruit also poured into the storage bracelets in the hands of Xing Jue, Li Xiaohan, and Su Lin'er.

And with the passage of time, the petals of this day's example began to scatter, and when the last few petals fell to the ground, the demon lotus, which only bloomed once in ten years, finally withered completely.

"Oh~, grab the demon lotus fruit"

But at this moment, there was a sound of boiling in this Valley of Flowers.Because at this moment, everyone can step into the demon lotus sea to plunder wildly.

If it is said that the demon lotus sea brought everyone a rare visual feast, then this is the moment when everyone is jubilant in this demon lotus sea.

"Haha, what a big area, it seems that this time it will really develop."

And at this moment, a man who first stepped into the sea of ​​demon lotus flowers and whose strength had reached the level of Wu Zun finally found a place in the vast sea of ​​flowers after running wildly and searching carefully. More dense demon lotus fruit.

But when he just stepped into the demon lotus bush, those demon lotus fruits suddenly floated into the air, and finally formed a long line and melted into the space.

After that, the nearby demon lotus fruits all floated into the air, melting into the space one after another just like the patch of demon lotus fruit that made up for it before.

In just an instant, the demon lotus fruit around the man was swept away. When a gust of wind came again and blew past the stunned face of the man, it could be described as desolate.And the black hand behind this scene is the Xing Jue who has used the Wind Control Technique to the extreme in the dimensional space.

At this moment, Xing Jue, Li Xiaohan, and Su Lin'er were crazily plundering the demon lotus fruit in the demon lotus sea in the alien space, causing many people who wanted to pick the demon lotus fruit with excitement to be caught by the people in front of them. The sad reminder of the fact that the deep blow.

At this moment, they can only think that they have not completely liberated from the illusion of the demon lotus.And few people would think that there is a powerful King of War in the alien space who plundered this demon lotus fruit.

While plundering wildly, Xing Jue will also notice the stunned expressions of those people watching the Yaolian fruit disappear in front of them, and seeing their dull and bewildered faces, Xing Jue can't help laughing , and this also reflects from the side, the advantage of strong strength.

Recalling that just a few years ago, he was also a weak person who could only look up to the strong King of War, but now Xing Jue has become an existence that everyone looks up to, and Xing Jue is still very young.


But at this moment, an ear-piercing roar suddenly came from not far away, and at the same time a tyrannical dark red energy ripple also spread from the demonic lotus sea.

The violent hurricane caused by the tyrannical energy ripples even destroyed a large area of ​​demon lotus, and a bare open space emerged from it.

"The King of War has fought."

"Go, get out of here."

And this sudden change also caused some people around the battle circle to start to flee crazily. The battle of the king of war is far from being close to their warriors and warriors, because often the aftermath of a battle can be Seriously injure or even kill them.


But when everyone was panicked by the sudden battle, Xing Jue's face changed instantly, because one of the people in the battle circle was Su Lin'er.

"Looking for death~!"

And when Xing Jue saw the person who attacked Su Lin'er, he was filled with murderous aura, and with a big stride, he quickly swept towards Su Lin'er's battle circle.Because the person who attacked Su Liner was none other than the young hall master of Feihu Hall, Ximen Guang, and the two elders.

"Yo, so she is such a handsome girl."

"It was a heavy shot just now, I'm really sorry, hehe~"

At this moment, due to the sudden attack by the three members of the Feihutang, Su Lin'er was unable to defend herself, and the white hat on her head was blown off by the tyrannical aftermath, and her snow-white hair and delicate face emerged. And when Ximen Guang saw Su Lin'er's face, he smiled coquettishly.

"Flame Dragon"

At this moment, there was a sudden shout from not far away, and at the same time, a burst of flames came slowly. Looking at it in a blink of an eye, the three of them were shocked to find that at this moment, a towering fire dragon with a length of several tens of feet was leading With the bursts of roaring sound, they rushed towards the three of them.

When the fire dragon flew by, a large sea of ​​flowers was turned into ashes, and the tyrannical momentum made the surrounding spectators back away in fright.


Although Ximen Guang's strength is slightly weaker, the two elders beside him are not ordinary people. They are all middle-ranked warriors. Underneath, it was also broken.

"Sister Lin'er, what's going on?" Just as Xing Jue had just arrived, Li Xiaohan rushed over at top speed.Seeing that Su Lin'er was not injured, she asked calmly.

Because Li Xiaohan knew that with Su Lin'er's personality, she would never initiate friction with others, but now there must be a reason for the fighting.

"Brother Xingjue, sister Xiaohan, they are the ones who want to snatch the sacred fruit of the demon lotus." Seeing that Xingjue and Li Xiaohan arrived, Su Liner pointed to the sea of ​​demon lotus flowers in the distance.

"The sacred fruit of the demon lotus, the legendary sacred fruit of the demon lotus that can enhance people's skills?"

And when Xing Jue and Li Xiaohan looked in the direction Su Liner was pointing at, they were shocked to find that there was actually a huge demon lotus fruit on a sea of ​​flowers not far away.

This demon lotus fruit is at least ten times the size of ordinary demon lotus fruit. The snow-white fruit seems to have life, and there is a pink light around it. What shocked Xing Jue the most was that this giant There is indeed a powerful force contained in the demon lotus fruit. It seems that this is the legendary demon lotus holy fruit.

At this moment, looking at the holy demon lotus fruit, even Xing Jue couldn't help but get excited. Since the demon lotus fruit can make Xiaobai strengthen his strength, so can the demon lotus holy fruit, and the powerful demon lotus holy fruit Energy, maybe Xiaobai can be directly promoted to the level of a high-level battle king.

"Xiaohan, Lin'er, go and get the sacred fruit of the demon lotus."

"Leave these three bastards to me." Seeing this, Xing Jue hurriedly said to Su Lin'er and Li Xiaohan beside him.Then he cast his murderous eyes on Ximen Guang and the others.

Xing Jue has long disliked them, but now they dare to attack Su Lin'er, and Xing Jue will not bypass them. At this moment, under Xing Jue's determination, the three people in front of him have been labeled as dead.


After hearing Xing Jue's words, Li Xiaohan and Su Lin'er also nodded one after another. They still know the strength of Xing Jue very well. At least it is not a problem to deal with the three people in Feihutang. With a vertical thrust, he rushed towards the holy demon lotus fruit at high speed.

"Hmph, that's a beautiful idea."

Seeing this, the face of the elder of Feihutang also changed drastically, and then he stepped forward, turning into a gust of wind and chasing Su Lin'er and Li Xiaohan at high speed.

"Go back to me"

But just after the elder walked not far away, a figure appeared in front of him like a ghost. At the same time, a fist full of terrifying power was blowing towards him head-on with the sound of wind.What made that elder panic the most was that he had no means of defense against such a powerful punch, because the opponent's speed was really too fast.


Xing Jue didn't hold back the slightest punch, and hit the chest of the elder of Feihutang immediately, and the elder spewed out a mouthful of blood in an instant, and then the whole person burst away, and finally It fell fiercely into the sea of ​​flowers in the distance.

And when he landed, his face was already pale, his breath was sluggish, and he could barely sit up with his body supported, but the bursts of sound coming from his chest, as well as the heart-warming sympathy, told him that at this moment his breastbone was already dead. It is all smashed.

"You... who are you?"

"Dare to attack me, Elder Feihutang, do you want to die?"

The sudden scene made Ximen Guang of Feihutang and the other elder turn pale, because they never imagined that Xingjue would be so powerful.At this moment, he was in a panic.

"Flying Tiger Hall?"

"I, Xing Jue, beat you Feihutang." Looking at Ximen Guang's tense face, Xing Jue smiled slightly.

And that murderous smile made Ximen's face as white as paper. At this moment, even his body couldn't help shaking, because at this moment he really felt what fear is.

"Xing Jue, he said he was Xing Jue?"

"Could it be that emerging force, the master of the Asura Hall, Xingjue?"

At this moment, the conversation between Xing Jue and Ximen Guang was also heard by everyone, and after hearing the word Xing Jue, everyone was even more shocked. With the strength of Xing Jue's middle-level war king, and far surpassing the middle-level The only thing everyone can think of about the power of the King of War is the Shura Hall, the Hall of Shura, and the Hall Master, Xingjue, who has recently gained popularity in the Eastern Domain.

(Ask for flowers, ask for pk, all kinds of requests, hey, the main thing is to ask for flowers, because flowers do not cost money, and brothers who have not collected remember to collect them.)

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