Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 246 Ten Thousand Beast Mountains [Part 1]

Looking at the monsters talking with each other in front of him, Xing Jue also frowned slightly. Although Xing Jue had amazing soul power, these monsters actually talked in animal language, so Xing Jue couldn't understand what they were saying at all.

And with so many king-level monsters in front of him, even Xing Jue couldn't help but feel a sense of oppression. Although the strongest among these monsters is only at the level of the middle-level war king, there are so many of them after all. If they really fight It is rather troublesome to wake up.

"Cough cough cough~"

"Human, what is in the cave?"

At this moment, a way out suddenly flashed out among the herd of beasts, and then a monster with a human body and a sheep's head walked out of it, and listening to its vicissitudes of life, Xing Jue could also tell that this monster seemed to be alive. For some years.

But what makes Xingjue quite funny is that it actually calls Xingjue a human being. It seems that it is really an old hat who has never stepped out of this mountain range.

"No matter what, it has nothing to do with you, leave quickly, or don't blame me for being rude."

However, Xing Jue ignored the sheep-headed monster's question and replied coldly instead.At the same time, the power of the Xingjue middle-level battle king also spread out without reservation.It was like a hurricane and was involved in the group of monsters.

Xing Jue knows that monsters respect power, and the best way to deal with them is to use force to suppress them, so Xing Jue is too lazy to waste words, and directly shows his own strength so that they can retreat in spite of difficulties.

"Hmph, brave human being, trespassing on my Myriad Beast Mountain Range has committed a capital crime. Hurry up and answer the question of this deity, otherwise you will surely die." However, for the deterrent power emanating from Xingjue, the sheep-head monster He was not afraid at all, but threatened with a little anger.

"Myriad Beast Mountain Range? I actually came to Myriad Beast Mountain Range?"

After hearing the words of the sheep-headed beast, Xing Jue suddenly realized that Xing Jue had some understanding of the Wanshou Mountain Range.That was what Ben Lei Bao Wang told Xing Jue when he chatted with Xing Jue back then.

The "Wild Beast Mountain Range" can be said to be the oldest and most dangerous mountain range in the Eastern Territory, and it is regarded as a forbidden place for human beings.And the reason for this is precisely because there are a large number of powerful monsters entrenched in the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain Range.

And it is said that there are no less than a hundred monsters that have reached the king rank alone, and the Benlei Leopard King also walked out of the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain Range.

However, Xing Jue didn't know the location of the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain Range, but he didn't expect to walk in here by accident, and Xing Jue finally panicked at this moment.

Because Ben Leibao King once said to Xing Jue that not only there are many king-level monsters in the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain Range, but there are even emperor-level monsters living here in seclusion, but they are all indifferent guys.

Most of them left the mountains to venture out, but finally returned here after getting tired of the continental disputes.But for that kind of tyrannical guy, Ben Lei Leopard King only heard about it, but never saw it with his own eyes, but no matter what, it was one of the reasons why human beings dare not submit to the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain Range.

"Soul Explosion"


But at this moment, Xing Jue suddenly released his soul, and after his power climbed to the peak of the middle-ranked war king, he saw his sleeves waved, accompanied by a flash of light, which was full of arrogance. The original Shura Blade appeared in Xing Jue's hand, and then Xing Jue turned his wrist, and the frontless Shura Blade was inserted into the hard rock wall.

"I'll say it again, leave quickly, or don't blame me for killing people."

After taking out the Asura Blade, Xing Jue lowered his voice again and said coldly, at the same time, the aura that was several times stronger than before and the extremely terrifying murderous aura radiated out again.

After learning that they had strayed into the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain Range, Xing Jue felt that they could not stay here for long, so he had to drive these monsters away, and then leave here quickly after Xiaobai broke through to the high-level battle king. Mountains are no place for peace.

"Hmph, without shame, I will let you know the consequences of entering the Ten Thousand Beast Mountain Range."

But what surprised Xing Jue was that after releasing such power, it did not frighten those monsters, but aroused their fighting spirit. It seems that this monster that has been hidden in the mountains for a long time is indeed a little different. It can be described as animalistic.

"Don't act rashly."

But just when the many monsters were about to move and might attack Xingjue at any time, the sheep-headed monster suddenly blocked it.

"Old monster goat, why be afraid of a small human being, what is in this cave, we will know if we go in and have a look." Seeing this, one of the strong tiger-headed monsters said with some disdain.

"That's right, mere humans dare to show their power in front of us. If we don't kill him, what will happen to my reputation in the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain Range?" And after the tiger-headed monster, many monsters stepped forward and said.

And under the language attack of many monsters, the goat old monster stopped talking. After that, those monsters turned their murderous eyes on Xingjue. At the same time, the powerful energy began to gather in both hands. It seems They are really ready to take action against Xingjue.


Seeing this, Xing Jue let out a cold snort, and then clenched the Shura Blade in his hand, and the power of Rising Dragon Slashing Soul Blade was poured into it, and under the infusion of Xing Jue, the Shura Blade It also flashed a dark purple light.

The dark purple light became more and more intense, wrapping around the surface of Shura's blade like a rising flame, and at the same time, an incomparably powerful aura also came from the Shura's people.

"So strong~"

After feeling the power of the Asura Blade in Xing Jue's hand, those monsters finally felt a little tricky. Facing such a tyrannical force, if they fought alone, they didn't think they could defeat Xing Jue.

But now they are not fighting alone, but nearly hundreds of king-rank monsters are fighting against Xingjue, so even though Xingjue has shown such tyrannical power, they are still not afraid.


But just as the group of king-rank monsters was about to fight Xing Jue.An incomparably powerful aura suddenly erupted from the cave. This aura was the same as Xiaobai's eruption before, but the intensity was dozens of times stronger.

But after feeling this aura, those monsters who were showing their vicious looks before became shocked in an instant, and fear appeared on their faces, and some king-rank monsters even trembled. .

"what happened?"

However, looking at the scene in front of him, Xing Jue was extremely puzzled. He could feel that the aura that erupted just now was erupted by Xiaobai. It sounds rather strange, but Xing Jue can't feel what's wrong.

Looking at the reactions of these monsters at that time, Xing Jue already found something wrong, that is, the aura emanating from Xiaobai seemed to have a great influence on these monsters.And the more reason for this may be that Xiaobai made them feel threatened, so they came to attack collectively.

After all, there is a big difference between monsters and spirit beasts, but they are all beasts, so there must be some connection between them. Maybe monsters and spirit beasts are born to die. Thinking about the punishment here strengthens the determination to guard the cave.


But at this moment, Xing Jue's face suddenly changed drastically, because Xing Jue felt two very powerful forces, it was a high-level battle king, and two high-level battle kings, and they were approaching Xing Jue very quickly at this moment.

Now that Xing Jue is facing so many king-level monsters, it is already a bit tricky. If two high-level war king-level monsters are added at this time, then Xing Jue will be really difficult to deal with.

At this moment, Xing Jue regretted that he didn't bring those two armored men out together. If he hadn't added the strength of those two armored men's high-level battle kings, Xing Jue wouldn't have fallen into such a dilemma.

Back then, Xing Jue had just occupied the Shura Mountains.When preparing to build the Asura Hall, because more power is needed to build the Asura Hall, Xingjue released the two armored men from the storage bracelets and let them devote themselves to the construction of the Asura Hall.

After all, those two armored men are spiritually intelligent now, coupled with the strength of their high-ranking battle kings, they can indeed help a lot, and after the construction of the Asura Hall was successful, Xing Jue did not send the two armored men Income storage bracelets, and let them become the guardians of Shura Temple.

The reason why Xing Jue did this was also because they possessed spiritual wisdom. Xing Jue felt that it was not good to hide them in the storage bracelet all the time. At this moment, Xing Jue did regret it because of his momentary soft-heartedness. The punishment of the two armored men also lacked a hole card to save their lives.

As for Xing Jue, he felt extremely regretful for not bringing out the two armored men. From the sky in the distance, two silhouettes quickly loomed over. These were a wolf-type monster and a bear-type monster. , Their aura has all reached the level of a high-level battle king.

"Hahaha, Old Xiong, isn't your Summer Cave claiming to be able to block any aura? Why are you attracted by that aura?"

"Your ice cave is no worse than my summer cave, isn't it still attracted?"

However, when these two high-level warlord-level monsters met, they teased each other, and they looked like a pair of enemies.

And looking at the respectful appearance of other monsters towards them, it can be seen that the two of them should have a high status in this Ten Thousand Beast Mountain Range.

"En? The previous breath came from this cave, right?"

"Old monster goat, what's going on with this human brat?"

And at this moment, the bear-shaped monster suddenly turned its gaze to the cave where Xing Jue was located, and after glancing at Xing Jue, he asked the old monster goat.

"Master Hui Huanxiong, the previous aura indeed came from that cave."

"I just arrived and I wanted to go in to find out what happened. But this kid has been guarding the entrance of the cave and refused to let me in. Unexpectedly, even Master Huanxiong and Thunder Wolf were alarmed."

Seeing that bear-shaped monster ask, the goat old monster hurriedly replied, that appearance can show his respect for that monster.

"Little ghost, is that your friend in the cave? It shouldn't be a human being, right?" After hearing what the goat old monster said, the bear-shaped monster asked Xing Jue.But its tone is quite soft.

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