Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 248 Just in time [Part 1]

"From today onwards, you will join the Asura Hall and follow the orders of the Lord of the Asura Hall from now on."

"If anyone dares to disobey the order of Lord Shura, the death penalty will be light, and I will make his life worse than death."

Looking at the group of magical beasts that obeyed their orders below, a satisfied smile appeared on Xiaobai's handsome tiger face, and then he spoke to them with high spirits.

And when mentioning the Lord of the Asura Hall, he couldn't help turning his eyes to Xingjue, indicating that this was the Lord of the Asura Hall.

"What? Do you want me to join the forces of human beings, and you want me to obey the orders of human beings?"

Although those king-rank monsters were already ready to obey no matter what Xiaobai asked them to do.But when he heard that Xiaobai asked them to seek refuge with the Empress of Shura Palace, he couldn't help but hesitated.

Warcraft has a resistance to human beings, so in the hearts of many warcraft, it has formed an incompatible heart with human beings. It is simply impossible for them to join the strength of human beings and obey the arrangements of human beings.


But just when those monsters hesitated, Xiao Bai fine-tuned his eyebrows, and then an invisible beast king's aura turned into invisible attacks and penetrated into those king-rank monsters.




And at this moment, the group of king-rank monsters let out a miserable wailing sound, and the roaring sounded continuously, which made the entire hundred miles around tremble for it.

But Xing Jue can see that their pain is not only from the body, but from the soul of the beast.Presumably, Xiaobai's beast king spirit had penetrated into their beast souls before, and this pain from the depths of the beast souls made it difficult for them to support.

"Beast... Lord Beastmaster."

"We are...willing to...listen to your arrangement."

"Please let us go... let's go."

"Please, we are willing to join the Asura Hall."

Sure enough, this kind of pain only appeared for a moment, and those king-rank monsters couldn't hold on any longer, begging for mercy one after another.

However, Xiaobai did not let them go because of their begging for mercy, but continued to urge the spirit of the beast king to torture them crazily.

"Xiaobai, it's fine."

Seeing that Xiaobai didn't seem to intend to stop at this point, Xing Jue hurriedly dissuaded him.For some reason, although Xiaobai is extremely easy-going towards them, Xiaobai has no compassion for these monsters, but appears extremely domineering instead.

As for Xiaobai's change, Xing Jue can only think that this should be the reason for the Beastmaster system. After all, the Beastmaster system itself is the king of all beasts, and this ten thousand beasts does not just refer to monsters and spirit beasts, but all of them. beasts.


And after hearing Xing Jue's words, Xiaobai, who wanted to continue to torture those king-rank monsters, also put away his beast king spirit.

Seeing Xiaobai withdrawing his hand, a gratified smile appeared on Xing Jue's face. Although Xiaobai seemed too domineering towards these monsters, he listened to his words very well, and this was really a good thing.After all, today's Xiaobai is not the well-behaved kitten back then, but the Beastmaster who can communicate.


"Thank you, Lord Beastmaster, thank you, Lord Beastmaster."

After feeling the pain from the depths of the beast soul dissipate, the group of king rank monsters hastily buckled their heads at Xiao Bai.There is a feeling of survival after a catastrophe.

"Don't you still pay respects to the Lord of the Asura Hall?" However, Xiao Bai didn't buy into the begging of the king-rank monsters below, but said coldly.

"Subordinate, pay homage to the Palace Master."

And at this moment, after hearing Xiaobai's words again, those king-rank monsters didn't dare to hesitate at all, but hurriedly paid homage to Xingjue.From this, it can be seen that Xiaobai's previous punishment on them is still very effective.

"Hehe, don't be polite, please hurry up." Seeing this, Xing Jue smiled slightly, and then said politely.

But after hearing Xing Jue's words, those king-rank monsters cast their eyes on Xiao Bai, and they dared to get up only after seeing Xiao Bai nodding.

"Excuse me, Hall Master, is the Shura Hall a power in the Eastern Region? Do I need to follow the Hall Master back to the Shura Hall?"

After getting up, the phantom bear monster whose strength had reached the level of a high-level battle king clasped his fists and asked Xing Jue for instructions, and at this moment all the monsters turned their attention to Xing Jue.

"Hehe, I know that you who are monsters don't like to be restrained, so I don't want to restrain you either."

"My Xing Jue just wants to use your power to unify this Eastern Territory. After the Eastern Territory is unified, you will be able to restore your freedom. My Xing Jue will never interfere with you to do anything, and in this Eastern Territory Before reunification, all you need to do is stay here."

Seeing this, Xing Jue said politely.Although Xing Jue, who has such a powerful combat power, wants to be restrained by his side, but after all, it is Xiaobai who can restrain them.

If Su Liner and Xiaobai return to the Sky Spirit Clan in the future, no one will be able to restrain this group of monsters. If they resist him at that time, things will be bad.

So even though at this moment, they have agreed to submit to Shura Palace, Xingjue still promises them to restore their freedom after the Eastern Territory is unified. In this way, although they can help themselves, they will not hate themselves too much, and wait until the future Going to war might be even harder.

"I am willing to obey the arrangement of the Hall Master."

After hearing Xing Jue's words, the group of king-rank monsters below replied in unison, and a hint of willingness could be penetrated in these words.

After all, what monsters long for most is freedom, and the only power they yearn for is the only beast city in the center of the towering domain, so they will be so happy when they hear the promise of Xingjue. Jue couldn't help adding a touch of goodwill.

"Huanxiong, take this pill for that Thunder Wolf, it can help it recover from its injuries quickly."

Seeing that the atmosphere had eased, Xing Jue took out a high-grade healing pill and threw it to the phantom bear. After all, the strength of Thunder Wolf should not be underestimated, so Xing Jue naturally wanted to buy together.

"Thank you, Palace Master." And when the Huanxiong took the treasure pill, his expression turned happy, and he hurriedly thanked Xingjue.

Compared with other monsters in the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain Range, this phantom bear is a monster that has been out of the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain Range and seen the world.So it can feel the extraordinaryness of this treasure pill from the treasure pill that Xingjue threw to it, and it can't help but feel grateful that Xingjue can give such a treasure pill to Thunder Wolf to heal his wounds.

"Go." Looking at Huan Xiong's grateful face, Xing Jue waved his hand, signaling for him to hurry up and heal Thunder Wolf.

Seeing this, the phantom bear didn't hesitate to swipe towards the direction of the thunder wolf.

And at this moment, not only Huanxiong, but even all the king-level monsters present have a further affection for Xingjue.Although they don't know the value of that treasure pill, they can feel something from the face of the phantom bear.

"It's really difficult."

But just when the Huanxiong left, Xing Jue frowned slightly, and then said to himself.

"Brother Xingjue, what's the matter?" Seeing this, Su Lin'er and Li Xiaohan asked hastily.

"It's the powerful King of War from Jinyin Villa, and it is rushing towards here at a very fast speed." Seeing Su Lin'er and Li Xiaohan asking, Xing Jue hurriedly replied.

In fact, after entering the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain Range, Xing Jue has been developing his soul power to the maximum extent to prevent accidents from happening.At this moment, Xing Jue felt an extremely powerful aura rushing towards them, and that aura was exactly the standing emperor of Jinyin Villa.

"Hmph, it's just in time, let's see how I teach him." After hearing Xing Jue's words, Xiao Bai said rather angrily.

Seeing this, an excited smile appeared on Xing Jue's face.Because he had been paying special attention to this aura before, when this aura was real, Xing Jue subconsciously panicked.

And when Xiaobai opened his mouth, Xing Jue remembered that they were very different from before. Not only did they master all the king-level monsters in the Longevity Mountain Range, but Xiaobai had already broken through to the level of the first-level war emperor.

"Xiaobai, if you can, just capture him alive. There are some things you need to know from him." However, Xing Jue felt that he was of great use to the strong Zhanhuang in Jinyin Villa. Then he said to Xiaobai again.

"Brother Xingjue, don't worry, you have to believe in Xiaobai's strength, but Xiaobai still needs the command of his master to be stronger." After hearing Xingjue's words, Xiaobai couldn't help turning his eyes to Su Lin'er .

Although at this moment Xiaobai can already speak, and has a very terrifying power to deter king-rank monsters.However, if he is fighting against humans, it seems that he still cannot do without Su Lin'er, and this may be the special feature of the Sky Spirit Clan.

"Punishment brat of Shura Hall, you will definitely die today."

And at this moment, a monstrous shout of anger suddenly resounded from the periphery of the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain Range. The horror of this voice caused the surrounding mountains to vibrate slightly when it reverberated in this mountain range.At the same time, an incomparably terrifying coercive force also fell from the sky.

"Humans, are they the Emperor of War? They are the strongest of the Human Emperor of War."

After feeling this breath, the king-rank monsters below couldn't help but panic, even though they have been guarding the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain Range and forbid humans to step in.

But that is also for weak people. Faced with such a terrifying existence as the War Emperor, even they can't help but panic, because the War Emperor is not an existence that they can deal with together.


Seeing this, Su Lin'er's delicate body leapt forward, and then jumped onto Xiao Bai's body. At the same time, Su Lin'er and Xiao Bai's white eyes also began to change into a dark green color.


Just after Su Liner and Xiaobai's eyes turned dark green, and emitted a faint green gas, a breath of a war emperor burst out from the bodies of Su Liner and Xiaobai, And this momentum is actually no weaker than the strong Zhanhuang from Jinyin Villa.

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