The army of Jinyin Villa moved forward slowly, and even the ground under their feet trembled when all the troops were stepping together.But at the forefront of the neat line of swift eagle beasts in the sky, there is the most dazzling flying monster.

This flying monster with a tiger head and eagle body is several times larger than the Swift Eagle, and from the aura it emits, it can be seen that its level is far above the Swift Eagle.

At this moment, two old men, one tall, one short, one fat and one thin, were riding on the huge flying monster, and they were all wearing a light armor shining with a faint red light. Obviously this was a treasure. device.

But the most amazing thing is that these two old people actually have long red hair, even their eyebrows and beards are also dark red, and the long dark red hair fluttering in the wind is like a rising flame.

And these two are the two War Emperor powerhouses that Xing Jue sensed.In the inner circle is a pair of Sanren brothers with a rather fierce reputation, known as the Flame Twin Monsters.

Although the two flame monsters were not born to their own compatriots, they were as close as brothers.The tall, but skinny old man is the big strange old man, and the short, but horizontally developed old man is the small strange old man.

"Hey~. Let me say, big brother, if this goes on, when we reach the Asura Hall, there shouldn't be 200 warriors left, right? Wouldn't it be a disadvantage for me to fight against the Asura Hall?"

Looking at those people who kept dispersing from the army and attacking the forces belonging to Shura Palace.The little strange old man frowned, and said with some worry.

"Hmph, King of War? What use is King of War? It's just a burden."

"If it wasn't for that old man Jin who insisted on following the plan, with the strength of the two of you and me, we would have wiped out that shit Shura Temple by now." After hearing the words of the little strange old man, the big strange old man cocked his mouth, Very disdainful reply.

"Brother, if that's the case, it would be great for the two of us to go directly to eradicate the Asura Hall, why waste time here?" The little strange old man seemed to have suddenly realized, his face turned happy in an instant, and he said eagerly.

"I'm talking about the second brother, you and I have practiced for so many years, and our cultivation base is getting higher and higher. Why is your head still so dull?"

"You think I don't want to destroy the Asura Palace quickly so that we can go back to our immortal residence to be happy? But if we don't follow the old man Jin's orders, will he give us the promised reward then?" Big Monster The old man gave the old mob a hard look, then turned around and closed his eyes to rest his mind, ignoring all kinds of questions from the old mob.

The army of the Gold and Silver Villa moved forward slowly, along the way they continuously dispersed the subordinate forces from the army to attack the Shura Palace. After a few days, the Gold and Silver Villa had already occupied half of the land in the Eastern Region.

Therefore, the morale of the army of Jinyin Villa is also high. For members of this group of inner forces, they never put Shura Palace in their eyes at all.

But just when they were full of self-confidence and thought that it was inevitable to break through the Asura Hall and occupy the Eastern Region, the forces in the Eastern Region that they first occupied had already been oppressively slaughtered by the powerhouses of the Asura Hall.

And after three full months of capture, the army of the Gold and Silver Villa finally arrived at the Shura Mountain Range and in front of the Shura Palace.But they didn't know that the defensive network they had worked so hard to construct during the past three months had been completely destroyed by all the powerful members of the Asura Palace.Its resident members were massacred.

At this moment, among the forces that were quite close to the Shura Mountain Range, a large number of members of Jinyin Villa fell to the ground, without a trace of blood, without a trace of fighting, as if they were sleeping comfortably.

But at this moment, their bodies are all shattered internally, their internal organs are shattered, their muscles and bones are broken, even the sea of ​​qi and the origin of their souls have been completely broken, and now they are all lifeless corpses.


Suddenly, the space above the sky squirmed, and then a figure of a man in a black robe slowly stepped out of the space, and this was Xing Jue, the master of the Shura Hall.

When Xingjue appeared, he glanced indifferently at the corpses of the members of the Jinyin Villa below, and then saw a single palm suddenly struck out, and a towering fire dragon with a length of hundreds of feet was aimed at the people below with bursts of dragon roars. A group of corpses rushed away.

"Hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo ~"

Under the turmoil of the fire dragon, the bottom soon became a sea of ​​flames rising, and all the corpses contaminated by the fire dragon would be turned into ashes in an instant and drifted away with the wind.

"Brother Xing Jue."

Just when Xing Jue physically destroyed all the members of the Jinyin Villa, a charming voice suddenly sounded, and then Li Xiaohan's beautiful figure, like a celestial being, floated down beside Xing Jue.

"Brother Xingjue, sister Lin'er has joined forces with the monster army, and everything is going smoothly." Li Xiaohan smiled sweetly.

"Well, now the army from the Gold and Silver Villa should also arrive at my Shura Palace soon."

"It's time for the decisive battle."

"Xiaohan, tell me everyone in Shura Hall to join the army of monsters quickly. Today we will completely remove Jinyin Villa from the Eastern Region." Xing Jue looked at the direction of the Shura Mountains at this moment, with eagle-like gaze, It is permeated with a strong murderous aura.

"Boom, boom, boom~"

At this moment, the Shura Mountain Range was being attacked violently. The flames filled the air, filled with energy, and deafening roars resounded continuously throughout the sky and echoed in the mountains.

But such a powerful attack is like an egg hitting a rock in front of the dark purple defensive formation, and it has no effect at all.Not to mention the large defensive formation, even the Shura Mountain Range was not damaged in the slightest.

"Brother, the defensive formation of the Asura Hall is too powerful, it is impossible to break through, what should we do?" After a long attack without any results, the little strange old man was a little frustrated.

"It's no wonder that the Asura Hall ignored us in capturing the territory of the Eastern Territory during the past three months. It turned out that it was relying on this large defensive formation and wanted to hide in it." The big strange old man said with a slight frown.

"Such a useless waste force, let them hide, and when they are willing to come out, this Eastern Region will already belong to my Gold and Silver Villa, haha~~"

At this moment, the middle-aged man with a splayed eyebrow and a square mouth, the big weird old man smiled triumphantly.And this is the second elder of Jinyin Villa, a high-level battle king.

"Hmph, it's easy to say. You have time to wait, but this old man doesn't have time to waste with you."

"Second brother, you and I fight together, I don't believe that the defensive formation built by the surrounding forces can withstand the flames of the two of us."

After hearing the words of the second elder of the Jinyin Mountain Villa, the big strange old man snorted coldly, and then jumped into the air with a vertical leap, and the little strange old man followed closely behind him, ready to attack This defensive formation launched the strongest offensive.

Seeing this scene, all the powerhouses in Jinyin Villa stopped their attacks, and locked their eyes on the two flame monsters, because the blazing fire technique is the martial skill that the two flame monsters are famous for. Advanced martial arts.And with the joint efforts of the two, they can play a super offensive.

"You don't need to waste your efforts. With the strength of the two of you, it is impossible to defeat the defensive formation of my Asura Palace."

But there are two flame monsters.When preparing to use Lie Yan Huo Jue to launch an attack on the defensive formation of Shura Hall.A sound of violent drinking suddenly came from a distance, and when this sound sounded, it caused an uproar among the army of Jinyin Villa.

"Who? Don't be sneaky, come out if you have the guts." Seeing this, the eccentric old man raised his brows slightly and shouted violently in the direction from which the voice came.


"Boom boom boom boom"

But at this moment, at the end of the originally clear sky, suddenly black clouds filled the air, and thunder rumbled everywhere, and under the black clouds was a large area of ​​dark red aura, like the mist of death, covering the earth and rolling it .At the same time, an extremely tyrannical force of coercion came along with it.

The billowing black clouds and the dark red gas kept approaching, and the powerful lineup composed of the strong men of Shura Palace and the army of monsters appeared on the stage.

"What is that? Could it be the army of the Asura Palace? How could it be so powerful?"

"With such a large number of war kings, don't they get hurt in the battle with Feihutang and Luoxia Valley?"

"And what happened to the group of monsters? Why are there so many king-level monsters with the army of the Shura Palace?"

"When did they run behind us? Why didn't we feel the slightest?"

As the army of Shura Palace approached, everyone in Jinyin Villa could already tell from the clothes of Shura Palace that they were the troops of Shura Palace.

But the sudden scene caused an uproar among them, causing the army, which was still imposing before, to lose its footing.In particular, the army of the Valkyrie was in turmoil at this moment. The coercion formed by so many warrior kings made it difficult for them to resist.

"What are you panicking about? Useless things." Looking at the somewhat chaotic army of Gold and Silver Villa below, the eccentric old man suddenly shouted.Then he turned his fierce eyes to the Shura army approaching at a very fast speed.

Because he knew that Shura Palace dared to challenge them so blatantly, which meant that their strength was definitely more than what was in front of them, and there must be a strong warrior.

A moment later, the army of the Asura Palace rushed over, forming a confrontation with the army of the Gold and Silver Villa.And at this moment, a passage suddenly appeared in the army.This sudden change also made everyone in Jinyin Villa focus on the passage, because they knew that an important person was about to appear.

And under the eyes of everyone, a handsome young man in a dark black robe slowly walked out of the passage.

This man is wearing a black robe without wind, and there is a layer of dark black energy armor on top of the black robe, which gives people a sense of indestructible defense.

But what shocked everyone the most was that this man could fly across the air and walk in the air without showing the dark red wings.And this person is naturally the Hall Master Xing Jue of Shura Hall.

"I'm really sorry to keep you waiting for so long."

"But don't worry, I will take your life back soon."

When Xing Jue walked to the forefront of the army, he swept his slightly squinted eyes towards the army of the Gold and Silver Villa in front, and above the corners of his slightly raised mouth, there was an air that made the army of the Gold and Silver Villa shiver. Murderous.

(Brothers who do not have a collection, please collect it, brothers who do not have an account, please apply for an account, collect Shura God of War, and throw precious flowers, support the bee, thank you everyone.)

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