Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 270 Yu Shiman's Family

At this moment, Xing Jue was shocked to find that the vice-owner of Jinyin Villa, who was full of domineering before, was standing there in a well-behaved manner at this moment, not even daring to speak, not even raising his head.

"I said Jinyinshan, do you have anything to say?" At this moment, Yu Shiman turned around slowly and said coldly to him.


"I don't know if it's the second lady, and I'm here with Elder Zhao."

"If you offend me, I ask the second lady and Elder Zhao to forgive me."

At the same time as Yu Shiman's voice sounded, the deputy owner of Jinyin Villa suddenly knelt in mid-air and tried his best to explain in that extremely panicked voice.

"What? Second Miss?"

After seeing the reaction of the deputy owner of Jinyin Villa at this moment, Xing Jue couldn't help being shocked.He didn't expect Yu Shiman to have such an identity, Second Miss?What kind of person can let the deputy owner of Jinyin Villa call him?And so fearful?Could it be that Yu Shiman's so-called family is the Mengfu?

"I see."

Thinking that the punishment here has probably been decided, Yu Shiman's family is likely to be the very important alliance mansion in the inner circle. The Leopard King Benlei said before that the first leader of the alliance mansion was once the top powerhouse in the mainland .

And when he was on the fairy island in the boundless sea, the mysterious strong man had ordered Xing Jue.After reaching the top powerhouse in the mainland, return to Xiandao.

Calculated in this way, the ancestor of Yu Shiman's family did go back to the boundless sea to look for the fairy island, but it just failed.Coupled with the respectful title given to Yu Shiman by the deputy owner of the Gold and Silver Villa, Yu Shiman's family is more in line with the Meng Mansion.

"Jinyinshan, I don't care what grievances you have with my friend."

"But I did see just now that you wanted to kill him."

"I won't embarrass you today, I apologize to my friend. Then go back to your gold and silver villa, and you are not allowed to step into the eastern region in the future." Yu Shiman looked at the vice president of the gold and silver villa not far away with indifferent eyes. owner.

"Second Miss, it's not that I want to attack your friend."

"Actually, it was your friend who beheaded the chief elder of my Jinyin Villa first, and I was just..." Seeing this, the deputy owner of Jinyin Villa tried his best to excuse himself.

"Could it be, do you want me to repeat what I just said?" Seeing that she wanted to excuse her, Yu Shiman raised her eyebrows and said coldly.

"Don't dare, dare not." Seeing this, the deputy owner of Jinyin Villa hastily lowered his head and replied humbly.Then he stood up slowly and walked towards Xingjue.

Looking at the vice-owner of Jinyin Villa who was slowly walking towards him with his head down, Xing Jue felt a little funny.This middle-ranked warrior who was chasing after him and wanting to kill him was so humble at this moment.

"Hall Master Xing Jue, today is someone Jin's fault, and I hope you don't take it to heart." When he came to Xing Jue, the deputy owner of Jinyin Villa said to Xing Jue with that forced smile.

"Forget it, Xing Jue has no other advantages, but generosity." Seeing this, Xing Jue waved his hand perfunctorily, and replied indifferently.

And Xing Jue's words made the deputy owner of Jinyin Villa even more nervous. He didn't expect that Xing Jue would really dare to accept his apology.If Yu Shiman and that Elder Zhao were not present, he really wished he could strangle Xing Jue to death.

"Jinyinshan, it's none of your business here, you can go back to your Jinyinshanzhuang." At this moment, Yu Shiman said lightly.

"The subordinate is resigning." Seeing this, Jin Yinshan quickly bowed and replied, and after giving a deep salute to Yu Shiman and the elder Zhao, he rose into the sky and headed straight towards the inner circle at an extremely fast speed. The direction swept away.

"Hey, the owner of Jinzhuang must wish to strangle me to death at this moment." Looking at the back of Jinyinshan leaving, Xing Jue smiled ironically.

"If he dares to attack you again, I will eradicate him and Jinyin Villa together." At this moment, Yu Shiman came to Xingjue's side and said coldly.

Looking at Yu Shiman at this moment, Xing Jue always feels that compared with Yu Shiman a few years ago, he has changed a little bit, and this feeling does not come from the appearance but from the inside. In short, this feeling makes Xing Jue a little inexplicably uneasy.

"Brother Xingjue, take me to see your Asura Hall." Yu Shiman slowly turned her head and smiled charmingly at Xingjue.

"Xiaoman, do you know about my construction of the Asura Hall?" Seeing this, Xing Jue was taken aback.

"Not only do I know about your construction of the Asura Hall, I also know about the conflict between you and the Gold and Silver Villa."

Seeing Xing Jue's surprised look, Yu Shiman laughed again.Immediately, his figure flew straight towards the Shura Hall.

"Hehe, little friend, your charm is really great." At this moment, Elder Zhao who stood aside for a long time said with a smile.

"Please, Elder Zhao." Seeing this, Xing Jue let out a wry smile helplessly, because he knew what this Elder Zhao was referring to, so he didn't talk much with him immediately, and just chased Yu Shiman straight away.

At this moment, above the Asura Mountains, the dark purple defensive formation completely enveloped the Asura Hall, and there was no one in the place where the army of the Asura Hall and the army of the Gold and Silver Villa stayed.

It's just that on that vast land, there are deep giant pits everywhere, and bursts of rising heat, and a bloody smell is constantly emanating from it. They were massacred by Shura Palace, leaving no one left.

"Old Feng, please open the defensive array, I'm going to find Brother Xingjue."

At this moment in the Asura Hall, all the powerhouses of the Asura Hall and the army of monsters from the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain Range are all gathered here, but when Li Xiaohan learned that Xing Jue had led away the deputy owner of the Gold and Silver Villa by himself, Li Xiaohan's emotions seemed to be overwhelming. A little excited, he insisted on opening the defensive array and going to find Xingjue.

"Xiaohan, calm down."

"I know how you feel at the moment, but the reason why Xing Jue wants to lure the deputy owner of the Gold and Silver Villa away."

"Isn't it just for my comfort? If you open the defensive formation at this time, the deputy owner of Jinyin Villa will probably enter my Shura Palace."

"When the time comes, everything that Xing Jue has done for us will be in vain?"

At this moment, Feng Lao kept persuading Li Xiaohan, but no matter how much he tried to persuade him, Li Xiaohan seemed to have lost his mind, ignored it, and went out to find Xingjue.

However, facing Li Xiaohan who looked like this, everyone was silent.How could it not be the same sadness and worry in their hearts.

But they knew that with their strength, even if they went out, it would not help the matter, and instead wasted the chance to save their lives that Xing Jue had won for them.


But at this moment, a plume of green smoke suddenly came out from Uncle Pan's chest, and after feeling this change, Uncle Pan's dejected face was even more joyful.Because that was the communication talisman Xing Jue had left for him, and the meaning of this communication talisman was to open the defensive array.

"It's Xing Jue, Xing Jue is not dead, Xing Jue is not dead."

After discovering this change, Uncle Pan shouted even more excitedly, and then made a few strides to the Shura Divine Tower to activate the defensive formation.

"Little friend Xingjue, the defensive formation of your Asura Palace is not easy."

At this moment, there are three people staying above the Asura Hall, and they are Xingjue, Yu Shiman, and Elder Zhao from the League Mansion.Looking at the defensive formation of Asura Hall in front of him, even the well-informed Elder Zhao couldn't help but admire.

"Hehe, Elder Zhao has praised you." Upon seeing this, Xing Jue replied modestly.


Just as the two were talking, the defensive formation suddenly let out bursts of roaring sounds, and with the roaring sounds, the dark purple light that enveloped the Shura Palace was also withdrawn to the top of the Shura Tower.

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh."

At the same time, hundreds of figures soared into the sky one after another, and when the group of people saw Xing Jue, they couldn't help cheering, and began to fly towards Xing Jue and the three of them at a high speed.And the leader is Li Xiaohan and others.

"Brother Xing Jue."

"It's great that you're okay."

When Li Xiaohan came to the front and back of Xing Jue, her delicate body jumped and fell into Xing Jue's arms.And looking at Li Xiaohan's ruddy eyes at this moment, Xing Jue also guessed that this silly girl must have done something stupid again, and then couldn't help wiping her wet tears.

"Brother Xing Jue, who is this?" At this moment, Yu Shiman slowly came to Xing Jue's side, and looked at Li Xiaohan in his arms with a smile on his face.

"By the way! Xiaohan, let me introduce you. This is Yu Shiman, a friend I met when I was practicing in the boundless sea." Seeing this, Xing Jue introduced to Li Xiaohan with a smile.

"Xiaoman, this is my future wife, Li Xiaohan." Afterwards, she proudly introduced to Yu Shiman with her arms around Li Xiaohan's slender waist.

"Cough cough cough..."

"Little friend Xingjue, why don't you show us your Asura Hall." But at this moment, Elder Zhao said with a smile.

"Please, Elder Zhao." Seeing this, Xing Jue did not neglect, but hurriedly led everyone back to the Asura Hall.

After returning to Shura Hall, Xing Jue introduced Elder Zhao and Yu Shiman, their identities, and what happened before to Feng Lao and the others one by one.

And when everyone learned that Yu Shiman was the second lady of the League Mansion, they were even more shocked, and their previous anxiety was completely calmed down, because they knew that with Yu Shiman's protection, the Jinyin Villa would definitely not Dare to attack him again.

After the execution, a banquet was held in honor of Yu Shiman.However, Yu Shiman didn't like to be too ostentatious, so he just attended the banquet with Xing Jue, Feng Lao, Li Xiaohan, Pan Shu and other important figures in Shura Palace.

It is said that the banquet is actually just a simple dinner. There is no song and dance performance to add to the fun, and there is no excessive general inflation. It is just a few people who simply got together and had a big meal.

At this moment in the Asura Hall, Xing Jue and the others are enjoying a drink, while talking and laughing, the anger is quite pleasant.After these days of tense power battles, everyone in Shura Hall can finally relax for a while.

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