Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 274 Fenghua Lost City

"The ancient teleportation array is really amazing."

"It seems that the creator of this ancient teleportation array is the real powerhouse who has mastered the power of space."

Looking at the gorgeous scene around him, Xing Jue knew that behind the swift surge of the dark blue streamer was hidden an extremely profound law of space, and the law of space at that level was not at all what he knew about the power of space. comparable.

After entering the battle king level, strength is not only the improvement of fighting spirit, but also the mastery of space power is the whole benchmark for measuring a strong man.

So at this moment, Xing Jue has begun to devote himself to the surrounding space, hoping to comprehend some deeper space power by virtue of the keen soul power of his Soul Devourer.

However, what made Xing Jue a little helpless was that even though such a mysterious space power was right in front of him, he couldn't sense the existence of the mystery at all, but Xing Jue didn't give up because of this, but kept immersing himself in this mysterious space power. Among the space power.


At this moment, Xing Jue was closing his eyes tightly, exerting his soul power to the extreme, trying to find the mystery of the space power in the teleportation array, but suddenly there were bursts of roaring sounds from all around.

"Is it there?"

After opening his eyes, Xing Jue discovered in astonishment that the rapidly surging dark blue streamer around him was gradually slowing down, and finally dissipated. At this moment, the Emperor who was beside Xing Jue was Appeared beside him again.

"Looks like it's here."

At this moment, the Emperor also set his sights on Xingjue. After the two smiled at each other, they stood up one after another and began to walk out of the ancient teleportation formation.

After walking out of the ancient teleportation formation, Xing Jue discovered that Fenghua Lost City is really a good city. The simple and simple buildings are hundreds of feet high. Looking from the bottom up, they are like ladders leading directly to the heavens, standing on top of the city. middle.

At this moment, the streets and alleys of Fenghua Lost City are also full of bustling crowds, which can be described as very lively, and there are almost no ordinary people among these people. It is estimated that only the strong at the level of the War Emperor can attract the attention of everyone.

"The inner circle is really not simple. I don't know what the scene will be like in the center of the towering area?"

Looking at the scene in front of him, Xing Jue couldn't help feeling emotional. When he was in the Eastern Continent, the Martial God was already respected as a strong man, but in the inner circle of this towering area, he was just a low-level existence. Thinking about it this way. Compared with this towering area, the mainland is really a remote place.

"This Fenghua Lost City is not usually so lively." But at this moment, a man's voice suddenly sounded behind Xing Jue.

Turning around to look, Xing Jue found that a young man was slowly walking towards Xing Jue at this moment.

I saw that the man was of medium build and full of scholarly air.The clothes are quite good, but it is worth mentioning that the strength of this man has reached the level of a middle-ranked war king, and at this moment he is smiling kindly at Xing Jue.

"It seems that this brother knows Fenghua Lost City very well." Seeing this, Xing Jue replied politely.

"I don't know much about it, I just heard about it."

"It seems that this brother is not from the inner circle like me, is he? Could it be that he also came to participate in the bidding meeting held by the League Mansion?" At this moment, the man walked up to Xing Jue and said with a polite smile .

"Hehe, is this brother too?"

Seeing the man asking, Xing Jue smiled and asked instead.But at this moment, Xing Jue already had a premonition that this man must also be here to participate in the bidding conference.

"In the lower peripheral forces, Guo Jing, the lord of Jinhua City's Shaocheng City, is indeed here to participate in the bidding conference held by the Mengfu. I don't know the name of this brother?" The man asked politely with his hands arched.

"Hallmaster of Asura Palace, Xing Jue." After hearing Guo Jing's words, Xing Jue was slightly taken aback for a moment, and then replied with a smile.

As for Jinhua City, Xing Jue had heard about it for a long time. It was the overlord of the four outer regions and the Southern Region, but what Ling Xing Jue didn't expect was to meet this young city lord so soon.

And looking at his appearance, the owner of the young city is quite good. It is also a good thing to be able to make friends with such a person for the first time.

"Xing Jue? It turns out that this brother is the overlord of the Eastern Territory, the Lord of the Asura Palace. He has been looking forward to it for a long time!!!" After hearing Xing Jue's words, the man was even more surprised, and then extremely excited Said.

"Hehe, my Asura Hall is just a new power, so it can't compare to the old powers in Jinhua City." Seeing this, Xing Jue said with a faint smile.

"Hey, you can't say that. I unified the eastern region of Jinhua City to the southern region. That was my grandfather's generation. Now my father is just inheriting my grandfather's inheritance. It's not like Brother Xingjue, but relying on himself His strength, he has conquered the country with one hand." Seeing this, Guo Jing strongly retorted, and his eyes were filled with admiration.

"Young City Master Guo Jing is really flattering you." Seeing Guo Jing's attitude, Xing Jue shook his head helplessly, and then replied modestly.

And after a moment of polite greetings, Xing Jue and the Emperor decided to accompany this Guo Jing, and rushed towards the palace where the bidding conference was held in Nameng Mansion.

And during the conversation along the way, Xing Jue also found that Guo Jing was very bookish on the outside, but he was an outspoken and very forthright person in nature.Even participating in the bidding conference this time, unexpectedly, they did not want to be accompanied by powerful people, but came alone.

"Young Master Guo Jing, why do you say that Fenghua Lost City was not so lively in the past?" At this moment, Xing Jue and the three of them were all riding in a beast carriage, and Xing Jue couldn't help asking curiously.

"Actually, I don't know much about it. It's just that because the location of this bidding conference is Fenghua Lost City, I just learned about it along the way."

"I heard from them that this Fenghua Lost City has been around for thousands of years. The Fenghua Lost City was not named after that, but Fenghua City. And back then, Fenghua City was once one of the top forces in the inner circle."

"However, what is strange is that the owner of Fenghua City and all the experts in Fenghua City suddenly disappeared overnight, and this Fenghua City has become a no-man's land."

"Furthermore, the main palace complex where he lived in the past was transformed into a large enchanted formation after he disappeared. Again there is no return.”

"That's why Fenghua City was later called Fenghua Lost City by everyone, because the glory of Fenghua City in the past also disappeared like a mystery along with the city lord."

"And there are rumors that there is a relic of the first city lord in the enchanting array, so there were many strong people who wanted to break the enchanting array, but they returned in vain."

"Later, this Fenghua Lost City was occupied by the Alliance Mansion and was sealed off by it. So far, no one has stepped into this Fenghua Lost City except the people from the Alliance Mansion."

"Recently, the League Mansion held this bidding conference, and Fenghua Lost City has re-entered everyone's field of vision, and because of Fenghua Lost City's reputation, and because many people are watching the bidding conference, Fenghua Lost City at this moment will be It's so lively." Guo Jing slowly explained to Xing Jue.

"So that's the case. I didn't expect this Fenghua Lost City to have such a background." Hearing this, Xing Jue also smiled with emotion.

"By the way, Hall Master Xingjue, I also heard that this bidding conference is also closely related to the enchanting array in Fenghua Lost City." At this moment, Guo Jing came to him pretending to be mysterious Xing Jue said beside him.

"Hehe, isn't that the ecstasy formation that can't be entered by those who are above the King of War?" Seeing this, Xing Jue asked pretendingly incomprehensible.

"Hey, don't worry about it, the Mengfu has devoted so many years in this Fenghua Lost City to study it, maybe it has been cracked?"

"Hey. We're here, let's go, Master Xing Jue. Let's see what kind of people are participating in the bidding conference with you and me."

At this moment, the animal carriage arrived in front of the palace of the League Mansion responsible for entertaining the people participating in the bidding conference, and Guo Jing jumped out of the carriage first and walked towards the entrance of the palace.

After getting off the animal carriage, Xing Jue found that it was a pretty good palace complex, and although there were only two extremely luxurious palaces in the palace complex, the rest of the small palaces were also very well arranged.

And at this moment in the palace group, Xing Jue also felt the aura of hundreds of Zhanwang powerhouses, and there were even dozens of Zhanwang powerhouses.

What surprised Xing Jue was that he never expected that there would be so many people participating in this bidding conference.

At this time, Xing Jue found that Guo Jing had already walked to the gate of the palace group, and took out a silver token from his arms and walked into the attic at the gate of the palace.But the token in Guo Jing's hand was the same as that of the fat man he met in Huangtu City.

Not only Guo Jing, but also several men who were at the level of the King of War walked into the attic with a silver token during this period.

"Why, my token is golden?"

"Then what does the qualification order for the finals mentioned by the elder of Jinyin Villa mean? Does it have a special meaning?"

Looking at the silver tokens that everyone handed over one after another, he remembered the respectful look of the elder of Jinyin Villa when he saw the golden token in his hand.At this moment, Xing Jue also realized that something was wrong.

"Hallmaster of Xing Jue, hurry up, it seems that we are late, and there are not many good rooms left."

At this moment, Guo Jing had already walked out of the attic, muttering, walking towards Xingjue.And at this moment, there is an extra token in his hand, and there is also a name written on it.It seems that it should be the location of the palace where he lives.

(I was confused for a day, and I didn’t realize until just now that I actually had a fever. No wonder the code words are so difficult. The first update was posted late, and I apologize to everyone. However, in the state of the bee, the second update may be difficult to code out before 12 o’clock. , if it cannot be posted today, it will be added tomorrow, please forgive me.)

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