Yu Shiman's voice full of warning sounded in this square, and everyone could hear it clearly, but at this moment, none of the people participating in the finals flinched, instead, they all looked eager to try .

Among nearly a thousand people, none of them were mediocre who made it to the final after going through layers of screening. Naturally, they knew the danger of this ecstasy formation. They encountered unknown dangers, but they still wanted to enter it without hesitation, and for the treasure left by Fenghua Lost City in this enchanting formation.

After Yu Shiman, several other elders also stepped forward and told some things about the League Mansion and this bidding conference. Although they were extremely displeased with these cumbersome and redundant procedures, the audience seemed extremely I love to listen, and they all look like they are talking about it.

But if you think about it carefully, Xing Jue is also understandable for their ignorance.After all, the influence of the League Mansion in the inner circle is similar to that of Yufeng Pavilion in Yufeng Pavilion, so it is not an exaggeration for these people in the inner circle to worship the League Mansion.

"I declare that the finals of the bidding conference will begin now."

After all the elders finished their long speeches, Yu Shiman finally spoke again.And as her voice sounded, the hundreds of young masters and leaders of various forces who were present at the scene rushed towards the huge and incomparably fascinated formation behind it without hesitation.

"Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh."

Several figures flickered at an extremely fast speed, and in a short time, dozens of figures plunged into the enchanting formation. However, facing the eager crowd, Xing Jue shook his head helplessly.

There are dangers in the Fascinated Soul Formation, that is a fact well known to everyone, but even so, those people still desperately want to enter the Fascinated Soul Formation as soon as possible, for their desire to win the treasure, although The sentence is understandable.

But Xing Jue felt helpless for their reckless behavior, because Xing Jue knew that among those who first rushed into the Fascinating Soul Formation, there would be a large number of them buried in the Fascinating Soul Formation. Among them, and the reason for this may be the organization of the large formation, or it may be man-made. In short, entering this enchanting large formation will definitely set off a bloody storm.

"Punishment of the Lord of the Asura Hall, right?"

"Why are you standing still here? Could it be that you don't dare to enter the enchanting formation?" At this moment, a mocking voice suddenly sounded from behind Xingjue.

Looking sideways, Xing Jue found that it was Ximen Yu.At this moment, Ximen Yu looked at Xing Jue with a confident face, and there was even more mockery and provocation in the upturned loneliness at the corner of his mouth.

"Whether I can get in or not is my business, and it seems to have nothing to do with you."

"It's you, why do you have the leisure to observe others here, and not enter the ecstasy formation? Could it be that what you said earlier is your inner voice?" Seeing this, Xing Jue slightly raised the corners of his mouth, and replied sarcastically .

"You...you....very good, I just want to advise you that it's best not to step into the Fascinating Formation, or I guarantee that I will make your death miserable."

Xing Jue's words made that Ximen Yu's face turn cold, and after he uttered a threatening sentence, his figure turned into a ray of light and plunged into the enchanting formation.

However, regarding Ximen Yu's words, Xing Jue smiled slightly, as if hearing a very funny joke.Immediately, under the astonished eyes of everyone, he walked slowly towards the ecstasy formation without haste.

"Is this Xingjue? It's really special, hehe~"

At this moment, apart from everyone present, even the elders of the Mengfu on the high platform were watching Xingjue, and some elders who knew the relationship between Xingjue and Yu Shiman were even more interested, because They also really wanted to see what kind of strength this man who made the second lady of the League Mansion fall in love with him.

The Fascinated Soul Formation is originally a huge building complex, and there is no fixed entrance and exit, but it is said that the Fascinated Soul Formation is easy to enter and difficult to exit, unless the formation can be cracked in there, otherwise it will be imprisoned in the Great Formation for life among.


When Xing Jue walked in front of the Fascinating Soul Formation, an invisible energy shrouded Xing Jue's body. This energy was quite strange. Although it did not limit Xing Jue's power, it made Xing Jue Feeling uneasy for a while.

However, when Xing Jue really entered the big formation, Xing Jue was shocked to find that the light blue mist wrapped around him actually began to dissipate. At the same time, the splendid and towering luxurious palaces were clearly appeared in front of Xing Jue.

Those palace buildings are not only resplendent and resplendent, but also as high as the sky. Looking from the bottom up, they are actually inserted deeply into the white clouds, and the top cannot be seen.It seems that there are really countless ladders connecting the sky, erected in this maze of beauty.

"It's really weird." Looking at the spectacular scene in front of him, Xing Jue also frowned slightly.

Because when I was outside the Fascinating Soul Formation just now, although there was the light blue mist blocking it, I could vaguely see the appearance of the buildings in the Fascinating Soul Formation, and these buildings did not reach the height of the sky.

Moreover, at this moment, not only such a magnificent building complex appeared in front of Xing Jue, but also an endless building complex appeared behind Xing Jue.

You must know that behind Xing Jue should be a square outside of the Fascinating Formation, so everything in front of him tells Xing Jue that he has fallen into the illusion of the Fascinating Great Formation at this moment.


At this moment, Xing Jue slowly closed his eyes, and at the same time, the dark soul power burst out unreservedly, spreading rapidly to the surroundings like a violent hurricane.

"Is the soul power invalid?"

But after a while, when Xing Jue opened his eyes again, his brows could not help but frown again, because Xing Jue found that in this ecstasy formation, he couldn't sense anything with his soul power. It is obviously restricted.



Suddenly, I saw that Xing Jue's figure was twisted, and the Zhan Zhi's wings behind him were condensed, and gusts of wind were formed between the flapping of the wings, constantly rolling up from Xing Jue's side.


At this moment, I saw Xing Jue kicking his feet suddenly, and it was like an arrow that left the string, bringing the violent winds of everyone, and swept towards the sky at high speed.

Xing Jue's speed was very fast, and in just a moment, he passed through the thick cloud layer and came to the top of the cloud layer, but what surprised Xing Jue was that after passing through the cloud layer, the building that was supposed to extend upwards disappeared completely. It is as if it has never been inserted into the clouds below it.

Moreover, a powerful invisible coercion wrapped Xing Jue tightly, not to mention continuing to fly upwards, even walking normally seemed to be extremely difficult.

"It seems that the illusion of this ecstasy formation is really not simple."

Facing the invisible coercion enveloping his body at this moment, after Xing Jue sighed, he quickly turned around and returned to the buildings below the clouds again, because the previous coercion was too strong, even if Xing Jue Definitely can't take too long.

At this moment, looking at the endless and magnificent buildings around him, Xing Jue was also a little confused. He knew that all these were illusions, but Naihe couldn't break them at all.



At this moment, bursts of thunderous roars suddenly came from in front of Xing Jue, and at the same time, there were also many miserable screams.


Seeing this, Xing Jue's complexion changed slightly, and then his body turned into a ray of light and rushed towards the direction where the voice came from.

"Boom, boom~"

At this moment in the Fascinating Soul Formation, waves of energy ripples continue to spread, and every time an energy ripple explodes, a body falls from it, and there is no longer any breath.

And the person who took the shot was not that Ximenyu. After catching up with the people who first entered the ecstasy formation, Ximenyu started to massacre them after they met.

And with the strength of his high-level battle king, no one is his opponent at all. Except for some people who ran away, at this moment, there are already more than a dozen young masters of other forces participating in the competition, and they are buried in his hands.

"You, you, why did you attack me? Killing other contestants is a violation of the rules. Aren't you afraid that we will inform the alliance government after we go out and punish you?"

However, in the face of Ximenyu's crazy massacre, Guo Jing, the young lord of Jinhua City, questioned him angrily.And at this moment, he was already covered in bruises. Although he was not fatal, he was already extremely weak.

"Hahaha, tell the Mengfu? Do you think you have this chance?" At this moment, Ximenyu suddenly laughed, and then said sarcastically.

"you you…"

Looking at the ferocious Ximen Yu not far away, Guo Jing's face actually showed a hint of remorse. He regretted that he should not have coveted the treasures in this enchanting array, and stepped into it first. If Xing Jue entered together, they would not have encountered such a dangerous situation.

"Anyway, you are also a dying person. I might as well tell you that anyone who steps into this ecstasy formation today will never leave here alive."

"Because I am the master of this ecstasy formation."

Looking at Guo Jing in front of him, Ximenyu roared wildly.While speaking, a murderous killing intent flashed in his eyes.

Seeing this, Guo Jing also slowly closed his eyes, because he knew that at this moment he had no hope, but he didn't want to see himself being killed.

"Then guess, will you, the master of the Fascinating Formation, be buried in my hands?"

But at this moment, a sound of drinking and drinking full of ridicule suddenly sounded in the sky, like a thunderbolt, it exploded in the ears of Guo Jing and Ximen Yu.

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