Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 286 The Power Gap

Seeing this, everyone didn't dare to be negligent in the slightest, they jumped into the air one after another, and fled towards the distance at a high speed. Flee quickly.

However, most of the people chose to stay after a certain distance from Xingjue and Ximenyu.Because they really want to watch the next situation.And they also knew that if Xingjue was defeated, no matter how far they escaped, it would be useless, and they would all be killed by Ximenyu in the end.

At this moment, everyone locked on Xing Jue and Ximen Yu with trepidation. They had expressed some doubts about Xing Jue before, but after seeing that Xing Jue could rescue them, they felt that Xing Jue could save them. Inexplicable self-confidence, and they are all silently praying that Xingjue can win this victory.

"Xing Jue, it seems that I really underestimated you. I never thought that you could get the key of my Lord Fenghua Lost City?" At this moment, Ximenyu said with a smile on his face.

Although he was a little surprised that Xing Jue could save everyone at this moment, the greater joy for him at this moment was because he could not find Xing Jue, and as long as he appeared in front of him, he would be most wished for.

"It seems that the strength has grown a bit, but it is still far from enough to kill me."

"And let me remind you, this time I won't let you escape again."

Regarding Ximen Yu's question, Xing Jue simply ignored it, but glanced at Ximen Yu at this moment lightly and said with great disdain.

"Hahaha, joke, do you think you are still my opponent?"

"Today I will let you know how sad the consequences of arrogance are." Seeing this, Ximenyu suddenly laughed wildly, and his smile was full of anger.


At the same time, the fighting spirit in his body is like an erupting volcano, erupting from his body, and the huge fighting spirit appears above it like a giant mountain, and the terrifying coercion It was constantly impacting on Xing Jue, and even the people who were already far away were hit by the tyrannical coercion and retreated again and again.

"The Emperor of War? Then Ximenyu has reached the level of the Emperor of War."

Looking at the huge fighting spirit hovering above Ximenyu, at this moment, everyone's expressions changed drastically, and they began to panic.The confidence they had just built was completely disintegrated by Ximenyu's aura of the war emperor at this moment, because they knew that no matter how strong Xing Jue was, he was only a high-level war king after all, and the war king was the fundamental It is impossible to fight against the Emperor of War.

"I said, why are you so confident? So you have reached the elementary level of War Emperor?"

"But unfortunately, with only this level, I still can't kill me."

The tyrannical coercion blows continuously from Xing Jue's handsome face, but Xing Jue does not show the slightest fear, on the contrary, there is a calm smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Hmph, courting death."

Seeing that Xing Jue can still be so calm after showing such strength, Ximenyu finally couldn't control his anger.

I saw that he suddenly raised his right arm, and that powerful palm shook Xing Jue's space. The space around Xing Jue began to collapse instantly, and bursts of space visible to the naked eye began to squeeze down on Xing Jue. , he actually wanted to kill Xingjue directly with the power of space.


But when the powerful space force squeezed Xing Jue's body, it was like a breeze blowing on the rock wall, gently brushing past his body without causing any damage at all.

"Is Xingjue all right?"

And this sudden scene made the people who were sweating for Xing Jue let out a long sigh of relief, and at this moment, an inconceivable look of amazement appeared on their faces.

"how is this possible?"

Compared to everyone's amazement, Ximenyu's face was filled with astonishment. At this moment, he knows his own strength best. Although he was tortured by Xing Jue before, he believes that he can definitely easily kill him at this moment. Xing Jue killed him, but he never imagined that his attack with such powerful space power did not cause any damage to Xing Jue.

"I almost forgot to tell you. Now I am not a war king, but a war king." Looking at Ximen Yu's surprised look, Xing Jue said flatly.

"Whirring whirring"

As soon as Xing Jue's words fell, the hurricane-like fighting spirit burst out from his body, and the dark red fighting spirit stirred up bursts of powerful air currents as it swirled.

The powerful air current carried a terrifying coercion, and even the surrounding Tongtian buildings were instantly shattered by the shock, and even the fighting spirit exuded by Ximenyu was instantly blown away, and the people in the air were even more shocked. He was forced to back again and again.

"So strong, so strong."

"Xing Jue is actually a battle emperor? With this power, could it be that he has already reached the middle-level battle emperor?"

Looking at the berserk dark red fighting spirit and the shattered building fragments flying in the air, everyone was completely stunned at this moment.

"No, Xing Jue is also a low-level battle emperor, but his strength is far above Ximen Yu."

At this moment, Guo Jing explained to everyone.Having seen Xing Jue's strength with his own eyes, he knows better that Xing Jue's fighting power far surpasses that of ordinary people.

"No, it's impossible. There's no reason for you to reach this level." Ximenyu said in disbelief as he looked at Xing Jue exuding a terrifying power in front of him.

"Ximenyu, do you still want to run away?" At this moment, Xing Jue said sarcastically.

"Joke, don't bluff!!! I don't believe that the strength of the city lord alone can help you reach the level of the war emperor." Seeing this, Ximenyu was even more furious. A path of miserable white lightning began to condense from his palm,


The white lightning light was hundreds of feet long, and it surged at a very fast speed, and it hit the ground with hundreds of feet deep cracks, and this is exactly the high-level martial art of the earth level that Ximenyu used before, the lightning bolt.It's just that this time it's used again, its power is hundreds of times that of before, and this is the huge gap between the war king and the war king.

"Back back quickly, if I am involved in such a terrifying attack, I will definitely die."

At this moment, the expressions of all the people in that sky changed drastically, and then they hurriedly backed away, because they could feel the deadly threat from the lightning in Ximenyu's hand.

"Lightning Electrode Light."

Accompanied by a loud shout, Ximen Yu pointed Xing Jue forward with both palms, and two horrific thunderbolts rushed towards Xing Jue with that terrifying coercion.


The surrounding space was covered with black cracks amidst the tyrannical thunder and lightning rays, and two deep giant craters appeared in the ground below. At this moment, even the ground under his feet trembled.

"Oh, I really don't have a long memory."

However, in the face of such a terrifying attack, Xing Jue was not afraid at all, but shook his head helplessly.

Immediately, Xing Jue slowly clenched his right palm, and tyrannical energy surged rapidly in his fist.And just at this moment, the thunderbolt blasted towards him with countless fragments and terrifying coercion.

"Break Me"

Suddenly, Xing Jue suddenly raised his head, and his eyes were even more fierce, and he saw a burst of fighting spirit from his right fist, and a giant dragon of hundreds of feet burst out of his fist. .

"Boom, boom, boom"


The dark red giant dragon collided with Ximenyu's lightning bolt, but the two terrifying beams of thunder and lightning broke apart instantly in the astonished eyes of everyone, but the dark red giant dragon did not dissipate because of this, but With a terrifying offensive, he blasted towards Ximenyu.

"Boom Rumble"

The dark red dragon was extremely fast, and it flew in front of Ximen Yu in an instant, and when Ximen Yu reacted, he was already in the terrifying ripples erupted by the dragon.


Accompanied by a tragic wail, dark red energy ripples swept across at a rapid speed, the surrounding space collapsed one after another, and several buildings were completely destroyed.

"My God, what power is this?"

"It's terrible, Xingjue, it's really too strong."

Looking at the extremely fast energy ripples, everyone present gasped for it, and large swaths of cold sweat continued to flow out of his body.

Although it was not the first time for them to see the battle between the powerful King of War, the attack launched by Xingjue gave them a greater deterrent force. At this moment, everyone suddenly realized that no matter who they offend in the future, they will not be able to win. Criminal sentence.Because the power displayed by Xing Jue was simply something they had never seen before.

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh"

At this moment, suddenly several light blue rays of light burst out from the dark red energy ripples, and then swept towards different directions at high speed.

"Want to escape?"

When the numbered light appeared, Xing Jue smiled slightly, and then saw his palm suddenly grabbing at the void. The dark blue light was surrounded by powerful space power, and no matter how hard he struggled, he could not Breaking free, they could only let the power of space lead them slowly drifting towards Xingjue.


When those light blue rays of light came to Xing Jue, Xing Jue took out the key in his hand, and then those rays of light began to merge into the keys in Xing Jue's hand one by one.And every time a ray of light is incorporated, the key in Xing Jue's hand becomes more dazzling.

After putting all the light blue rays of light into the key, Xing Jue's mind moved, and another thick dark blue light gushed out from his body, and then entered the key, and the power of Xing Jue at this moment was also Returning to the level of a high-level war king from the initial level of war king

(I was planning to start updating on time today, but it was still late. I apologize to everyone.)

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