Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 300 The Voice in the Rain

In the depths of Fenghua Lost City, there is a quiet back garden. This garden is extremely vast. Not only are various exotic flowers and plants planted, but there are also tall ancient trees.And at this moment, on top of a huge towering tree, a man is lying down in the thick trunk, this is exactly Xing Jue.

Now Xing Jue's hair is disheveled, his face is extremely pale, and even his breath is extremely weak. At this moment, he is staring at the cloudy sky with dull eyes, wondering what he is thinking.

It has been nearly two months since Li Xiaohan fell into the Valley of Illusionary Moon, but Xing Jue was still unable to get out of the shadow of Li Xiaohan's fall into the valley, and after being brought back to Fenghua Lost City by Yu Shiman, he has been disregarding everyone's opposition I want to go back to Magic Moon Valley to find Li Xiaohan.

In the end, in desperation, Yu Shiman ordered the elders of the Mengfu to temporarily seal the power of Xingjue, and since then, Xingjue has been staying on this tree, without sleep or food until today, if it is not for its powerful The soul and body are the support, I am afraid they have already died.

At this moment, at the gate of a palace in the garden, a white-haired woman stared at Xing Jue with a sad face, and beside her was a snow-white kitten, and even the expression of this kitten It is also so sad.

And this is Su Liner and Xiaobai. After hearing the news of Li Xiaohan's falling into the valley, Su Liner rushed here. He knew how to persuade, so he could only silently accompany Xing Jue.


Suddenly, streaks of white light began to appear in the cloudy sky, and bursts of thunder came from the sky slowly.And with the sound of thunder, large pieces of raindrops began to crackle on the ground.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, and the rain poured down like a torrent, even the dense bushes of the ancient trees were penetrated by it, and began to slap on Xing Jue's thin body.


Seeing that the heavy rain was pouring on Xing Jue's body, Su Lin'er hurriedly held up an umbrella, and then walked out quickly, trying to help Xing Jue shelter from the rain.


But just when Su Liner was about to step out of the palace, a palm grabbed Su Liner's wrist, turned around and saw that the Emperor was shaking his head gently, signaling Su Liner not to approach Judgment.

And at this moment, everyone except Yinghuang, Feng Lao, Pan Shu, Xiaolong, Cang Lao, Xiaoqian and others are in this hall.

These people are people who care about Xing Jue very much. Now they are very sad to see Xing Jue like this, but they don't know how to help Xing Jue get out of the pain in their hearts, because they know that Li Xiaohan is in Xing Jue's heart. How important it is.

"Wow, boom, boom, boom"

Outside the palace, the rain was getting heavier and heavier, and it was so white that it was so heavy that Xing Jue could not be seen clearly.Facing the continuous rain, Xing Jue couldn't help closing his eyes, and the moment he closed his eyes, the figure other than Li Xiaohan appeared in his mind.

That was the appearance of Li Xiaohan bathing in the eyes of the main formation of Yufeng Pavilion back then. Because Xing Jue strayed into the eyes of the main formation, he saw Li Xiaohan's alluring body in the eyes of the main formation, and forged a good relationship.

After that, the screen kept changing, playing the happy time of Xing Jue and Li Xiaohan together, from Li Xiaohan quietly came to the residence of Xing Jue's foreign cabinet, and presented Xing Jue's Yufeng Pavilion cheats to help him win the cabinet assessment champion.

When Li Xiaohan announced his relationship with Xingjue to the disciples and elders of Yufeng Pavilion in the restaurant pavilion.Then Li Xiaohan brought Xing Jue into the Essence Temple to practice, and in order to help Xing Jue improve his strength, he broke into the third floor of the Essence Temple and almost died.

The previous scenes are constantly replaying in Xing Jue's mind, there are bitterness and difficulties in it, but as long as he is with Li Xiaohan, it is happiness and steadiness for Xing Jue and Li Xiaohan.

And the last scene was the scene where Li Xiaohan was locked up by the man in black on the top of the Magic Moon Valley. At that time, Xingjue was so helpless and powerless.Not only was he unable to rescue Li Xiaohan from the man in black, but he also watched helplessly as Li Xiaohan was thrown into the deep valley by him.

"Xiao Han!!!"

Suddenly, Xing Jue's eyes suddenly opened, his body trembled unceasingly, and he began to look around, as if he was looking for something.Looking at the white rain in front of him, Xing Jue seemed to have returned to the time when he was at the top of the Magic Moon Valley, and the person he was looking for was Li Xiaohan.


Suddenly, Xing Jue slipped and fell from the tall ancient tree. The powerful impact made Xing Jue a little dizzy.

"Xiaohan, Xiaohan."

But at this moment, Xing Jue was not in a coma, but continued to call Li Xiaohan's name. He tried his best to support his body and wanted to stand up, but his current body was too weak, so weak that he didn't even have the strength to stand up.

"I'm going to help execute brother Xing."

Seeing Xing Jue's appearance, Su Lin'er burst into tears, she suddenly shook off the Emperor's grasping hand, and was about to run towards Xing Jue.

"Tread, step, step, step..."

But at this moment, Su Lin'er suddenly found a figure of a woman appeared in the blurred rain.

And at this moment that figure was slowly walking towards Xingjue, but when Su Liner saw the woman's face clearly, she couldn't help but stop her progress.

"Tread, step"

"stand up."

At this moment, Xing Jue was trying his best to get up, but suddenly found a pair of shoes in sight, and at the same time, a familiar voice sounded from above them.


When Xing Jue raised his head and cast his eyes on the face of the woman in front of him, he found a very familiar feeling on the face of the woman in front of him, because this is her mother, Nangong Shuiyue.

Since Xingjue came back from Huanyue Valley, everyone couldn't control Xingjue's emotions, so Feng Lao hurriedly conveyed Xingjue's matter to Nangong Shuiyue through Yufeng Order, and when he learned that Xingjue and Li Xiaohan After the incident, Nangong Shuiyue rushed to Shentianyu non-stop.


Suddenly, Nangong Shuiyue swung his arm at Xing Jue, and that strong palm slapped Xing Jue's face fiercely.


The strong force caused Xing Jue's body to shoot out, and he didn't stop until he flew thousands of meters away.

Xing Jue, who was already weak, was paralyzed on the rainy lawn at this moment and remained motionless, letting a wisp of warm blood slowly slip from the corner of his mouth, and there was no expression on his face.

"stand up."

"You stand up for me."

At this moment, the sound of Nangong Shuiyue's violent drinking suddenly sounded again, and at the same time, a pair of palms grabbed Xing Jue's collar suddenly, and the powerful force also instantly lifted Xing Jue's body.

"look at me."

"Look at me!!!" Nangong Shuiyue yelled at Xing Jue again after pulling Xing Jue up.

And at this moment, amidst Nangong Shuiyue's reprimand, Xing Jue also slowly raised his powerless eyes, and stared at Nangong Shuiyue, his mother.

At this moment, Xing Jue could clearly see his mother's appearance, Nangong Shuiyue's face was slightly thinner, even a little older than when they met in Nangong's family.

And the corners of his mouth were constantly trembling, not only the corners of his mouth, but his whole body was trembling, large swathes of rainwater kept flowing from the corners of his eyes, making Xing Jue unable to tell whether it was rain or tears.

"Ju'er, what's wrong with you?"

"Do you still remember what you said to your mother before you left?"

"Have you forgotten? Have you forgotten the genocide of the Soul Devourers, have you forgotten the blood debt of your father being killed?"

"Have you forgotten? Tell me!!!" Nangong Shuiyue shook Xing Jue vigorously and roared loudly.

At this moment, Xing Jue's body also began to tremble uncontrollably, he didn't know if his body was too weak, or he was touched after hearing his mother's words.But at this moment, his eyes were moist again.


"I didn't forget."

"My child... I haven't forgotten." After a moment of silence, Xing Jue replied in a trembling and weak voice.

"Since you haven't forgotten, why are you so decadent now?"

"Could it be that your will is so weak? After encountering such setbacks and making you fall down, can't you get up?"

"You listen to me."

"Xiaohan's matter is not only sad for you, but also for all of us."

"But what's the use of heartache? Will Xiaohan come back to life if heartache hurts? She won't..."

"What you can do now is not to give up and give up on yourself, but to cheer up. Only by cheering up can you find the murderer and avenge Xiaohan."

"Besides, this is not all you have to do. You still have a lot to do, and you still have a lot to bear. Do you know?" Nangong Shuiyue yelled at Xing Jue at the top of her lungs, but her voice became more and more serious. Shaking.

And under Nangong Shuiyue's reminder, Xing Jue couldn't help clenching his hands, and the clenching became tighter and tighter, and he could even hear the sound of friction of hand bones, the anger and unwillingness in his heart were self-evident .

"Jueer, since you have chosen this path, you must be mentally prepared."

"This is a dangerous road. Even if you have nothing to do along the way, people around you may die because of you at any time."

"If you want to be accountable to them, you have to be accountable to yourself first."

"You have to be clear about what you want? How can you keep them from getting hurt, how can you protect everyone?"

"What do you need? Do you know?" Nangong Shuiyue continued, and at this moment, her tone changed from harsh to soft, revealing the kindness that a mother should have.


"I need more power."

At this moment, Xing Jue suddenly plunged into Nangong Shuiyue's arms. This man who was nearly two meters tall was leaning on his mother's embrace like a child at this moment, pouring out the pain in his heart.

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