Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 308 Breaking Through the Battle Emperor

After a whole day of fierce confrontation between the soul and the body, the old body was finally no longer repelled by the new body, and began to gradually merge.But even so, Xing Jue continued to use his soul power to help the old man to speed up the fusion of his body and body.

It wasn't until ten days later that Xing Jue was relieved to see that the old man's body was completely stable and there would be no accidents.


"Hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo"

At this moment, Xing Jue collapsed powerlessly on the ground, panting continuously, his clothes were already soaked in a large amount of sweat, even his face looked a little pale, and his soul power was pitifully weak.

In fact, the old man told Xing Jue that as long as his soul and body no longer repel and start to fuse, Xing Jue can stop the transmission of the soul.In other words, after the first day of soul transfer, Xing Jue should stop his soul transfer.

However, Xing Jue was afraid of an accident at such a critical moment, so he transported his soul for ten days more. At this moment, Xing Jue's body and soul are extremely scarce, and his body is no less weak than that caused by long-term soul burning. side effect.


After putting a treasure pill into his mouth with trembling hands, Xing Jue slowly closed his eyes, and soon fell asleep.He didn't close his eyes for ten days, Xing Jue was really exhausted at this moment.


After Xing Jue fell asleep, the soul chamber returned to its usual tranquility, so quiet that one could clearly hear the wriggling sound of the small enchantment circle covering the old body, and even the power of the treasure pill to help Xing Jue recover his body. sound.

Xing Jue's sleep lasted for a full day and night. During this whole day, more than half of the soul consumed by Xing Jue was recovered, and his face also returned to its previous rosy face. There was still a faint smile on his face, as if he was in a sweet dream.

But at this moment, Xing Jue couldn't help frowning, but his previously happy face seemed a little distorted at this moment.

"Xiao Han!!!"

Suddenly, Xing Jue suddenly sat up, and his expression was extremely panicked. In just a moment, a large piece of cold sweat oozed from Xing Jue's forehead and slowly bleeds from his cheeks.


After waking up, Xing Jue finally came back to his senses after looking at the surrounding environment, and then slowly lowered his head, the previous panic expression was replaced by a touch of sadness at this moment.

"Xiaohan, I will avenge you." After a moment of silence, Xing Jue said indifferently, and then set his sights on the spirit placed aside.

In a dream just now, Xing Jue once again dreamed of Li Xiaohan falling into the valley, thinking of Yu Shiman who killed Li Xiaohan, Xing Jue couldn't help being angry with killing intent, so in order to avenge Li Xiaohan as soon as possible, at this moment Xing Jue Already preparing to refine that spirit as soon as possible.

After checking that there was no adverse reaction in the old body at this moment, on the contrary, after the fusion was extremely smooth, Xing Jue entered the third floor with that spirit.

Because I was worried that refining this spirit would cause some movement and affect the fusion of the old physical body.That's why Xing Jue chose to refine this spirit here.

After closing the gate, Xing Jue sat cross-legged on a jade platform, and first threw a treasure pill into his mouth, because refining the soul is also very powerful for the soul. Insufficient follow-up strength will lead to a new start, which will affect the refining time.

And this treasure pill is a treasure pill that can replenish the power of the soul. As long as you swallow this treasure pill into your stomach at a critical moment, you can solve the problem of insufficient soul follow-up. The method that comes to mind when the spirit.

After closing his eyes, Xing Jue first made a strange seal between his hands, and then penetrated the soul power several times in the body according to the specific lifeline.


When everything was ready, the dark soul power in his body burst out from his body, rushing towards it like a rushing tide, but in an instant, it was completely enveloped by the soul power of Xingjue.

Moreover, this spirit is not violent and its resistance is extremely soft. Xingjue quickly disassembled it, and then began a long refining process.

Day and night alternate, day and night change, two full months have passed since Xing Jue and Old Man stepped into this death forest, and the death forest at this moment is the same as before, full of roaring and fighting sounds of monsters everywhere, terrifying The breath has always enveloped the forest.

And in the soul chamber located in the depths of the death forest, Xing Jue has reached the final stage of refining the spirit. At this moment, in the third floor of the soul chamber, Xing Jue is still sitting cross-legged on the jade platform, And the spirit that was originally placed in front of him has disappeared, because at this moment, all the spirit has been integrated into Xing Jue's body.

"Om, oom, oom, oom"

However, Xing Jue is not peaceful at this moment, bursts of light continuously emanate from the surface of his body, flickering and flickering, making this soul chamber still extraordinarily gorgeous.


Suddenly, a dark soul force burst out from Xing Jue's body, sweeping towards the surroundings like a dark energy hurricane.

And in that soul power actually contained formidable power and terrifying coercion, that kind of aura was actually the power only possessed by a strong war emperor.

This soul power is extremely rich, even so strong that it almost fills the third floor of this huge secret room, but not long after this soul power gushed out, it suddenly rushed towards Xing Jue's body in the same vortex form. In, and with the influx of this force, the light flickering on Xing Jue's body is also extremely strong.

But when all the tyrannical soul power was integrated into Xing Jue's body, the flickering light on Xing Jue's body completely disappeared.

And at this moment, the secret room of the soul was also unusually quiet, so quiet that no noise could be heard, only Xing Jue's smooth and gentle breathing could be heard.

A moment after that soul power returned to Xing Jue's body, Xing Jue's eyes, which had been closed for a full month, slowly opened.Afterwards, he even jumped up and jumped down from the high platform.

After jumping down from the high platform, Xing Jue slowly stretched out his five fingers and then slowly clenched them, and then a faint smile appeared on his face.

At this moment, from the surface of Xingjue, there is not much difference from before, and even the breath is unpredictable.But the faint smile on Xing Jue's face proved Xing Jue's mood at the moment.

"Battle Emperor, I have finally reached this level."

"Unexpectedly, this spirit really helped me reach this level." At this moment, Xing Jue muttered to himself.

Because the punishment at this moment has broken through the limit of the war king and reached the level of the war king.

Zhanhuang, not only can master the more powerful power of space, but also can exert powerful enchantment power. Whether it is speed, combat power or even physical strength, they are far from comparable to Zhanwang, because these are completely two kinds of power. limit.

And Xing Jue at this moment is still so young, just a young man in his early twenties.Such a young war emperor is rare even in the entire Tianwu Continent, and all young people who can reach such a height are all monster-level geniuses in this continent.In this towering realm known as the cradle of geniuses, there are very few existences.

"Father, thank you, thank you for helping me again." At this moment, Xing Jue slowly took out the Soul Eater Order, and said in that grateful tone.

This Soul Eater Token is the only inheritance left to him by Xing Jue's father, and it is also a treasure that has helped Xing Jue countless times. For this Soul Eater Token, even if its powerful power is removed, it is still extremely precious to Xing Jue. Because this is what his father left him.

And Xingjue can break through to the level of the War Emperor so quickly, the most important thing is to attribute to that spirit, which can be said to be the result of the hard work of the Soul Eaters who spent a lot of manpower for hundreds of years.

Not only does it have a soul power stronger than that of an earth-level spirit, but it is also extremely gentle. Otherwise, it would be impossible for Xingjue to refine it in such a short period of time. It takes at least a year to successfully refine an earth-level spirit.

But to be able to achieve such a powerful effect is due to his father. It was his father who successfully created the soul enchantment array and condensed such a perfect spirit.So Xing Jue felt that this time, his father who was so strong that he could be called a myth helped him.

After sighing, Xing Jue hurriedly returned to the second floor. Although he devoted himself to refining the spirit, Xing Jue could roughly know how much time had passed, and after such a long time, Xing Jue Jue was also very worried that something unexpected would happen to the old man.

However, when Xing Jue came to the small enchantment formation and saw that it was safe and sound, and his body was basically fused to an old age, his half-suspended heart was completely relieved.


Suddenly, with a wave of Xing Jue's arm, a layer of substantial power gushed out from his sleeve, and was then absorbed into the small barrier formation. With the influx of this power, the small The enchantment energy in the enchantment array has also increased several times.

This enchantment array is a kind of guarantee for the old soul. It was only thanks to the old man's careful guidance that the formation of this enchantment array was able to complete the successful execution of the punishment.

However, Xingjue has now reached the level of the Emperor of War, and he has completely comprehended the power of enchantment, and it is more than several times stronger than before. Therefore, after the indoctrination just now, the role that this small enchantment array can play, It is also a lot stronger.

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