Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 329 Silent Anger

"What? Are you satisfied with the power gained by relying on evil ways?"

"It's no wonder that if a mediocre person like you comprehends it on his own, he may never reach the level of a war emperor in his lifetime." Looking at the smug Lord of the Nether Palace, Nangong Shuiyue sarcastically said.

"Hahaha, winner and loser, this is the iron rule of this world."

"The master of this hall never cares about the process, only pays attention to the result, and the result now is that you, Nangong Shuiyue, are doomed to be defeated by the master of this hall."

"And this Eastern Continent is destined to be controlled by my Nether Palace."

"Ha ha ha ha……."

But to Nangong Shuiyue's surprise, the Lord of the Nether Palace didn't care at all about her ironic words, and instead laughed out loud with great contentment.

"Hmph, let me let you know how unreliable your strength is."


Seeing this, Nangong Shuiyue let out a cold snort, and saw that with a wave of his sleeve robe, a defensive barrier wrapped the seriously injured two Taishang elders in it, and began to float towards Xu Changqing and the others. go.


After that, Nangong Shuiyue raised her right hand high, and at the same time, a dark red compass spinning extremely fast appeared above her palm, and tyrannical energy was continuously condensed in it.

"Reincarnation compass?"

"The strongest martial skill of the Nangong family."

"It's just right, today I will also show you the strongest martial arts in my Nether Palace."

"Look, is it the reincarnation compass of your Nangong family that is stronger, or the hell fire of my Nether Palace?"

Seeing the samsara compass in Nangong Shuiyue's hands, the face of the master of the Nether Palace suddenly became excited.

"Puff, puff"

Then I saw his arms flattened, his palms spread out, and two dark black flames suddenly shot out from his palms.


The dark black flames are constantly rising with black gas, and the dark black flames seem to have a kind of attraction, causing the surrounding space to be distorted strangely, and the most shocking thing is that there is a wave that is stronger than the reincarnation compass. An even stronger breath came from it.

"This, is this the strongest martial skill Hell Fire of the Nether Palace?"

"It is said that this kind of martial skill is extremely difficult to cultivate and has been lost nearly a thousand years ago. It is unexpected that he succeeded in practicing it."

When the Supreme Elder saw the dark flames in the palms of the Lord of the Nether Palace, his face became panicked instantly. He had heard from the older generation about the Hellfire in the Nether Palace.

It was a martial skill with extremely dark and strange power, and it was also the strongest martial skill that became famous in the Nether Palace.It's just that although the hell fire is strong, no one has learned it since the first master of the Nether Palace, and now the master of the Nether Palace has mastered this martial skill, so how can he not be shocked.


"Thousands of years ago, the first generation master of my Nangong family could defeat your first generation master of the Nether Palace, and I can also defeat you today."

Although Nangong Shuiyue was a little surprised that the master of the Netherworld Hall could cast this hell fire, but she was not frightened by it.

"Reincarnation compass."


Accompanied by Nangong Shuiyue's yell, the reincarnation compass in his hand was thrown out instantly, turning into a giant compass hundreds of meters high and blasting away.

During the rotation of the reincarnation compass, there were continuous bursts of ear-piercing roars, and a strong coercion visible to the naked eye slammed away at the people in the Nether Palace.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie"

"It's just right, let me avenge the first-generation Hall Master today, and become the greatest Hall Master in the history of the Nether Palace."

Seeing the samsara compass approaching in the blink of an eye, but the master of the Netherworld Hall was not afraid at all, instead there was an evil smile on the corner of his mouth.



At this moment, I saw the palms of the Lord of the Netherworld Palace suddenly clenched tightly, and the two dark black flames in his palms burst out instantly, and finally turned into a huge dark black flame. Fireball, and that fireball also tightly wrapped the Lord of the Nether Palace.


Suddenly, the ball of fire turned into a ray of dark light and swept towards the huge reincarnation compass at a very high speed. Those who can't see their actions clearly.

"Boom, boom, boom"

The moment the hell fire collided with the reincarnation compass, a roar that resounded through the world instantly sounded, and the violent energy ripples spread rapidly with that unparalleled impact. At this moment, even people tens of miles away The Supreme Elder and others could also feel the strong spatial fluctuations.

Looking at such a tyrannical energy ripple, Nangong Shuiyue couldn't help but frowned slightly, and then turned around, preparing to back away to avoid being implicated by this energy ripple.


"Jie Jie..."

"Today is my Nether Palace's victory."

But just when Nangong Shuiyue was about to leave, the dark red energy ripples suddenly collapsed, and then a dark black fireball shot out from it, grazing towards Nangong Shuiyue at a terrifying speed .


Nangong Shuiyue's complexion also changed drastically as she watched the dark black flame approaching at an extremely fast speed. With such a distance and the terrifying speed of the black flame, she didn't even have time to dodge, not to mention that she re-condensed the reincarnation compass.



But just when Nangong Shuiyue and everyone thought they were dead this time, the space in front of Nangong Shuiyue trembled violently, and then thousands of feet of dark red fighting spirit burst out from that space, as if Like red clouds filling the sky, they overwhelmingly pressed down on the Lord of the Nether Palace.

"This, what is this?"

Looking at the spirit of war that was pressing down on him like a huge wave, the face of the master of the Netherworld Palace also changed drastically, but at this moment, he has reached the extreme speed, and he can't turn around to dodge this attack at all. .

"Boom, boom, boom"

The two collided, and the monstrous energy ripples spread even more rapidly, but the energy ripples were completely blocked by an invisible space not far from Nangong Shuiyue, and at this moment, the Nether Palace that was integrated with the hell fire The hall master was also shocked by this powerful attack and flew away.

"Damn, what's going on?"

After flying dozens of miles away, the Lord of the Nether Palace finally stopped, and at this moment he looked a little embarrassed and his face was a little pale.

Obviously, the previous use of the Hellfire caused a lot of burden, and at this moment, more than a dozen elders from the Nether Palace also flew behind him, looking nervously at the space in front of Nangong Shuiyue, because just before At that moment, they felt an extremely powerful force in it.

Not only them, but even the head elders of Yufeng Pavilion and Nangong Family were completely shocked by this sudden change, and they all stared at that space intently at this moment.

"Buzz buzz buzz buzz~~"

And at this moment, that space suddenly squirmed again, and this time dozens of figures stepped out of it, and at this moment, a coercion that made everyone's scalps feel numb also enveloped him. above this piece of sky.

War emperors, all of them are war emperors, there are nearly a hundred war emperors, and there are also middle-level war emperors among them, a total of eight intermediate-level war emperors plus dozens of elementary-level war emperors. It is conceivable how terrifying it is to be together.

At this moment, even this space began to experience layers of fluctuations visible to the naked eye, pushing outwards from the sides of nearly a hundred battle emperors at a very high speed.

"Mother, are you okay?"

Just when everyone was shocked by the sudden appearance of nearly a hundred battle emperors, the space beside Nangong Shuiyue suddenly squirmed, and then a figure of a young man appeared beside Nangong Shuiyue, and he supported the somewhat The crumbling Nangong Shuiyue.


And when Nangong Shuiyue saw the man beside him, her body trembled involuntarily, and an indescribable joy appeared on her face.

"Then, that, isn't that a punishment?"

"Did Xing Jue bring reinforcements?"

And at this moment, the elders of the Nangong Family and Yufeng Pavilion also discovered Xingjue who appeared beside Nangong Shuiyue, and when they saw Xingjue, they showed a shocked expression.

"That's right, that boy Xingjue is back."

Just when they were shocked by Xingjue's appearance, suddenly an old man's figure appeared around them, and after following the prestige, they were surprised to find that Feng Lao was standing beside them at this moment.

"Boy Feng, you're back too." After seeing Elder Feng, the Supreme Elder said in surprise.

"Disciple pays homage to Master." Seeing this, Feng Lao also came to the Supreme Elder and respectfully gave a deep salute.

Although Feng Lao is already an old man, the Supreme Elder is far above him in terms of age and seniority, and he is also a half-master who has taught Feng Lao carefully.

"Hehe, it's good to be back."

"It seems that Xingjue has grown a lot."

"Have you actually reached the level of the Emperor of War? This growth rate really makes people feel ashamed." The elder Taishang cast his gaze on Xing Jue beside Nangong Shuiyue, and appeared on his face. A smile of relief.

"What? Have you reached the level of the Emperor of War?"

And when everyone heard the words of the Supreme Elder, they showed an unbelievably shocked expression. Just a few years ago, a young boy who had just entered the battle king, a few years later, he actually became the battle king. How can they accept it.

And compared to the shock of everyone, the third elder of Yufeng Pavilion, the elder Chi Huo, had an even more ashamed look on his face, thinking that he made things difficult for Xing Jue in every possible way in order to train his disciples. And once thought that the punishment was determined by death, but now when I think about it, I realize how stupid it was.

"I'm sorry mother, I'm late." Xing Jue gently wiped the blood on the corner of Nangong Shuiyue's mouth with his hand, and said with some guilt.

"Silly boy, isn't there nothing wrong with your mother?" Seeing this, Nangong Shuiyue smiled in relief, and gently stroked Xing Jue's hair with her hands.

For a mother, no matter how old her child is, how strong she is, or how much she has achieved, she will always be a child in her heart.

"Mother, take a break, and leave the rest to me." Xing Jueqiang said with a smile.

"En." Nangong Shuiyue nodded with a smile at this moment.

Afterwards, Xing Jue stood up slowly, and cast his murderous eyes on the Lord of the Nether Palace and the dozen or so elders, his body was filled with speechless anger.

"Today I will flatten the Nether Palace, and let you wait until there are no bones left."

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