Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 33 Winning the Championship [Part 1]

"Bai Yunfei, is this your last trump card?" Looking at the terrifying purple halo, Xing Jue could also feel his terrifying power, but Xing Jue was not afraid of it.Because he has not yet played his last hole card.

I saw Xing Jue slowly spread out his arms in the hot eyes of everyone, and flipped his palms upwards. A powerful force of martial arts began to flow rapidly in his body, and finally all gathered into his palms. .

"Pfft" With a sound like flint rubbing, two tiny flames actually rose between Xing Jue's stretched palms.

But immediately following Xing Jue's loud shout, the tiny flames rose up in an instant, like two pillars of fire that broke through the air, burning in Xing Jue's palms, then gradually retracted, and finally turned into two extremely fast rotating beams. fireball.

I saw Xing Jue's palms facing each other, and the two fireballs collided together. With the interweaving of the fireballs, bursts of harsh flames rubbed continuously from it, and then slowly merged in the astonished eyes of everyone. He got up, and finally merged into a fireball with a diameter of only one foot long, but in such a small fireball, it contained a terrifying power that made everyone tremble.

"Haha, Xing Jue, you really didn't disappoint me, you just don't know if your little fireball can be an opponent of my aperture." Looking at the fireball in Xing Jue's hand that was spinning at a high speed, Bai Yunfei's face unexpectedly appeared With a touch of excitement, he laughed.

"What? Do you want to try it?" Xing Jue smiled and replied lightly.

"That's what it means." Suddenly Bai Yunfei shouted violently, and the purple halo that contained terrifying power turned into a thick purple beam of light, which blasted the punishment straight at extreme speed.

"Flame Dragon Ball" faced the terrifying beam of light coming at high speed, Xing Jue also shouted violently, and then stretched his palms forward, and the rapidly rotating fireball instantly turned into a thick fire dragon, swept toward the purple beam of light. past.



The purple beam of light collided with the red fire dragon, and there was a deafening roar, and even the square of the outer pavilion trembled twice, so it could be seen how terrifying the purple beam of light and the red fire dragon were. .

The purple beam of light intertwined with the red fire dragon, as if two flood dragons were fighting, and finally turned into a ball of energy light with a height of ten feet. In the light ball, purple light and red flames also flashed constantly, as if they were fighting for each other. At the same time, the mastery of this fireball is general.

"Bang" was another roar, the huge fireball actually exploded, the terrifying energy ripples spread rapidly, and finally Xing Jue and Bai Yunfei were all involved.

After the energy ripples dissipated, people were stunned to find that the arena at this moment had been razed to the ground, and among the rubble, Bai Yunfei was lying in it covered with scars, but Xing Jue was standing safe and sound. On the pile of stones, and beside it stood an old man, and this old man was the Great Elder of the Outer Pavilion.

It turned out that at the critical moment, the first elder still took action to protect the penalty center.

"Cough cough cough" accompanied by a heart-piercing coughing sound, a trembling body slowly stood up from the pile of rubble, Bai Yunfei actually did not die.

But at this moment, two figures suddenly appeared beside Bai Yunfei like a ghost, and bound Bai Yunfei with a thousand-year-old black iron chain.

Seeing this scene, everyone was even more shocked. Even Xing Jue was a little confused about the situation, but Bai Yunfei had a sneer on his face, obviously not feeling the slightest surprise that the elder had tied him up.

After Bai Yunfei was arrested by the two elders, the first elder officially announced that Xing Jue was the champion of this cabinet assessment and won the mysterious prize provided by the main cabinet.

And when the first elder said the prize, everyone's face showed envy, because this prize was one of the martial arts of Yufeng Pavilion, the first-level martial arts "Zanping Sword".

Ground-level martial arts, although no one in this outer cabinet has really seen what this ground-level martial arts is like, everyone knows that the ground-level martial arts possess such terrifying power that they can break mountains and shatter the earth.

In the end, the two-day cabinet assessment came to a close with deafening applause and cheers from the crowd.

In the elder hall of the outer cabinet, the first elder stood with his hands behind his back, while Xing Jue respectfully stood aside.

"Xing Jue, this Zanpo Sword is the martial art of my Yufeng Pavilion, so after you learn it, you are not allowed to pass it on to others, otherwise, no one will be able to protect you, do you know?" The elder stood in front of Xing Jue, He said solemnly, and Xing Jue nodded in agreement.

After seeing Xing Jue's promise, the elder waved his sleeve robe, and a transparent talisman flashed out from his sleeve robe. The talisman was as transparent as crystal, and in the middle of the talisman was engraved with dense ancient characters.

"This is the ground-level martial art "Zanping Sword"?" Xing Jue looked at the spell in front of him with a shocked expression. This was completely different from the martial art he had cultivated before. It was not recorded in a book, but a piece like this. Small spell.

"Low-level martial arts are so precious, using this spell to record his cultivation method is also a means to prevent random spread," the elder explained, and then with a wave of his right arm, the spell was pasted on Xing Jue's forehead.

As the spell was stuck on his forehead, Xing Jue only felt his head heat up, and countless strange fonts began to pour into his head. At this moment, Xing Jue was shocked to discover that this seemingly small spell was Among them, there are so many fonts recorded, this method is really amazing.

After about half an hour, the inheritance of this earth-level martial skill was finally completed. After rubbing his numb head, a bright smile appeared on Xing Jue's face, because at this moment he could clearly He felt that the cultivation method of Zanpojian was already recorded in his head.

After putting away the spell, the elder turned around and sat on the seat in the main seat, and instructed Xing Jue to sit aside.

"Xing Jue, this time entering the cabinet, there is one person you must be careful not to offend," the elder said slowly to Xing Jue after taking a sip of tea.

"I don't know who the Great Elder is referring to, please clarify." Xing Jue asked in confusion.

"Second Elder of the Cabinet," the first elder said to Xing Jue word by word after placing the teacup on the coffee table.

"Second elder of the cabinet?" Xing Jue suddenly remembered that there was an elder in the outer cabinet who was the second elder representing the cabinet and wanted to accept him as a disciple.However, Xing Jue refused. Originally, Xing Jue didn't take it to heart, but after hearing the elder's mention now, he suddenly thought of it.

"Second Elder of the Cabinet, this man is quite ambitious and has always wanted to take full control of the cabinet. In order to strengthen his own power, he even kept one of his disciples in the outer cabinet, looking for a newcomer with better qualifications, so that he could be introduced under his sect. "

"You rejected the second elder that day, so now that you are in the cabinet, the second elder will inevitably make things difficult for you, but for that kind of person, you'd better be patient, otherwise, it will be difficult for you to survive in the cabinet. ." The elder said solemnly to Xing Jue.

"Thank you for the reminder," After hearing the words of the first elder, Xing Jue already knew something about the second elder, and that guy was not a good person.

"Well, your kid is very potential. As long as you cultivate well, I believe that even in this huge Yufeng Pavilion, you will have a place in the future." The elder said to Xing Jue with appreciation, obviously he was very optimistic about Xing Jue Yes, Xing Jue smiled brightly, and he also had the same deep affection for this great elder of the outer cabinet.

"Okay, let's go back to rest, we will enter the cabinet tomorrow," the elder said with a smile, and then waved his sleeve robe to see off the guests.

"Er.. Great Elder, there is still one thing I don't know about this disciple." Xing Jue asked nervously after being silent for a while.

" boy.."

"You want to ask, why should I arrest Bai Yunfei?" The Great Elder guessed what Xing Determination was thinking, and said with a smile.

"Well, please make it clear, the elder." Xing Jue smiled slightly, and then said politely.

"This matter is a long story..." The Great Elder slowly stood up, looked out the window, and said meaningfully.

"More than a hundred years ago, in the Demonic Beast Mountains in the north of Yufeng Pavilion, there appeared a demon girl who had reached the level of a high-level Martial Venerable. That demonic girl was extremely strange, and she actually fed on human souls. People around the Demonic Beast Mountains are naturally Not his opponent, so he sent a letter of help to my Yufengge."

"As the ruler of the Yufeng Empire, Yufeng Pavilion naturally cannot ignore the safety of the people of the Yufeng Empire, so it sent two elders who also reached the level of high-level Martial Venerables to capture the demon girl."

"But what I never expected was that the two elders were not the opponents of the demon girl, and they sent a signal of support to Yufeng Pavilion. After that, Yufeng Pavilion sent a very outstanding disciple from the cabinet. to support"

"But there was no news of the disciple once he left. In desperation, Yufeng Pavilion had to send a large number of strong people again, but after arriving there, only two elders' bodies were found."

"I finally learned that the two elders were at the last moment and tried their best to seal the demon girl." The elder said slowly.

"Then... what about that disciple? Did you find it?" Xing Jue naturally knew about the Demonic Beast Mountains, and the soul-devouring demon girl back then was now her own servant "Xiao Qian".

"However, the disciple was still not found. He seemed to have disappeared without any news."

"However, 20 years after that incident, an evil sect called "Soul Eater Sect" suddenly appeared in Yufeng Empire."

"Soul Eater Cult?" Xing Jueben's calm face suddenly became excited when he heard the name.

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