Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 332 The Strongest Soul

"You can actually absorb the soul to increase your strength to enhance your own strength?"

After witnessing several blood souls being refined by the Nether Palace Master, Xing Jue also showed a look of surprise. It stands to reason that refining souls is an extremely dangerous thing, and a slight discrepancy will cause soul backlash. If ordinary people It is impossible to do this kind of thing without being extremely powerful.

Therefore, it can be said that devouring souls is the patent of the Soul Devouring Clan, and Xing Jue is naturally very surprised that this kind of large-scale refining of souls can be achieved with the strength of the master of the Nether Palace.

"However, I finally know how to instantly improve your strength."

But at this moment Xing Jue couldn't help but a faint smile appeared on Xing Jue's face. It has always been a very curious matter for Xing Jue to know how these people in the Nether Palace improved their strength, but he still couldn't figure it out. , but the actions of the Lord of the Nether Palace in front of him have put the answer in front of Xing Jue.

"Ha ha ha ha…."

"Little devil, are you scared? Are you panicked? Are you scared?"

"Finally realized the power of the Lord of the Palace?"

"But don't worry, the master of this hall will definitely not let you die happily, hahahaha..." The master of the Netherworld hall roared at Xing Jue with that ferocious smile.


"Refining the soul?."

"I can only say that you chose the wrong opponent." Xing Jue snorted coldly, and the corners of his mouth could not help but set off a sneer of disdain and sarcasm.

"Today, I will let you open your eyes and see what real soul power is."


Then I saw Xing Jue's thoughts move slightly, and the dark soul in his body burst out like a flood that released the gate, but in an instant, it filled a large area of ​​space, like a large black cloud hovering over Xing Jue. .

"Roar!, Roar!"

Then bursts of ear-piercing roars began to emanate from that majestic soul, and such a fierce roar instantly completely covered up the screams of those bloody souls.

"This, this feeling."

"Is that soul power?"

The sudden change also shocked the Lord of the Netherworld Hall. At this moment, he didn't care about absorbing the blood soul, but locked his uneasy eyes on the dark soul power around Xingjue.

Because at this moment, he felt a strong sense of oppression in the dark soul power.The feeling made him uneasy, even frightened.

"Roar, Roar, Roar"

Suddenly, the dark soul began to surge violently, and then countless towering black dragons burst out of the soul air mass.

And began to devour those blood souls with a huge mouth, and as long as those blood souls are swallowed by the dark souls, they will be refined in an instant, no matter the amount swallowed or the speed of refining blood souls, They are already far above the Lord of the Nether Palace.

It was just an instant Xingjue, and one tenth of the blood souls in the blood soul formation were swallowed up by Xingjue. At this moment, Xingjue's power had already reached the level of an intermediate battle emperor, and it was still in the future. The terrifying speed continued to climb.

"What's going on? What's going on with this feeling?"

"Such a strong soul power, such a strong feeling, it is actually several times more terrifying than my blood soul."

"Who is this kid? Isn't he a human?"

Looking at the dark soul that was crazily devouring the blood and soul formation, the master of the Nether Palace could no longer sink to the bottom. At this moment, his body began to tremble uncontrollably, and the panic in his heart was self-evident. show up.

"Could it be, could it be this?"

Suddenly, a familiar memory flashed in the mind of the master of the Nether Palace, and that memory seemed to be extremely close to Xing Jue's soul.

Afterwards, the Lord of the Netherworld Hall turned his terrified eyes on the raging soul power again, and when he saw the dark soul power again, he was completely stunned at this moment, A large swath of cold sweat involuntarily left his body, covering his blood-colored body.

"you you you…"

"Could it be that you were recorded in that ancient scroll..." The master of the Netherworld Hall opened his trembling lips with his eyes widened in horror, and said inconceivably.

Back then, the Lord of the Netherworld Palace opened an ancient treasure, and then got the arrangement method of this blood soul array in it, and it was clearly recorded on the ancient scroll that this blood soul array was changed from Soul Eater The Soul Refining Formation of the Soul Devouring Clan, and explained that the Soul Devouring Clan is the most powerful existence of soul power in this continent, and at the same time described the characteristics of the soul power of the Soul Devouring Clan.

However, the Lord of the Netherworld Palace didn't care about the record, because for him, that powerful existence was too far away for him, and what he needed to do was to find a way to arrange the blood soul formation. success.

And after several years of careful research, the master of the Netherworld Hall finally studied the blood soul formation thoroughly, and thus arranged the blood soul formation.

But he never imagined that when he was about to succeed, he would suddenly kill a Soul Devourer. For those races recorded in the ancient scrolls, it was definitely not an existence that could be provoked by the Lord of the Nether Palace.

"Ho, ho, ho~"

At this moment, Xing Jue didn't care about the Lord of the Nether Palace at all, but manipulated his soul power to devour the blood souls in the blood soul formation, and at this moment, Xing Jue's power had reached an extremely terrifying level. The level is only a thin line away from the high-level battle emperor.


Under Xing Jue's seemingly crazy engulfment and refining, it took only a moment for tens of thousands of blood souls to be refined by Xing Jue, and then the dark black soul power began to flow towards Xing Jue at a very high speed. Influx into the body.


And when all the dark soul power returned to Xing Jue's body, Xing Jue's power broke through to the level of a high-level war emperor at this moment.

At this moment, Xing Jue's eyes were a little reddish, and his body was covered with a layer of dark black gas like a flame, rising continuously, and an invisible murderous aura enveloped his whole body, making people feel ashamed just by looking at him. will feel shuddering.

In contrast, the previously rampant Shura Hall Master looked extremely weak, like a hare facing a hungry tiger, standing there tremblingly, unable to even speak, Has completely lost the power to resist.


Suddenly, Xing Jue's palm suddenly hit out, and grabbed the master of the Nether Palace in the distance, and at the same time, the space around the master of the Nether Palace was distorted at a high speed, and then it was filled with that terrifying feeling. Power, began to forcefully squeeze the Lord of the Nether Palace.

"Ah, ah, ah~~~~"

Facing the punishment at this moment, the Lord of the Nether Palace had no power to fight back at all, and could only let the space continue to oppress him, and under this oppression, his body began to gradually shatter, and his body began to shatter. The sound of cracking and the cracking of bones could be heard clearly, and the heart-piercing screams of the Lord of the Netherworld Hall echoed constantly in the blood soul formation.

Looking at the Lord of the Nether Palace who was being tortured by him, Xing Jue's eyes did not have a trace of pity, but were full of coldness, and this kind of coldness was even more frightening.

The Xing Jue at this moment is completely different from the previous him. Without the warmth of the sun, it is extremely cold.

Under the ravages of Xing Jue, the screams of the Lord of the Nether Palace also gradually faded, and finally he completely lost any sound, and at this moment he had completely lost his breath.



Seeing that the Lord of the Nether Hall was no longer breathing, Xing Jue closed his palm suddenly, and with the closing of his palm, the space that oppressed the Lord of the Nether Hall was also strongly compacted together, and the body of the Lord of the Nether Hall was also completely shattered. God is gone.

"Hmph, that's what happens when you fight against me."

After killing the master of the Netherworld Hall, a slight arc appeared on Xing Jue's icy face, and this arc was so rigid that it made people feel uneasy.

"Hoo, woo, ow"

At this moment, Xing Jue's face suddenly changed drastically, and the sound of howling ghosts and wolves continued to ring out in his brain, and at the same time, severe pain covered all parts of Xing Jue's body.


At this moment, Xing Jue only felt like countless ants were corroding his body. The severe pain made Xing Jue unbearable, and he began to shout loudly. Gradually, Xing Jue even felt that his consciousness had become blurred. Everything in front of him was blurred.

"Damn it, is it a backlash?"

The sudden pain also made Xing Jue regain his previous clarity, and then Xing Jue hurriedly closed his eyes to stabilize his mind.

And when Xing Jue sank his mind into his body, he was shocked to find that those blood souls had not been truly refined by him, but had gushed out from the source of their souls at this moment, corroding his body, and even continuously attacking him His soul and brain actually wanted to occupy his body.

"Sure enough, there are ghosts, but if you want to occupy my body, it depends on whether you have that ability."

When the person discovered the situation, Xing Jue snorted coldly, and then began to mobilize the soul power in his body to fight crazily, but this time Xing Jue failed to drive these blood souls away as easily as last time out.

Because these blood souls have already integrated into Xing Jue's body at this moment, they cannot be driven out, and there is no solution, only to completely eliminate them and completely refine them.But right now it's not an easy thing

(Today is December 12th, a very special day, at least for bees, because today is the birthday of bees. On such a day, bees would like to thank everyone who supports bees, including me My family, editors, and readers who have always supported me. In order to give back to everyone’s support, Bee decided to make a breakthrough today, add two more updates on the basis of the two updates, and make a small explosion. This It’s the first update today, and there will be a third update. The bees are working so hard, so don’t be stingy with the flowers, VIPs, and pk tickets in your hands. Feel free to use them to hit me, let me see your support!!!)

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