Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 340 Mysterious Girl

Soul power is actually divided into colors, but it can be hidden under the cover of people. Of course, this kind of deliberate cover-up, if it is difficult to hide in front of a person with particularly powerful soul power, is like When Dugu Feng used his soul power in front of Xing Jue, Xing Jue would notice him immediately.

And the strength of the soul power is also closely related to its color. Usually, the stronger the color, the stronger the soul power. Therefore, the soul power of the Soul Devourers is definitely the king of this continent. An irresistible deterrent.

If the soul power released by Dugu Feng is a hungry wolf, then the soul power released by Xingjue is a violent monster dragon. The gap between the two is so different that they cannot be compared at all. .


Just when Dugu Feng was manipulating his soul power and was about to deal a fatal blow to Wang Yanran, Xing Jue's soul power had completely wrapped him up without him noticing.

And at the moment when the two confronted each other, Dugu Feng's power was devoured by Xing Jue's soul power like a sheep entering a tiger's mouth. At this moment, it was transformed into Xing Jue's power.

"what happened!!!"

This sudden change made Dugu Feng's complexion change drastically. For him who couldn't detect the soul power of Xing Jue at all, he couldn't figure out what happened. He just felt that the soul power emitted by himself Disappearing suddenly, it is as if the world has evaporated, completely losing contact with myself.


But just when Dugu Feng was shocked by the loss of his previous soul power, Hu Feifei couldn't help shaking his hands, and his body trembled violently. The Baodan in the shot fell short, and was shattered by a complete explosion.


And this sudden change caused the shock of millions of people present. They couldn't imagine that such a genius in refining medicine could not even stand upright at such a critical moment, making such an error.

"You bastard!"

Compared to everyone's shock, Hu Feifei's face was even more angry. Although she controlled her treasure pill in the medicine cauldron the moment it was destroyed by virtue of her excellent techniques, and did not cause a destructive explosion, the treasure pill was still destroyed. Totally ruined.

And at this moment, she even blamed Dugu Feng for all of this, because she felt that Dugu Feng used a soul attack on her.


Looking at Hu Feifei who was already blushing with anger, Dugu Feng felt inexplicable, because even he himself didn't know what happened.

Facing the dramatic scene, Xing Jue smiled complacently, because Hu Feifei's previous mistakes were made by him, and Xing Jue didn't bother to do such despicable things.

However, Xing Jue has always been a person who refuses to suffer. If others want to harm him, he will double the repayment. Since Dugu Feng and Hu Feifei want to use their soul power to harm Wang Yanran, Xing Jue will not let them It's better, just let Wang Feifei suffer a crushing defeat.

"Little ghost, the power of the soul is a bit special, could it be that you have refined the soul?"

But at this moment, an old man's voice suddenly penetrated Xing Jue's ears, and after hearing this voice, Xing Jue's expression changed drastically, and he quickly turned his gaze to the crowd, only to realize that At the moment, in the VIP seat on the high platform, two elders of the Shengdan clan were looking at him with a smile.

"Don't be afraid, I don't mean to embarrass you."

"It was Hu Feifei and Dugu Feng who were at odds earlier, so we won't hold you accountable."

"Keep reading, we are also looking forward to what kind of pill your girlfriend will refine."

Just when Xing Jue was panicking at the revelation of his previous display of soul power, the old man's voice sounded again, and at this moment Xing Jue finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"It seems that in front of the real strong, we really need to restrain ourselves." Xing Jue wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and said with some self-deprecation.

At first, I thought that with my own soul power, no one could detect my small movements, but what I didn't expect was that from the very beginning, no matter whether it was Hu Feifei and Dugu Feng's small movements, or the soul confrontation between him and Dugu Feng. Pass the two elders of the Shengdan clan.

Moreover, the elder of the Shengdan tribe still realized the particularity of his soul. Fortunately, Xing Jue devoured a few spirits, and the essence of his soul had changed, so he was not found out that he was a member of the Soul Devourer tribe.

"That kid is not simple, the mastery of the soul is very subtle."

"If it wasn't for Dugu Feng and Wang Feifei's small actions that made me lock the square with my soul power, I would never have noticed that he used his soul power." At this moment, one of the elders of the Shengdan clan sent a voice transmission to another elder. Said.

"Well, such a subtle soul mastery reminds me of the Soul Eaters. I really don't know where this kid learned such a mysterious soul skill." Another elder replied through voice transmission.


Just when the two elders of the Shengdan clan were admiring the soul power that Xing Jue had displayed before, a very bright light suddenly burst out in the square, the light was very dazzling, like a small tomorrow falling on In the square, the entire square is illuminated by a bright light.


When the light dissipated, I saw a purple treasured pill floating on Wang Yanran's medicinal cauldron, and compared to those pills released before, this precious pill's appearance is actually surrounded by a majestic circle. Gas and light.


After that, the gas and light began to rotate at a very high speed, and at the same time began to melt into the treasure pill, and when all the gas was melted into it, the fragrance of the pill from the treasure pill filled the entire square At this moment, everyone was immersed in this wonderful Danxiang.

"Heaven-rank treasure pill, she actually refined a heaven-rank treasure pill."

"Surprisingly, a heavenly treasure pill was refined in such a short period of time."

"My God? What kind of alchemy level is this? Who is she?"

"Such a level of refining medicine at such an age, why haven't I heard her name before?"

At this moment, the square is already boiling, and all kinds of voices of exclamation and discussion are constantly ringing out. Compared with the people in the auditorium, the alchemists in the waiting seats are even more amazed. They are also alchemists. They are deeply aware of the difficulty of this heavenly treasure pill, and Wang Yanran can refine a heavenly treasure pill in such a short period of time, which simply makes them feel admiration from the bottom of their hearts.

"Hehe, did you succeed so quickly?"

"It's really beyond my expectation."

"Well, from this point of view, even if there is no accident for Hu Feifei, this little girl is destined to win the alchemy event."

At this moment, the two elders of the Holy Pill Clan on the high platform also showed smiles of admiration and appreciation, while compared to the two of them, Dugu Feng had an ugly expression on his face.

As for the two young men and women of the Shengdan tribe, they seemed a little ashamed, but in that shame, there was a trace of joy that could not be detected by others.

No matter what, Wang Yanran has undoubtedly become the biggest dark horse in this alchemy event, not only will be accepted by the Shengdan tribe as a member of the Shengdan tribe, but also become the most famous alchemist in Shentianyu from now on.

After this alchemy grand event ended, Wang Yanran would be brought back to the Holy Pill Clan, and before parting, Wang Yanran gave Xing Jue the heavenly treasure pill that was refined at the alchemy event. It is a treasure pill that has a medicine that can bring the dead back to life, and can save a person in a difficult situation.

And after Wang Yanran left, Xing Jue didn't stay too long, but planned to rush back to Shura Palace. After all, Shura Palace is still in the development period, and there are many things to deal with.

"Huh? Isn't this the girl?"

But just when Xing Jue came to the ancient teleportation array and was about to enter, he suddenly found a familiar figure walking out from the exit of the ancient teleportation array, and this was the woman disguised as a man who was captured by Xing Jue in the forest A cheap girl.

"Strange? Where did she come from? Why is she still coming here after the alchemy event is over?"

The girl didn't notice Xing Jue, and walked straight towards the depths of the city after walking out of the ancient teleportation formation, and her unusual behavior caught Xing Jue's attention.

There was always a sense of mystery about this girl, and Xing Jue's intuition told Xingjue that this girl was not as simple as it appeared on the surface, maybe she came here for a special purpose.

"Hey, let me see what you really want to do."

Thinking of this, Xing Jue chuckled, and immediately followed the girl curiously.

Sure enough, as Xing Jue guessed, after the girl walked to a corner where there was no one, she quietly merged into the dimensional space, and her breath became extremely obscure, and finally disappeared completely.

However, she who was targeted by Xing Jue still couldn't escape Xing Jue's tracking, and with the help of the Soul Eater Order, the girl couldn't find Xing Jue at all.

The Xing Jue two advanced at a very high speed, and soon they came to the deepest part of the city. This is an extremely huge palace. The strength of a war emperor.

And Xingjue can feel that there is an extremely obscure hidden enchantment around the palace, as long as it is touched a little, it will attract the attention of those soldiers and guards, and it can be seen that this must be the holy guard. A forbidden place of the Dan people.

What Xing Jue is curious about is what is there that will make this girl not afraid of the prestige of the Holy Pill clan and want to break in here, but under such strict precautions, what means will she use to get in?

(Second more)

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