Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 35 The Strongest Nova [Chapter 3]

(The [-]D update is completed today, and it will explode tomorrow!!!)

The next day, in this splendid cabinet, compared with the cabinet disciples who were fighting alone and cultivating asceticism, a strange landscape appeared, that is, a tour group composed of ten elders. Tour everywhere.

And the strength of most high-level martial artists among them was met with contempt from the cabinet disciples.

"Brother Xing Jue, this cabinet is really different, even the slates thrown on the ground will sparkle." Xiao San followed behind Xing Jue with a smile, like a country bumpkin who just entered the city, looking around, looking left and right.

"Little San, this cabinet makes you so satisfied?" Xing Jue asked after turning around and giving Xiao San a blank look.

"Hey, I'm already very satisfied to be able to enter this cabinet." Xiaosan smiled and said with a contented expression on his face.

But Xing Jue shook his head helplessly after seeing his satisfied appearance.

After this day's tour, Xing Jue and the others had already figured out the environment of the cabinet, and finally Xing Jue brought them to the training pavilion of the cabinet.

After all, their strength is still too weak. Although they are the top existences in the outer cabinet, they are definitely the lowest existence in this cabinet, so what Xing Jue has to do now is to provide their strength.

After entering the cabinet, Xing Jue discovered that the training pavilion of the cabinet was actually not much different from the outer pavilion, except that it was smaller in size and the palace was beautiful. Those who kill monsters, and the third floor are those who practice martial arts.

It's just that the level of monsters in the cabinet is much higher than that in the outer cabinet, and the lowest level is also the level of monsters in the late third order.That is, it is equivalent to the level of a high-level martial artist.

Xing Jue and the others went straight to the third floor this time. After entering the cabinet, Xing Jue and the others first strolled around the cabinet's martial arts pavilion. Xing Jue also used his savings to buy them some Xuan-level martial arts skills. And he also taught them the Wind-Eating Palm and the Royal Qi Jue that Feng Lao gave him.

After all, these ten people here are under their own orders, so Xing Jue must be cultivated vigorously. Only when they are strong, can Xing Jue's influence become stronger in this cabinet in the future.

And Xing Jue also wants to be here, to hit the level of the middle-level martial arts, and for the ground-level martial arts "Zan Soul Sword", Xing Jue also wants to practice, after all, such a powerful martial arts, if you master it, then it will be considered In this cabinet, Xing Jue will not be bullied by anyone.

When the Xing Jue one had just walked into the third floor, they found that a violent incident was taking place in the third floor hall at the moment.

I saw a cabinet disciple who had reached the first-level martial artist and fell to the ground.And made a disciple who has reached the middle-level Wuzong, eight-character eyebrows.Sitting on top of him, slapped him constantly, and behind the two of them stood several cabinet disciples, all of whom were at the level of the first-level Martial Sect.

"Brother Xingjue, isn't that the disciple of the outer cabinet who came in with us?" Four Eyes recognized the disciple who fell to the ground at first glance, and that was one of the 20 people who entered the cabinet with them.

"Stop!" After hearing Siyan's words, Xing Jue also recognized the disciple, so he shouted loudly.

Originally, Xing Jue didn't want to take care of this kind of business. After all, he just entered the cabinet and didn't want to cause trouble, but since he was a newcomer who came in with Xing Jue, Xing Jue couldn't help but get involved, because no matter what. , this person and Xing Jue are still a little bit related, a disciple of the same period.

"Yes, what are you shouting? Looking for death?" The disciple with eight-character eyebrows who beat Zhenghuan was shocked by Xing Jue's sudden voice.I thought it was a big man coming, but when I turned around and saw that it was a group of bottom-tier disciples who were too weak to do so, they suddenly became energetic and scolded Xing Jue angrily.

"What? This is your house? Don't let me say anything?" Xing Jue replied without any fear. He is just a middle-level martial artist. In the eyes of others, it may be not bad, but in Xing Jue's eyes, fart neither.

"Are you looking for death, kid? Do you know who you are talking to?" Seeing Xing Jue, he dared to talk back. Among the dozen or so people, a cabinet disciple who had reached the junior level of Wu Zong walked up to Xing Jue and used He poked Xing Jue's chest with his hand, stared at Xing Jue, and shouted to Xing Jue.

Xing Jue naturally couldn't get used to this kid's presumptuous behavior. He grabbed the disciple's finger with his right hand and turned his wrist slightly, only to hear a crisp "click", the disciple's finger was broken.

"Ah, my fingers!" Due to the speed of the execution, when the disciple reacted, his fingers had already been folded into a V shape, so he grabbed his fingers with one hand and shouted miserably. up.

As for his appearance, Xing Jue smiled slightly and said to him, "Do you know who I am?".

Seeing that Xing Jue broke the disciple's finger so easily, the disciples were also shocked, and one by one felt that Xing Jue was not easy to mess with, and the eight-character eyebrow disciple also put away his own. Stubborn temper, the tone changed a little politely: "Who are you then?".

"My eldest brother is the strongest rising star in this cabinet." Before Xing Jue could speak, Xiao San suddenly stood up, pointed at Xing Jue, and said proudly.

"Pfft!" Xing Jue couldn't help laughing after being tricked by Xiao San, and then said to Xiao San, "Little San, when did I get this nickname?".

"Brother Xing Jue, we are all newcomers to this cabinet, and you are the champion of this cabinet assessment, so you are naturally the strongest new star," Xiao San explained with a serious face.

"Yes, a group of newly arrived brats dare to oppose Lao Tzu. Are you impatient to live?" Originally, there were some scruples about Xing Jue's identity. After all, among the many disciples in this cabinet, there are many The disciples all had backgrounds, and he didn't want to offend some big people easily, but when he heard Xiao San's words, he suddenly realized that they were the newcomers to the cabinet this year.So it came up again.

"Hey, it seems that the atmosphere of this cabinet is not very good. I don't care who you are. I will admit it to me right away. Today's affairs are over, otherwise, I will make you like him." Xing Jue pretended to be helpless. The head said, and then pointed to the one who broke his finger.

"Haha, a joke." After hearing Xing Jue's words, the disciples suddenly burst into laughter.

Not only them, but even some disciples who were watching the fun laughed along with them.Xing Jue, a disciple with both background and lack of strength, dares to put such nonsense here, no wonder they find it so funny.

"Abandon him and let him know what kind of place this cabinet is." Suddenly, the eight-character eyebrow disciple shouted with a cold face.

And following his order, the disciples also swarmed up, pounced on Xing Jue, and the vicious attacks, accompanied by gusts of wind, rushed towards Xing Jue.

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