
The Asura Blade in Xing Jue's hand, like a rainstorm covering the sky, slashed at Dugu Feng continuously, and as time passed, Xing Jue's attack became more and more mysterious.

Gradually, Dugu Feng became a little hard to resist, but it was too late when he found out that something was wrong. At this moment, Xing Jue's attack was like a huge net, which blocked all his escape routes, making it impossible to retreat. There is no defense.

"Young Master Dugu, I offended you."

Suddenly, I saw Xing Jue's right arm swung again, and a dark light flashed past, and this was Xing Jue's Asura Blade, but this time Dugu Feng couldn't resist the attack Ability, this slash has already smashed towards Dugu Feng's body.

In order not to hurt Dugu Feng or seriously injure him, Xing Jue turned the direction of Shura's blade and attacked it with a flat surface, but even so, as long as Dugu Feng was hit by this blow, he would still end up in an extremely embarrassing end.


"You guys, enough is enough."

But when Xing Jue's downward slash was about to hit Dugu Feng, a powerful binding force suddenly appeared around the two of them without warning, trapping Xing Jue.

And at this moment, Xing Jue's face couldn't help changing drastically, and an indescribable sense of panic emerged from the bottom of his heart.

Because this force is too powerful, so strong that Xing Jue feels that not only the body is bound, but the whole person including the soul and the flow of fighting spirit are all controlled.

Such a powerful force of restraint simply surpassed the space restraint controlled by the War Emperor, and even Xing Jue felt that as long as the opponent exerted a little pressure on him, his body including his soul would be shattered.

"Such a powerful force, could it be the Emperor of War?"

In the face of such power, Xing Jue has no resistance at all, but today's Xing Jue has reached the level of a high-level war emperor, and the only one who can make a high-level war emperor suppressed to such a degree is probably that Only a legendary war emperor can do it.

With this feeling of panic, Xing Jue tried his best to turn his eyes around, wanting to see the true face of the person who shot him.

However, this restraining force is too strong, so strong that he doesn't even have the power to turn his eyes, so he can only wait for the other party's sentence with this kind of fear and anxiety.


But just when Xing Jue gave up, the powerful binding force disappeared instantly, and at this moment Xing Jue also recovered his free body, and then hurriedly turned his eyes to the surroundings.

When he turned around, he was shocked to find that a black-haired middle-aged man in a white robe was standing not far away with his hands behind his back, looking at Xing Jue with a faint smile on his face.

The white robe worn by this man is not a treasure, it is a very ordinary robe, but for some reason it looks so good on this man, and this seemingly ordinary appearance also gives people a strange feeling. An indescribable atmosphere.

Although there is no trace of power flowing around this man's body at this moment, just like an ordinary person, but it is like a deep ocean that is difficult to see through.Obviously, it was the one in front of him who attacked Xing Jue and Dugu Feng.


Just as Xing Jue was wondering who this person in front of him was, Yao Xinyan, Yao Chen, and Yao Xinyan's sixth sister all came to the middle-aged man's side, and greeted him respectfully and cordially. .


After hearing the claims of Yaoxinyan and the three sisters, Xingjue was even more stunned, and a trace of shock appeared on his face, because the person in front of him was the patriarch of the Yaolian clan. Today, one of the top powerhouses in Tianwu Continent, Yao Yutian.

"Dugu Feng, pay my respects to Uncle." At this moment, Dugu Feng who was standing aside hurriedly put away the treasure in his hand, and said respectfully with a fake smile on his face.

"Hehe, nephew, you don't need to be too polite." Seeing this, Yao Yutian, the patriarch of the Yaolian clan, smiled slightly, then waved his hand and said.

"Father, this is the friend I mentioned to you last time, Xing Jue." However, to Xing Jue's surprise, Yao Xinyan took her father's hand and introduced herself to him.

"Junior Xing Jue, pay homage to the patriarch of the Yaolian Clan." Seeing this, Xing Jue did not neglect but hurried forward to salute respectfully.

"Little friend Xing Jue is very powerful. He has such strength at such an age. He can be called the No. 1 of the younger generation in Shentianyu today." But what surprised everyone the most was that after Yao Yutian looked at Xing Jue, He actually praised Xing Jue.

And such optimistic words shocked everyone even more. Being able to receive such praise from the patriarch of the Yaolian clan is enough to show that this person is extraordinary, and how can they not be shocked that Xing Jue can receive such praise.

But compared to everyone's shock, Dugu Feng's face couldn't help but twitched a few times, the word "unhappy" was clearly written on his face, Yao Yutian praised Xing Jue as a young man in Shentianyu today No. 1 in his generation, that is to say, in Yao Yutian's heart, he is not an opponent of Xingjue at all. This is how he, who has always been proud and arrogant, can accept it.

Even if he was indeed in crisis before, he still couldn't accept that Xing Jue was better than him, or it could be said that he didn't want to accept it. At this moment, an inexplicable hatred rushed into Dugu Feng's heart.

"The patriarch is too much." Although Xingjue was a little surprised and pleased by the praise of the patriarch of the Yaolian clan, he could only be humble on this occasion.

"Hey, you don't need to be modest. Originally, when my Xiaoqi praised you in front of me, I was also deeply suspicious."

"However, seeing each other today, as Xiao Qi said, there is something that ordinary people can't match. It is also a blessing for the entire Tianwu Continent to have such an outstanding young man like you in Shentianyu." Yao Yutian continued to praise.In his discourse, he clearly expressed his recognition and appreciation of Xing Jue.

Afterwards, Xing Jue just smiled and didn't answer. After all, he had already said something like this. If he continued to be modest, he would be ignorant, but at this moment, Xing Jue felt that Yao Yutian A sense of gratitude rose.

Because in such a public place, such unabashed appreciation of Xing Jue is simply to tell everyone in the whole sky that Xing Jue is the person he Yao Yutian approves of, and this recognition is simply an invisible protection The token can make Xingjue's future journey smoother.

Thinking of this, Xing Jue turned his grateful eyes to Yao Yutian's side, that Yao Xinyan who squinted her eyes and smiled mischievously, because Xing Jue knew that Yao Yutian would have such a good impression of him, Absolutely inseparable from Yao Xinyan's credit.

After some chatting, everyone finally came to the ruins of the Yaolian clan, and the appearance of Yao Yutian successfully brought everyone a surprise. Originally, visiting the ruins of the Yaolian clan was already a very pleasant surprise. At that time, some people were flattered to be able to be accompanied by the patriarch of the Yaolian clan in person.

And Xingjue and others who can follow Yao Yutian have become the envy of nearly a thousand people present. After all, being able to get in touch with people like Yao Yutian at such a close distance is what everyone yearns for. thing.

Compared to everyone else, Xing Jue was also a little surprised, after all, this was the first time Xing Jue saw the Zhan Emperor powerhouse.And being able to communicate with such a strong person at such a close distance is also a rare opportunity.

But at the same time, Xing Jue could also feel the importance of this ruin to the Yaolian clan, since Yaoyu Tianken appeared here in person instead of appointing an elder in the clan, which already explained everything.

"Little friend Xing Jue, nephew Dugu, leader Ouyang, can you understand the mural in front of you?" After entering the ruins, Yao Yutian smiled and asked Xing Jue, Dugu Feng, and Ouyang Hansheng.

In this relic, all kinds of strange murals are engraved on the surrounding walls, the ceiling above the head, and the rocky ground below. Connected, as a whole, it is also a huge picture scroll.

"Back to Uncle, the murals in the ruins in front of me are indeed extremely mysterious. No wonder they can become a mystery that the Yaolian clan has been unable to decipher for thousands of years."

"However, for this trip, I also read a lot of articles about refining, and now I know a lot about refining. Although I can't guarantee that I can interpret the secrets in this mural, I think it is not impossible." Seeing this, Dugu Feng on the side said with a smile on his face.

"Well, nephew Dugu Xian has such confidence, he is indeed worthy of being the leader of the younger generation of Shentianyu today."

"So, little friend Xingjue, what about you?"

After hearing Dugu Feng's words, Yao Yu Tianfu nodded in satisfaction, and then turned his expectant eyes to Xing Jue.

"Please wait for the younger generation to watch it before returning to the patriarch." Seeing Yao Yutian's question, Xing Jue did not speak big words like Dugu Feng, but smiled and agreed and then came to the entrance, because Xing Jue wants to start from here.

However, when Xing Jue saw the first change carved on the rock wall, he felt a sense of familiarity inexplicably, and this familiar feeling can be found in almost every mural, but only for a while. But I can't remember where this feeling comes from.

"It's actually!!!"

But just after Xing Jue looked at several murals together, Xing Jue's face couldn't help but become more exciting, and at this moment, it was as if a stormy wave was set off in his heart, and it was difficult to calm down the excitement at the moment.

Because at this moment, Xing Jue finally knew why he felt inexplicably familiar with these murals. That feeling came from the patterns painted by Ai Bo, but these murals were just symbols painted by Ai Bo.

However, if the lines drawn by Ai Bo are connected together, they can be connected together in a very mysterious way. At this moment, Xing Jue was shocked to find that he could understand the strange mural in front of him.

(first update)

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