Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 368 Sudden Changes


Seeing Xing Jue's astonishment, Xiao Cong showed a look of joy. It seems that for her who has lived in the form of half-beast and half-human since she was a child, now she can transform into this young girl. It can be said that she is extremely happy in her heart, and this kind of joy can't be concealed.

"Xing Jue, this is Xiao Cong."

"The power contained in the dragon ball is no small matter. Could it be ordinary people? Even among my dragon guards, only those with extremely strong blood can touch it, otherwise they will suffer backlash.

"And Xiao Cong is the person with the strongest blood in our Dragon Hu Clan, so this time, Xiao Cong must accompany you to the towering domain." At this moment, the patriarch of the Dragon Hu Clan on the side also said with a smile .

"En, that's fine." Seeing this, Xing Jue nodded in agreement.The three men always feel a little bored when they are on the road, but it would be a good thing to have an extra little girl.

Afterwards, Xing Jue, the Yanhuang Demon Turtle, the clan leader of the Hulong Clan, and Xiao Cong rushed towards the Shura Hall located in the center of the Towering Domain.

The four Xing Jue who were present at this moment were traveling through the space at a high speed, looking at the blue light that kept passing by, Xing Jue's face was full of amazement.

Because Xing Jue was astonished to discover that at this moment, under the leadership of the Yanhuang Demon Turtle, the flying speed of the four of them in the space was much faster than that of the ancient teleportation formation.

At this moment, Xing Jue finally realized how powerful the Emperor Zhan is. It is no wonder that Emperor Zhan is the pinnacle of this continent, and it is a legend in many people's hearts, because the power mastered by Emperor Zhan absolutely exceeds Ordinary people's cognition can really support being the god of this continent.

And under the extremely fast guidance of the Yanhuang Demon Tortoise, they arrived at the "Ancient City", the headquarters of the Shura Palace, in the center of Shentianyu in just two days.

"How is this going?"

But when the four of Xing Jue stepped out of the space tunnel and saw the ancient city in front of them, Xing Jue's face suddenly became panicked, and an indescribable uneasiness rose from the bottom of his heart.

Because he found that the ancient city was dilapidated, countless palaces had collapsed, some were completely destroyed, and many members of Shura Hall in the ancient city were also injured and patrolling. Likely under attack.


After discovering this change, Xing Jue turned into a ray of light and flew towards the main hall of the ancient city at a high speed. Seeing this, the Yanhuang Demon Turtle and the head of the Dragon Guardian Clan followed closely behind. past.

"What, everyone is here?"

But when Xing Jue came to the main hall of the ancient city, he was shocked to find that in this main hall at this moment, the old man, the emperor and other people who should be in the inner circle are all in this main hall, and at this moment, Xing Jue's face became even more solemn. Everyone gathered here, which meant that something big might have happened in the ancient city.

"Xing Jue, you. You are back."

"It's great that you have no facts." And when everyone saw the execution, they showed ecstatic expressions, and even some tears appeared in some people's eyes.

"Leopard King, what happened?"

"Where is Xiaolong? Why isn't Xiaolong here?"

But at this moment, Xing Jue suddenly discovered that the little dragon who was supposed to be in the ancient city was not here, and then Xing Jue rushed to the crowd and asked anxiously.

"Lord Liantian, he, he was taken away." Seeing Xing Jue's question, Ben Leibao King said nervously.

"What? Who captured Xiaolong?"

"What the hell is going on? Tell me quickly."

After hearing the words of the Leopard King Ben Lei, Xing Jue couldn't help but tremble, and then asked eagerly.Not only Xing Jue, but also the patriarch of the dragon guard clan behind him, and the Yanhuang Demon Turtle couldn't help frowning.

"Xing Jue, shortly after you went to the Yaolian Clan, the ancient city of my Shura Temple was attacked."

"The origin of the attackers is unknown, and it seems that they deliberately concealed their identities, and they all covered their faces with special means."

"However, their strength is very strong. Under their crazy attack, the ancient city suffered heavy casualties."

"But just when the ancient city was about to be destroyed by those people, Lord Liantian suddenly went berserk, and it turned into a giant dragon!"

"A towering dragon with a length of thousands of feet and a dark red body. Its body swings like a towering dragon that can set off violent storms. At that moment, Master Liantian's strength doubled even more, and he killed all the intruders."

The Leopard King Benlei slowly described the situation at that time, but when he mentioned that the little dragon had transformed into an entity, his face was still full of shock.

And when they heard the words of the Leopard King Benlei, compared to Xing Jue, the Yanhuang Demon Turtle and the patriarch of the Hulong Clan, they showed even more excited expressions, because they could determine from the form that the Leopard King Benlei said that the little dragon It was the Sky-refining Demon Dragon they were looking for.

"Then who took Xiaolong?"

Presumably, Yu Xiaolong was not overly surprised by Xingjue's transformation, but asked with great concern who captured Xiaolong, because the most important thing for Xingjue is not Xiaolong's strength, but its comfort .

"Yes... from Beast City." Seeing Xing Jue's question, Ben Leibao King said with some fear on his face.

"What? Beast City?"

"Why did the people from Beast City arrest Xiaolong?" Xing Jue showed a puzzled expression.

"When the Sky-refining demon dragon turns into a solid body, its spirit of a beast will naturally leak out. Presumably Tongxuan Guifeng sensed the existence of the sky-refining demon dragon, so it sent someone to capture the sky-refining demon dragon." At this time, the Yanhuang Demon Turtle behind Xing Jue slowly analyzed.

"Xing Jue, this, this is..."

After hearing the words of the Yanhuang Demon Tortoise, except for the four people who came along with Xing Jue, almost everyone present turned their amazed eyes to the Yanhuang Demon Turtle.

Because they had clearly heard the Yanhuang Demon Turtle say that the little dragon was a divine beast. They had never heard of this word, but they could guess from the name alone that it must be a not simple existence.

When asked by Cang Lao and others, Xing Jue roughly told everyone about the identities of the Yanhuang Demon Turtle and the clan leader of the Hulong Clan, as well as Xiaolong's body, and when everyone listened to Xing Jue's narration, they were more thorough. shocked.

Especially the Benlei Leopard King, looking at the Yanhuang Demon Turtle at this moment, it was as if he saw his ancestors, and his dull eyes were filled with infinite admiration.

After some conversations, Xing Jue also learned that everyone was not only worried about Xiaolong, but also worried about himself.

It turned out that after the ancient city was attacked, Benlei Leopard King notified Xingjue with a communication talisman at the first time, but Naihe couldn't contact Xingjue at all, and thinking about the attack on Shura Palace, everyone suspected that it was Xing Jue offended someone, so everyone suspected that Xing Jue might have encountered an accident.

As for why the communication talisman did not contact Xing Jue, the patriarch of the Hulong Clan gave a clear answer, that is Xing Jue's father, the black flame enchantment array arranged by Dugu Changyi can block all information, so Xing Jue can Contact not received with communicator.

"Senior Yanhuang, if what you said is true, Tongxuan Guifeng has evil intentions, then it will definitely be detrimental to Xiaolong, so isn't Xiaolong's current situation extremely dangerous?"

But after understanding the matter in detail, Xing Jue cast his eager eyes on the Yanhuang Demon Turtle.

The Yanhuang Demon Tortoise is not only a powerful man standing at the top of the continent, but also a divine beast that has lived for thousands of years, and he is also the builder of the Beast City, the master of the mysterious ghost phoenix, so from all walks of life. On the one hand, the Yanhuang Devil Turtle has the most say at the moment.

"Tongxuan Ghost Phoenix has the ambition to dominate the mainland, so naturally it will not allow the existence of a divine beast like the Liantian Yaolong whose blood is above it."

"However, Tongxuan Guifeng wants to obtain the power of the Holy Beast Orb. It is not a matter of two years, and the Holy Beast Orb is closely related to the Sky Demon Dragon."

"That's why I don't think Tongxuan Ghost Phoenix is ​​going to kill the Sky Demon Dragon now, but wants to unravel the secret between it and the holy beast bead."

"Fortunately, it doesn't know the secret that the sacred beast beads need to be fused with the dragon beads to be refined, so it is almost impossible for it to decipher the secret between the two. This can bring us a good chance to rescue the demon dragon. .” The Yanhuang Demon Tortoise said slowly.

"Senior Yanhuang, what should we do next?" Xing Jue asked anxiously.

"Tongxuan Ghost Phoenix is ​​not only extremely deep in the city, but its current strength must not be inferior to mine, so it is impossible to force it."

"But I have an idea, that is, I will take you into the beast city. After all, I am its master. Even if it is in charge of the beast city now and has strength not weaker than mine, it is impossible for it to treat me. This master doesn't recognize it."

"And when the time comes, we can inquire about the place where the Sky Demon Dragon is imprisoned as a guest. When everything is clear, we can rescue the Sky Demon Dragon in one fell swoop." Yanhuang Demon Turtle told Xing Jue and others again road.

"Well, since that's the case, let's set off now." After hearing the Yanhuang Demon Turtle's method, Xing Jue stood up suddenly, as if preparing to set off.

"Don't worry, you need to prepare before this. It is not easy for too many people to go this time, three people are enough."

"And going this time will definitely offend Beast City, so you can't let Tongxuan Guifeng know your relationship with Shura Palace, otherwise your Shura Palace will be destroyed." But after Xing Jue stood up, Yanhuang Demon Turtle waved his hand, indicating that Xing must not worry.

(Today’s third update, there are five updates in total today, and two more updates. Brothers, vote for some flowers to support, and brothers who have VIPs, don’t be stingy. Recently, the website is holding an event. VIPs vote for one and get one free. This is a rare opportunity. Let's support it, hehe)

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