Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 377 Purple Feather Golden Eagle, Purple Gold Armor



But at this moment, the Yanhuang Demon Turtle's face suddenly changed, and then a big mouthful of blood was sprayed out of its mouth.And at this moment, even his already extremely old face seemed to have dimmed a bit.

"Senior Yanhuang, what's wrong with you?" Seeing this, Xing Jue hurriedly dodged in front of the Yanhuang Demon Tortoise, and asked nervously while supporting the crumbling Yanhuang Demon Turtle.

"Hehe, it's okay, it's okay." Seeing Xing Jue and everyone so nervous, the Yanhuang Demon Turtle smiled and waved his hands.

"He vomited blood for no reason, how could it be all right, you are a middle-rank war emperor." Xing Jue questioned with a firm face.


"I used the natal spiritual weapon of the Yanhuang Demon Armor to protect this place, so that Tongxuan Guifeng and the others could not interfere with Lord Liantian's refining of the holy beast beads."

"It must have been Tongxuan Guifeng who did something to the Yanhuang Demon Armor just now. Because of the relationship between my life and the Yanhuang Demon Armor, I will react when the Yanhuang Demon Armor is hit."

"However, my Yanhuang Demon Armor is famous for its defensive power. Even if Tongxuan Guifeng's natal spiritual weapon is strong in attack, it is not difficult to break through here."

"However, Lord Liantian, even if I have my natal spiritual weapon guarding this place, refining this holy beast bead must be carried out as soon as possible."

Seeing that Xing would never give up, the Yanhuang Demon Turtle smiled slightly and then slowly talked about the reason for his inexplicable injury just now, and at the end of the talk, he even cast his narrowed eyes on Xiaolong.

But when he heard this, Xing Jue couldn't help but tremble in his heart, a bitterness welled up from his heart, not only Xing Jue, but even the patriarch of the Hulong Clan, who had a blood feud with the Yanhuang Demon Turtle, showed admiration on his face look.

Because they have seen the youthful appearance of the Yanhuang Demon Tortoise before, they can deeply feel that the Yanhuang Demon Tortoise at this moment is not only aging in body, but also a lot weaker in breath, and the reason for this must have something to do with what he said. Treasures have an inseparable relationship.

And in order to allow Xiaolong to refine the holy beast beads safely, the Yanhuang Demon Turtle really did his best, even at the expense of his own lifespan. This kind of spirit is really touching and admirable.

"Well, Senior Yanhuang, I still need your help in refining the sacred beast beads."

Seeing this, even Xiaolong, who has always been rebellious and arrogant, softened his gaze, and even called the Yanhuang Demon Turtle his senior.

Afterwards, with the help of the Yanhuang Demon Turtle, Xiaolong started refining the holy beast beads. In order not to disturb the two of them, Xing Jue and the others pushed out of the palace and came into the passage.

At this moment, everyone in the passage was a little anxious. Although they were protected by the natal spirit weapon of the Yanhuang Devil at this moment, they were able to stay in this peaceful area temporarily, but they all knew that they might have been killed by beasts outside at this moment. Surrounded by the Chengda army, after Xiaolong successfully refines the holy beast beads, a fierce battle is inevitable.

At this time, the most depressing thing is Xingjue, because even if there will be a big battle later, he doesn't have the strength to fight against the beast city. This makes it hard for him who has always been victorious.

"Brother Xing Jue, what should we do with him?" At this moment, Li Xiaohan suddenly pointed to the corner and asked Xing Jue.

At this moment in that corner, the Purple Feather Golden Eagle, captured by the patriarch of the Dragon Guardian Clan, was lying down there and passed out, and when he saw the Purple Feather Golden Eagle, Xing Jue couldn't help but his eyes lit up, an idea Suddenly came into my mind.

"Xiaohan, Senior Longyan, I still need you two to help me." Xing Jue suddenly turned his gaze to Li Xiaohan and the head of the Hulong Clan, begging.

"Brother Xingjue, what's the matter?" Li Xiaohan asked eagerly.

"Little friend Xingjue, it doesn't matter what you say, as long as I can do what I can." The patriarch of the dragon guard clan also looked serious.

"My purple-gold battle armor used to be a spiritual weapon, but it was turned into a high-grade treasure due to severe injuries. But even so, it still has the potential to be restored to a spiritual weapon."

"And the method to turn it back into a spirit weapon is not difficult, just re-seal one of the spirit weapons, and I just learned the method of sealing the spirit weapon in the Yaozu."

"So what I want to do is to seal this purple-feathered golden eagle in my purple-gold armor, so that my purple-gold armor can be restored as a spiritual weapon, but this purple-feathered golden eagle is a war emperor. I can't seal it successfully with my strength, so I need your help."

While Xing Jue was speaking, he took out the purple gold battle armor hidden in the storage bracelet, and then said to Li Xiaohan and the chief of the Hulong clan.

"Brother Xingjue has actually learned the art of refining weapons, which is really great."

And after hearing Xingjue's words, Li Xiaohan showed an expression of surprise. The art of refining weapons is a secret technique not handed down by the monster clan, and it can be said to be the foundation of the monster clan. Now that Xingjue has learned this precious As Xingjue's lover, Li Xiaohan is naturally very happy.

"Hehe, little friend Xingjue is really not easy, and he is even proficient in the art of refining weapons."

"How to help, you tell me." The patriarch of the Hulong Clan stroked the long beard and said with a smile.

"It's very simple. I have set up a formation to seal the purple-feathered golden eagle into my purple-gold battle armor. You just need to help me instill power into the formation."

Seeing that the two agreed, Xing Jue couldn't help showing a smile of anticipation. Although Xing Jue is now familiar with the method of refining weapons, he has never really refined it. Still very attractive.

Afterwards, with the help of Li Xiaohan and the chief of the Hulong Clan, Xingjue set up a tight refining formation in the passage. position.

Li Xiaohan and the Patriarch of the Hulong Clan sat on the east and west eyes of the formation respectively, while the Ziyu Golden Eagle and the Zijin Battle Armor, which had passed out, were respectively located on the north and south sides, and Xing Jue sat on the center eye of the formation. .

A spirit tool is no small matter, because of the existence of a tool spirit, the spirit tool itself is a living body. It can be said that the spirit tool itself is a strong person, and if such a strong person serves for oneself and obeys one's command, a contract relationship must be established.

If it is necessary to establish a contractual relationship between Xing Jue and Ziyu Golden Eagle, Ziyu Golden Eagle will naturally not agree, so it is necessary to complete the establishment of this contract relationship during the refining process, but this requires absolute strength as a prerequisite, so Xing Jue Only the help of Li Xiaohan and the patriarch of the Hulong Clan is needed.

This grand array of refining equipment is not very big, probably only a small palace, and its shape is dark blue. Except for the eye of the formation where the Purple Feather Golden Eagle is located, which is arranged by a strict barrier, the other eyes of the formation are all Covered with strange spells, at first glance, this large formation is like a huge defensive cover covering Xing Jue and others.

But if you look carefully, you will find that there are all kinds of strange beams of light connected in this defensive cover, and countless talismans flow in it, which is quite gorgeous. In the eyes of the array.

"Xiaohan, Senior Longyan, are you ready?"

Xing Jue once again looked at the procedures for sealing spiritual weapons recorded in the Artifact Refining Collection, and asked Li Xiaohan and the two with a smile.

"En." The two smiled and nodded.

"Then, let's start." Seeing this, Xing Jue said with a smile.


And just as Xing Jue's words fell, Li Xiaohan and the patriarch of the Hulong Clan began to input their tyrannical power into the formation, and at this moment, the slowly flowing spells on the formation began to circulate at an extremely high speed .

At this moment, the interior of the large formation that was still clearly visible before was completely covered by the spell, and bright dark blue light continued to emanate from the large formation.

"So beautiful!"

Looking at the magnificent refining formation in front of him, Xiao Cong who was sitting outside showed a shocked look, although the elders in the dragon guarding clan have also seen the elders setting up a large formation, and the sky above the Dark Ridge itself is A tyrannical formation.

However, this is the first time she has seen such a magnificent formation as the large refining formation in front of her, and as a young girl who is not deeply involved in the world, seeing such a beautiful object reveals the uniqueness of a young girl. feelings.

The Great Artifact Refining Formation was running extremely fast, and time was also passing by quickly. Under this kind of extremely fast passage, a full ten days passed quietly, and on this day, the Great Artifact Refining Formation that had been in operation for a full period of time Finally began to stop slowly.

"This, this is?"

As the formation stopped, the internal scene could be clearly seen, but when he threw himself into the refining formation again, Xiao Cong was shocked to find that the purple-feathered golden eagle in the southern part of the formation was no longer the former one. , but an eagle-headed monster wearing a purple-gold battle armor. Although separated by a large formation, Xiao Cong can also feel the powerful coercion emanating from that mysterious monster.

And besides the mysterious monster, Xing Jue is also wearing a purple gold battle armor at this moment, but the purple gold battle armor on Xing Jue is more real.

"Purple Feather Golden Eagle, pay homage to the master." At this moment, the Purple Feather Golden Eagle suddenly knelt down on the ground and greeted Xing Jue respectfully.

Looking at the well-regulated purple-feathered golden eagle at the moment, not only Xing Jue but also Li Xiaohan, Long Yan and Xiao Cong all had expressions of excitement, because they all knew that the sealing spirit had succeeded, and the purple-gold battle armor not only recovered It became a spiritual weapon, and Xingjue also successfully established a contract relationship with Zijin Battle Armor's current weapon spirit, the Purple Feather Golden Eagle.

"Purple Feather Golden Eagle, return." Suddenly, Xing Jue said in an orderly tone.


After hearing Xing Jue's words, the Purple Feather Golden Eagle respectfully gave a deep salute, and then it turned into a purple light and merged into Xing Jue's purple gold armor.And with a ray of light rising, the purple gold armor on Xing Jue's body underwent a qualitative change, it was an extremely powerful force.

"Is this the feeling of a spirit weapon? It really is very powerful."

And feeling the purple gold armor on his body at this moment, the corners of Xing Jue's mouth couldn't help but slightly tilted up, revealing that excited smile that couldn't be concealed.

Because Xingjue, the owner of the purple gold armor, can clearly feel how powerful the current purple gold armor is, and it is definitely a real spiritual weapon.

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