Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 383 Battle Emperor, Punishment

" are so powerful, can't you help Brother Xingjue defeat his enemy?"

After a moment of silence, Li Xiaohan looked at Fairy Ying with pleading eyes, because what she cares most about right now is not whether Xing Jue will leave her, but Xing Jue's powerful enemy, if Xing Jue can't defeat the enemy Then it will not exist in the future.

And Fairy Ying has such formidable strength, if she is willing to help Xing Jue, then Xing Jue's road to revenge will obviously be much easier.

"Hehe, sister."

"This world is so big that you can't even imagine it. I can only tell you that even this Tianwu Continent is just a small corner of this world."

"And no matter where there are its rules and rules of survival, I don't belong here, so I can't use my own power to break the rules here, otherwise it will cause unnecessary disasters, and in the face of the force that maintains the rules , even I can’t resist.”

"So my indirect help to you and Xingjue cultivation is the maximum I can do. As for helping you deal with your enemies, that is absolutely impossible. It can only be done by yourself." Lightly stroked Li Xiaohan's long hair and said with a smile.

"I'm sorry, sister, I don't know your difficulties." After hearing Fairy Ying's words, Li Xiaohan finally understood Fairy Ying's difficulties, and then lowered her head with a look of guilt.

After all, Fairy Ying, a person who had never met her before, not only saved her, but also taught her strength so that she could catch up with Xingjue. This kind of favor made her very grateful.

"Hey, please continue to help me practice, sister. I want to become stronger. I can always be with brother Xingjue and help her more." Suddenly Li Xiaohan raised his head, and on his cheeks also revealed He gave out that sweet smile, and in his smile was full of unshakable determination.

"Don't worry, with me here, you will definitely be able to catch up with him, but you have to be prepared to endure hardships." Seeing Li Xiaohan's appearance like this, Fairy Ying also said with a smile.

"En" and Li Xiaohan nodded fiercely to express his determination.

Xing Jue didn't know anything about the conversation outside Huanyue Lake at this moment, but concentrated on immersing himself in the state of absorbing the power of Huanyue, because Xing Jue discovered that when he used the Soul Devouring Art and guided by his own soul power , the speed of absorbing the power of the phantom moon and transforming it into its own power can be unexpectedly faster.

And under this kind of concentrated absorption, one day passed quietly, and at this moment, the bottom of the Magic Moon Valley was once again shrouded in pitch blackness, but there were a few bright rays of light in the Magic Moon Lake, It was the light talisman, and under the light talisman, Li Xiaohan was sitting with her knees bent, staring intently at the place where Xingjue was.

"Brother Xingjue, you must be safe."

With a worried expression on his face, Li Xiaohan whispered that although Fairy Ying had told Li Xiaohan that there should be no accidents in Xing Jue, Li Xiaohan would still feel worried as long as he did not see Xing Jue come out successfully.

Because Fairy Ying told Li Xiaohan that as long as Xing Jue is at the bottom of the Huanyue Lake, the power of the magic moon in his body will be consumed faster, and this speed will increase according to the speed of absorbing the power of the magic moon.

Even at the slowest speed, all the magic moon power in Xingjue's body will disappear within 3 days. If Xingjue cannot break through Zhandi at that time, it will be tantamount to failure and his life will be in danger.

It is also because she is afraid of Xingjue's accident that Li Xiaohan stays with her son every step of the way. Here, she can help Xingjue in time when something happens. After all, she has the magic moon in her body. The lake water would not harm her, if it wasn't because her being in the water would affect Xing Jue's absorption of the magic moon's power, Li Xiaohan would have accompanied Xing Jue into the bottom of the lake long ago.

And because the Huanyue Lake water has a miraculous effect of isolating the power of the soul, even Li Xiaohan couldn't sense what Xing Jue was doing at the moment.

"Grumpy Grumpy"

Suddenly, bursts of water bubbles began to appear on the calm lake surface, and circles of water ripples gradually spread, and this change caused Li Xiaohan's face to change drastically, and he immediately got up and was about to jump into the lake.

Because it only took half a day for Xingjue to enter the bottom of the lake at this moment, and there was a phenomenon in the lake in such a short period of time, it is very likely that something happened to Xingjue.


"Huh, huh, huh~"

But just when Li Xiaohan got up to rescue Xing Jue, a column of water suddenly rose into the sky, spiraling up like a giant dragon going out to sea, and at the same time, a large area of ​​lake water poured down like a torrential rain.

"Brother Xing Jue."

And when the huge water column fell slowly, a figure of a man emerged, and when he saw this man, Li Xiaohan's worried expression turned into a look of surprise in an instant, because this man was exactly the same day. The punishment for entering the bottom of the lake in time.

And at this moment, Xing Jue's body still reveals a different aura, this kind of aura is so powerful, it is as irresistible as the king between heaven and earth, and this probably shows that Xing Jue He has successfully broken through to the level of Zhan Emperor, but what makes Li Xiaohan a little puzzled is that there is a look of panic on Xing Jue's face at this moment.

"This strength, this feeling, it looks like I've succeeded."

At this moment, Xing Jue looked at his body with his feet in the void, and after feeling the situation in his body, his somewhat panicked face instantly changed into an excited look.

At the bottom of the lake, under the guidance of the soul power, Xing Jue absorbed the power of the magic moon extremely quickly, and this also caused the power of the magic moon that protected his body to dissipate extremely quickly.

And at the last moment of attacking Zhandi, Xing Jue even forgot how much the power of the phantom moon was consumed, until he felt that the power of the phantom moon in the lake suddenly became violent, not only no longer absorbing it, but was eroding it It was only when Xing Jue realized that something was wrong with his body, so he quickly jumped out of the water.

But what Ling Xing never expected was that he had unknowingly broken through to Emperor Zhan, reaching the level that hundreds of millions of people in Tianwu Continent, including him, envied and yearned for. How could he not be excited.

"Brother Xingjue, congratulations."

At this moment, Li Xiaohan also jumped up into the sky and congratulated Xing Jue with a face full of joy,

"Hey, Xiaohan, I succeeded, I finally reached this level." Seeing Li Xiaohan's appearance, Xing Jue hugged this delicate wife into his arms, and the excitement in his heart was self-evident.And Li Xiaohan was obediently embraced by Xing Jue, sharing the joy of Xing Jue at this moment.

Afterwards, Xingjue and Xingjue came to Fairy Ying's residence eagerly, first to thank their sister, and to say goodbye, because the current Shura Palace is facing a huge crisis, and Xingjue, as Naturally, it is impossible for the Lord of the Asura Hall to hide all the time.

But this time, Li Xiaohan did not go out of the valley with Xing Jue, but chose to stay in the Magic Moon Valley to continue her cultivation. However, Xing Jue felt relieved that Li Xiaohan chose to stay, although she also hoped that Li Xiaohan, her The beautiful wife can always be with him, but in this critical moment, he hopes that Li Xiaohan can stay in a safe place.

"Boom, boom, boom"

At this time, the night outside the Magic Moon Valley was shrouded in darkness, but the direction of the teleportation array under the Magic Moon Valley was brightly lit, and what illuminated the earth was not the lights but the flames of war. was attacked by the enemy.

"Damn it, I, Asura Palace, have no enmity with you, Abigu, why are you so aggressive?"

At this moment, in the Shura Palace camp under the Illusory Moon Valley, a strong man of the Shura Palace who is in the middle rank of the battle emperor is covering his bloody wound, while facing the group of old people wearing purple robes with cold faces in the sky questioned.And these old people actually all have the strength of a mid-level war emperor.

"Jie Jie, if you want to blame you, you can only blame your palace master for being too rampant and offending people who shouldn't be offended."

"And now that he's hiding, we have no choice but to take your men under the knife."

"Otherwise, how about this, we won't make it difficult for you, as long as each of you yells, how about I let you go if Xing Jue is a bastard?" The slightly drooping eyes were full of murderous intent.

"Father, don't talk to them about this, they have no intention of letting us live."

But at this moment, a bald man with strength at the level of a high-level battle king suddenly came to the old man and said resolutely,

And this person is actually Gu Liang, the young master of Gu Daoxuan who once fought against Xing Jue in the main hall of the League Mansion to compete for Fenghua Lost City, and the old man who spoke earlier was the leader of his father, Gu Daoxuan.

In fact, after Asura Hall broke through the Alliance Mansion, Gu Daoxuan saw the rapid development of Asura Hall, so he took refuge in Asura Hall, and officially canceled his Gu Daoxuan and became a member of Asura Hall.

However, after Xingjue issued the emergency secret order, Gu Liang and his son did not seek refuge in Fenghua Lost City like other leaders of the forces, but chose to continue guarding the area they were in charge of.

"Hahaha, very good, if you don't cherish life at a young age, then don't blame the old man for not giving you a chance."

Seeing this, the old man who was the leader suddenly laughed loudly, and the laughter was full of arrogance.

At the same time, I saw a ray of purple flame rising from his palm, and when the strong men in the Shura Hall saw this ray of flame, their faces turned pale instantly, because It was this kind of flame that took the lives of many Shura Temple powerhouses, and it was a strange martial skill that they could not resist.

(Today's first update)

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