Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 392 Famous Mainland

At this moment, Xing Jue's eyes widened and he waited for Xiaolong's answer, because rumors about the shocking explosion of the Beast City in Shentianyu have already spread, and this incident is by no means groundless, otherwise, the Beast City would not have waited until now to agree. Attack Shura Hall.

And the only thing that can cause that kind of damage is the self-detonation of the Yanhuang Demon Tortoise, but it seems that the Yanhuang Demon Tortoise did not blew itself up based on what Xiaolong said earlier. For the guilty Xing Jue, if the Yanhuang Demon Turtle is really alive Great news.

"After refining the Sacred Beast Ball and Dragon Ball, I have a slight connection with the other three divine beasts in my heart, so at this moment I can clearly feel that Senior Yanhuang is still there. Although I can't determine its location, it must be In the beast city." Xiaolong said with a smile.


While explaining to Xing Jue, Xiaolong slowly raised his right arm, and lightly grasped the Ice and Fire generals standing in mid-air, unable to move, a powerful dark red barrier emerged, binding the two generals Locked tightly in it.

After that, Xing Jue and Xiaolong returned to Fenghua Lost City, and as for the army sent by the Beast City, they all captured Xiaolong when he just walked out of the Fascinating Soul Formation, but they only captured but did not kill them.

And after Xing Jue and Xiaolong left, the crowd who came to watch finally knew that the young Zhandi who was undefeated in the fierce battle with the two generals of Binghuo was really a rookie who had recently risen to fame in the towering domain name, the leader of Shura Palace. The main sentence.

And after today, the reputation of Shura Palace can be said to be completely famous in the towering domain. As long as there is a strong Zhantian powerhouse in a power, it can be listed as the top power in the towering domain. Today's Shura hall not only has Xingjue, the youngest war emperor in history, and Liantian Yaolong, an intermediate war emperor.

The mid-level war emperor is the top existence in the mainland today, because whether it is the Shengdan clan, the Yaolian clan, or the leaders of the beast city and Xuandian, they all have the strength of the mid-level war emperor.

Therefore, the strength of the Shura Palace is now so strong that even the strength of the four overlords cannot be ignored. Some people even think that the Shura Palace will be the fifth overlord of the Shentian Domain. A powerful existence that competed against the Beast City and the Profound Palace.

And you must know that it has only been a few short years since the establishment of Shura Hall, and this kind of development speed is much faster than today's Xuandian. , in short, from today onwards, both the Xing Jue and the Shura Palace will be recorded in the annals of history and become a deed worshiped by future generations.

At this moment, outside Fenghua Lost City, except for some people who were eager to pass the news back to the forces, many people did not disperse but chose to stay and continue to observe the movement of Shura Palace.

Because the life and death of Shura Palace General Beast City's second general, Binghuo, is unknown, it is likely that Beast City, a towering overlord force, will declare war on Shura Palace, and they also want to know whether Shura Palace can really compete with Beast City.

As the outside world continued to speculate about the entanglement between the Shura Palace and the Beast City, all the senior officials of the Shura Palace also gathered in the main hall of Fenghua Lost City to discuss how to deal with the Beast City. Even the alliance forces of the Shura Palace listened to Xue The leader of the city, Nalan Xiaoxiao, and his grandfather were also present.

"Xing Jue, I really want to know how you cultivated?"

At this moment, Nalan Xiaoxiao watched silently from the seat below. The domineering Xing Jue at the first seat seemed to have grown a lot compared to the original Xing Jue, and it had the demeanor of an overlord.

And in Nalan Xiaoxiao's eyes, there is even a bit of complicated expression, although she already knew that Xingjue's achievements in the future would be limitless, but Xingjue's current achievements are far beyond her expectations.

"Since Senior Yanhuang is still alive, this battle is unavoidable, because Senior Yanhuang must be rescued no matter what." Suddenly, Xing Jue, who was at the first seat, said to everyone with a firm expression.

As soon as Xing Jue's words fell, there was an uproar among the crowd, declaring war on the beast city was simply a crazy act, how could everyone not be shocked, even some people just heard Xing Jue's words, Already felt fear and trembling.

But compared to the others, Xiaolong, Feng Lao and others sitting beside Xingjue did not change their expressions, tasting the snacks at the table, because they were already ready to declare war on the beast city.

"Hall Master, although you and Lord Liantian have broken through to the level of the Emperor of War, and have captured two of the four guardian generals of the Beast City, as well as the army of the Emperor of War."

"But Beast City's combat power is far more than that. Let's not talk about Beast City's vicious city lord Tongxuan Guifeng, the other two guardian generals, and other strong men at the Battle Emperor level."

"The army of the Beast City alone is far behind my Shura Palace. If there is a war, it will be really bad for the situation of my Shura Palace." Suddenly, an elderly man whose strength was at the high-level battle emperor level stood up and looked at him. Humbly said to Xing Jue.

And after his voice fell, there was also a lot of voices of approval among the crowd. It is true that the Asura Palace has been severely damaged by that Abi Valley. The difference between elephants is very different.

Except for Xingjue and Xiaolong, Shura Palace has no real combat strength that can be used at all, and even the strongest at the Battle Emperor level are far behind Beast City.

"Who said that the combat power of Shura Palace is not as good as that of Beast City?"

But just when everyone was wondering if they really declared war on Shura Hall, an old man's shout suddenly sounded outside Fenghua Lost City. At the same time, an extremely powerful pressure also fell from the sky, and when he felt this breath Afterwards, the faces of everyone present changed drastically, but Xing Jue and Xiaolong had excited smiles on their faces.

At this moment, the sky above Fenghua Lost City is densely packed with human figures, and behind them is a pair of dark red wings that are constantly dancing, and the number of these people is actually hundreds of thousands. How spectacular is this strong man in the world?

"Oh my god, what a powerful aura, not only the Zhanwang, the aura of Zhanhuang here is even more numerous."

"Which force is such a powerful army? Is it from Xuandian?"

When these hundreds of thousands of mysterious people appeared, all the powerful people in Fenghua Lost City also entered a state of vigilance, and those who had been observing the movements of the Shura Palace even stood up in the air and stood in the distance to observe the mysterious army .

And with such a powerful lineup, the first thing they think of is Xuandian, because there are only four forces in the towering domain that can come up with such a strong man, and that is the Holy Pill Clan, the Yaolian Clan, and the Beast City. And Xuandian.

But the other three forces all have their unique symbols, only Xuandian looks like a normal human being, but Xuandian is also dressed uniformly, and the people in front of them are a bit messy.

"Whoosh whoosh"

When everyone was guessing about the army in front of them, dozens of figures shot out from the main hall of Fenghua Lost City, and the leaders were Xing Jue and Xiaolong.

"Senior Longyan, you are finally here."

At this moment, Xing Jue looked at the hundreds of thousands of troops in front of him without any fear at all, but with excitement on his face, and at this moment his eyes were deeply locked on a thin old man, and this man who was It is the patriarch of the Dragon Guardian Clan, Long Yan.

"Long Yan, see the Palace Master."

Just when Xing Jue's voice fell, Long Yan arched his hands and half-kneeled in mid-air to salute Xing Jue, and this sudden scene surprised the onlookers, because at this moment they suddenly discovered that Long Yan Although his aura is obscure, it has a unique feeling, which is the unique temperament of the Zhan Emperor, and the Zhan Emperor is actually hidden in this extremely terrifying army! ! !

"See the Lord"

But at the next moment, everyone was completely shocked, because after Long Yan, the tens of thousands of people standing in mid-air were actually half-kneeling in mid-air, paying respectful respect to Xing Jue.

And that respectful voice resounded like thunder in the area, and it kept reverberating.

"These people, these people are actually the people of the Asura Palace?"

"The Asura Palace has such a powerful power, and no one knew it before this?"

"Such a powerful strength is comparable to the four major overlords, but the Shura Palace is hidden so deeply?"

"What kind of existence is the Shura Temple? And where is this punishment?"

At this moment, all kinds of voices of exclamation continued to resound from the crowd, because everything in front of them had clearly confirmed the identities of these people, and it turned out that they were actually the army of the Shura Palace.

Not only those outsiders, but even the people in the Asura Hall were shocked, because they never imagined that there was such a strong person hidden in the Asura Hall, but they didn't know it before.

And at this moment, with such humble identities, they are even a little ashamed to hold important positions in the Asura Hall, but in the bottom of their hearts, they are inexplicably excited, because they know that this is the Asura Hall that was still in the doomsday a few days ago. , is now the top existence in the mainland.

At this moment, they were deeply grateful that they did not escape in the face of danger in the Asura Hall. On the contrary, they wanted to know that those who chose to leave the Asura Hall after Xingjue issued an emergency secret order, after knowing the true strength of the Asura Hall What kind of face will it be, maybe even the intestines are regretful.

"Senior Longyan get up quickly, this junior can't afford it"

Not to mention the uninformed outsiders, even Xing Jue felt overwhelmed by Long Yan's sudden move, and then he hurried to Long Yan to help the old man up.

After that, under the arrangement of Feng Lao and others, all the troops of the Dragon Guard clan settled in Fenghua Lost City, and at this moment, in the palace where Xingjue of Shura Palace lived, Xingjue, Xiaolong, Longyan and The ten elders of the Dragon Guardian Clan sat together.

(first update)

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