Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 398 Holy Stone

"Senior Yanhuang is alright?"

Although Xing Jue was very concerned about the so-called catastrophe at the moment, when the Tongxuan Ghost Phoenix appeared, the first thing Xing Jue thought of was about the safety of the Yanhuang Demon Tortoise.

One of the most important reasons why Xing Jue wanted to launch this war was because of the Yanhuang Demon Tortoise, so now that he meets the Tongxuan Guifeng who is imprisoning the Yanhuang Demon Tortoise, Xing Jue can't help but ask .

"Don't worry, the old man is my master, and I treat him very highly." Tongxuan Guifeng laughed, but there was something disturbing and weird in that smile.

"In that case, I, Shura Palace, are willing to stop this war."

After getting the answer from Tongxuan Guifeng, Xing Jue turned his wrist and a strange token appeared in his hand, and then he input several strange spells on the token, and Xing Jue just Issued a truce order to the army of Shura Palace.

And this is a token similar to the Soul Devouring Order, and it has a status symbol, and the token of Xingjue is the highest token of the Shura Palace, so the order conveyed by it is equal to the highest order, but For special reasons, this token can only be used by Xingjue.

"Tongxuan Guifeng, since the master of Xingjue has agreed to cease fighting, then you, Beast City, should also fulfill your promise?" Seeing that Xingjue has already issued an order to cease fighting, and before Xingjue can speak, Dugu Haoyu said to him with a smile Tongxuan Guifeng said.

"Hey, this is natural. I, Tongxuan Guifeng, always put the overall situation first." Tongxuan Guifeng smiled strangely, and then began to issue orders to the army of Beast City.

The orders of Xingjue and Tongxuan Guifeng were quickly conveyed to the high-level members of the two major forces. Although both the army of the Beast City and the Shura Palace were puzzled by the sudden truce order, they did not understand. They dare not disobey this order at all, because these are all orders issued directly by the leaders of the two major forces.

And at the same time as the order was issued, whether it was Xingjue or Tongxuan Guifeng, they all ordered their subordinates to monitor each other's every move, in case the other party did not fulfill their promises and caused unnecessary losses.

And just half an hour after Xingjue and Tongxuan Guifeng's orders were issued, they really received reports from the high-level officials of Shura Palace and Beast City, that is, both Beast City and Shura Palace stopped the war, and at this moment the sensation The war that took down the entire towering domain finally came to an end.

It's just that regarding the sudden truce between these two major forces, the forces concerned about this war are constantly speculating, but even if they want to break their heads, they can't figure out why.

But at the moment, in the main hall of Xuancheng, Dugu Haoyu, the master of Xuandian, Yao Yutian, patriarch of Yaolian clan, Dangu, patriarch of Shengdan clan, Tongxuan Guifeng, master of Beast City, and Xing Jue, master of Shura hall, were all present. Sit and stand in it.And these five seem to be the highest beings in Tianwu Continent today, at least they represent the five most powerful forces.

"Now can you tell me what happened to the so-called catastrophe?" After confirming that both sides had stopped fighting, Xing Jue asked impatiently.

"Yao patriarch, you are relatively familiar with the master of Xingjue, why don't you tell the master of Xingjue everything?" Dugu Haoyu smiled slightly, and pushed the topic to Yao Yutian who was sitting beside Xingjue.

"Xing Jue, you must have heard the legend about the vision of the sky, right?" Seeing this, Yao Yutian did not shirk, but turned his head and asked Xing Jue with a smile.

"Well, it is said that when a vision appears in the sky of Tianwu Continent, an irresistible disaster will appear in Tianwu Continent, but this is just a legend, does it really exist?" Xing Jue asked curiously.

In fact, when Dugu Haoyu mentioned the so-called catastrophe, Xingjue's first thought was that it was related to the vision of the sky hovering above the sky.

"That's right, the legend of this vision of the sky is not groundless, but a real existence, and according to the clear records in the middle of an ancient history book obtained by my Yaolian clan, this vision of the sky really appeared in ancient times. And the purple sky right now is the legendary vision of the sky."

"This is the ancient history book that my Yaolian clan obtained in an ancient ruins. It clearly recorded things about the vision of the sky." Yao Tianyu turned his wrist, and a thick and full book was written. The book with ancient notation atmosphere appeared in his hand.

Seeing this, Xing Jue didn't hesitate but quickly took the ancient book and flipped through it, but when he opened the first page, Xing Jue could feel the breath of time contained in this book, and this breath was so long ago , as if for ten thousand years, maybe this is the real ancient thing.

But at this moment, Xing Jue suddenly remembered that when the relic of the Star Emperor was discovered in the Eastern Continent, everyone called that relic an ancient relic. It has survived for thousands of years.

So now it’s a bit funny to think about that year, because this is a matter of vision. In such a place, a thousand years is already ancient, a long history, because a thousand years is too far away from them.

And when the lines on this ancient history book, the subtitles from ancient times kept pouring into Xing Jue's mind, Xing Jue's mood also began to boil extremely fast.

Because Xing Jue discovered that this so-called vision of the sky would indeed bring about a catastrophe to the Tianwu Continent, and the horror of this catastrophe was enough to turn the Tianwu Continent into a land of blood.

Because this ancient annals clearly recorded the horror scene when the first catastrophe came in the Tianwu Continent, but what shocked Xingjue the most was that this ancient annals also clearly recorded that after that catastrophe, , All living creatures on this continent were almost completely wiped out.

But if this is the case, how can there be such a prosperous human and monsters nowadays? This reminds Xing Jue of what the Yanhuang Demon Turtle said back then.

The Yanhuang Demon Turtle once said that the ancient races and monsters descended on the Tianwu Continent for thousands of years, and have multiplied to this day.

"Could it be that the things recorded in the ancient annals were before the ancient races came here?" Thinking of this, Xing Jue couldn't help but put a question mark in his heart.

Because Xing Jue suspects that the extinction of life in this continent recorded in the annals occurred before the ancient races and monsters descended on the continent, that is to say, it reappeared only after the continent lost all life and became a lifeless continent. They gave birth to new creatures and revived this continent, and those people were their ancestors.

"In this case, it's no wonder that there is no record of the vision of the sky in the current annals." After figuring this problem out, Xing Jue said silently again, and then continued to follow up.

"Holy stone! What is this?"

But after continuing to follow up, Xing Jue was shocked to find a word that he had never heard before, that is "holy stone".

"Xingjue, this holy stone is the most precious thing left over from that disaster."

"That is to say, the catastrophe happened precisely because of these holy stones. This holy stone is the root of the catastrophe." Yao Yutian explained with a smile.

"Yao Patriarch, what's going on?" Seeing Yao Yutian speaking, Xing Jue closed the ancient history book in his hand and asked him.

This ancient history book was originally obtained by the Yaolian clan. Yaoyutian must have studied it several times, so he must know the most about the vision of the sky. Instead of reading it by yourself, it is better to ask this Yaoyu God asked.

"Speaking of this holy stone, it's something extraordinary. Xingjue, do you know the sanctuary?" Yao Yutian narrowed his eyes and smiled at Xingjue.

"En" Xing Jue nodded in agreement.

"This holy stone belongs to the holy domain." Yao Yutian sighed.

"Uh, could it be that the sanctuary really exists?" Xing Jue was surprised.

"Well, the sanctuary absolutely exists. It is a paradise for practitioners. The strong there can crush us to death with just a slight movement of their fingers, because they are not war emperors or war emperors, but war saints." .”

"Battle Saint, that is the highest level of cultivators. It is said that that level not only holds absolute power, but also can live forever."

"Don't look at us as the Emperor of War, but if we can't comprehend the power of the Saint of War and break through to that level, one day we will be swallowed by the ruthless years, buried in old age."

"However, the battle saints are not so easy to break through. The Tianwu Continent has multiplied so far, and there are countless people who have reached high-level war emperors, but there are very few people who can step into the sanctuary. Do you know why Xing Jue is?" Yao Yutian suddenly asked Xing Jue something pointed.

"I hope the patriarch of the monster will express it clearly." Xing Jue asked anxiously.

"That's because there is a lack of an object in this continent. Without that kind of object, it is impossible to break through to the Saint of War. The ancestors on the continent who can successfully break through to the Saint of War are all because they found that special object. , so it was successful.”

"And the object that contains that kind of power is the holy stone!" Yao Yutian said in a straight voice, and when the holy stone was mentioned, his face was full of longing, not only him Even the other three are the same.

These few are the pinnacle existences in the mainland today, and they are still very young, and they are all talented. It is only a matter of time before they break through to the high-level war emperor capital, and at that time they most yearn for the war saint.

Now that they know that there is a divine object that can help break through the battle saint is about to come into the world, they are naturally excited. Only at this moment did Xingjue finally know why a selfish guy like Tongxuan Guifeng would do it for the so-called Havoc stopped the war.

Because he didn't just want to stop the catastrophe, but more aimed at the so-called holy stone, because only by surviving can he get the holy stone.

(first update)

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