Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 406 1 Hit Kill

"Su Mu? How dare you come to my Tianling Palace with a brat? It seems that you are really old-fashioned!"

Looking at Xing Jue and Elder Su Mu who appeared in the hall, Su Meng let go of his previous vigilance, because at this moment Xing Jue's hidden aura, he couldn't judge the level of Xing Jue's strength at all, nor could he Perceived whether Xing Jue is a member of the Tianling tribe.

However, when he saw Elder Su Mu, he thought that Xingjue was a member of the Tianling tribe, and he was just a descendant of the Tianling tribe, and the people of the Tianling tribe who were not nourished by Hualing water still grew up slowly, so he estimated that Xing Jue was a member of the Tianling tribe. Jue's strength is not too strong, so he naturally let go of his previous vigilance.

The main opponent right now is Elder Su Mu, but Su Mu has no spirit beasts to help him, and Su Meng is absolutely sure that he can defeat him.

"Elder Su Mu, is the Hualing Water in that pool?" But at this moment, Xing Jue cast his eyes on the pool deep in the hall, completely ignoring Su Meng's words.

"Little friend Xing Jue, that's exactly the Hualing Water of our Heavenly Spirit Clan." Seeing Xing Jue's question, Elder Su Mu replied with a smile.

"Well, Elder Su Mu, leave the rest of the matter to me."

Xing Jue smiled slightly, and started to walk straight towards the pond where Hualingshui was located. For some reason, it was Xing Jue's bold behavior that shocked the people of the Tianling tribe, but they did not dare to go forward stop.

"Why are you so stunned? Hurry up and take it down for me!!!" Seeing that his subordinates were so incompetent, the Soviet Union roared furiously afterward.


And under the order of the Soviet Union, those Tianling clansmen did not dare to hesitate, and drove the spirit beasts to start attacking Xingjue.

This hall is extremely large, and there are as many as a thousand guards in the hall. Relying on the nourishment of the spirit-transforming water, their strength is obviously much stronger than that of the Tianling tribe in the camp, but they are all at the level of the war emperor. , it can be seen that as Elder Su Mu said, because of the last internal war of the Tianling clan, the top powerhouses of the previous Tianling clan are no longer there, and it is impossible for the Tianling clan to develop too much in just a few years. strong.

"Little friend Xing Jue, you can deal with the Soviet Union, and leave these guards to the old man."

Seeing that nearly a thousand guards of the Tianling clan were about to attack Xing Jue, Elder Su Mu's expression changed slightly, and then he was ready to help Xing Jue resist the attack of those guards.

"Elder Su Mu, as I said, I can leave the rest of the matter to me, just keep watching."

But just when Elder Su Mu was about to make a move, he saw Xing Jue's thought, and a majestic coercion emanated, sweeping across the hall like an invisible hurricane. At this moment, nearly a thousand guards The body also lost control and could no longer move half a step.

"This breath is so strong!!!"

And looking at Xing Jue who completely suppressed nearly a thousand battle emperors by coercion alone without even moving a hand, even the well-informed Elder Su Mu was shocked by it, but then in his old But there was an excited smile on his face again, because at this moment, his previous worries had disappeared completely, and he knew that with the strength of Xing Jue, even the Soviet Union would definitely not be his opponent.

"You, who are you? Helping the rebels deal with our Celestial Clan, do you know what the end of this is?"

Su Meng is not a fool, he can also feel how powerful the aura exuded by Xingjue is, and he also found that the aura of Xingjue is completely different from that of the Tianling tribe, which shows that Xingjue is not a member of the Tianling tribe, so at this moment He also became frightened.

"Hmph, you are the rebels of the Tianling clan, right? Do you want to know the fate of betraying the Tianling clan? Let you know now"

"Flame Dragon Ball."

Xing Jue struck out suddenly with a single palm, and a group of tiny flames spread extremely quickly, forming a huge fire dragon in an instant. Sparks shot out from the surging fire dragon, and bursts of dragon roars resounded through the hall. The power even shocked everyone in the hall.

"You, don't underestimate people!!!"

"Fire cloud spirit beast, let it see your strength."

Seeing that Xing Jue intends to be his enemy, and that his attack is a killer move, the Soviet Union stopped talking nonsense, shouted loudly, and behind its huge throne, a figure sprang out, this is a leopard-shaped but It is also like a spirit beast composed of fire clouds.

After this spirit beast appeared, it flew into the air, and it plundered directly at the fire dragon issued by Xing Jue. Compared with the fire dragon, its body, which looked like an ant, expanded extremely rapidly, and instantly became comparable to the fire dragon. , and the aura it emits is far stronger than that of the fire dragon, because it is the real power of the owner of the war emperor.


The fire dragon intertwined with the fire cloud, and the fire dragon was defeated in an instant. Although Xing Jue's Flame Dragon Bullet was already extremely powerful, it was only a mysterious martial skill after all, so it was naturally invincible to the Zhandi powerhouse.

"Fire Cloud Spirit Beast, eat this brat who knows nothing about heaven and earth!!!"

Seeing that the Huoyun Spirit Beast defeated Xingjue's attack so easily, the Soviet Union also became full of momentum in an instant, not only him, but also the guards who were suppressed by Xingjue at this moment were also full of excitement. Although they are far from being able to defeat Xing Jue, if their patriarch can defeat Xing Jue, their lives can be saved.


With a roar, the Fire Cloud Spirit Beast flew towards Xing Jue with the bursts of fire clouds. Although it didn't have any magnificent martial arts, its own strength was far from comparable or even stronger than some martial arts.

"Xing Jue, be careful, the Huoyun Spirit Beast's body is extremely strong."

Seeing this, Elder Su Mu's face couldn't help but change drastically, because he found that the power of the fire cloud spirit beast seemed to be much stronger than before, and the Sumeng also majored in spirit beasts, so this fire cloud spirit beast is The strongest means of the Soviet Union.

"Hmph, it's too much."

However, even though the strength of the Huoyun Spiritual Beast was astonishing, Xing Jue still disdained it, and a mocking smile could not help but rise from the corner of his mouth.

"Purple Gold Battle Spirit, come out!!!"


Accompanied by a loud explosion that could pierce the eardrums, a burst of purple light burst out from the Zijin Battle Armor, and this is the Purple Feather Golden Eagle that was the spirit of the Zijin Battle Armor, and now the Zijin Battle Spirit.


After Zijin War Spirit appeared, his body also swelled rapidly, but in an instant, his body was much larger than that of the Fire Cloud Spirit Beast. .


Zijin War Spirit was not only extremely fast, but the blow was extremely fierce, causing the Fire Cloud Spirit Beast to be hit hard before it could react, and it fell hard towards the ground with a painful low cry. go.


The powerful force caused the Huoyun Spiritual Beast to smash out a deep giant pit instantly after it landed, and countless cracks spread on the surface of the hall, and at this moment, the aura of the Huoyun Spiritual Beast was also quite depressed.

The sudden scene in front of them shocked everyone present even more, everyone was stunned and at a loss, even their breathing became short of breath, and their hearts were completely occupied by fear.

"One blow, just one blow to defeat such a high-class spirit beast as Huoyun Spirit Beast, such a powerful weapon spirit"

"Little friend Xingjue, what kind of power do you have?"

At this moment, looking at the majestic Zijin War Spirit standing in the center of the hall, even Elder Su Mu was full of surprise, but then he cast other profound eyes on Xingjue.

Because he knew that after Qi Ling signed a contract with its master, its power depended on its master's strength. Now that the Zijin War Spirit can show such strength, it clearly shows how powerful Xingjue really is.

Apart from everyone, Su Meng, the owner of the Huoyun Spirit Beast, is the most shocked person. At this moment, this man who was sitting on the throne admiring the beauty's dance and holding the power of the Sky Spirit Clan is absolutely Unexpectedly, he would face such a dangerous situation now.

"kill him!!!"

But just when the Soviet Union was already terrified, the faint voice of Xing Jue suddenly sounded, and almost at the same time as the sound of Xing Jue sounded, the attack of the Zijin War Spirit had already blasted away from the Soviet Union .


The purple brilliance flashed by, not only the gorgeous influence, but also the destructive power, and without the protection of the spirit beast, the Soviet Union did not even have the ability to dodge such a blow.


Accompanied by a loud noise, powerful energy ripples swept away quickly, and large pieces of rubble flew all over the sky. Anyone caught by the energy ripples would either die or be injured.

And when the energy ripple that killed nearly a hundred people from the Tianling tribe dissipated, everyone present was shocked to find that the Soviet Union had died, and even his soul had completely dissipated.


Looking at the scene in front of him, even Elder Su Mu couldn't help but gasp. It's not like he hasn't seen such a powerful power before, but it's the first time he has used it in the hands of the elementary war emperor's weapon spirit. See you once.

At this moment, he can be sure that the power of Xing Jue, even in the heyday of the geniuses of the Tianling Clan, no one can compare with him. How lucky he is at this moment, that Xing Jue is their ally and not their enemy.

"Tread, tread, tread, tread, tread"

After killing Su Meng, Xing Jue didn't attack the other Tianling people, but walked slowly towards the pool with a smile on his face.

At this moment, it can be said that there is silence in this hall, Xing Jue can clearly hear every step he takes, but in the ears of those Tianling clansmen, the sound of footsteps seems to be the time of death, which is constantly approaching them.

"Punishment, is it?"

"You do have some skills."

"But it's not that simple to help the Earth Devouring Tiger recover its strength!!"

But just as Xing Jue approached the pool, a voice full of coldness suddenly sounded from the pool, and at this moment, the pool, which was still calm before, started to churn, and an inexplicable uneasiness flooded into him instantly. Xing Jue's heart.

(Thank you editor Zhishang for your trust and support, even for you, I will not give up)

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