"Xiaobai, he has the strength of a god of war, plus you have pressed the clouds so far, it is normal for him to see us." Seeing the surprise on Xiaobai's face, Xing Jue shook his head helplessly and then explained to him road.

"So that's how it is." Those who heard about Xingjue were Xiaobai who suddenly realized that even though he was now a mid-level battle emperor, he was far inferior to Xingjue in terms of combat experience.

"Well, don't make trouble, it will scare them."

Then Xing Jue said to Xiao Bai that this sudden weather change was all caused by Xiao Bai. Xiao Bai seemed to like to see everyone panicking, but after seeing everyone in the sailboat But there is no happy mood.

Today they can indeed control the changes in the weather, to the point of calling the wind and rain. If they want to kill those people below, it is like killing a group of ants. As long as they move their minds, they can be wiped out instantly, because they are now The god in everyone's hearts, the strongest in this continent.

But looking at the people on the huge sailboat, Xing Jue couldn't help but think of the scene when he helped Uncle Pan regain his strength. At that time, how could he not be like everyone in the boat, a humble existence.


Seeing that Xing Jue asked him to stop, although Xiaobai was somewhat reluctant, he did not refuse, but nodded obediently, and then saw his sleeve robe lightly waved, and the dark clouds began to dissipate. And at this moment, the sea area, which was still like the doomsday before, regained its previous tranquility and serenity.

"Brother Xingjue, we have been searching for a few days in this boundless sea area, but we still haven't found that submarine hurricane. Why don't we go to the bottom of the sea and just dig out that fairy island." Xiao Bai looked down. Said impatiently.

Because Xingjue and the three had been wandering over the boundless sea for nearly half a month, they had always wanted to find the submarine hurricane that could reach the Immortal Island, but after a few days, they still couldn't find it.

"Hey~, that's the only way for now, but when you enter the bottom of the sea, you must be careful and don't be careless."

After hearing Xiaobai's words, Xing Jue first sighed, and then reminded him cautiously.

In fact, Xing Jue doesn't know how low the chance of encountering a hurricane under the sea is, but Xing Jue has heard that the ancestor of the Yu family was the person who once entered the fairy island and then pushed the Yu family to the top.

It was because he was severely injured when he returned to the Boundless Sea to search for the Immortal Island, so he died not long after returning to the Shentianyu. If he hadn't died of illness suddenly, and he didn't come and explain too much, the Yu family would not have fallen into the Shentianyu The alliance government was established in the inner circle.

Therefore, Xing Jue guessed that the depths of this boundless sea might be the real dangerous place, but right now, it seemed that he could only break into it.

"Hey, don't worry, I'm an intermediate battle emperor, so I don't believe that these mere sea beasts can hurt me!"


However, Xiaobai didn't seem to care about Xingjue's words. His body turned into a ray of light and went straight into the deep sea, and because of the special contract relationship, Su Liner followed her into it when she moved.

However, Xiao Bai has already blessed an extremely powerful defensive barrier around Su Lin'er's body. It can be seen that although Xiao Bai does not care about his own safety, he still attaches great importance to this master.


Seeing that Xiaobai was so impatient, Xing Jue shook his head helplessly, and then he also turned into a ray of light and plunged into the boundless sea area, chasing after the two of them.

No one knows how deep the boundless sea is, because almost no one who has penetrated into the depths of the boundless sea can come back alive, because it is said that in the deepest part of the boundless sea, there are very terrifying sea beasts hidden, even if the king of war is strong. Neither are their opponents.

Don't say what kind of terrifying existence is hidden in the depths of the seabed. The water pressure alone is enough to crush the King of War in an instant. Therefore, no one dares to enter the bottom of this boundless sea.


White water bubbles keep rising, and in the bottomless deep sea, pairs of huge eyes full of fierce aura are slowly swimming. They are the legendary giant sea beasts in the depths of this boundless sea, although they are only legends. , but it is not exaggerated at all, because almost every sea beast here has the strength of a war emperor.

If it wasn't for special reasons that they couldn't reach the sea level, otherwise, their power would be enough to dominate the entire boundless sea.

However, such powerful sea beasts cannot swim quickly in the depths of this boundless sea. One is that the water pressure here is too strong, and the other is that it is so dark that even their sight cannot be seen. too far.

"whoosh whoosh"

But compared to them, the three silhouettes are moving through the depths of the seabed at a high speed, not only can ignore the water pressure in the seabed, but also can clearly distinguish their directions, and these three are naturally the three of Xingjue.

"Brother Xingjue, it is now the deepest part of the boundless sea, are you sure you can feel where the fairy island is?" Xiao Bai, who was in front, couldn't help but turn his head and said to Xingjue through sound transmission.

"Although I can't feel the specific location of Xiandao, the water flow deep in the bottom of the sea is very strange. From the flow of these water flows, I can feel that they are controlled by a strong magnetic field. Presumably the location of that magnetic field is Xiandao. Where is the island?" Xing Jue said slowly.

"Great, then I'll go ahead."


After hearing Xing Jue's words, Xiao Bai became extremely excited, and with a jerk of his tender body, his speed was several times faster than before, and he swept away at extreme speed according to the direction Xing Jue said.

"This girl's heart is like a child, it doesn't match her appearance at all."


Seeing Xiaobai Xingjue at this moment, he let out a wry smile, and then his thoughts moved slightly, gusts of white wind appeared at his feet, and the speed of Xingjue at this moment was actually no worse than Xiaobai's.

Although the boundless sea area is large, under Xing Jue and Xiaobai's extremely fast wandering, it took a few days to finally reach the position estimated by Xing Jue.

But at this moment, in front of the three of Xingjue, it was no longer a peaceful underwater world, because even the three of Xingjue were shocked by such a scene.

"Whirring whirring"

"Boom boom, boom boom"

At this moment, in the distance of the three of Xingjue, there are countless pale undersea hurricanes intertwined with each other. Looking at these undersea hurricanes, there are at least tens of thousands of them, and each of them contains the meaning that even Xingjue has to be cautious about. The power to treat.

Although these hurricanes have some gaps, but these hurricanes are like giant snakes hovering together and constantly swimming. As their positions change, the so-called gaps are constantly changing.

And because of the special power limitation in the deep sea, Xingjue and Xiaobai couldn't open the space-time tunnel at all. Otherwise, they wouldn't have swam here in the deep sea, so these hurricanes seem to be the limit for Xingjue and the others. barrier.

"Brother Xingjue, it seems that the fairy island is there, let's go in quickly."

Looking at the defensive net formed by the submarine hurricane, although Xiaobai was also extremely shocked, it was still possible to see how impatient she was at this moment on her charming cheeks.

"Xiaobai, these hurricanes are not to be underestimated, but my soul power can tell where they are moving, so you follow me and don't leave." Seeing that Xiaobai was so eager to enter it, Xing Jue The face reminded cautiously.

"Tch, this level of defense net can't stop me at all, brother Xingjue, you can just follow me." Xiao Bai smiled charmingly at Xingjue's reminder.

"Tiger Spirit, come out."


Then I saw his mind move, and the snow-white robe on his body began to emit white light, and that white light flashed on the bottom of the sea, like a round of tomorrow shining brightly on the bottom of the sea.

And with the flash of this light, a powerful aura also emerged, and then a woman who was exactly the same as Xiao Bai appeared in front of Xiao Bai, but compared with Xiao Bai, her body was slightly smaller. Unreal, like translucent.

"Is this the spirit of Xiaobai's natal spirit?"

Looking at the woman who suddenly appeared in front of him, Xing Jue was almost certain that she should be the spirit of Xiao Bai's natal spiritual weapon, but what surprised Xing Jue was that her coercion was actually stronger than Xiao Bai's.

"Hu Ling, Brother Xing Jue and the master will be handed over to you." Xiao Bai said in an orderly tone after the Qi Ling appeared.

"Master, don't worry, I'm not afraid of a hurricane."


"Gollum, Gollum, Gollum"

Seeing this, the weapon spirit respectfully saluted and responded, and then saw three snow-white bubbles emerge from its palm with a wave of its sleeve.

The three bubbles slowly expanded, and finally expanded from the size of two fingernails to a giant bubble that could contain Xing Jue, Su Lin'er, and Xiaobai, and at this moment, the three of them were wrapped in it.


After wrapping the three of them, the spirit of the weapon uttered a soft drink, and the three bubbles began to shrink extremely quickly, but the most surprising thing was that after the bubbles shrunk, even the bodies of the three of Xing Jue also shrunk extremely quickly In the end, the bodies of the three Xing Jue were as big as ants, and then the bubbles where the three of them were located merged into the body of the spirit.

"What a powerful force."

But what Xing Jue was most astonished at this moment was not the magic that the bubbles could shrink their bodies, nor was it that they could still see the outside world clearly in their bodies, but the formidable defensive power wrapped around them at this moment. This kind of defensive power was something Xing Jue had never seen before, and it was strong enough to shock him.

(Brothers who do not have a collection, please create an account to collect it, and brothers who have flowers, please send them to me, your support is my motivation)

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