Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 431 The God of Thunder

"Xing Jue, you really are not simple."

"But do you think you can deal with me like this?"

"You are so naive, because you are not the only one with this heaven-level martial skill in the mainland."

"The master of this hall will also!!!"

Dugu Haoyu suddenly raised his right arm high, and with the lifting of his palm, even the time and space that Xing Jue had just cast had a slight change and trembled accordingly.



Dugu Haoyu's right arm was raised high, the palm was as sharp as a blade, and accompanied by a wave of strange energy, several dark blue thunder snakes burst out from the right arm, and finally climbed to the palm Constantly condense.

In an instant, the ear-piercing roar resounded continuously, and the dazzling Thunder Snake moved around, cutting black cracks in the space it passed. Even those Zhan Diqiang who were standing near Dugu Haoyu The latter also hurriedly backed away, fearing that they would be dragged by the dark blue lightning.

The dark blue lightning gathered more and more, not to mention that the space around Dugu Haoyu had completely disintegrated, at this moment even the time space of this heaven-level martial skill was violently shaking.

Circles of dark blue energy ripples continued to spread around Dugu Haoyu's right palm. The powerful fluctuations forced Xing Jue and the others to retreat again and again. At this moment, everyone's eyes were filled with the word panic.

"Heavenly Rank Martial Skill, Breaking Heaven Thunder!"

Suddenly, Dugu Haoyu yelled violently, and the thunder light gathered in his right palm burst out, like a long sword condensed by thunder light, and shot towards the top.

"Boom, boom, boom"

The moment the lightning beam interweaves with the time and space, there is a piercing roar. At this moment, the blue light spreads rapidly, and the time and space have completely disintegrated.

But the terrifying beam of thunder and lightning did not stop. Instead, it pierced through the sky and went straight into the sky. Although no change in the sky was visible, a huge circular hole appeared in the sea of ​​clouds above. The size of the hole was at least tens of thousands. in the area.

"What a powerful martial skill, it is several times more terrifying than a spirit weapon. Is this a heavenly martial skill? It's too strong, too strong!"

Looking at the thunder and lightning beam piercing the sky, everyone still reluctantly turned their eyes back. At this moment, they seemed to have forgotten the person who launched the attack, but Dugu, who was in opposition to the Shura Palace, the Holy Pill Clan, and the Yaolian Clan, Haoyu was completely shocked by Dugu Haoyu's sky-shattering thunder.

"With such a powerful attack, if he launches it at us, we have almost no room to fight, but he just didn't do it. What is Dugu Haoyu's plan?"

However, compared to the eyes of everyone locked in the sky, Xing Jue watched Dugu Haoyu closely, because he could feel how terrifying Dugu Haoyu's previous sky-shattering thunder was.

If Dugu Haoyu wanted to kill them, given their distance, almost no one of them could dodge the previous sky-shattering thunder, but Dugu Haoyu did not do so, which made Xing Jue puzzled.

"Hall Master Xing Jue, Yao Patriarch, Dan Patriarch, do you now know the power of my Dugu Haoyu?"

"Even if you are united, you are definitely not my opponent." Dugu Haoyu suddenly turned his eyes to everyone.

And at this moment, everyone in Shura Hall, Shengdan Clan and Yaolian Clan couldn't help being shocked, bursts of coldness emanated from the bottom of their hearts, and strong fear appeared in the eyes looking at Dugu Haoyu.

"I said everyone, we are old acquaintances, even if you wanted to be against me before, I don't want to embarrass you."

"Now that the catastrophe has passed, the Tianwu Continent is like a wasteland. Tens of billions of living beings in the Tianwu Continent are already homeless. They can live temporarily in my profound palace, but it is not a long-term solution. "

"The strong are respected. Although it is the law of survival in the mainland, if there are no creatures of all levels, it will not be a system. The attack of the holy demons can be wiped out in one fell swoop. It is not our strength, but the sentient beings of the Tianwu Continent. I believe everyone has clearly seen the power of the spirit."

"So now you should also know how important these humble existences in your eyes are. Now the mainland needs to be rebuilt. As the masters of this continent, you and I have the responsibility to contribute to the mainland."

"As for the holy stone, I will keep it for the time being. I will discuss the distribution of the holy stone with you after all the living beings in Tianwu Continent are satisfied with their resettlement." Dugu Haoyu looked at everyone and said with a faint smile.

And his sudden words made everyone even more surprised, they never imagined that Dugu Haoyu would actually think about the people of Tianwu Continent at such a time.

"Master Dugu Palace, are you serious? As long as we help all living beings rebuild their homes, will you give me a share of the holy stone?" Everyone was quite moved by Dugu Haoyu's words, and Dan Gu was even more excited. asked tentatively.

"I, Dugu Haoyu, always keep my word!" Dugu Haoyu said with a faint smile.

"Well, according to what the Lord Dugu said, we will rebuild the continent together, and then distribute these holy stones after the souls of the mainland are resettled. As for this holy stone... it will be kept with the Lord Dugu for the time being. rest assured!!!"

Seeing this, Tongxuan Guifeng, who has always been proud, said in agreement.But everyone knows that he is not really so righteous.

It's just that Dugu Haoyu is now the strongest in the mainland, even if Dugu Haoyu swallows all the holy stones, they have nothing to do.But Dugu Haoyu didn't do that. Instead, he wanted to share with them equally. They were naturally willing to agree to such a good thing.


"Dugu Haoyu is the number one villain in the Tianwu Continent. On the surface, he is hypocritical and selfless, but secretly he is a big villain who sneaks around and does all kinds of evil."

"If you believe in his words, you will only be used by him. After the Tianwu Continent is rebuilt, not to mention that the holy stone will not be left to you, even you and everyone related to you will be slaughtered!!!!"

But at this moment, the voice of an old man drinking violently resounded suddenly, lingering in the sky like thunder and reaching everyone's ears.

But when everyone turned their eyes to the direction where the old man's voice came from, all the people present were shocked, because they discovered in astonishment that there was a white-haired old man in commoner clothes standing in the air in the distance. Among them, as for the identity of this old man, there are many people who know it, and this is the previous patriarch of the Yaolian clan, Yao Juechen.

"Yao Juechen? Isn't he dead? How did he appear here?"

Looking at Yao Juechen standing in mid-air, everyone's expressions changed drastically. They couldn't imagine how a person who had been dead for several years would suddenly appear here alive.

"No, look quickly, the holy stone is gone."

But at this moment, someone discovered in astonishment that the six holy stones that were supposed to be scattered in midair were all gone, and looking at Yao Juechen, who was blushing and had a proud smile on his mouth, everyone was shocked. It is not difficult to guess that all the holy stones should be collected by him.

"Yao Juechen, it seems that I underestimated you."

"Not only did he remain anonymous for several years, but now he can take away the holy stone right under my nose."

"It seems that today you have also reached the level of a high-level war emperor!!!" Dugu Haoyu said with a faint smile as he looked at Yao Juechen who was standing in mid-air.

"Ha ha ha ha…."

"You haven't died yet, how can the old man die?"

"Dugu Haoyu, don't hide it anymore, call out the master behind you, today I will kill both of you to avenge the past!!!"


Yao Juechen turned his wrist, and an emerald green longbow appeared in his palm. This longbow was crystal clear, like crystal, but the energy contained in it must not be underestimated, even if it is a low-grade spiritual weapon. This is definitely a superb treasure.

"Whoosh whoosh"

When Yao Juechen's arm was swaying, several terrifying energy light blades shot out in a burst. Although the area was not large, the speed was so terrifying that even Xingjue's eyesight could only See the whereabouts of the light blade in front of you.


Seeing several attacks coming in a blink of an eye, Dugu Haoyu's expression finally turned cold. With a wave of his sleeve robe, a long sword appeared in his hand. This sword was less than half a foot wide and more than five feet long. Its body is dark blue, and it is carved with lifelike waves. Although it is small in size, it is extremely delicate, and this is Dugu Haoyu's spiritual weapon, the Wave-Inducing Sword.

"Break Me"

"Whirring whirring"

"Hula la la la la"

I saw Haoyu grasping the wave-guiding sword tightly with his right hand, and swung his arm suddenly. In the space in front of him was a huge wave that soared to the sky. The power contained in it is even more amazing.

"bang bang bang bang"

Yao Juechen's several energy light blades were intertwined with the sea waves, although terrifying energy ripples erupted, and large waves poured down from the sky, at this moment the sky turned into a place of heavy rain.

But despite this, Yao Juechen's attack did not penetrate the waves but was completely blocked out. Dugu Haoyu unexpectedly blocked Yao Juechen's attack easily.

"Langshen, let's go"


After Yao Juechen's attack, Dugu Haoyu stabbed forward suddenly with his sword, and the monstrous waves entrenched in the air rushed towards Yao Juechen, and at the same time condensed into a huge narcissus.

The water monster surged and roared non-stop, and every time there was a sound of roaring, it would cause ripples in everyone's hearts. Haoyu is still a bit stronger, and this is the spirit of the Yinlang Sword, the God of Waves.

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