"Boy, you haven't answered my question yet. Why don't you wear a clan robe when you enter the Soul-eating Tomb? Don't you know that this is disrespect to my ancestors in the Soul-eating Tomb?" The rough-looking man grinned. His eyes widened, and he asked Xing Jue in a sharp tone.

"Senior, I..."

Facing this man's questioning, Xing Jue just wanted to explain something, but he hesitated to speak, because he didn't know the rules of wearing the robes of the Soul-devouring clan when entering the Soul-devouring ancient tomb. The old man never mentioned it at all, so he didn't know how to explain it.

"Hey, Hun Lei, don't make things difficult for him."

"The Soul Eaters, how powerful they were back then, at least when we stepped here, our Soul Eaters were already invincible in the Tianwu Continent, and we were about to use absolute power to completely conquer all the forces in the Towering Domain and become the Tianwu Clan! The real king of the mainland."

"However, after us, for a full hundred years, no descendant of the Soul Eater Clan has ever stepped into the family. It can be seen that something unknown must have happened in the Soul Eater Clan." A nice man, but interrupted.

"That's right, what Hun Cheng said is right. There must have been a huge change in the Soul Eater Clan now. Let's ask this kid about the current situation of the Soul Eater Clan." After hearing the man's words, the surrounding people also agreed. Said.

"Boy, let me ask you, what is going on with the Soul Eaters today? Why hasn't a descendant stepped into the Soul Eater Ancient Tomb for so many years." After hearing Hun Cheng's words, the rough man named Yaolei also nodded. Nodded, then asked Xingjue.

"Senior, the reason why no one from the Soul-devouring Clan has stepped here for a hundred years is because the Soul-devouring Clan has already been wiped out, and junior, I am the only surviving descendant of the Soul-devouring Clan." Conceal and tell the truth.

"What did you say? You said that the Soul Eaters are dead?"

"How is this possible? Impossible, this is impossible!!!" Xing Jue's voice just fell, and before Xing Jue could continue his narration, Hun Lei retorted angrily.

Compared to that Hun Lei's attitude of not being able to believe the facts, the faces of the Soul Devourers on the side were not very good-looking, but they suppressed their emotions and did not show it.

"Hun Lei, shut up for me."

At this moment, a man of a long age suddenly stood up and pointed at Hun Leistorm and shouted. After hearing this man's words, Hun Lei also restrained his emotions and retreated.

"Little brother, what's going on? Tell me in detail!" After knocking the Hun Lei back, the man asked Xing Jue with that forced smile.

Then, Xing Jue told the seniors of the Soul Devouring Clan about everything that happened to the Soul Devouring Clan, and after hearing Xing Jue's words, almost everyone fell into silence, but judging from the expressions on their faces However, it can be seen from Changing Xingjue that these seniors of the Soul Eater Clan are deeply saddened by the demise of the Soul Eater Clan.

"Damn it, who the hell, which bastard dared to kill my Soul Eater?"

"Lao Tzu, I'm going to tear him into pieces!!!" Suddenly, the thunder roared like crazy, and the anger in his heart was unreservedly displayed.

"Okay Hun Lei, now we are already completely dead. We have survived by relying on the strange power of the Soul-devouring ancient tomb. As long as we step out of the ancient tomb, we will be wiped out in ashes."

"What's more, the person who can exterminate my Soul Eater Clan with his own power, and you can deal with it?"

At this moment, a voice full of majesty suddenly sounded, and when the voice sounded, the space became quiet again. It can be seen that the speaker definitely has an extraordinary status here. But what shocked Xing Jue the most was that the voice was actually a woman.

And at this moment, a passage flashed out among the crowd, and a young woman with a charming figure wearing the Soul Devouring Clan robe was slowly walking out of it.

"Participate in Lord Soul Ji!!!"

When the woman appeared, everyone flexed and stretched in unison to give her a big gift, and this act proved the identity of this extraordinary person.

"Your name is Xingjue, right?" This woman named Hunying only looks to be in her twenties, she has a good face, and she is definitely a rare beauty, but the temperament she shows is absolutely Not owned by a young woman.

It can be seen that the age of this young woman is not as simple as it appears on the surface, but what surprised Xing Jue the most is that the aura on her body is actually a middle-level war emperor.

Although the strength of everyone here is not low, almost all of them are at the level of a war emperor, but this woman is the only one who has reached the middle level of a war emperor, and many people here should be in their thirties. Many of the above are over forty, and being able to reach this level at her age shows how terrifying her talent is.

"Back to the senior, the junior is called Xingjue."

In the face of such a character, even if Xing Jue is also a middle-level war emperor, he dare not be negligent. After all, these people in front of him are all seniors of his Soul Devourer Clan.

"Well, you have reached the level of a middle-ranked war emperor at such an age. Your talent is very good, comparable to him." After Hun Ji carefully sized up Xing Jue, her sexy lips couldn't help but curl slightly, He nodded quite satisfied.

"She can actually see through my strength?"

After hearing the words of the soul girl, Xing Jue couldn't help being startled, and exclaimed in his heart.Although he no longer has the Soul Eater Order now, he still hides his aura, and with his strength, as long as he wants to hide his aura, almost no one in the same level can see through it, but the soul girl in front of him is just After seeing through his strength, it can be seen that this soul girl is definitely not someone who is waiting for nothing.

"What? He actually has the strength of a mid-level war emperor?"

"It seems that he is not very old, has he reached this level at such a young age?"

"That's comparable to Master Hunming. I never imagined that such a genius would appear after nearly ten thousand years in my Soul Devourer Clan. It's amazing!"

At the same time, Hun Ji's words caught everyone's ears, and at this moment, everyone's eyes on Xing Jue had completely changed. Not only did they no longer look at the younger generation as if they were superior elders, but they were full of enthusiasm and joy. .

"Hunming? Who is he?"

"According to the records of the Tianwu Continent, shouldn't I be the first to step into the War Emperor? Is there anyone else who stepped into the War Emperor one step earlier than me?" Hearing the discussion of the crowd, Xing Jue couldn't help guessing the name of the soul. Identity comes.

"Xing Jue, let me ask you, do you know which clan is the person who exterminated my Soul Devourer Clan, and what is his name?" At this moment, Ji Hun asked again.

"Returning to the senior, that person's whereabouts are quite mysterious. Although he is still in the mainland, no one knows his specific identity and name, but the only thing known is that he... I am a member of the Soul Devourer clan." Xing He decided to reply truthfully.

"Soul Eater?"

"You said, it was my Soul Eater who killed my Soul Eater?"

"How is this possible? How could someone do such a rebellious thing?"

After hearing Xing Jue's words, there was an uproar among the crowd, and eyes of incredulity and suspicion turned to Xing Jue.

However, compared to the crowd, the face of the soul girl has not changed much, but Xing Jue can see in her deep eyes that she seems to be thinking about something.

"By the way, senior, that mysterious man still holds a middle-grade spiritual weapon."

Seeing that Yao Ji was thinking, Xing Jue added again.This enchantress has an extraordinary status. Although her strength is considered the strongest here, but a mere girl can get the respect of so many strong people here. It can be seen that she should be a veteran of the Soul Devourer Clan. Maybe he really knows the mysterious person's identity.

"A medium-grade spiritual weapon? You said that mysterious Soul Devourer still holds a medium-grade spiritual weapon?" After hearing Xing Jue's words, the demon girl who had been quite calm before was suddenly shocked. asked.

"Yes, senior. I have seen his spiritual weapon before. It is a huge black sword with strange runes engraved on the body of the sword. The runes are quite similar to the runes in the ancient books of my Soul Eater Clan." Because they are similar, it is very likely that they are also belonging to my Soul Devourer Clan." Xing Jue replied with great certainty.

"Could it be...it's him!!!"

After hearing Xing Jue's words, Yao Ji's eyes lit up, and countless scenes of the past appeared between her frowning brows.

"Senior, do you know who that person is?" Seeing this, Xing Jue hurriedly asked, because this mysterious person is his biggest opponent, the so-called knowing the enemy and knowing the enemy is invincible, so the current information about the mysterious person is very important. For the punishment, it is too important.

Not only Xing Jue, but all the Soul Devourers at this moment locked their eyes on Yao Ji, because they also wanted to know that this person who beheaded all of his own people and did such a heartless thing Who are people.

"According to what Hun Lei and others said, the Soul Devourer Clan more than a hundred years ago has reappeared in the peak prosperity of that year. Not only the patriarch has reached the level of a high-level war emperor, but many elders also have the strength of a high-level war emperor."

"As for the person who can destroy the Soul Devourer Clan with his own power, his strength is definitely higher than that of the Emperor of War, and that is the level of the Saint of War."

"The Saint of War is said to be able to get rid of the limit of lifespan and gain immortality. If it is really a Soul Eater from ancient times who has cultivated to the level of Saint of War, then it is reasonable for you not to know his information."

"But according to the characteristics you mentioned, I can indeed think of one person, and that is one of the two strongest geniuses of my Soul Devourer Clan back then, Hun Zhan!" Seeing Xing Jue's question, Hun Ji said slowly .

"Soul Slash?"

After hearing what Hun Ji said, Xing Jue couldn't help being overjoyed, because since Hun Ji could call out this person's name, she must know the identity of this Hun Zhan.

However, compared to Xing Jue's excitement, the Soul Eaters who were so angry that they couldn't wait to know who the identity was, all fell into a state of sluggishness. They seemed to be unable to believe what Soul Ji said. .

"Senior, who is Soul Zhan?" Xing Jue asked eagerly.

"Hehe, a person who has long since died!"

Hun Ji overtested slightly, and showed her sexy and alluring smile to Xing Jue, but it was full of deep meaning.

(Brothers, the past two days have not been spent well. The bee update is developing in a stable direction. Don't be stingy, can you give me some motivation?)

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