Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 453 Miscalculation

"Hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo"

In the depths of the boundless sea, a majestic underwater tornado rotates extremely fast. This tornado runs through the deep sea. At first glance, it looks like a pale dragon with no end in sight.

During its rotation, the powerful suction makes up its surroundings, setting off countless water flows dancing around it, and these water flows represent deadly suction.This force is so strong that even powerful sea beasts dare not get close to its suction range, for fear of being caught in it and dying.

But such a powerful tornado has a deep passage inside. At this moment, several figures are shuttling through the passage at an extremely fast speed. It is impossible to see their whereabouts in the eyes of ordinary people.

"Seniors, among the Immortal Island, there are five middle-level war emperors and one high-level war emperor. As for the immortal island master, his strength is even more unfathomable. According to my estimation, he is definitely a high-level war emperor. And there must be some kind of special means."

"The most important thing is that I'm not sure if this information is true, so when you enter Xiandao, everyone must be careful and don't take it lightly." Xing Jue, who was at the forefront, sent a voice transmission with its powerful power. people behind.

"Don't worry, Xingjue, we are ready." After Xingjue sent out the sound transmission, thousands of voices rang in Xingjue's ears continuously, and they all conveyed the same meaning.

After hearing everyone's answers, Xing Jue also nodded slightly, and then cast his dignified gaze into the depths of the dark tunnel, and at the same time accelerated his forward speed.


There is already a strong gravitational force in this channel, pulling Xing Jue and others down into it, and under the extreme speed of Xing Jue and others, although the road to the deep sea is extremely long, it will soon be in front of their eyes. A strange light appeared, that light did not come from Xiandao, but more like the light emitted by a strange enchantment.


When the light flooded into the moment, Xing Jue felt that his eyes were blank and he couldn't see everything in front of him clearly. When his sight recovered, Xing Jue was shocked to find that he was already in the fairy island at this moment.

Looking at the familiar scene in front of him, Xing Jue knew that the place where they were located was exactly the beach where they stepped into the fairy island twice before.


"Swipe, brush, brush"

At the same time, Xiaolong, Xiaobai, Hunji, and thousands of Soul Devourers who followed Xingjue also appeared beside Xingjue, as if they had traveled here from another dimension, and they all appeared out of thin air .

"Is this the Immortal Island? It's so weird, there is actually a force that binds us, and we can't even fly into the sky."

Looking at the fairy island in front of them, many people immediately wanted to fly into the sky to see the whole picture of the fairy island, but they were shocked to find that in this fairy island, although they could jump up, they couldn't do it. The reason why they are flying in the air is because there is an invisible force restraining them.

"Xing Jue, it seems that it is indeed as you said, the owner of this fairy island is amazing."

"But the more this happens, the more excited I am. I really want to meet this island owner soon."

Feeling the strong restraint of Xiandao, Xiaolong clenched his sandbag-sized fist tightly, and his eyes burst out with a strong fighting intent. Today, Xiaolong has reached the level of a high-level war emperor, and is the most powerful person in this continent. The peak level, so he can't wait to show his strength as a beast.

"Yeah, to be able to create such an island, the owner of the Immortal Island is definitely a character, and I really want to meet such a guy."

Not only Xiaolong, but the Soul Devourers are all ready to move at this moment. They can't wait to experience the strength of the people of this fairy island. After all, they and the survivors in the fairy island represent the Tianwu Continent. Two generations of strong men.

"I'm sorry everyone, I'm afraid we will lose this battle."

But compared to the high-spirited appearance of everyone, Xing Jue's face was pale at this moment, his brows were tightly frowned, and endless sadness shone in his eyes that should have been full of determination.

"What happened to Xingjue? Why did you say such things suddenly?"

However, Xing Jue's seemingly innocuous words reached everyone's ears like a thunderbolt. At this moment, everyone cast their shocked and confused eyes on Xing Jue, their faces full of bewilderment.

Although Xing Jue's seniority is the lowest here, Xing Jue's strength is beyond doubt. The reason why everyone standing beside Xing Jue at this moment is willing to follow Xing Jue to come here is all because of their absolute trust in Xing Jue.

In other words, in their subconscious mind, Xing Jue, the younger generation, has unknowingly become the leader in their hearts, and at this moment Xing Jue suddenly said such words, they are naturally extremely puzzled, because it is not like theirs at all. Known sentences.

"Sorry, I was careless!"

"I thought that the owner of the fairy island was at most at the level of a high-level war emperor."

"But looking at it now, the owner of the Immortal Island seems to be far more than that. Otherwise, with the strength of Xiaolong and I, it is impossible to compete against even a corner of this Immortal Island."

"Even if the most mysterious large formation is built by one's own strength, it can't suppress the powerhouses of the same level to such a degree, so right now, it seems that the owner of the Immortal Isle is likely to be a strong warrior!" Starting, Xing Jue analyzed solemnly.

"War Saint? No way? After reaching the Battle Saint, why don't you go to the sanctuary, but stay here?" After hearing Xing Jue's words, everyone felt reasonable, but they still showed disbelief.

Because the holy war is a sacred level for them, it is a level that can transcend the shackles of the earth and the limit of lifespan. It is said that not only has the power to destroy the world, but also can live forever.

And as long as you reach the Saint of War, you can open the door of the sanctuary and enter the sanctuary. The sanctuary is the place that every strong man in the Tianwu Continent yearns for. The battle saints will enter the sanctuary immediately, so there is no reason to stay here.

"Maybe this is his responsibility." Xing Jue replied with a smile.

"Xing Jue, what are you going to do next? Let's not talk about whether he really has the strength of a war saint, but as the owner of this fairy island, he will definitely be able to grasp our whereabouts."

"Now that you're here, you can't just run away without doing anything, right?"

But at this time, Ji Ji stepped forward and said, and all the Soul Devourers cast the same eyes on Xing Jue as Ji Ji, because Ji Ji's words represented their hearts.

"Seniors, don't worry, the owner of Xiandao Island is definitely not a person of great evil, otherwise he would not have helped me when the catastrophe came."

"I think, as long as I don't destroy Xiandao, he will never make things difficult for us."

"But now that I come here, it is naturally impossible to leave like this. No matter what, I have to give it a try."

"However, this dangerous attempt can be done by myself. After all, this is my business."

Facing the crowd, Xing Jue suddenly showed a bright smile, and there was a request in the smile, then he turned around and walked towards the depths of the fairy island alone.

"Xingjue, do you want to find the owner of Xiandao alone?"

"How is this possible? Do you think we are people who are greedy for life and afraid of death?"

"That's right, Xingjue, let us go together. Since we have decided to follow you to the fairy island, we have already made up our minds that we will die." Seeing this, everyone present became even more anxious. It is to follow the punishment.


But just when everyone left, a strange fluctuation suddenly spread throughout the bodies of the Soul Eaters.


At this moment, they only felt an indescribable bondage trapping them, and this bondage did not come from outside the body, but from the depths of the blood.

"I'm sorry seniors, I know that you are not greedy for life and afraid of death, but I don't want you to make unnecessary sacrifices."

At this moment, Xing Jue also turned around slowly, and on the Soul Eater Token that had been turned into a ring on his right index finger, there were strange light fluctuations flashing. Restraint is the blood restraint caused by Xing Jue through the Soul Eater Order.

"Xiaobai, Xiaolong, I don't think you will embarrass me, right?" Xing Jue then turned his attention to Xiaolong and Xiaobai.

"Xing Jue, you go, we'll wait for you to come back!" Seeing this, Xiaolong and Xiao Bai looked at each other and said to Xing Jue with a smile.

Based on their understanding of Xing Jue, they know that the decisions made by Xing Jue are difficult to change. Although they are not bound by the Soul Eater Order, if they really want to follow Xing Jue, even if Xing Jue uses his power to kill them It is not impossible to defeat them and trap them here, so they simply choose to compromise.

"Thank you"

Looking at the trusting eyes of Xiaolong and Xiaobai, Xing Jue also smiled slightly, and then turned into a ray of light and disappeared into the jungle leading to the depths of the fairy island. Ren Hunji and other Soul Eater seniors worked hard call, and never looked back.


The speed of Xing Jue was extremely fast, the forest that was huge to him at the beginning, now he passed through it in an instant, but this time the palace that appeared before did not appear again.

"Wow, boom, boom, boom"

However, there is a large lake here. The water is so clear that you can clearly see the fish swimming in the water, the floating aquatic plants, and the pink lotus flowers dancing with the wind, exuding the fragrance of the barbarians.

And around the lake waves are densely covered with towering peaks, among which there are several white waterfalls, pouring into the lake waves continuously like silver dragons falling from the sky.

The strong water flow set off thick water vapor on the lake, and brilliant rainbows emerged in the lingering water vapor, making this already extremely beautiful lake even more magical.

But such a beautiful lake did not stop Xing Jue's sight, because at this moment his gaze was already firmly attracted by the man in white who was sitting by the lake, cross-legged and fishing, because this was exactly the man in white. The owner of Xiandao.

(The war is about to break out, spread flowers quickly, everyone)

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