Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 460 Who is at the bottom?1 to [-]!

"Oh, I'm so hungry, let's go quickly, as my receptionist, you should have the obligation to treat me well, right?"

After seriously speaking to Uncle Pang, Xing Jue turned around again, put his hands on his head, and walked down the path to the depths of the forest with those melodious small steps.

But at this moment, Uncle Pang looked at Xing Jue's back, but his feelings about it had completely changed. He found that Xing Jue was not like a mortal, but like an unfathomable strong man. In Jue's body, he actually felt a kind of temperament that only the top powerhouses in the dynasty possessed.

"Hey, maybe I, Pang San, really found a treasure this time."

Suddenly, a bright smile appeared on the corner of Uncle Pang's mouth, as if a person who had always been in the shadows saw the bright sunshine, because at this moment he actually had inexplicable confidence in Xingjue.

"Hey, boy, wait for me, why do you dare to walk around by yourself? Are you not afraid of getting lost?"

And after putting the Panlong golden gun in his low-grade storage bracelet, Uncle Pang chased Xingjue with a donkey-like voice.

On the way thereafter, Uncle Pang told Xing Jue about the Shura Continent in detail.

The land area of ​​Shura Continent is very vast, and there are three major dynasties here, namely Starfall Dynasty, Wuxiang Dynasty and Fengli Dynasty.

These three dynasties rule nearly half of the Shura Continent, and all three dynasties have the ambition to dominate the Shura Continent, so they have been fighting openly and secretly for nearly ten thousand years, and the dynasty that Xingjue they belong to is the Starfall Dynasty.

Among the three great dynasties, there are countless reception platforms, and the reception platforms are used to receive Xing Jue, who has reached the level of the holy war, that is, mortals in their mouths, in order to allow mortals to integrate faster This world is why there are people like Uncle Pang, the so-called guides.

However, it is worth mentioning that the guides are not strong men in the dynasty, they are just ordinary people of the dynasty, and Uncle Pang is not from the mortal world, he was born in this Starfall Continent since he was a child.

It is precisely because he has been a commoner since the day he was born, and has been humiliated and oppressed by the nobles of the dynasty, that Uncle Pang does not have the temperament of a strong man, but instead has the spirit of a weak person.

Uncle Pang, who grew up at the bottom of the Starfall Dynasty, has a family of three. He has a not-so-beautiful wife, and a well-behaved and sensible daughter. With more than ten years of savings, he bought a spiritual weapon, bribed the official servants of the dynasty, and got a job as a guide.

However, this is a very sought-after job in the dynasty, because if you happen to pick up a very talented mortal who can enter the Tianji Camp of the Starfall Dynasty during the assessment test, then this pick-up Attracting people will also get certain benefits. As for the weight of this benefit, it is enough for a commoner like Uncle Pang to live a stable life for a lifetime.

Because the Tianji Battalion is the main combat organization of the Starfall Dynasty, in other words, the strength of the Tianji Battalion indirectly determines the strength of the dynasty.

That's why the dynasty pays so much attention to the mortals with good talents. After all, mortals who have cultivated to the battle saint in the mortal world have experienced many hardships, and they are not comparable to the aborigines of the dynasty in all aspects. The recruiter has only one chance to serve.

After gaining a preliminary understanding of the Asura Continent and the Starfall Dynasty, Xing Jue finally walked out of the forest under the guidance of Uncle Pang and came to a county town.

"Uncle Pang, you don't want me to live here, do you?" Looking at the dilapidated courtyard in front of him, Xing Jue couldn't help but frown.

Although Xing Jue is not someone who loves vanity and cares about every detail.But when he was in Tianwu Continent, he lived in the most luxurious palace, served by countless servants, and now he was really uncomfortable living in such a place.

"Hey, let's make do with it. As your guide, I will bear all your expenses."

"When you enter Tianji Camp, what kind of house do you want? Even women, you can have as many as you want, and you will live a life with few people from now on."

Seeing Xing Jue's reluctance, Uncle Pang spoke to him in a seductive tone, and his demeanor was full of yearning at the moment. It can be seen that Uncle Pang actually yearns for the life of the master he said.

"Uncle Pang, what if I fail the assessment of Tianji Camp? What will happen?" Suddenly, Xing Jue asked curiously.

"The assessment of the Tianji Battalion is determined according to your strength. If you fail the assessment of the Tianji Battalion, you will have two fates."

"One, is to become a commoner of the dynasty like me."

"Second, it is to become the lowest existence of the dynasty, a slave, who works for the dynasty day and night, but never has a bright future."

Seeing Xing Jue's question, Uncle Pang said solemnly, because he was also indirectly reminding Xing Jue that if he failed to pass the assessment of Tianji Camp, his end would be so miserable.

"Hey, why are you asking this? I think it's okay for you kid to enter the Tianji Camp. You should go in quickly. I'll cook some delicious dishes for you myself."

But then Uncle Pang suddenly showed a confident smile, and then walked towards the courtyard with Xing Jue, because along the way, he chatted with Xing Jue a lot, and the more we talked, the more he found out Xingjue is not simple, and now he has completely changed his mind about Xingjue, he has regarded Xingjue as a bright light for him to make a fortune and change the trajectory of his life.

This courtyard house is actually quite spacious, but the house is indeed too dilapidated, but Uncle Pang specially paid for this kind of place to receive Xingjue. It is conceivable that the house that Uncle Pang himself lives in may be even more expensive. the dilapidated

And at this moment, there are actually six people gathered in this yard chatting, three middle-aged men are dressed similarly to Uncle Pang, while the other three men are very luxuriously dressed.

Moreover, these three well-dressed men are actually the same strength as Xingjue, and they are all at the level of elementary war saints.Therefore, Xing Jue can confirm that these three men should also be mortals from the mortal world.And the other three must be their guides.

"Look, isn't this Pang San? How did you get your mortal?"

"Hey, look, look, why is this kid dressed so shabby, even more shabby than Pang San, hahahaha..."

"I said Pang San, which continent is this kid you picked up from?"

"Yes, yes, tell me quickly, let us know which continent is so poor, and such a poor boy came out."

When Xing Jue and Uncle Pang walked into the courtyard, they were greeted with cynicism, but at this moment Uncle Pang smiled awkwardly, but did not answer.

Seeing Uncle Pang's appearance, Xing Jue could guess that even among the civilians of the Starfall Dynasty, Uncle Pang seemed to be a wimp who was often bullied.

"Tianwu Continent" looked at the three men who lived at the bottom of the dynasty but laughed at others, Xing Jue said with neither humility nor arrogance.

"Tianwu Continent?" Seeing Xing Jue shout out the name of Tianwu Continent so proudly, the three men were startled, and then hurriedly found a small notebook similar to that of Uncle Pang, and began to read it.

And during this period, the three mortals from the mortal world also leaned over to watch together. They were also from the mortal world. They seemed to be very concerned about which continent the punishment came from, because each continent was labeled by a mortal, and he symbolized With the identity of a mortal, and the potential he possesses.

"I found it, I found it."

"Pfft~~, Tianwu Continent! Haha, it is actually the last one in the talent list of the last new star in the mainland. In a whole 1 years, only 3 mortals have been produced. Hahaha...Pang San, you are really lucky, Hahaha…"

"Hahaha, there is still such a weak continent, no wonder they wear such shabby clothes, hahaha..."

And after reading it carefully for a while, the three guides and the three mortals sprayed out a mouthful of saliva at the same time, and then burst into belly laughs, their smiles were full of irony.

"Punishment, let's go"

Facing the ridicule of those six people, Xing Jue didn't feel anything, but Uncle Pang's face turned reddish, and then he grabbed Xing Jue's wrist and led Xing Jue towards the rented house Go, and at this moment, Xing Jue could feel that Uncle Pang's hands were trembling. This was not complete fear, but more like anger mixed in.

"Hmph, a person from the mortal world, who came from the end of the mainland, a guy who is at the bottom dares to be so arrogant, I really don't know how high the world is."

"That's right, I'm just a frog in a well, coming here is my life as a slave."

"That's right, hahahaha..."

But just when Xingjue and Xingjue were about to enter the house, there was a burst of disdainful ridicule behind Xingjue, and the people who made the sound were the three mortals who also came from the mortal world .

"Oh? Do you want to compete?" Hearing the sarcasm of the three, Xing Jue suddenly stopped walking, and cast his slightly squinted eyes on the three.

"What did you say? You say it again?"

Xing Jue's words were like a thunderbolt, which shocked everyone present. The three mortals couldn't believe their ears, and asked Xing Jue loudly. He also cast that pair of optimistic eyes on Xingjue.

"I said, in the end who is the bottom, we will see the result after a test, why? Don't you dare?" Xing Jue laughed again.

"Xing Jue, before the test and assessment of the Tianji Camp, mortals are not allowed to fight." Seeing this, Uncle Pang hurried forward to persuade him.

"Hey, Pang San, what's the use of a simple discussion, let alone you and me here, as long as you and I don't tell, who will know?"

"That is, the test of Tianji Camp is not something we can see. It is not an easy task to see mortals fighting here."

"That's right, Pang San, you don't want to spoil our sense of humor, do you?" But after Uncle Pang spoke, the three guides cast a threatening look at Uncle Pang.

Obviously, Uncle Pang was also very afraid of these three people, so he stopped talking at this moment, but silently let go of Xing Jue's hand and stepped aside.

"Hmph, since this kid is uncomfortable, let me teach him a lesson." Seeing this, the three mortals looked at each other, and then a strong man about 30 years old walked up to him. In the middle of the courtyard.

"I think you misunderstood me. I don't want to compete with you, I want to compete with the three of you." But facing the strong man who had already walked out, Xing Jue smiled slightly, and then turned his gaze to The two mortals behind him.

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