Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 47 Mysterious Creatures [Part 2]

With a soft shout of "open", another light talisman was lit by Xingjue, and it drifted towards the mysterious creature at a very high speed.

At the same time, Xing Jue stretched out his right hand, and the bright light quickly condensed on the palm of his hand, ready to strike at any time.

"Gulu...Gulu....Gulu..." As the lamp talisman approached, the appearance of the mysterious creature finally appeared in Xing Jue's sight.Looking at such a strange creature in front of him, Xing Jue couldn't help being surprised.

It was a monster that was similar in size to a human, but it was on all fours, but its size was more than twice the size of a normal human.

The reason why he is said to be a monster is because his appearance is so disgusting, with thick blood vessels entwined around his bloody muscles, just like a bloody man whose skin has been plucked.

The sharp teeth are exposed, and the huge Adam's apple will make a strange sound of "gurgling" when it rolls, and the eyes are also ridiculously big, blood-red eyes, exuding a strong murderous look, and the eyes Among them, Xing Jue couldn't feel a trace of wisdom, just like a killing tool that was completely gone.

Suddenly, Xing Jue's pupils dilated rapidly, because the mysterious creature he had locked onto unexpectedly rushed towards him without warning, and among the four claws that looked like sharp blades, Xing Jue could feel the deadly force. strength.

"Wind-devouring Palm" shouted violently, and the palm prints of the rays of light blasted away with gusts of wind, facing the mysterious creature that swept in at high speed.

But just as it was about to hit, the mysterious creature disappeared instantly, and when it reappeared, it had avoided Xing Jue's Wind-devouring Palm.

"So fast" Xing Jue never imagined that this thing would have such a speed, and such a teleporting Xing Jue could only be done after casting the Gale Art.

With a palm strike, Xing Jue moved his mind, and gusts of wind wrapped Xing Jue tightly. At this moment, when the mysterious creature was still a few meters away from Xing Jue, he suddenly waved his giant claws, and a tyrannical energy burst out. Sweeping towards Xingjue at extreme speed,

"The Qi of Martialism?" Looking at the tyrannical force that came at the extremely fast speed, Xing Jue could clearly feel that it was indeed the Qi of Wu, and the power in it was actually much stronger than the Qi of Wu that Xing Jue could use.


With a loud bang, the tyrannical martial spirit smashed heavily on the place where Xing Jue had just stood, and suddenly, in this small space, thick smoke was everywhere.

Xing Jue kept retreating, and the two flames in his hands slowly rose.Immediately, the two flames with both palms facing each other quickly condensed under the squeeze of Xing Jue, and soon turned into a rapidly spinning fireball.

With a loud shout of "Yanlong Bomb", the fireball in Xing Jue's hand turned into a thick fire dragon, and plundered away in the thick smoke.

Facing this strange and mysterious creature, Xing Jue did not dare to relax a bit, because he could feel how dangerous it was, so after the wind-biting palm hit the air, Xing Jue immediately launched an attack with stronger attack power and a wider range of attack. Huge Flame Dragon Bullet.

"Boom" accompanied by a loud noise, the fire dragon bomb exploded, and the intense flames filled the entire dark passage, and the powerful energy ripples spread extremely quickly.Looking at the thick flames that bounced back, Xing Jue could only keep stepping back to prevent being involved in it.

After the flames dissipated, the dark passage returned to its previous darkness, but just when Xing Jue thought it was a success, those crimson blood eyes lit up again in the darkness.

"How is it possible? It must have hit him just now, otherwise the Yanlong bomb would not have exploded." Xing Jue looked at those bloody eyes and said in disbelief.

"Go" with a light drink, a light talisman drifted toward the mysterious creature again.And when the mysterious creature appeared in Xing Jue's sight again, Xing Jue was even more shocked.

Because at this moment, the mysterious creature is not only unscathed, but also a large amount of purple gas is continuously emitting from its body, and it is the purple gas that makes Xing Jue so shocked, because Xing Jue is no stranger to purple gas, that Zheng Jue It was the purple gas that Bai Yunfei had accumulated when he unleashed his strongest blow.

"How is it possible? Could it be that this thing has cultivated the magic power of Tiansha?" Looking at the slowly rising purple gas, even Xing Jue felt troubled.

Back then, Bai Yunfei had seen the power of the purple light circle, and it was formed by Bai Yunfei using all his murderous aura, but at this moment, this mysterious creature is actually covered with that purple gas, what does this mean?It shows that his strength is far above Bai Yunfei.

"Roar" suddenly the mysterious creature roared in the sky, and the harsh sound continued to spread, and the purple gas wrapped around its body actually began to pour into its body, and with the influx of black gas, his body It also changed, and the blood-red body surface gradually turned dark purple.

Suddenly, the mysterious creature moved violently towards Xing Jue again, and the speed this time was more than twice as fast as before.

Facing the mysterious creature looting at such a high speed, Xing Jue did not dodge this time, but stood still quietly.

When the mysterious creature flew in front of him, a sneer suddenly appeared on the corner of Xing Jue's mouth, and then he held his palm slightly, and a black gas full of terrifying power burst out, and instantly condensed into a handful of black gas. long sword.

"Zanpojian" faced the mysterious creature that was close at hand, Xing Jue shouted violently, waved the Zanpojian in his hand, and with the shadow of the Chong Chong, he chopped down the body of the mysterious creature.

"噗嗤" Accompanied by a muffled sound, the huge mysterious creature was cut into two sections abruptly by Xing Jue, a large amount of blood sprayed out, and it gradually became Xing Jue's body.

"Damn, where does this thing come from so much blood?" Xing Jue hurriedly wiped the blood stains on his face, and said angrily.Because the stench was too pungent, it made Xing Jue feel sick.

"Tick, tick, tick" Just as Xing Jue was busy wiping the blood stains on his body, a strange sound suddenly came from behind Xing Jue.And when he heard this sound, Xing Jue's heart began to beat very fast, because behind him was the mysterious creature that had just been chopped into two pieces.

With this apprehension.Xing Jue turned around and looked, the sound was indeed made by some mysterious creature...

"It's not dead?" Xing Jue said incredulously, looking at the mysterious creature whose flesh and blood kept making noises.

But when Xing Jue was about to attack again, the mysterious creature's body surface actually started to melt, and large swathes of blood continued to flow down from its body.

And after the blood dissipated, a naked figure actually appeared in the blurred flesh and blood. Looking at the red and desolate figure, Xing Jue could confirm that it was a person, even though that person had been tortured. Cut in two, but he is still alive.

"" Suddenly that person actually spoke.

"May I ask who you are?" Xing Jue could feel that there was no danger in this person, so he hurried over and asked.

"Thank you for freeing me, no... don't... enter that last secret room..." The man said with difficulty, then slowly closed his eyes.

"Are you a member of the Soul Eater Sect? What is in the secret room?" Seeing that the man was about to lose his breath, Xing Jue quickly sealed his acupoints so that his blood would not flow indiscriminately. He took a pill and stuffed it into his mouth. Although he knew it would not save his life, it could at least allow him to live for a while. Even if it was only for a while, Xing Jue could learn something about this secret room.

"..Hoo..Hoo..Hoo..Hoo..." After taking the treasure pill, the man obviously became more relaxed. After panting for a while, he slowly opened his eyes and looked at Xing Jue. .

"What do you want to know, just ask," the man said to Xing Jue with a smile.

"Do you know Soul Devouring Art?" Xing Jue asked eagerly, the most important information for him now is Soul Devouring Art.

"Soul Devouring Art? You mean the holy book?" After a moment of contemplation, the man seemed to have remembered something, and then said.

"Holy book? What is that? Do you know where the holy book is? And... are you a member of the Soul Eater?" Xing Jue asked again, and felt that the holy book might be the one he was looking for. Soul tactics.

"That's right, I'm a member of the Soul Eater Cult. I don't know what the holy book is, but I know that the leader attaches great importance to it. The holy book is..." the man said slowly.

"Pfft" said that, the man suddenly spewed out a mouthful of blood, and his body began to tremble.

"Don't...don't enter that last secret room, don't...don't...go in..." the man said with difficulty, and then his body froze and he died.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Where is that holy book? Is it in that secret room? Hey? Is there a mystery in that secret room? Hey? Hey? Hey?" Xing Jue kept shouting, but there was no more The slightest echo, the man was indeed dead.

"Hey, it's really not the right time to die, so what exactly is in that secret room?" Xing Jue said helplessly.At the same time, he was a little more cautious about the secret room that the man said.

" there?...Master" At this moment, a woman's voice came from the depths of the secret passage.And that was Xiaoqian's cry.

"I'm here" Xing Jue quickly responded.After Xing Jue responded, a bright light came from the depths of the dark passage. In the bright light, an enchanting woman was rushing towards him at a high speed, and this was Xiaoqian.

"Master, are you alright?" Xiaoqian walked to Xing Jue's side, saw the blood stains on Xing Jue's body, and asked nervously.

"I'm fine, Xiaoqian, where did you come from?" Xing Jue smiled slightly.

"Master, after you opened the mechanism, Xiaoqian fell into a dark passage. In order to find the master quickly, Xiaoqian walked deep into the dark passage, and met the same monster on the way." Qian, glanced at the man who had been chopped into two by Xingjue.

"Oh? Then... what did that person say after he died?" Xing Jue asked hastily.

"No, because I acted too hard, when I found out that he was actually a human, he was already dead." Xiaoqian shook her head and said.

But after hearing Xiaoqian's words, Xing Jue gave a wry smile. Xing Jue almost forgot Xiaoqian's other identity, which was the murderous soul-eating witch.He will show no mercy to his enemy Xiaoqian.

"However, when I walked out of the secret passage, I entered a hall. There were 10 secret passages in the hall. In order to find the owner, Xiaoqian, I kept exploring the secret passages. As a result, Xiaoqian found that there were actually [-] secret passages in each of the secret passages. There is a mysterious creature, after the first lesson, Xiaoqian did not kill, but they all died after just asking a few words," Xiaoqian said slowly.

"You... searched all 10 secret passages?" Hearing this, Xing Jue couldn't help being shocked by Xiaoqian's strength. He had just beheaded this mysterious creature, and during this time Xiaoqian actually broke into it. 9 secret passages, and beheaded 9 mysterious creatures.It… hit him a little bit.

"However, Xiaoqian still found some clues, that is, there is a closed room in the hall, and the holy book in that room is probably the Soul Devouring Art." Looking at Xing Jue's helpless expression, Xiaoqian said with a sudden smile.

"Soul Eater!" After hearing Xiao Qian's words, Xing Jue's expression instantly became excited...

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