Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 480 The cry for help in the jungle

(the third update, and one more)

In the depths of the jungle, a monster with a dark blue body and a scaled body lay lying in it, sleeping soundly, and this was the holy demon who attacked Tianwu Continent at the beginning.

It's just that it may be suppressed by the so-called Shura Qi. The size of this holy demon is only a few feet. Although it is much smaller in size, its strength is far stronger than that of the original Tianwu Continent. In other words, this is the real one. holy devil.

"What a cunning guy, actually set up an invisible enchantment."

At this moment, Xing Jue was hiding in the grass, and did not attack directly, because he found that the holy demon could actually set up an enchantment. Although the area was not large, as long as Xing Jue touched the enchantment, it would startle the holy demon. Demon, at that time, it will definitely wake up immediately, and at that time, if Xing Jue wanted to sneak attack, it would be completely impossible.

"But it's okay, it's not my Xing Jue's character to sneak attack you." But then Xing Jue showed a calm and weird smirk, because at this moment, Xing Jue made a decision.


Suddenly, Xing Jue sprang out from the grass, like a dragon leaping in mid-air, holding the shining golden Dragon Rising Dragon Slashing Blade, with that dazzling light, stabbing down at the sleeping Holy Demon, The speed and strength caused the air to resonate and set off layers of ripples.


But just when Xingjue's attack was about to pierce the holy demon, the closed eyes of the holy demon suddenly opened, revealing its blood-red eyes, and at the same time, streaks of dark blue light were emitted from its body. The energy body, like a huge net, plundered towards Xingjue.

"Sword into Shield"

Facing the sudden counterattack of the holy demon, Xing Jue seemed to have expected it long ago. With a turn of his figure, the golden Dragon Rising Dragon Slashing Blade turned into countless pieces, forming a golden sword shield.

"bang bang bang"

The sword shield and the energy body intersected each other, setting off countless energy ripples in an instant, golden light radiated and blue light intersected in an instant, such a scene was extremely gorgeous.

However, Xing Jue still underestimated the power of the Holy Demon. The Holy Demon, born of the Holy Stone, obviously has ample power of the Holy Stone in his body, and his attacks can be described as continuous, constantly attacking Xing Jue's sword and shield.

"Whoosh..." Facing such an offensive, Xing Jue had no choice but to grit his teeth, and fled towards the depths of the jungle.


Seeing that Xing Jue was defeated and wanted to leave, the holy demon made a hoarse and angry voice, and saw several blue rays of light filling the air returning to his body, and at this moment his body was already shining with blue lights, emitting Exuding a powerful aura, the strength of this aura is far from comparable to that of ordinary middle-level war saints.



Afterwards, I saw the huge holy demon stepping forward, turning into a majestic blue light and shadow, chasing after Xing Jue in the direction where Xing Jue was escaping, and his speed was actually faster than Xing Jue. Get some minutes.


Seeing that the holy demon was getting closer and closer, the giant claws like sharp blades kept pressing towards Xing Jue, but Xing Jue was not only not afraid at all, but a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, that smile was like his own. The conspiracy has succeeded.


At this moment, the holy demon had plundered behind Xing Jue, and accompanied by a piercing roar, its giant claws condensed with powerful energy had already stabbed fiercely towards Xing Jue's body. Among them, the punishment decision should be divided into two paragraphs.


But just when the holy demon's attack was about to succeed, Xing Jue's body suddenly exploded, turning into a wisp of dark black gas and floating in midair.

"Hey, I'm sorry, I'll take your life!"

The sudden change made the holy demon startled, but when it realized something was wrong, the figure of Xingjue appeared behind it like a ghost, and the Dragon Rising Blade in his hand was slamming at the deadly part of the holy demon. stab down.



Accompanied by the heart-piercing wailing of the Holy Demon, Xing Jue's Rising Dragon Slashing Soul Blade had pierced into his body fiercely, and with the wave of Xing Jue's right arm, the huge body of the Holy Demon unexpectedly He was severed into two by Xing Jue.

"Huh, I didn't expect this holy demon to be so easy to deal with. It seems that it's not that the holy demon is too strong, but that the group of soldiers and guards are too weak."

After Xing Jue landed lightly, he glanced at the corpse of the holy demon, and said a little boringly, because he found that the holy demon was too weak, and he completely overestimated the strength of the holy demon.

Previously, Xingjue just used a soul clone. After drawing the holy demon out of the range of the induction barrier, he used the Soul Eater to hide his breath, and at the same time used the wind control technique to sneak up. There is no spiritual weapon, no strongest martial skill, It was so easy to kill him, and if Xing Jue was serious, he might be able to kill him with just one blow.

Of course, Xing Jue is a top scorer in the Tianji Battalion's test and assessment. His strength is naturally far from comparable to ordinary soldiers and guards, so it can only be said that Xing Jue is too strong, not that those soldiers and guards are too weak.

"Hey, this kind of thing is not worthy of being called the object of my experience."

"By the way, I heard that there are even more powerful holy demons deep in the jungle. I don't know what it is like?"

Although Xingjue was quite disappointed by this holy demon, after thinking about Xingjue, he decided to explore the way further. After all, it is impossible to practice without a suitable guy here, otherwise, the reaction to the battle will be over time. However, the power will drop. At that time, no matter how powerful Xingjue is, it will still appear numb when encountering opponents of the same level.


Thinking of this, Xing Jue didn't hesitate, he touched the ground with his toes, and he rose into the air. He didn't run under the jungle, but walked back and forth on the tall tree trunks, like a spirit monkey, but compared to the spirit monkey Xing Jue appears to be more sensitive and faster, and this is also a way of practicing Xing Jue.

Xing Jue's speed is very fast, and he has already used the Wind Control Technique to the extreme. Because there are a lot of holy stones and holy stone beads stored in the Soul Eater Order, Xing Jue is not afraid of wasting energy at all, but running at such a speed, Xing Jue Although Jue saw a few holy demons, he didn't see the legendary stronger holy demon at all.

"Hey, if that terrifying holy demon exists, it must be hidden in the deepest part of the jungle. It seems that I can't touch it." Suddenly, Xing Jue stopped his advancing figure and looked at the Yue Yue in front of him. Deep in the dark jungle, he sighed helplessly.

Because Xing Jue still has a restraining lock ring on his body, if the restraining lock ring exceeds the distance limited by the formation eye, it will be activated, and it is said that he will die miserably.

The distance that Xing Jue was running at this moment was already close to the range of the eye. In order to ensure his own safety, Xing Jue could only give up and continue exploring.

"Help, help~~" But just as Xing Jue was about to leave, a woman's voice came faintly from deep in the jungle.

"Help, help, help me~"

Sure enough, after Xing Jue listened carefully, he really heard a woman's cry for help, and that voice was very sweet and pleasant, it seems that the person who called for help was not very old.


When it was determined that someone was in danger, Xing Jue didn't care too much, and continued to swipe towards the depths of the jungle, because he could hear from the voice that the caller was indeed in mortal danger.

"roar, roar"

"Help, help~~"

In the depths of the jungle, a girl in a long pink dress was running extremely fast in the jungle, and behind her were three holy demons.

The girl is about 16 years old, with a baby face, big eyes, and crystal-clear white skin. She is an absolute beauty and ruffian, but at this moment, compared with her beautiful face, the speed under her feet is even more amazing.

Because she only has the strength of a low-level battle saint, but her speed can't even catch up with the three middle-level holy demons. It can be seen that she is extraordinary, and of course it cannot be ruled out. The gleaming golden dress on her body, and her feet The special role played by the golden boots is because it looks like a spiritual weapon no matter what, and the grade is definitely not low.

It's just that the girl at this moment is obviously exhausted and out of breath. If this continues, it will be a matter of time before she is chased by the holy demon, and there is only one end for her, and that is death, because the holy demon is not like It's a guy with wisdom, it doesn't know how to pity the fragrance and cherish the jade.

"Damn it, where have you bloody bastards gone, do you really want to die?"

Seeing that there was no one to rescue her after shouting for a long time, the girl's pink and tender cheeks that were wet with tears suddenly showed anger, and she began to curse loudly.

"Hey, little girl, it's not good to swear like that."

But just as the girl was running forward vigorously while cursing that no one would come to save her, a voice suddenly came from in front of her.

Looking intently, she found on a big tree not far away, a young and handsome man with a dark black long sword on his shoulders, with a smile so bright that it could melt everything, staring at her.


Seeing such a man, the girl was stunned for a moment and actually stopped moving forward. At this moment, the man standing on the tree turned into a ray of light and swept behind the girl.


"Plop, plop, plop"

The man's speed was really too fast. When the girl reacted and turned around, she found that the three monsters that had been chasing her for a long time had all collapsed on the ground and died.

And that man was standing in the center of the three monsters, holding the black cursed long sword in his hand, watching him with a smile, and this man was naturally Xing Jue who rushed over when he heard the cry for help.

"Little girl, what's your name? How did you come to such a dangerous place? What about your family?"

Looking at the cute girl in front of him, Xing Jue asked jokingly, although Xing Jue is not much older than the girl now, but this girl has a typical baby face, coupled with her petite figure, Xing Jue Jue's first impression was that she was a little sister.

"Oops, this smell"

But at this moment, Xing Jue's face suddenly changed drastically, and he quickly cast his sharp eyes on the jungle behind, because Xing Jue was shocked to find that several powerful auras in the depths of the jungle were approaching, and one of them It is so powerful that Xing Jue is terrified, because that feeling is actually the God of War!

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