"chirp chirp chirp"

When Xingjue appeared, those monsters turned around and rushed towards Xingjue. Their speed was very fast and their strength was very tyrannical. Before they attacked, Xingjue could clearly feel the threat they radiated. pressure.

Only at this moment did Xing Jue finally understand why even the blood sister couldn't resist the attacks of these monsters, because even if he exerted all his strength, it was extremely laborious to resist.


"chirp chirp chirp"

The black curse long sword in Xing Jue's hand, the extremely fast waste, and the semi-circular black blood crescent flew continuously around Xing Jue as the semi-axis, and every time it flew, there would be a scream of a monster.

"What is this, it's so weird"

But what surprised Xing Jue was that when he split the monster with the black curse long sword, not only did the monster not die, but it split into two parts. Come.


As there were more and more monsters, the black curse sword in Xing Jue's hands became faster and faster, and under the siege of such a number of monsters, Xing Jue's situation became more and more dangerous.

"You, why did you save me?"

Just when Xing Jue was dealing with these difficult monsters, the voice of the blood girl suddenly came from behind him. He turned around and saw the blood girl sitting flat on the ground, looking at him stupidly, as if a little It's unbelievable to see everything in front of you.

"Idiot, I'm your brother, you are my sister, why should I save you?" Looking at the blood sister at this moment, the corners of Xing Jue's mouth turned up slightly, revealing a soft smile.

Although the surface was peaceful, Xing Jue was overjoyed in his heart, because he found that the aura of the blood girl had changed. The most important thing was that this blood girl was not the kind and cowardly one.

That is to say, although the consciousness of the blood girl has been completely occupied by vicious thoughts, there is still room for change. At least right now, Xing Jue has discovered her change.



But at this moment, Xing Jue suddenly felt a stabbing pain in his back. At the same time, he felt a hot liquid surging in his chest. When the hot feeling broke out, Xing Jue realized that it was actually blood.

When Xing Jue was not paying attention, a monster actually took advantage of it and shattered Xing Jue's spiritual weapon armor. At this moment, it was stuck to Xing Jue's back, and a strange force was coming Constantly hitting Xing Jue, it actually wanted to get into Xing Jue's body.


Faced with such a situation, Xing Jue endured the severe pain and swung the black curse sword in his hand to cut the monster that was planning to invade his body into two pieces.

"Stop it, it's useless"

But at this moment, the voice of the blood girl suddenly sounded, and almost at the same time as the voice sounded, Xing Jue was shocked to find that the blood girl had already rushed to her, and the palm condensed with blood-red gas, Already slammed down towards the monster behind her.



And the moment the blood girl's palm was released to the monster, Xing Jue was shocked to find that the monster turned into a blood-red gas with a muffled sound, and surrounded the blood girl's palm, and penetrated into her body. Among them, with this appearance, it seems that the monster was refined by the blood sister.



After refining this monster, the blood girl's palm grabbed another monster that was attacking towards Xingjue again, and this one was like the previous one, making a miserable scream, and After a muffled sound, it turned into a wisp of blood-red gas and merged into the blood girl's body.

"chirp chirp chirp"

At this moment, those monsters seemed to realize that the situation was not right, and they turned around and fled in all directions. However, the blood girl did not intend to let them go. When she waved her arms, two blood-red giants several meters long The hand burst out, grabbing the three monsters in one go, and similarly, the monster was refined the moment it touched the blood girl's palm.

"chirp chirp"

The speed of the blood girl is very fast, and her strength is getting stronger and stronger, and the gas on her body is getting thicker and thicker. When these monsters are fleeing in a panic, it has created an excellent opportunity for the blood girl. Hundreds of monsters were all refined by the blood sister.

"Sister, what is this?"

When the last five monsters were caught by the blood girl and refined by her, Xing Jue couldn't help but sucked in a breath of cold air, because he found that in just a short moment, the breath of the blood girl had actually improved a lot.


But as soon as Xing Jue said those words, he regretted it, because when the blood girl turned her head and cast those blood pupils at him, Xing Jue was shocked to find that the blood girl's pupils were full of murderous aura at this moment.


"They are called blood souls of resentment"

But what shocked Xing Jue the most was that the blood girl suddenly closed her eyes after seeing herself, and after taking a deep breath, when she opened her eyes again, the murderous look in her eyes had disappeared, which shows that she The murderous aura emitted was not aimed at Xingjue, but more like it was produced when killing those monsters.

"Hey, sister, what is that resentful blood soul?" Seeing that the blood sister did not hate him, Xing Jue was even more delighted.

"Don't talk about your younger sister, and tell my younger sister to be careful that I will kill you." As soon as Xing Jue's voice fell, the blood girl warned fiercely, and made a look of wanting to attack Xing Jue.

But even so, this time, in her blood pupils, there was no murderous intent, but just a hard look at Xing Jue, and his behavior made Xing Jue even more secretly happy, because she knew that before The hero who saved the beauty played a lot of roles, at least changing the blood girl's view of herself.

"Sister, I know you hate my brother, but I can't help my brother. My brother is only the captain in Tianji Camp. General Zhao is much older than me. I dare not disobey his orders."

Xing Jue made an innocent appearance, as if he didn't know the ambush formation, he was threatened.Because he knew that when the blood girl told him the truth about the Li family, he was no longer a cowardly and kind blood girl.

It's just that when Xing Jue helped her restore her appearance, she was grateful for Xing Jue, but later, because General Zhao activated the ambush formation of heaven, Xuemei felt that Xing Jue had deceived her, so she was so furious .

"Stop being hypocritical, I clearly heard that general calling you my lord, I won't trust people like you so easily."

Regarding Xing Jue's slightly rogue behavior, the blood girl gave Xing Jue a blank look again, then ignored Xing Jue and actually walked towards the depths of the cave.

"Sister, sister, you haven't told me what the blood soul of resentment is?"

Seeing this, Xing Jue smiled, and then brazenly chased after Xuemei. At this moment, he seemed to have forgotten the pain in his back, because he was excited for Xuemei's change. You must know that in such a place, If you can join hands with the blood sister, you will have the best chance of getting out alive.

"This blood soul of resentment is the treasure left to me by my parents." Seeing Xing Jue's question, Xuemei replied flatly.

"This is the treasure left to you by your parents?" A look of surprise flashed across Xing Jue's face.

"The blood soul of resentment is refined from the remains of people who died unjustly through forbidden techniques."

"The blood soul of resentment is full of resentment, and it is the embodiment of hatred. If it is integrated into a person's body, it will change the person's character, thinking, and make it cruel, until it becomes a cold-blooded killing tool." The blood girl said lightly.

Hearing this, Xing Jue couldn't help but tremble in his heart, his scalp was numb, and he was afraid that it would spread to all parts of his body after a while, because he suddenly remembered that when the blood soul of resentment wanted to penetrate into his body, a lot of unhappiness really arose in his heart. The resentment.

"However, this blood soul of resentment is of great benefit to me, because these blood drops are all refined from the remains of my people, and they are related to me by blood, so when I refine this blood soul of resentment, not only It won't make my character violent, on the contrary, my brutal nature will be restrained."

As the blood girl walked forward, she told Xing Jue that although she looked like she didn't care about Xing Jue, she told Xing Jue about the blood drop in detail.

"So that's how it is, huh~"

At this moment, Xing Jue suddenly realized, but he had to admire the good intentions of Xuemei's parents, not to mention that when he was seriously injured, he used his life as Xuemei's huge ancient tomb in the morning, but said that he personally refined the clansmen For this kind of thing, what kind of determination is that?

Afterwards, Xing Jue continued to ask the blood girl about other things, but the blood girl never spoke again until the cave came to an end, and a huge enchantment gate appeared in front of the two of them again.

"The blood souls of resentment have different powers depending on their strength in life, and according to the different strengths of blood souls of resentment, my parents separated them with barriers."

"And the blood soul of resentment behind this enchantment gate is twice as strong as what you have seen before, both in strength and resentment." The blood girl stopped in front of the enchantment gate and said solemnly.

"How sure are you that you can refine them?" Xing Jue asked.

"Not sure." The blood girl replied lightly.

"Is there no other way out?" Xing Jue asked again.

"No, there is only one way out here, and it is at the end of this ancient tomb. If you are afraid, you can follow me. I will protect you. I will pay back your previous favor." The blood girl suddenly turned her head, He cast those blood pupils at Xing Jue.

"Tch, later you just need to refine them with peace of mind, and I will help you block the extra guys."

However, regarding the words of the blood girl, Xing Jue smiled slightly, showing his stubborn side, and then picked up the black curse sword in his hand, and stepped into the gate of the enchantment first.

"Idiot!" Seeing Xing Jue's reckless behavior, Xuemei frowned, and a nervous look flashed on her face, and then she quickly followed her.

(Ahem, in fact, what you are seeing now is what I coded last night. I should be in the hospital now, because it is said that today will be very painful. I am afraid that I will not be in the mood to code, so I stayed up all night to write today’s code. Everyone, please pray for me, it was the first time I was operated on since I was a child, I was so scared to say - -)

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