"Young Xia, I have a piece of clothing here, which is for Xiao Ming's father. If you don't mind, please put it on first!"

While Xing Jue was devouring the whole roasted rabbit, the old man took out a set of rough cloth from his broken storage bracelet and placed it in front of Xing Jue.

"Hey, thank you!"

Seeing this, Xing Jue laughed. If it wasn't for the old man's reminder, he almost forgot that all his clothes had been taken off when he fell into the pool, and he was included in the Soul Eater Order. Now he is an out-and-out naked man.

However, after some chatting, Xing Jue already knew that this old man and the boy named Xiao Ming were people from a village in the Xingyun Dynasty. They were going to Shacheng this time to visit Xiao Ming's father. Such an old man, Xing Jue is also unwilling to reveal his identity.

Because like the old man, an ordinary citizen of the Starfall Dynasty, who was so ordinary that he couldn't be more ordinary, if he knew that Xing Jue was actually the captain of Tianji Battalion, he might really be frightened, and he wouldn't even have the courage to talk to Xing Jue.

And Xing Jue planned to go to Shacheng by car with them. I heard that there were quite a few people in the car. It was really boring all the way.

"Old man, thank you for your clothes and roasted whole rabbits. It's almost time. Don't keep everyone waiting, let's go back." After eating and drinking, Xing Jue changed into the cloth clothes the old man had prepared for him, and patted his stomach in satisfaction. Then he said with a smile.

He knew that Xiao Ming ran out while the people in the car were resting, and often this kind of rest time was limited. The old man is almost going crazy, which means that the rest time may be approaching.

"Okay, Xiao Ming, quickly lead the young hero!" Sure enough, seeing that Xing Jue was about to get up, the old man felt relieved and was overjoyed.

"Hey, old man, don't call me a young hero. I'm just an ordinary person. Call me Xing Jue." Xing Jue laughed.

Anyway, they were already planning to conceal their identities, so they simply acted out the whole set. Xing Jue even concealed his own strength to the level of a middle-ranked war saint. Grateful, but without any burden, along the way, chatted with Xing Jue very happily.

In the depths of the jungle, there is a wide road paved with stone slabs. A carriage as big as a dragon carriage is parked on the road. Although the size is the same, the quality is completely different. It is made of pure wood.

And the one pulling the cart is not a dragon horse, but a mutated horse monster. This kind of horse is not much different from ordinary horses in shape, but it is much stronger in speed and strength. Of course, if he is to compete with Tianjiying Compared with the dragon horses in China, there is also a big difference, and such a carriage is a very convenient means of transportation among the people. One such carriage can carry 20 people.

"What is the old man doing? He is so slow, I think we should go first!"

Under the shade of the trees next to the carriage, a dozen passengers were resting. A young girl with a good face but a tricky air all over her body said extremely impatiently.

"I think it's better to wait. It's not easy for an old man to lead a child. If they are left here, they will be in danger if they encounter monsters!" A big man who knew the old man said with a smile.

"Wait, wait until it's dark, Shacheng finally came to the general of the Tianji Battalion, if it delays my cousin's admission to the Tianji Battalion, will you take the responsibility?"

But as soon as the big man finished speaking, the girl shouted loudly, but facing the girl's scolding, the big man didn't dare to say a word, but lowered his head and stopped speaking. As for the people around, they just dared to Angry dare not speak.

Most of the passengers here are from the same village and they all know the old man and Xiao Ming, but the girl is from the county. He is a middle-level battle saint, and speaking of it, he is also a person with good cultivation talent, so no one dares to provoke Liu Lele.

"Wait a little longer. If you don't come back within half an hour, we'll leave. I promise I won't delay your entry into the city." At this moment, an old man in commoner clothes and a bamboo hat suddenly spoke, This old man is the groom of this carriage, and he is from Shacheng, so he is not afraid of Liu Lele's special status, and he is the only person here who can speak like this.

"Cousin, since the groom has already spoken, let's wait another half an hour, but my ugly words are up front, if it delays my application for the Tianji Camp, don't blame me for being rude!"

After the groom opened his mouth, the man sitting next to the girl said lightly, but his tone was light, but his eyes were full of fierceness when he glanced at everyone, which made all the people tremble and tremble in their hearts. cold.

And this man's name is Ma Qiang, who is the cousin of the girl. This Ma Qiang is only 20 years old. When a girl grows up, she can be considered a childhood sweetheart.But now, this man has also cultivated to the level of the middle-level war saint, but he fought Liu Lele, but Liu Lele didn't even have the ability to walk ten rounds in his hands. It can be said that Ma Qiang's strength is far from that of ordinary people in the dynasty comparable.

And there are also rules in the dynasty. Those who reach high-level warriors can be reused by the dynasty, and those who are strong in the middle-level warriors can also enter the Tianji Camp if they have extraordinary potential. And his cousin just learned that recently A large number of Tianji Battalion soldiers and guards came to Shacheng, and a general-level figure also came, so I wanted to take this opportunity to show myself and enter Tianji Battalion.

The groom ignored the man's extremely threatening words, but leaned against the big tree behind him, closed his eyes and went to rest his mind. For a groom who drives a car all year round, he has a very strong control over time , he was confident enough to send everyone to Sand City before dark.

"Oh, sorry, sorry, we're late."

And at this moment, an old man's apologetic voice suddenly sounded not far away. Looking sideways, it was Xiao Ming, his grandfather, and of course, Xing Jue who wanted to hitch a ride.

"Old man, finally came back, what's going on? Why did you bring someone with you?"

Seeing the old man appearing, the girl said impatiently, that attitude was like yelling at her family, but when she saw Xing Jue walking towards them leisurely and unhurriedly beside the old man , the originally angry little face couldn't help but change.

This carriage can hold 20 people except for the driver, and counting the old man and Xiao Ming, there are exactly 20 people. If you add a criminal, it will be 21 people. In this way, this carriage, which is not very spacious, looks crowded.

"Uh, old man, look, this little brother is going to Shacheng just now, can you make it easier for him to go with us?" Sure enough, when the old man approached, he walked directly to the groom and smiled. Said, the old man often visits his son in Shacheng, and every time he rides in this carriage, so he has some friendship with this groom.

"What? Add another person? How can that work? The carriage can only hold 20 people, and adding another person is overloading!!!"

"Yes, yes, Uncle Wang, this can't work. The carriage is already crowded enough. Wouldn't it be even more crowded if there was another person?"

But as soon as the old man said this, before the groom opened his mouth, the young lady yelled in extreme disapproval, and this time, the people in the same village as the old man also agreed. I don't want to suffer what I don't deserve!

"Old man, I don't think so, you and Xiao Ming can go first, this place is not very far from the county seat, even if I walk, I can reach it before dark." Seeing this, Xing Jue didn't want to embarrass the old man, and said with a smile.

"No, here in the wilderness, let alone you encounter monsters, what if you encounter robbers?" The old man strongly objected.

"Old man, how did you meet this young man?" At this moment, the groom suddenly asked, and while speaking, he cast his old-fashioned eyes on Xingjue, carefully Take a look.

For this groom, Dora alone is nothing. He has done many such things. He is not greedy for money, but mainly because he is kind-hearted and loves to do good things.And here in the wilderness, there are not only many monsters, but also robbers. It is indeed very dangerous to be alone.

"Hey, old man, to be honest, Xiao Ming sneaked into the depths of the forest while I was roasting rabbits, and was almost eaten by a rabbit-eared bear. Thanks to this little brother who saved Xiao Ming."

"By the way, this little brother is very powerful. He is a middle-level battle saint, and he can easily kill rabbit-eared bears. If we let them go on the same road with us, it will also provide a lot of protection. Don't you say, recently Are bandits very rampant?" Seeing the groom ask, the old man said truthfully.

"What? Now that you have defeated the rabbit-eared bear? That is a very ferocious monster!!!"

After hearing the old man's words, many people cast surprised glances at Xing Jue, and some people were full of disbelief, because in their eyes, the rabbit-eared bear was a terrifying existence, although the rabbit-eared bear Only the strength of the elementary battle saints, but many intermediate battle saints are not its opponents!

"Cut, it's just a rabbit-eared bear. Even if it's an adult, it's no more than the strength of an elementary battle saint. If this lady touches it, I'll let him lie down within ten rounds. If my cousin touches it, just One move and it will die!"

But compared to everyone's astonishment, Liu Lele said it with extreme disdain, and his cousin, Ma Qiang, never took a look at Xingjue from the beginning to the end, because for him, here It's just the trash of the dynasty, not worthy of his formal treatment, because he is the man who is going to be the guard of the Tianji Battalion, the guard of the Tianji Battalion, an existence that even the county magistrate would not dare to neglect.

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