Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 515 The Headquarters Has Changed

"My lord, on the way to Shacheng, the grassroots encountered a bandit, and the leader of the bandit was a deserter from the Tianji camp."

"Originally, we have already subdued the gang of robbers, and we should have handed over to the adults to deal with, but there is an accomplice of robbers among us. He relied on his strength to let the robbers go by force."

"And at this moment, he is among the crowd, and I hope that the Lord will be the master for us and eliminate harm for the people of Liming!!"

I have to say that Ma Qiang is very witty. He knew the supreme and noble status of General Tianjiying, so he didn't get close to General Zhao. About ten meters away from him, he knelt down on the ground with a thud, and turned to Zhao with an aggrieved face. The general sued for injustice.

"Oh, there is such a thing? Who is that person's name? Tell this general!" After hearing Ma Qiang's words, General Zhao couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and asked solemnly.

As the general of the Tianji Camp, he hated deserters the most, so when he heard Ma Qiang's words, he was quite angry, and seeing that Xing Jue was safe and sound, he was in a good mood, so he planned to take care of it today This folk's gossip!

"My lord, it's him, he's called Xingjue!"

After hearing the words of looking for the general, Ma Qiang was even more overjoyed. After turning around, he pointed his finger at Xing Jue, who was standing with his hands behind his back in the crowd not far away, in front of the carriage, with a smile on his face.

But Ma Qiang didn't understand why at this moment Xing Jue was about to face a catastrophe, but there was a sense of pity in Xing Jue's eyes looking at him, but this kind of incomprehension, in the next moment, he was completely Understood.

"Bold and unreasonable, how dare you frame Mr. Xing Jue?"

"Come on, arrest this troublemaker and send him to a slave camp, where he will be a slave for the rest of his life!"

After hearing Ma Qiang's words, General Zhao was furious immediately. He never imagined that this unscrupulous person would sue Xing Jue in front of him. Behind him is His Majesty the Supreme Emperor of the Starfall Dynasty.

So, without further ado, with a wave of his sleeve robe, he ordered someone to grab Ma Qiang, and the guards behind him stepped forward without hesitation.So he tied Ma Qiang tightly with special chains.


These guards attacked very hard, the chains were so tight that they almost fell into Ma Qiang's flesh, and he screamed in pain, because the guards who bound Ma Qiang at this moment were as angry as General Zhao, I can't wait to put him to death directly.

Because yesterday, if Xingjue hadn't stopped the blood girl and allowed them to escape, they would have died at this moment.And this Ma Qiang actually wronged Xing Jue so much, how could they get used to his faults?

"This, this, this, what's going on?"

"Did I hear you right? I seem to have heard the general say Mr. Xing Jue just now?"

Looking at the dramatic scene in front of them, the villagers stared wide-eyed and opened their mouths wide, as if they couldn't believe everything in front of them and their own ears.

"My subordinates greet you, Mr. Xingjue!!!"

But just when the villagers were at a loss, full of doubts, and even suspected that they had heard it wrong, General Zhao had already led a brigade of soldiers from the Tianji Battalion to Xing Jue, and under his leadership, They knelt down neatly in front of Xing Jue.

At this moment, the villagers were completely stunned, even Xiao Ming, his grandfather, and Liu Lele, who was grateful to Xing Xin, were all stunned.

The generals of Tianji Camp knelt down to him and respected his lord. Although they couldn't imagine what Xing Jue's status was, they knew that Xing Jue's status must be higher than that of the generals of Tianji Camp.

The generals of the Tianji Camp are already supreme. In their eyes, they are god-like figures, and their status is higher than that of generals. They dare not even think about it.

And that Ma Qiang was completely dumbfounded. He originally wanted to take advantage of Xing Jue to let the robber go, to cheat Xing Jue to avenge Xing Jue's capture of his cousin's heart, but he never imagined that , Xingjue's status is actually so high.


At this moment, Ma Qiang's heart was ashamed, and suddenly, he actually started to giggle, and that laughter was very strange.He is no longer normal.He actually went crazy.Of course, he was planning to enter the Tianji Camp, but because he wanted to harm Xing Jue, he would face a life of slavery. As a normal person, he would not be able to accept all of this.

Xing Jue simply ignored the various gazes of the crowd, because he had long guessed that when his identity was announced, these villagers who had never seen the world were destined to be like this.

Then, after saying goodbye to Xiao Ming's grandfather and grandson, Xing Jue walked into Shacheng under the escort of General Zhao under the regretful eyes of all the villagers.

"Hey, I didn't expect such a big man to sit beside me just before."

"I didn't cherish the opportunity to get along with such a person. Now that I think about it, I finally understand what it means to regret it."

After Xing Jue and others entered Shacheng, the villagers got on the carriage again and entered it while the gate of Shacheng was open, and at this moment in the carriage, many villagers began to sigh, and some even shed tears of regret. Tears, like a golden mountain, flew away in front of my eyes.

But in this carriage, there was only one person who didn't speak. She just held onto the long skirt tightly and gently sniffed the smell on the long skirt. On her pretty face, she was full of gratitude. .

Xing Jue naturally didn't know about the villagers' remorse in the carriage because they failed to establish a relationship with him, but he also knew what happened later along the way.

What surprised Xing Jue was that only one day had passed since Ju and Xuemei entered the underground palace, and it turned out that it was just what happened last night.And Xing Jue knew that after General Zhao and the others escaped from the Li Mansion, they never returned.

Therefore, after entering Shacheng, Xing Jue did not return to the county government office in Shacheng to rest, but went to the Li Mansion with a large group of people, because he wanted to see if he could still enter the underground palace, because He was very worried about the comfort of the blood sister.

However, what makes Xingjue helpless is that the back garden of the Li Mansion, which should have been turned into an abyss, has actually returned to the mess it was before.

However, Xing Jue was just helpless, but not shocked, because Xing Jue had expected this change for a long time. The strength of the blood sister's parents should not be underestimated. They came from the legendary soul source world, the relics arranged by the strong There must be another mystery.

"My lord, how did you get out of the city?"

"That witch, how is she now?"

Just when Xing Jue was looking at the ruined area under the night and sighed helplessly, General Zhao who was standing aside finally couldn't help asking, because he was always curious about how Xing Jue got out of Shacheng, and how he got along with those people. People and villagers mixed together, and most importantly, he wanted to know the whereabouts of the blood girl.

"General Zhao, to tell you the truth, there is a mystery in the underground of this garden, and there is an underground palace."

"That is the palace that Blood Sister's parents left him. Yesterday, I fought with Blood Sister, and Blood Sister's power unintentionally triggered the mechanism of the underground palace, so both of us fell into it."

"Fortunately, I found an undercurrent in that underground palace, and I escaped from that undercurrent."

"Because I rushed a long way along the undercurrent, that's why I went with those villagers." Seeing General Zhao's question, Xing Jue did not hide anything, and said truthfully.

"There is still such a thing, my lord, shouldn't we issue a killing order for the blood girl immediately!"

After hearing Xing Jue's words, General Zhao showed surprise on his face. Although he couldn't see it with his own eyes, he could imagine how amazing the so-called palace was just after hearing Xing Jue's narration.

After all, General Zhao is also from the mortal world, and he is also a person who has seen the big world, so he knows that it is best not to touch the relics left by the super strong when there is a huge difference in strength, so he did not attack the underground palace. idea.

"No need, the underground palace is not a treasure, but a trap set up by Blood Sister's parents to fear that she will cause harm to the world. She will be trapped once she enters, and will never come out again!"

Xing Jue said with a smile, he didn't want the blood girl to be really wanted, because he knew that the arrest warrants from Tianji Camp were very powerful and spread all over the dynasty. Difficult to walk.

The most important thing is that he has seen the powerful power of the blood sister, and he is afraid that the blood sister will be forced to death, which will stimulate her suppressed brutal nature and cause unnecessary killings.

"Hey, how pitiful are the parents of the world, such righteous parents are really rare!"

As for Xing Jue's words, General Zhao also believed deeply, so he stopped asking more about this matter after that, but discussed with Xing Jue what kind of reward Xing Jue would receive when he returned to Tianji Camp this time.

He also revealed to Xing Jue that what the Marshal had said to him back then was that as long as Xing Jue could solve the case, then the Marshal would unconventionally support Xing Jue to become the general of the Tianji Battalion.

And Xing Jue who knew this was also very excited. After all, becoming a general means getting higher power. In such a dynasty, power represents everything. Although Xing Jue will leave here sooner or later, but before that , he also needs enough power to guarantee his own interests.

That night, Xing Jue slept very well, probably because he was too exhausted before hesitating, Xing Jue actually slept until dawn, didn't dream anything, just felt that his body had enjoyed a good rest.

But in the early morning of the next day, when Xing Jue opened his eyes and was about to start a beautiful day, he heard a very bad news, that is the supreme commander of the Tianji Battalion of the Starfall Dynasty, the marshal of the Tianji Battalion, Xiao Ding.Unexpectedly, he was suddenly suffering from a strange and serious illness, and his life was dying.

(Today's two changes are over, the bees are delivered on time, are there any flowers?)

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