Soul Eater: Asura God of War

Chapter 518 Key Training

"Wang Aiqing, I think it's because of the Li's house?"

"I've heard about this matter from General Zhao."

"I know you have a good relationship with Li Aiqing, but Xing Jue is the person assigned by Marshal Xiao Ding and I to investigate this case."

"He is someone I trust, and I really believe what he said."

"Besides, no matter what Li Aiqing has done, at least he has made a lot of contributions to the dynasty."

"But now that he's dead, there's no need to investigate whether it's right or wrong! So this matter is over, and don't mention it again!" At this moment, the emperor suddenly said with a smile.

"My minister is confused, I hope the emperor will forgive me!"

Seeing this, Wang Qiang hurriedly knelt down on the ground and saluted the emperor. In fact, he was very grateful to the emperor at this time. Although the emperor helped Xingjue get rid of the crime, the emperor also helped him get out of the embarrassing situation.

"Alright, Wang Aiqing, get up."

"Actually, I came here today because I have something to announce to everyone." Seeing this, the emperor smiled slightly.

After hearing the emperor's words, everyone's eyes became curious, even Xing Jue turned to the emperor, wanting to know what he was going to announce.

"Marshal Xiao Ding is suddenly suffering from a serious illness. Since I have appointed Wang Aiqing as the acting marshal of Tianji Camp."

"Wang Aiqing should be fully responsible for the affairs of the Tianji Camp. Even I shouldn't interfere too much."

"However, Marshal Xiao Ding said before his illness that if Xing Jue could solve the case about the Li family, he would make an exception and promote Xing Jue to be the general of Tianji Camp."

"This matter is Marshal Xiao Ding's decision, and now Xingjue has successfully solved the case of the Li family, so I declare that Xingjue will be the general of Tianjiying from now on." The emperor announced with high spirits, like an unchangeable Decide.

After hearing the emperor's words, everyone was shocked, especially that Wang Qiang's face was extremely ugly, because he never expected that the emperor would place such high value on Xing Jue, you know, Xing Jue only has the strength of a high-ranking warrior , although his talent is amazing, and he can be called a rare genius in the dynasty, but it is unreasonable to be promoted like this.

But as His Majesty the Supreme Emperor, the Emperor who should be a role model actually did this. The only thing that can be explained is that the Emperor attaches great importance to Xing Jue!

But even though he was quite dissatisfied in his heart, no one dared to raise objections. After all, it was the current emperor who promoted Xing Jue, and Wang Qiang was only an acting marshal. He doesn't have that strength yet.

After announcing that Xing Jue was promoted to General of Tianji Camp, the emperor personally rewarded Xing Jue with a piece of armor, and when everyone saw that piece of armor, they were shocked, their faces were full of envy, because this piece Baojia is a medium-grade spiritual weapon, and it is also a top-quality medium-grade spiritual weapon. It is said that it is the battle robe worn by a hero of Tianji Camp.

Afterwards, Xing Jue left here with the emperor and Princess Xinxin, and went to the depths of Tianji Camp, because Xing Jue wanted to go to see the Marshal Xiao Ding who had made things difficult for him.

And when they left, the faces of Wang Qiang and the generals of the Iron Blood Continent were full of sorrow. Originally, they just thought that Xing Jue was just a small role.

But today, when the emperor and Princess Xinxin appeared, they completely changed their minds. Leaving aside the close relationship between Xingjue and Princess Xinxin, the emperor paid more attention to Xingjue than ordinary people. Pay attention to it, even let the number one celebrity around the emperor, Wang Qiang.Feeling a sense of threat like never before.

In the depths of Tianji Camp, there is an extremely magnificent palace, and in the depths of the palace, there is a spacious hall, and within this hall there is actually a mysterious formation.


The big formation was built in the palace, and the flowing fluorescent light and the flickering spells made the main hall extraordinarily gorgeous, but compared to this gorgeous main hall and the mysterious big formation, what attracts the most is the naked body floating in the big formation. In the eyes of the formation, that muscular old man, and this is the Marshal of Tianji Battalion, Xiao Ding.

At this moment, Xiao Ding's eyes are closed, his seal is black, his lips are purple, his breath is very weak, he has already lost the aura of a high-ranking God of War, he is like an old man in danger, it seems that it is only a matter of time before he bids his farewell to the world.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty Marshal, this appearance is obviously not a disease, but a severe poison!" Outside the formation, after seeing Xiao Ding's appearance at this moment, Xing Jue said excitedly to the emperor beside him.

At this moment in this hall, apart from the sleeping Xiao Ding, only the emperor Xing Jue and Xing Jue, for some reason, when they are alone with the emperor, Xing Jue is less restrained, so when talking It is also full of confidence.

"Xing Jue, can't I see that my father-in-law is extremely poisonous? It's just that this kind of thing cannot be known to outsiders!" The emperor showed a helpless look when Xing Jue questioned him.

"Your Majesty, is there no solution?"

"By the way, I have a high-grade heaven-ranked pill here, which has the effect of bringing the dead back to life. Why don't you let Marshal take one, it may be effective." Xing Jue took out a top-ranked pill and said.

"It's useless, I am a dignified Starfall Dynasty, will there be any high-grade heavenly treasure pills?"

"It's just that this poison is very strange. If there is no antidote, I'm afraid no one in the world can cure my father-in-law!" The emperor sighed helplessly again.

Looking at the emperor's appearance, Xing Jue was also silent. He could see that the emperor actually cared about the marshal's comfort. Although the marshal didn't seem to treat the emperor very well, the emperor did attach great importance to the marshal.

"Your Majesty, there is something that I don't know whether to say or not." But after a moment of silence, Xing Jue suddenly raised his head and said hesitantly.

"Xing Jue, you are someone I trust very much, so when you and I are alone, there is no need to be polite, just say what you have to say."

"No matter what it is, I will not blame you!" The emperor said with a smile, and his trust in Xing Jue was revealed in that soft smile.

"Your Majesty, Prime Minister Wang Qiang, I always feel that this person is not upright. If he is allowed to manage the Tianji Camp, I'm afraid..." Seeing the Emperor's trusting gaze, Xing Jue no longer hesitated, but said something Said.


However, to Xing Jue's surprise, the emperor didn't answer directly after he said what he said, but burst out laughing suddenly, and that smile looked quite strange, and Xing Jue looked extremely puzzled, even a little dazed.

"Xing Jue, I just want to ask you one question, do you look at me like a fool?" After laughing loudly, Xing Jue suddenly cast his slightly narrowed eyes on Xing Jue.

"Uh, in my opinion, the emperor is definitely a rare and enlightened emperor!" Seeing this, Xing Jue said with certainty, and what he said was not flattery, but his own judgment.

"That's good, I can only tell you that the Starfall Dynasty is too big, and there are too many people in the dawn of the Dynasty."

"Although I am the king of the dynasty, many things cannot be controlled by me alone."

"So, this huge Starfall Dynasty needs many people to maintain it together, so that it can be peaceful!" The emperor suddenly said very solemnly.

But at this moment, Xing Jue was silent, although he didn't understand what Huan Ran said, but he could feel the helplessness in the emperor's heart.

It can be felt that the emperor actually hopes that the people of the dynasty will live a good life, but the reality is never as simple as imagined.

At this moment, Xing Jue seemed to be able to understand the difficulties of an emperor. As the king of a dynasty, although he had something in common with the leader of a huge force, there were also differences.

The leader of a power can dominate everything according to his own strength. As for the power of the jungle, the weak are still prey to the strong, and the king is respected. You can ignore it.

But as the king of a dynasty, he not only has to dig out talents and cultivate confidantes, but also think about how to manage the dynasty well. What he has to do is not only to make the dynasty stronger, but to let more people live without worry day.

So relatively speaking, being the king of a dynasty is much more difficult and tiring.

"Okay, it's getting late, you should be very tired after working hard all the way."

"Go back and rest early, come to me tomorrow morning, if I have something else, I want to tell you." Suddenly, the emperor said with a smile.

"Then Xing Jue has resigned!" Seeing this, Xing Jue was stunned for a moment, then left the palace after respectful salutes, and went to the palace prepared for him by the emperor to rest.


After Xingjue left, the emperor waved his sleeve robe, and the formation in the hall began to change faintly, and finally a passage directly to the eye of the formation appeared, and when the passage appeared, the emperor stepped into it and came to the In the eyes of the formation, beside Marshal Xiao Ding.

"Father-in-law, what do you think of this punishment?" Looking at Marshal Xiao Ding with closed eyes floating in front of his eyes, the emperor slightly narrowed his eyes and said with a faint smile.

But Marshal Xiao Ding, who had already passed out, obviously couldn't hear what the emperor said, so he didn't respond at all, but continued to float up and down with the airflow in the formation.

"Hey, Xinxin is getting bigger and bigger, she is no longer a child, but a big girl."

"This girl, the older she gets, the more disobedient she becomes. Now even I can't control her."

"However, the strange thing is that she obeyed Xingjue's words and obeyed everything. It was like a different person when she was in front of Xingjue." Seeing that Marshal Xiao Ding didn't respond, the emperor was talking to himself .

"What? There is such a thing???"

But at this moment, Marshal Xiao Ding, who had his eyes closed, sat up suddenly, and his face was full of excitement. His appearance did not look like a critically ill person at all.

"It's true, I suspect that the girl Xinxin may have fallen in love with that boy Xingjue." However, regarding Xiao Ding's deceitful behavior, the emperor was not surprised or surprised at all, but smiled very calmly.

"In that case, Xing Jue is really good, and he must focus on training!!!"

And after hearing what the emperor said, Marshal Xiao Ding's gaze became radiant, as if anticipating something very exciting, making him feel excited just thinking about it.

(first update)

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